Re: [SIESTA-L] [***Posible SPAM***]Sin Asunto/Subject is blank

2017-01-11 Por tôpico Ross Brown

N.B. the siesta list moderator:

Please do not post further correspondence in this thread. Fast has its 
own mailing list referenced below. Thank you.

Hello Soumaia!

As mentioned previously, no help can in general be provided about 
installation. Systems are much too variable. Check the documentation 
provided in the package and consult you local system manager.

BTW, as pointed out in my earlier reply, do NOT use the siesta list 
for queries about fast.

DO use the FAST list. You can subscribe at

Ross Brown

On 10/01/17 19:42, Soumaia Djaadi wrote:

Hello Users
I' m trying to install FAST TDDFT code but I have some problams, can you help 
me ?
Djaadi Soumaia.

The following generators are available on this platform:
   Ninja   = Generates files (experimental).
   Unix Makefiles  = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
   CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles = Generates CodeBlocks project files.
   Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles
   = Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.
   KDevelop3   = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.
   KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles  = Generates KDevelop 3 project files.

[ilaf@localhost build]$ 
-DSIESTA_XC_DIR=/ABSOLUTEPATH/home/siesta-3.2-pl-5/Obj/SiestaXC ../
bash: -DSIESTA_XC_DIR=/ABSOLUTEPATH/home/siesta-3.2-pl-5/Obj/SiestaXC: No such 
file or directory
[ilaf@localhost build]$ -DSIESTA_XC_DIR=/ABSOLUTEPATH//Obj/SiestaXC ../
bash: -DSIESTA_XC_DIR=/ABSOLUTEPATH//Obj/SiestaXC: No such file or directory
[ilaf@localhost build]$


2017-01-06 Por tôpico Ross Brown

On 05/01/17 16:11, Soumaia Djaadi wrote:

Hi all
I'm trying calculate the optical properties of clusters   by siesta.3 code but 
this latter is based in DFT method. After the search, l found Fast code, this 
version is designed to work with data produced by the siesta dft code. But I do 
not know anything for him. Where possible, it is found ?and how they are 
installed? and how the process works with siesta3 code ?Can any one help me.
With Best rogards Soumaia Djaadi.

Hello Soumaia!

Your query is timely, since the authors of FAST were just in process of 
announcing the code!

FAST is a TDDFT code developed a few years ago. It provides transition 
energies, polarizations and oscillator strengths. It is based on 
products of finite atomic orbitals, which explains why it was designed 
to work with siesta. It is indeed fast, scaling as N^3 where N is the 
size of the atomic basis set. Of course, these days the most accurate 
spectral calculations use hybrid functionals, not yet available in 
siesta. The main caveat is therefore that FAST is restricted to local 
density approximation, since the opinion of its authors was that the 
generalized gradient approximation was not notably better than LDA, at 
least on the systems they were interested in. This said, LDA may be 
sufficient for your needs. Indeed, depending on the kind of insight one 
is seeking, pursuit of the nth decimal place can be a self-defeating 

Fast was funded by the French ANR, as part of the Nossi project. It is 
thus distinct from siesta, with its own "CecilA license", issued by the 
French Agence pour la protection des programmes. The terms of the 
license are generous, similar to the GPL license, and aimed at allowing 
interested parties to use the code freely and carry it forward with new 

Fast may or may not fit your requirements. But first be aware that all 
the authors of the code are busy on other projects. Note in particular 
that they cannot offer help with installation and that, while 
sympathetic to help requests, they can offer support only on the basis 
of ''when we can spare a moment'' , /via/ the following list ( N.B. 
_distinct_ from the siesta list):

The most recent version of the code (2016) was matched to 
siesta-3.2-pl-5, the Intel 15.X compilers and Cmake 3. It is freely 
available at


Ross Brown

[SIESTA-L] Post-doc position SW France: QM/MM simulation of emission switching in fluorescent probes for neuro­transmitters

2011-09-13 Por tôpico Ross Brown

 Post-­doctoral position in molecular simulation, south-­west France

QM/MM simulation of emission switching in fluorescent probes for 

Understanding commutation in molecular systems is important in many 
fields, ranging from alternative computer memory technologies to 
molecular biology, where fluorescent probes are used widely in 
microscopy to elucidate the presence, motion and interactions of 
bio­molecules. Desirable features of such probes include sensitivity to 
the substrate and specific recognition in presence of competing species 
in physiological conditions. The position offered is to further 
comprehension of these features using DFT, TDDFT and QM/MM simulations. 
The simulations will be applied to recently developed 
cyclotriveratrylenes for recognition of the neuro­transmitter 
acetylcholine. These molecules behave as fluorescent molecular baskets 
with emission properties switched by the docking of the substrate. The 
post­doc position involves both development of new code and use of 
established codes to determine the docking of the substrate and its 
impact on the spectrum of the probe.

A QM/MM scheme coupling the parallel MD and DFT codes dl_poly and siesta 
has been developed in the ANR funded HPC project Nossi. The coupling 
scheme is additive, with electrostatic embedding. The candidate will be 
responsible for bookkeeping of classical force field interactions along 
QM/MM frontiers through covalent bonds. The frontier region consists of 
design atoms with lone pairs and suitably adjusted pseudo­potentials 
(already available) to replace bonds cut by the frontier. A new linear 
response TDDFT algorithm is also coupled into the QM/MM simulation. The 
position also involves DFT and TDDFT computations on the probe 
molecules, using recently developed van der Waals functionals, with 
standardcodes. These computations will serve as references for the QM/MM 

The position features regular interaction with experimenters and 
first-­hand access to data.

Candidates should be: competent in molecular dynamics, ab initio and DFT 
methods, including experience in computer programming. Familiarity with 
biomolecules would be an advantage.

Location: IPREM, Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, with regular 
trips to Bordeaux (ISM, Université Bordeaux 1) for discussion with 

Duration: 1 year, starting before the end of 2011.

Pay: 2168€/month net

Enquiries  candidatures to: Ross Brown, ross.brown @ univ­; 
Isabelle Baraille, isabelle.baraille @ univ­; Isabelle Gosse, 
gosse @