He's a riot, good fun to read even after reading him for decades.

--srs (iPad)

Begin forwarded message:

> >>>>"Time tested tips on how to stay healthy & live longer – by Khushwant 
> >>>>Singh 
> >>>>Coming on to 98 and still earning more than I did in my younger days, 
> people ask me how I manage to do it. They regard me as an expert on 
> longevity. I have pronounced on the subject before; I will repeat it with 
> suitable amendments based on my experience in the past two years. 
> Earlier I had written that longevity is in one’s genes: children of 
> long-living parents are likely to live longer than those born to 
> short-lived parents. This did not happen in my own family. My parents who 
> died at 90 and 94 had five children, four sons and a daughter. 
> The first to go was the youngest of the siblings. Next went my sister who 
> was the fourth. My elder brother who was three years older than me went a 
> couple of years ago. Two of us remain; I, who will soon be 98, and my younger 
> brother, a retired Brigadier three years younger than me and in much better 
> health. He looks after our ancestral property. 
> Nevertheless, I still believe gene is the most important factor in 
> determining one’s life-span. More important than analysing longevity is to 
> cope with old age and make terms with it. 
> As we grow older, we are less able to exercise our limbs. We have to devise 
> ways to keep them active. Right into my mid-eighties, I played tennis every 
> morning, did rounds of Lodhi gardens in winter and swam for an hour in 
> summer. I am unable to do this any more. The best way to overcome this 
> handicap is regular massages. I have tried different kinds and was 
> disappointed with the oil drip and smearing of oil on the body. A good 
> massage needs powerful hands going all over one’s body from the skull to 
> the toes. I have this done at least once a day or at times twice a day. 
> >>>>I am convinced that this has kept me going for so long. Equally important 
> is the need to cut down drastically one’s intake of food and drink. I start 
> my mornings with guava juice. It is tastier and more health-giving than 
> orange or any other fruit juice. My breakfast is one scrambled egg on toast. 
> My lunch is usually patli kichri with dahi or a vegetable I skip afternoon 
> tea. In the evening, I take a peg of single malt whisky. It gives me a false 
> appetite. 
> Before I eat supper, I say to myself “Do not eat too much.” I also believe 
> that a meal should have just one kind of vegetable or meat  followed by a 
> pinch of chooran. It is best to eat alone and in silence. Talking while 
> eating does not do justice to the food and you swallow a lot of it. For me no 
> more Punjabi or Mughlai food. I find South India idli, sambhar and grated 
> coconut easier to digest and healthier. 
> Never allow yourself to be constipated. The stomach is a storehouse of all 
> kinds of ailments. Our sedentary life tends to make us constipated Keep your 
> bowels clean however you can: by  laxatives, enemas, glycerin suppositories, 
> whatever. Bapu Gandhi fully understood the need to keep bowels clean. 
> Besides, taking an enema every day, he gave enemas to his women admirers. 
> Impose strict discipline on your daily routine. If necessary, use a 
> stop-watch. I have breakfast exactly at 6.30 am, lunch at noon, my  drink at 
> 7 pm, supper at 8. Try to develop peace of mind. For this you must have a 
> healthy bank account. Shortage of money can be very demoralising. It does not 
> have to be in crores, but enough for your future needs and possibility of 
> falling ill. Never lose your temper, it takes a heavy toll and jangles one’s 
> nerves. Never tell a lie. Always keep your national motto in mind: Satyamev 
> Jayate — only truth triumphs. 
> Give generously. Remember you can’t take it with you. You may give to your 
> children, servants or charity. You will feel better. There is joy in 
> giving. Drive out envy of those who have done better than you in life. A 
> Punjabi verse sums up: Rookhi Sookhy Khai kay Thanda Paani Pee Na Veykh 
> paraayee chonparian na Tarssain jee (Eat dry bread and drink cold water Pay 
> no heed or envy those who smear their chapattis with ghee) Do not conform 
> to the tradition of old people spending time in prayer and long hours in 
> places of worship. That amounts to conceding defeat. Instead take up a 
> hobby like gardening, growing bonsai, helping children of your neighborhood 
> with their homework. 
> >>>>A practice which I have found very effective is to fix my gaze on the 
> >>>>flame 
> of candle, empty my mind of everything, but in my mind repeat Aum Shanti, 
> Aum Shanti, Aum Shanti. It does work. I am at peace with the world. We 
> can’t all be Fauja Singh who at 100 run a marathon race but we can equal 
> him in longevity and creativity. I wish all my readers long, healthy lives 
> full of happiness. 
> >>>>Khushwant Singh
> .

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