The first question to ask anyone with a wild new theory is - what would it
take to falsify your hypothesis? What evidence would convince you it was

-- Charles

On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 at 22:04 Nani <> wrote:

> Slow Monday... figured this is as good a time as any to get folks wound up
> a bit... :D
> ​Have you guys e
> ver wondered why the most powerful nation on earth seems hellbent on
> ignoring global warming, a phenomenon that virtually everyone is in
> agreement as being real?
> Conspiracy theories are seen as being kooky; but what if, instead of
> climate change denial, there is a 'conspiracy' of willful ignorance, and it
> is a GOOD one for the benefit of mankind?
> #1 Tropical Antartica:
> Those of you who've watched "2012', the Hollywood blockbuster starring John
> Cusack, may recall a far out reference to an "Earth Crust Displacement
> Theory" espoused by a Prof Charles Hapgood.
> Turns out, this gent did solid research on the world of cartography, and
> unearthed scientifically accurate ancient maps describing Antartica and
> other parts of the Earth that weren't "discovered" until centuries later.
> These maps were so sophisticated and accurate that they couldn't have been
> created without the use of advanced math such as plane geometry and
> spherical trigonometry; yet the ancient sources, on which they were based,
> dated back to times when such knowledge purportedly did not exist.
> Apparently, Antartica was a tropical land, rather than a barren icescape
> with a mile-thick layer of sheet ice, as we know it today. Giant woolly
> mammoths supposedly roamed the Arctic and the Antartic. Scientists have
> found mammoths preserved under the Siberian permafrost - frozen solid and
> standing upright with the flesh on their bodies still intact - as a result
> of being almost instantaneously covered by meters of snow/ice - due to
> rapid climate change from tropical to arctic within a matter of hours. Now
> here’s a mind-blowing fact - the undigested grass inside their bellies was
> TROPICAL grass!
> Modern experts dispute segments of these maps that show South America
> merging with Antartica. But what if there was no sea there at that time?
> What if these continents were indeed connected by a land bridge, much like
> Sri Lanka and India were in antiquity?
> In fact, what if ALL places in the world that are deserts today, like the
> Sahara, Gobi, and Thar, were once colossal lakes or even completely
> undersea?
> #2 Global Warming:
> Here is an unreal but true factoid - the Earth accumulates billions of tons
> of ice at the poles EVERY year - that is billions with a B! A satellite
> study by NASA concluded in 2015 that the Antartic sheet had a net gain of
> 112 billion tons of ice EACH YEAR from 1992 to 2001, and 82 billion tons
> per year subsequently. That is a whole lotta ice!
> Back in 1948, an electrical engineer named Hugh Auchincloss Brown
> postulated a wild theory that when this polar 'weight' becomes too high,
> once every 7 thousand years or so, the Earth "wobbles" on its axis and
> "tips over", thereby causing the poles and equator to 'switch places'
> rapidly, presumably to maintain centrifugal balance.
> If true, that might explain how Antartica could've been equatorial land
> once.
> So what's the Conspiracy?
> HAB's fantastic theories have long been ridiculed, and Hapgood's theories
> have never been investigated at all.
> But here's the thing - WHAT IF the powers-that-be had secretly figured out
> all along that a cataclysmic event was indeed on the brink of occurring?
> What if they have deliberately ALLOWED global warming to progress, thereby
> causing the ice caps to melt at a controlled rate, sufficiently enough to
> reduce polar weight gradually without causing gigantic tsunamis that could
> wipe out the human race?!
> Even within our lifetime the North Pole has changed from being an icy land
> where intrepid explorers once walked and planted their flags, to a seascape
> where ships can now sail through at all times of the year. Maybe when
> outcomes were weighed in the balance, a few polar bears losing their
> habitat wasn't the worst thing compared to the potential obliteration of
> mankind.
> Food for thought… ;)
> ​​
> ​Cheers​,
> Nani
> References:

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