How can we enable incremental improvements in privacy and security? My
impression of security software development has been that there's a very
"all or nothing" attitude. If your software has any weakness it's viewed as
worthless, even if it's an improvement over the current state of software
in use.

How do we avoid "the perfect is the enemy of the good?"

-- Charles

On Sat, 5 Dec 2015 at 02:02 Ramakrishna Reddy <> wrote:

> Rogway tries to describe the moral responsibilities of the
> cryptographic community — responsibilities that, he believes, that
> community has failed to live up to. Worth a read. "We need to erect a
> much expanded commons on the Internet. We need to realize popular
> services in a secure, distributed, and decentralized way, powered by
> free software and free/open hardware. We need to build systems beyond
> the reach of super-sized companies and spy agencies. Such services
> must be based on strong cryptography. Emphasizing that prerequisite,
> we need to expand our cryptographic commons."
> --
> Ramakrishna Reddy                                           GPG Key
> ID:67E226F5
> Fingerprint =  BA51 9241 72B9 7DBD 1A9A  E717 ABB2 9BAD 67E2 26F5

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