Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-21 Por tôpico Nick Papior Andersen
2014-09-21 5:15 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin :

>  Nick,
> Thank you so much for the specific compile options that you currently
> using for Siesta in parallel with Intel compilers and MKL.  I did look
> through the email archive and did not find this kind of specific
> information.
> I have rebuilt Siesta using your compile and link options explicitly.
> Unfortunately my user problem did not become numerically stable.  There are
> still run-to-run variations in the IterSCF.
> This challenged me to check my build on a similar Siesta Test dataset and
> see what I get.  I want to check with you on the expected numerical
> stability of my results.  I am using an Intel E5-2697v2 based cluster and
> using Intel 14.0.3 compilers and MKL with SGI/MPT.  I chose the sic-slab
> test from the Tests directory.  The tests marked serial and parallel are
> from executables built with the compile parameters you specified.  The SGI
> orig are from my original build with slightly different compile
> parameters.  I get the following results:
> Run copy  nodes   ppn   IterSCF  Siesta elapsed
> FreeEng
> Reference4 71
> 785.629  -8721.570740
> Serial build1 1  1 42
> 652.612 -8722.207218
>   2 1  1 42
> 652.844 -8722.207218
>   3 1  1 42
> 653.683 -8722.207218
> Parallel   1 1  4 42
> 323.415 -8722.207555
>  2  1  4 42
> 324.656 -8722.207555
>  3  1  4 42
> 324.678 -8722.207555
> Parallel   1 220 42
> 64.514 -8722.206894
>  2 2 2042
> 64.489  -8722.206894
>  3 2 2042
> 64.548  -8722.206894
> SGI orig 1 2 2042
> 63.950 -8722.207380
> 2 2 2042
> 63.950  -8722.207380
> 3 2 2042
> 63.950  -8722.207380
> As you can, the code looks numerically stable, the same number of IterSCF
> happen no matter how the problem is laid on the machine, the FreeEng is
> constant for each layout and even though the SCF cycles converge to 10E-05,
> the different layouts give the same energy to 10E-03.
> Is this the level of precision you expect on the FreeEng?
I would suspect that to be fine.

>  All of my calculations have a different energy and IterSCF than the
> Reference values.
> Can you tell me if you consider the results I got correct?
I would trust them, you can check whether the reference has been updated
(see the header).

> The data for sic-slab make me believe that my Siesta build is numerically
> stable.  Is there any way you can explain the run-to-run variation I see on
> the user problem?
No other than: it is not the same simulation. Siesta has many options...
Look in the manual if needed.

> Thanks for all your support,
> Jan
> *From:* Nick Papior Andersen [
> ]
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:34 PM
> *To:* Jan Fredin;
> *Subject:* Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations
> 2014-09-20 19:57 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin :
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for your feedback.  Unfortunately I am running a benchmark with a
> customer test.  We understand that the test does not scale to the level
> requested and as you suggest is fastest time to solution at about 10-12
> cores on 1 node of Ivy Bridge or Haswell but this is not the request.
> If you easily want to "scale the problem" just add this to the fdf file:
> %block SuperCell
> 2 0 0
> 0 2 0
> 0 0 2
> %endblock
> which will make your system 8 times larger (in this case go to ~100 atoms).
> I see the same run-to-run variation of the SCF path so that I get
> different IterSCF and Etot for every run, whether it is on just 1 node with
> a few cores, or on 2 nodes.  I clearly have a numerically unstable build of
> Siesta.  I would like to use Intel compilers and MKL.
>  Do you have an arch.make that you can forward that is successful for
> building nume

RE: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-20 Por tôpico Jan Fredin
Thank you so much for the specific compile options that you currently using for 
Siesta in parallel with Intel compilers and MKL.  I did look through the email 
archive and did not find this kind of specific information.

I have rebuilt Siesta using your compile and link options explicitly.  
Unfortunately my user problem did not become numerically stable.  There are 
still run-to-run variations in the IterSCF.

This challenged me to check my build on a similar Siesta Test dataset and see 
what I get.  I want to check with you on the expected numerical stability of my 
results.  I am using an Intel E5-2697v2 based cluster and using Intel 14.0.3 
compilers and MKL with SGI/MPT.  I chose the sic-slab test from the Tests 
directory.  The tests marked serial and parallel are from executables built 
with the compile parameters you specified.  The SGI orig are from my original 
build with slightly different compile parameters.  I get the following results:
Run copy  nodes   ppn   IterSCF  Siesta elapsed   
Reference4 71   785.629 
Serial build1 1  1 42652.612
  2 1  1 42
652.844 -8722.207218
  3 1  1 42
653.683 -8722.207218
Parallel   1 1  4 42323.415 
 2  1  4 42
324.656 -8722.207555
 3  1  4 42
324.678 -8722.207555
Parallel   1 220 42  64.514 
 2 2 2042  
64.489  -8722.206894
 3 2 2042  
64.548  -8722.206894
SGI orig 1 2 2042   63.950  
2 2 2042   
63.950  -8722.207380
3 2 2042   
63.950  -8722.207380
As you can, the code looks numerically stable, the same number of IterSCF 
happen no matter how the problem is laid on the machine, the FreeEng is 
constant for each layout and even though the SCF cycles converge to 10E-05, the 
different layouts give the same energy to 10E-03.
Is this the level of precision you expect on the FreeEng?
All of my calculations have a different energy and IterSCF than the Reference 
Can you tell me if you consider the results I got correct?

The data for sic-slab make me believe that my Siesta build is numerically 
stable.  Is there any way you can explain the run-to-run variation I see on the 
user problem?

Thanks for all your support,

From: Nick Papior Andersen []
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:34 PM
To: Jan Fredin;<>
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-20 19:57 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin>>:
Hi Nick,

Thanks for your feedback.  Unfortunately I am running a benchmark with a 
customer test.  We understand that the test does not scale to the level 
requested and as you suggest is fastest time to solution at about 10-12 cores 
on 1 node of Ivy Bridge or Haswell but this is not the request.
If you easily want to "scale the problem" just add this to the fdf file:
%block SuperCell
2 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 2
which will make your system 8 times larger (in this case go to ~100 atoms).

I see the same run-to-run variation of the SCF path so that I get different 
IterSCF and Etot for every run, whether it is on just 1 node with a few cores, 
or on 2 nodes.  I clearly have a numerically unstable build of Siesta.  I would 
like to use Intel compilers and MKL.

Do you have an arch.make that you can forward that is successful for building 
numerically stable Siesta on Intel Zeon Ivy Bridge nodes.
You should be able to compile a stable version on Ivy bridge.
I have replied previously on the mailing list about how to use MKL and intel in 
siesta, try and search.
Basically you "could" use these flags (adapt to your system!):
FFLAGS=-O3 -ip -xHost -fPIC -m64 -prec-div -prec-sqrt -opt-prefetch 
-I$(INTEL_PATH)/mkl/include -I$(INTEL_PATH)/mkl/include/intel64/lp64 
-mkl=sequential $(INC_PATH)

# Remember to adopt if you use intel mpi and not openmpi

Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-20 Por tôpico Nick Papior Andersen
2014-09-20 19:57 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin :

>  Hi Nick,
> Thanks for your feedback.  Unfortunately I am running a benchmark with a
> customer test.  We understand that the test does not scale to the level
> requested and as you suggest is fastest time to solution at about 10-12
> cores on 1 node of Ivy Bridge or Haswell but this is not the request.
If you easily want to "scale the problem" just add this to the fdf file:
%block SuperCell
2 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 2
which will make your system 8 times larger (in this case go to ~100 atoms).

> I see the same run-to-run variation of the SCF path so that I get
> different IterSCF and Etot for every run, whether it is on just 1 node with
> a few cores, or on 2 nodes.  I clearly have a numerically unstable build of
> Siesta.  I would like to use Intel compilers and MKL.

> Do you have an arch.make that you can forward that is successful for
> building numerically stable Siesta on Intel Zeon Ivy Bridge nodes.
You should be able to compile a stable version on Ivy bridge.
I have replied previously on the mailing list about how to use MKL and
intel in siesta, try and search.
Basically you "could" use these flags (adapt to your system!):
FFLAGS=-O3 -ip -xHost -fPIC -m64 -prec-div -prec-sqrt -opt-prefetch
-I$(INTEL_PATH)/mkl/include -I$(INTEL_PATH)/mkl/include/intel64/lp64
-mkl=sequential $(INC_PATH)

# Remember to adopt if you use intel mpi and not openmpi

Maybe you also need to add this:
LDFLAGS=-L$(INTEL_PATH)/mkl/lib/intel64 $(LIB_PATH) -mkl=sequential

If you really want to test, I would suggest you to also try with OpenBLAS,
just change:
and add the appropriate path. :)

> What Intel compiler and MKL release do you know works?  What are the exact
> compile options you use?
Se above.
I use 14.0.3 or 13.1.1.

> I would like to leave netCDF out to eliminate issues that might be coming
> from netCDF code releases or build issues.  Does this impact the
> performance very much for small problems?
No. For small systems this has little to no effect, yet every io routine
does so from a master node, hence "a lot" of communication takes place at
IO routines. For small systems they take a fraction of a second (dependent
on your IO speed).

> Thank you for your support.  I will definitely forward your
> recommendations for effectively running Siesta to the customer.
> Jan
> *From:* Nick Papior Andersen []
> *Sent:* Friday, September 19, 2014 11:54 PM
> *To:* Jan Fredin
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations
> Throwing 40 processors at 13 atoms is not going to yield a good
> performance test.
> My rule of thumb is "never go NP > NA" where NP is number of processors,
> and NA is number of atoms.
> If you want to test using 40 processors, increase your number of atoms to
> say 60...
> Your simulation is probably restrained by communication...
> 2014-09-19 22:49 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin :
> I am running a user’s test so until I get permission to release the input,
> I can describe the input fdf and output.
> I think the test is a single point SCF using the following input settings:
> NumberOfAtoms  13
> NumberOfSpecies1
> Then defines periotic cell and atomic coordinates
> DZP basis set with
> PAO.EnergyShift   150 meV
> MeshCutoff200 Ry
> ---SCF
> SolutionMethod   diagon
> XC.functionalLDA
> XC.authors   CA
> DM.NumberPulay   10
> DM.MixingWeight  0.02
> MaxSCFIterations 500
> SpinPolarized   True
> It is the output that made me think it does one MD step although there is
> no input about MD.  Maybe this is printed in all cases, even when you are
> just doing a single point SCF.
> ….out
> siesta: System type = slab
> initatomlists: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors: 13   195
> 208
> siesta:  Simulation parameters
> siesta:
> siesta: The following are some of the parameters of the simulation.
> siesta: A complete list of the parameters used, including default values,
> siesta: can be found in file out.fdf
> siesta:
> redata: Non-Collinear-spin run   = F
> redata: SpinPolarized (Up/Do

Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-19 Por tôpico Nick Papior Andersen
Throwing 40 processors at 13 atoms is not going to yield a good performance
My rule of thumb is "never go NP > NA" where NP is number of processors,
and NA is number of atoms.

If you want to test using 40 processors, increase your number of atoms to
say 60...
Your simulation is probably restrained by communication...

2014-09-19 22:49 GMT+00:00 Jan Fredin :

>  I am running a user’s test so until I get permission to release the
> input, I can describe the input fdf and output.
> I think the test is a single point SCF using the following input settings:
> NumberOfAtoms  13
> NumberOfSpecies1
> Then defines periotic cell and atomic coordinates
> DZP basis set with
> PAO.EnergyShift   150 meV
> MeshCutoff200 Ry
> ---SCF
> SolutionMethod   diagon
> XC.functionalLDA
> XC.authors   CA
> DM.NumberPulay   10
> DM.MixingWeight  0.02
> MaxSCFIterations 500
> SpinPolarized   True
> It is the output that made me think it does one MD step although there is
> no input about MD.  Maybe this is printed in all cases, even when you are
> just doing a single point SCF.
> ….out
> siesta: System type = slab
> initatomlists: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors: 13   195
> 208
> siesta:  Simulation parameters
> siesta:
> siesta: The following are some of the parameters of the simulation.
> siesta: A complete list of the parameters used, including default values,
> siesta: can be found in file out.fdf
> siesta:
> redata: Non-Collinear-spin run   = F
> redata: SpinPolarized (Up/Down) run  = T
> redata: Number of spin components= 2
> redata: Long output  = F
> redata: Number of Atomic Species =1
> redata: Charge density info will appear in .RHO file
> redata: Write Mulliken Pop.  = NO
> redata: Mesh Cutoff  =   200.  Ry
> redata: Net charge of the system = 0. |e|
> redata: Max. number of SCF Iter  =  500
> redata: Performing Pulay mixing using=10 iterations
> redata: Mix DM in first SCF step ?   = F
> redata: Write Pulay info on disk?= F
> redata: Discard 1st Pulay DM after  kick = F
> redata: New DM Mixing Weight = 0.0200
> redata: New DM Occupancy tolerance   = 0.0001
> redata: No kicks to SCF
> redata: DM Mixing Weight for Kicks   = 0.5000
> redata: DM Tolerance for SCF = 0.000100
> redata: Require Energy convergence for SCF = F
> redata: DM Energy tolerance for SCF  = 0.000100 eV
> redata: Require Harris convergence for SCF = F
> redata: DM Harris energy tolerance for SCF = 0.000100 eV
> redata: Antiferro initial spin density   = F
> redata: Using Saved Data (generic)   = F
> redata: Use continuation files for DM= F
> redata: Neglect nonoverlap interactions  = F
> redata: Method of Calculation= Diagonalization
> redata: Divide and Conquer   = T
> redata: Electronic Temperature   = 0.0019  Ry
> redata: Fix the spin of the system   = F
> redata: Dynamics option  = Verlet MD run
> redata: Initial MD time step =1
> redata:   Final MD time step =1
> redata: Length of MD time step   = 1.  fs
> redata: Initial Temperature of MD run= 0.  K
> redata: Perform a MD quench  = F
> ……….
> siesta:         ==================
> Begin MD step =  1
> ==
> Thanks for any insight you can give me on what the IterSCF would change
> from run-to-run.
> Jan
> *From:* Jan Fredin
> *Sent:* Friday, September 19, 2014 11:27 AM
> *To:* Nick Papior Andersen;
> *Cc:* Jan Fredin
> *Subject:* RE: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations
> Nick,
> I’m sorry I was not clear enough.  I ran 5 clean directory copies of the
> user’s test problem and I was surprised by the run-to-run variations.  I
> wonder if I should expect this run-to-run variation or if I should think
> something is wrong with my build.  All of the test data passed.

RE: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-19 Por tôpico Jan Fredin
I am running a user’s test so until I get permission to release the input, I 
can describe the input fdf and output.
I think the test is a single point SCF using the following input settings:
NumberOfAtoms  13
Then defines periotic cell and atomic coordinates
DZP basis set with
PAO.EnergyShift   150 meV
MeshCutoff200 Ry
SolutionMethod   diagon
XC.authors   CA
DM.NumberPulay   10
DM.MixingWeight  0.02
MaxSCFIterations 500
SpinPolarized   True

It is the output that made me think it does one MD step although there is no 
input about MD.  Maybe this is printed in all cases, even when you are just 
doing a single point SCF.

siesta: System type = slab
initatomlists: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors: 13   195   208
siesta:  Simulation parameters 
siesta: The following are some of the parameters of the simulation.
siesta: A complete list of the parameters used, including default values,
siesta: can be found in file out.fdf
redata: Non-Collinear-spin run   = F
redata: SpinPolarized (Up/Down) run  = T
redata: Number of spin components= 2
redata: Long output  = F
redata: Number of Atomic Species =1
redata: Charge density info will appear in .RHO file
redata: Write Mulliken Pop.  = NO
redata: Mesh Cutoff  =   200.  Ry
redata: Net charge of the system = 0. |e|
redata: Max. number of SCF Iter  =  500
redata: Performing Pulay mixing using=10 iterations
redata: Mix DM in first SCF step ?   = F
redata: Write Pulay info on disk?= F
redata: Discard 1st Pulay DM after  kick = F
redata: New DM Mixing Weight = 0.0200
redata: New DM Occupancy tolerance   = 0.0001
redata: No kicks to SCF
redata: DM Mixing Weight for Kicks   = 0.5000
redata: DM Tolerance for SCF = 0.000100
redata: Require Energy convergence for SCF = F
redata: DM Energy tolerance for SCF  = 0.000100 eV
redata: Require Harris convergence for SCF = F
redata: DM Harris energy tolerance for SCF = 0.000100 eV
redata: Antiferro initial spin density   = F
redata: Using Saved Data (generic)   = F
redata: Use continuation files for DM= F
redata: Neglect nonoverlap interactions  = F
redata: Method of Calculation= Diagonalization
redata: Divide and Conquer   = T
redata: Electronic Temperature   = 0.0019  Ry
redata: Fix the spin of the system   = F
redata: Dynamics option  = Verlet MD run
redata: Initial MD time step =1
redata:   Final MD time step =1
redata: Length of MD time step   = 1.  fs
redata: Initial Temperature of MD run= 0.  K
redata: Perform a MD quench  = F
siesta: ==
Begin MD step =  1

Thanks for any insight you can give me on what the IterSCF would change from 

From: Jan Fredin
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 11:27 AM
To: Nick Papior Andersen;
Cc: Jan Fredin
Subject: RE: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

I’m sorry I was not clear enough.  I ran 5 clean directory copies of the user’s 
test problem and I was surprised by the run-to-run variations.  I wonder if I 
should expect this run-to-run variation or if I should think something is wrong 
with my build.  All of the test data passed.

2 nodes 20 cores/node 40 MPI Ranks total
Run#CLOCK End   IterSCF   sec/IterFinal energy Total =
  1559.368  171  3.27   -12349.946166
  2529.102  162  3.27   -12349.948178
  3494.420  151  3.27   -12349.946742
  4539.789  165  3.27   -12349.948130
  5560.794  172  3.26   -12349.948101

Siesta Version:siesta-3.2-pl-5
Architecture  : sgi-ice_mpt
Compiler flags: ifort -g -O3 -xAVX -fno-alias -ftz -ip -traceback
PARALLEL version

* Running on   40 nodes in parallel
>> Start of run:  16-SEP-2014  12:22:42


Thank you for any insight you can give me.

From: Nick Papior Andersen []
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 12:33 AM
Cc: Jan Fredin
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

"Changes" could be 1ms? How much are we talking about, are you running 

RE: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-19 Por tôpico Jan Fredin
I’m sorry I was not clear enough.  I ran 5 clean directory copies of the user’s 
test problem and I was surprised by the run-to-run variations.  I wonder if I 
should expect this run-to-run variation or if I should think something is wrong 
with my build.  All of the test data passed.

2 nodes 20 cores/node 40 MPI Ranks total
Run#CLOCK End   IterSCF   sec/IterFinal energy Total =
  1559.368  171  3.27   -12349.946166
  2529.102  162  3.27   -12349.948178
  3494.420  151  3.27   -12349.946742
  4539.789  165  3.27   -12349.948130
  5560.794  172  3.26   -12349.948101

Siesta Version:siesta-3.2-pl-5
Architecture  : sgi-ice_mpt
Compiler flags: ifort -g -O3 -xAVX -fno-alias -ftz -ip -traceback
PARALLEL version

* Running on   40 nodes in parallel
>> Start of run:  16-SEP-2014  12:22:42


Thank you for any insight you can give me.

From: Nick Papior Andersen []
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 12:33 AM
Cc: Jan Fredin
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

"Changes" could be 1ms? How much are we talking about, are you running in the 
same folder as previously? In that case it could read in the DM from the 
previous initialization, which then is not the same...

Also, size of system, unit-cell size, meshcutoff?

2014-09-19 0:43 GMT+02:00 Jan Fredin>>:
I am a new Siesta user and am running a small 2 node problem with 1 SCF cycle 
and 1 MD cycle.  I find that run-to-run the IterSCF changes even with a fixed 
node count and core per node count.  It also changes for different core counts 
on both 1 and 2 nodes.

I have built Siesta using Intel 14 compilers and MKL for scalapack, blacs, 
lapack and blas, SGI MPT and netCDF/4.3.0.<http://4.3.0.>
Is it expected that Siesta is not-determinate for the SCF iterations?
Do you have any suggestions on what can be causing the IterSCF to vary from 

Thank You,
Dr. Jan Fredin
SGI Computational Chemistry Apps
Sr. Member of Technical Staff – Technical Lead
Austin, TX<>

Kind regards Nick

Re: [SIESTA-L] Changing number of SCF iterations

2014-09-18 Por tôpico Nick Papior Andersen
"Changes" could be 1ms? How much are we talking about, are you running in
the same folder as previously? In that case it could read in the DM from
the previous initialization, which then is not the same...

Also, size of system, unit-cell size, meshcutoff?

2014-09-19 0:43 GMT+02:00 Jan Fredin :

>  Hi,
> I am a new Siesta user and am running a small 2 node problem with 1 SCF
> cycle and 1 MD cycle.  I find that run-to-run the IterSCF changes even with
> a fixed node count and core per node count.  It also changes for different
> core counts on both 1 and 2 nodes.
> I have built Siesta using Intel 14 compilers and MKL for scalapack, blacs,
> lapack and blas, SGI MPT and netCDF/4.3.0.
> Is it expected that Siesta is not-determinate for the SCF iterations?
> Do you have any suggestions on what can be causing the IterSCF to vary
> from run-to-run?
> Thank You,
> Jan
> --
> Dr. Jan Fredin
> SGI Computational Chemistry Apps
> Sr. Member of Technical Staff – Technical Lead
> Austin, TX
> 512-331-2860

Kind regards Nick