Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Roy writes:
 But, I know something
 has prevented it from returning like it usually does. And it does make
 me wonder a little. Since CS is all I am taking now. Not on a frequent
 and orderly schedule, of course.

Same story for me and my recurrent bronchitis that finally led to 
pneumonia. Once I started making and taking CS I went a solid three and 
a half years with no upper respiratory problems and no antibiotics.

I finally came down with some sort of plague that knocked me back for a 
week or so, with some lingering congestion, but only after getting way 
*too* lax about taking CS. Still no need for abx. In fact, haven't use 
any in 5 years.

It's been good for my sinuses, too. I've noticed one irrigation can 
keep me clear for a month or more.

As for sunburn, CS seems to help things heal. However, lately we've 
been experimenting with bentonite clay, often together with CS, and 
that's one thing that takes the heat out of sunburn pretty fast.

My daughter was trying it a few days ago, and a lot of the red seemed
to go away after one or two thin applications. Just rinse it off before 
it has a chance to start drying, or moisten it with a spritz bottle of
CS. She was eager to use it on her face, shoulders, neck... so it
must have been working.

She said the clay really works on mosquito bites, too.

I'll ask her for more details tomorrow.

Be well,


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Roy


I think this is a great idea you brought up. For everyone to post about
current (and especially past) problems that have been treated and alleviated
with CS. I'd like to hear more success stories myself.

I guess that I've only got one reoccuring illness to report. I used to get a
sinus infection at least once every year. And I mean it was like a guarantee
that it would happen every year. And it would linger on and on for a month
or more.

I started taking very small doses of CS. And I didn't take it on a regular
and orderly schedule either. Mostly because I just learned about it, how to
make my own, and frankly I was afraid to take much of it because I didn't
trust and believe in my own abilities to make it properly. I never knew much
about chemistry and all that stuff. So, I was worried that I'd done
something wrong and was going to poison myself. :-)

I cannot recall how long it has been since I've had the sinus infection
though. I think the last time the sinus infection happened I was taking so
many different things to get rid of it. Vitamin C, Garlic tablets,
Echinacea, Colloidal Silver, and even Kroger's brand of Nite-Time cold
medicine. I am not sure if one thing or a combination of all things cured it
that time. But, I know something has prevented it from returning like it
usually does. And it does make me wonder a little. Since CS is all I am
taking now. Not on a frequent and orderly schedule, of course.

-Original Message-
From: Sylvia Daniels
Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002 1:38 AM
Subject: CSCS/sunburn

I'm curious if anyone would share their problematic symptoms
and possible causes from their past histories rather than some diagnosis
which gets into a debate on treatment drugs from doctors
which I don't really want to hear.
We may be able to share
more experience on dosages and long term effects.

An old problem of mine:

I am using it to help heal tissues on my face from
an extremely bad 3rd degree sun burn I had in my teens.
Since my 40's I notice my skin thinning and reddening easily.
A dermatologist warned me to expect cancer.
I have heard several people developed skin cancer from
long term sun exposure.

My skin has been getting red spots that have healed quickly and
I think I may be letting go of some pathogens or toxins.
Some moles even got red and swelled up and disappeared.
The past few days I have been putting CS directly on my face.
I'm using 10ppm CS. There have been posts about CS helping
damaged tissue heal faster. I will be looking for changes.

Anyone have similar experiences or
can you share your symptom d'jour,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: CS/symptoms

2002-06-16 Thread Sylvia Daniels
Thanks Roy,

I used to get a sinus infection at least once every year. And I mean it was
like a guarantee that it would happen every year. And it would linger on and
on for a month or more.

I started taking very small doses of CS. And I didn't take it on a regular
and orderly schedule either. But, I know something has prevented it from
returning like it usually does. And it does make me wonder a little. Since
CS is all I am taking now. Not on a frequent and orderly schedule, of

I 'm glad to hear that. I'm sure it has had an effect on the result.
When you have a big change like that it can sure make one a believer.

CSRe: Iontophoresis, silver injection, updates to CS Website....

2002-06-16 Thread Sylvia Daniels
Jason, you wrote:
I have been tossing some ideas around for various projects for a
few decades. One of the ideas is to provide both high quality silver
sculptures, and antaglio/engraved pieces of fine artwork to those who
collect such things ( all hand created pieces ).

In your opinion, would efforts such as these act to damage a not-for-profit
effort in any way, in the eyes of the public? The question to ask is:  Would
colloidal silver be damaged or supported by such concepts.

Jason, I'd like to have a more artistic way to make my CS instead of my
drinking glass sitting on my kitchen table with my little silver wires all
bent in an unattractive way and my little black box from drclark perched
beside a hand blown glass beaker tall and thin mounted on a
decorative base with a silver dragon spiraling up to hold it with a
roadrunner with a blue and white light. Maybe the silver inside could be an
artful shape also. I had a dream about this unusual combination of images
the other night...maybe some Hopi
Tibetan association of some kind?

But I think combining art and CS would not detract from the educational
function of your site at all. Being an artist myself, I think it's a great

CSwas a bad joke, Fw: crash landing

2002-06-16 Thread Tai-Pan

Hi all,
Well this is a fine kettle of fish. What an old joke. I first
heard it from an old colored women, years ago, and she thought it was hilarious.
The black box thing.
Lets try this. A blond was on the river bank and was looking
for a way across. The blond saw another blond on the opposite bank and
called out to the other blond, " How do I get across to the other side".
The blond on the other side called back," You are on the other side".
So now lets critique this. Have at it now.
Don't make a monkey of yourself. :-) Think before opening mouth
and inserting foot. :-)
Bless you, Bob Lee
John Reeder wrote:
no harm was meant, but as my wife (a blonde that hatesblond
jokes) points out to me, many attempts at humor fall short.True
humor never hurts or harms any other human being.
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-16 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 15:02:14 +1000, Kevin Nolan wrote:

I was under the impression that silver does not constitute any part of the
body's many hormone, enzyme, protein etc components, and therefore is not
really a trace mineral in the same sense that say copper or chromium is. In
other words a diet totally lacking in silver would not per se lead to
serious illness or death. Can you provide some more info on this?

Two or three weeks ago I was looking for info on silver for another
(non-health related) purpose.  As I was looking, I ran across a site
that listed the percentages or ppm of different elements in various
things, including the human body.  My memory is fuzzy on the exact
amount of silver listed for the human body, but it was above 1 ppm.
Some animals had more, fish had less.  :)

There is a WWW site called webelements or something like that has a
really good periodic table with lots of details.  Unfortunately, their
info on the biology of many elements is somewhat askew -- almost like
their info was from the 1920's.

Adding to that, there is anecdotal evidence provided by National
Geographic and other publications that shows the lifespan of
populations living in silver-bearing mountainous regions is much
greater than areas where there is no silver in the natural
surroundings.  Mountainous areas that have little silver don't seem to
have populations that are any longer lived than other groups.

BTW, both lead and aluminum are in the body in trace amounts and I've
read that both have biologic activity.  I suspect we (science) haven't
yet discovered what silver's role is in the body.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSUsing the lists well...

2002-06-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi all,

We have a list mission that is focused on Colloidal Silver. Experience
has taught, however, that people always have questions (and answers)
that overlap into other areas of health. Great good has come from this
sharing of expertise and experience.

That is why permissible topics for the list include *any* health
related question (What can I do for blank?) and answers can include
things related to CS, as well as those that don't.

The difference is that health related threads not about CS should end
within, say, ten posts or so, or migrate to private e-mail or another,
more appropriate forum.

Hopefully that's enough opportunity to answer basic questions about
another alternative, and/or identify important resources for the
questioner to follow up on.

CS related topics, of course, can be discussed until they're exhausted 
(or we are!), provided folks observe the other rules on courtesy, 
commercial promotion, prohibited topics, etc. Complete list rules are 
published at:

I have provided a list that folks can use for discussions that need to 
be taken elsewhere, the silver-off-topic-list. See:

Every Silver List member in good standing can post messages to the Off 
Topic List. You can read the Off Topic List at the archives at:

If you don't want to receive extra e-mail, then that's all you need to 
know. You can post any time you want to, and follow off-topic threads 
by visiting the archives.

If you want to get the Off Topic List in e-mail, as you do the Silver 
List, just follow the subscription instructions at the web page above.

The better we get at using the Off Topic List, the more focused we can 
be on the Silver List. Hopefully this will satisfy those who just have 
to let it out as well as those who need us to stay on track.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-06-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Joanne writes:
 I just received a message from Tracy.  She is very tired but doing
 okay is busy.  She asked me about a product called Ambertose.  It is
 supposed to help build the immune system.  It is just being
 introduced in New Zealand.  She was wondering if anyone has had any
 experience with it.and would I please ask around as it is quite
 expensive.  Perhaps one of you could forward this on to the silver
 list and see if anyone there may have first hand knowledge.  

 As far as I know she is not on any list now if fact she said her
 computer was sulking from lack of use..:-)

Tracy Grant's e-mail address is

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS successes - was sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Jennifer Popp
I'm a new user to CS. When I first heard about it, it was from that site of
the 'grey' woman. I was alarmed and thought of the stuff as dangerous. But
CS kept coming up on other lists and I figured I didn't have the whole
picture. Then I was in Florida visiting my mom and found a little pamphlet
Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative by Zane Baranowski,

I'd mentioned before about using it on my itchy scalp with great success.

Well now one of my dogs had an eye 'thing' going on that I had self dx as
Cherry Eye (here's a link describing it further I discussed the dx with a couple of dog
friends (one into natural rearing for 15 years and one worked in a vet
clinic). They suggested Cherry Eye as well.

Oh crap -- I was not happy. Some of the sites I'd visited on CE discussed

I don't know what led me to the CS, but I made a CS solution of CS/RO
water/sea salt. And after three applications his eye was back to normal!!

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSDr. Bob Martin products?

2002-06-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi all,

I'm posting this to the OT list, with replies set to the OT list, and
a cc: to the silver list. Let's see how that works! ggg

Anybody have any experience with any of this Dr. Bob Martin's products, 
HearAll, RingStop, or OptiAll? They're all supposedly homeopathic and 
nutritional products to help hearing loss, tinnitus, and vision, 


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSFirst impression

2002-06-16 Thread Kevin Nolan
Hi Catherine,
  This is a late response, sorry but have been trying to
catch up with a massive backlog of unread mail. You wrote in digest 102
...One of the beauties of this list is that people have no problem
right down to the science of things, unlike most other lists.  Just ask
Kevin Nolan ;-).. Regards, Catherine

Indeed so. But I am sure dismayed and somewhat embarrassed to see how much
space has been consumed with running battles lately. Was contacted off-list
by a disillusioned member of the now defunct TwilightNetworks list. He was
interested in my comment there about being appreciative of the much more
open environment here, and wanted to know how to subscribe. I obliged, but
can only wonder at what sort of impression this site of late has given him.
Elsufa - if you are still here, please stick in. Things ARE normally much
better, pal!

regards, Kevin Nolan

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Jennifer Popp
You know what, I have an u-g-l-y mole beside my eyebrow. I will experiment
topical application of CS (10ppm) and report the results. I will take a
digital before photo as well for physical proof of results.

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email:

- Original Message -
From: Sylvia Daniels
| Some moles even got red and swelled up and disappeared.
| The past few days I have been putting CS directly on my face.
| I'm using 10ppm CS. There have been posts about CS helping
| damaged tissue heal faster. I will be looking for changes.
| Anyone have similar experiences or can you share your symptom d'jour,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSCYP450 enzymes

2002-06-16 Thread Kevin Nolan
Catherine, while still at that now-gone other list, you wrote:

.That 100 people can drink Prill water and not be harmed
does not mean that I can.  The CYP450 enzymes thst
metabolize many drugs, food, etc. are at varying levels in
people.  This is the difference between a person who can metabolize
penicillin and one who cannot and goes into anaphylactic shock.

As a child I was sensitive to what I recall being labelled 'type 1' penicillin, 
but into adulthood that disappeared. Recently spoke with a friend who said that 
within five minutes of taking penicillin, he would need medical attention 
urgently. He also has a genetic defect (can't recall what) that results in a 
very inefficient metabolism - five or more huge meals a day just to get 
through, and yet stays slim. Is there any reliable test you know of to 
determine one's CYP450 enzyme levels, and is there perhaps some means of 
boosting it if defficient?

regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CS Distilled water

2002-06-16 Thread Jennifer Popp
Larry, I've posted the question to a list with a high percentage of European
dwellers and the list owner lives in Scotland. I'll let you know what the
response is.

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email:

- Original Message -
From: larry tankersley
| Dear list... does anyone know if this is true. Did you know that
| every bottle of reverse osmosis, 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
 I am using it to help heal tissues on my face from
 an extremely bad 3rd degree sun burn I had in my teens.

Dear Sylvia, Are you sure it was 3rd Degree?? That means the skin was
totally destroyed with damage to underlying tissues. It requires skin
2nd Degree is blistering, and 1st Degree means reddening of the skin with
heat and pain.
In 1970, I had a 2nd degree sunburn to my shoulders when in Costa Rica as an
exchange student with the 4H Club. I was swimming in the Pacific with my
host family for most of the day. Dumb! Boy, did I hurt! I wish I`d had
CS back then...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCYP450 enzymes

2002-06-16 Thread Catherine Creel
Dear Kevin,

   You said:

As a child I was sensitive to what I recall being labelled 'type 1'
but into adulthood that disappeared. Recently spoke with a friend who said
that within five minutes of taking penicillin, he would need medical
attention urgently. He also has a genetic defect (can't recall what) that
results in a very inefficient metabolism - five or more huge meals a day
just to get through, and
yet stays slim. Is there any reliable test you know of to determine one's
CYP450 enzyme levels, and is there perhaps some means of boosting it if

   Currently, testing exists for three or four CYP450 enzymes.
The enzymes that can be boosted are digestive enzymes.  P450
enzymes can be given a temporary boost by inducing them,
that is, using a substance known to be inductive of a particular
P450 enzyme (there are about 100 known P450 enzymes with
over 1000 genetic is suspected that there are over
1000 P450 types of enzymes), but others exist (or not) at the
levels they do because of genetic differences.  However, when
you induce an enzyme, you are triggering a sort of crisis response
in the body that results in a significant amount of oxidative damage.
So, it's not a good idea to be inducing enzymes.  Enzymes are also
damaged or destroyed by pharmaceutical drugs, and most apt to be
destroyed by those drugs taken on a regular basis.  The so-called
psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, are famous for this.
The destruction or damage of an enzyme gets recorded in your genes.
Your children can then inherit this.

  Most adverse reactions to drugs (not side effects) are as a result
of lacking the appropriate P450 enzyme(s) to metabolize a drug.

   The first P450 enzyme to be recognized was 30 years ago.
It is called 2D6.  Since then, little was done inthis arena until 1995.
It is still the domain of researchers; many physicians have heard of
them, but really don't understand anything about them.  The bottom
line is that our current knowledge of the P450 system let's us know
that prescribing any drug metabolized by this system is like throwing
darts in the dark.  It is sheer luck if a drug is chosen that a person
can metabolize.  This is one of the reasons medicine is not looking
at this more closely.  The FDA has just begun encouraging (their word)
pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide available P450 info when
submitting new drugs for approval, but they are not making it mandatory.
It has been estimated by several researchers that 20-50% of all iatragenic
illnesses/deaths from drugs would be eliminated by testing for the P450
enzymes we are currently able to test for.  This percentage would rise as
we acquired the ability to test for other relevant P450 enzymes.

  LOL, I'll bet this was more than you wanted to know!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread John Reeder
Hello Marshalee,

I haven't tried cs on sunburns. Haven't had any for years, but back when
I did, I used white vinegar for relief and it worked. Also, for burns and,
I am sure sunburns, Aloe Vera works very well. In my yard, I keep a very
healthy Aloe Vera plant, just for burns.


-Original Message-
From: Marshalee Hallett []
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS/sunburn

 I am using it to help heal tissues on my face from
 an extremely bad 3rd degree sun burn I had in my teens.

Dear Sylvia, Are you sure it was 3rd Degree?? That means the skin was
totally destroyed with damage to underlying tissues. It requires skin
2nd Degree is blistering, and 1st Degree means reddening of the skin with
heat and pain.
In 1970, I had a 2nd degree sunburn to my shoulders when in Costa Rica as an
exchange student with the 4H Club. I was swimming in the Pacific with my
host family for most of the day. Dumb! Boy, did I hurt! I wish I`d had
CS back then...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Jennifer Popp
Oh, me too. My husband and I both were over exposed one year. I cut an aloe
plant and applied before bed, he did not. I was pain free (and not pink) the
next day while he still suffered.

Jenn Popp

Healthy Paws Bones and Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
416-264-1313 / email:

- Original Message -
From: John Reeder
| Aloe Vera works very well. In my yard, I keep a very
| healthy Aloe Vera plant, just for burns.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread CKing001
The CS may very well help your existing problem.

I just want to share what I discovered 30 years ago when I was an avid reader of
Prevention magazine before old man Rodale died and left it to his son.

A bad seashore sunburn ruined a family vacation. Over the year I read something
about vitamin E and sun protection. The next year I took 400 IU capsules about 3
times daily and have avoided sun destruction ever since.

I don't see this benefit stated much, so I pass it on.


*Four hours* to bury a cat? Yes - it wouldnt keep still.

On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 01:02:35 -0500, Sylvia Daniels wrote:

An old problem of mine:

I am using it to help heal tissues on my face from
an extremely bad 3rd degree sun burn I had in my teens.
Since my 40's I notice my skin thinning and reddening easily.
A dermatologist warned me to expect cancer.
I have heard several people developed skin cancer from
long term sun exposure.

My skin has been getting red spots that have healed quickly and
I think I may be letting go of some pathogens or toxins.
Some moles even got red and swelled up and disappeared.
The past few days I have been putting CS directly on my face.
I'm using 10ppm CS. There have been posts about CS helping
damaged tissue heal faster. I will be looking for changes.

Anyone have similar experiences or
can you share your symptom d'jour,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSNew Here

2002-06-16 Thread Lona
I have been purchasing CS at my HFS.  I buy 30 ppm.  Any comments on that?
I understand that some of you make your own.  How do you know the particles
are small enough to do the job?  I would LIKE to make my own to save money,
though I am worried that I can't pull it off.  As in I am not handy.  So, is
there anyone out there that know how/where I buy a generator, or how easy it
is to make one?  Sorry for all the newbie questions.  Just scared to get
something off the net that may not work.
Have you been exposed to radiation?  See my health links..
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you
are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.
-- Edward R. Murrow

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIontophoresis, silver ion injection, updates to CS Website....

2002-06-16 Thread Marlene Hanson
Hi Jason, I tried your links but couldn't get through. Could you check and see 
what is wrong.  It may be my server MSN.  Thanks Marlene  
- Original Message -
From: AVRA / Jason
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: CSIontophoresis, silver ion injection, updates to CS Website
Greetings, all...

I've recently updated the Colloidal Silver Database Website to include two
additional pages, the first two in an expanding section that some of you
might find interesting:  Silver Ion Injection via Electrolysis.

The first page simply highlights the conclusions of Dr. Robert O. Becker's

The second one explores silver ion injection via electrolysis, but is only
the very initial results:

Awhile back there was a brief thread about whether to use a conductive gel
or not when treating the skin via silver ion injection...  It should be
known that there are very good reasons for doing so, depending on how much
current is being applied to the area.  The process is a bit misleading, as
there is never any problem with low current and healthy tissues.  However,
with extremely damaged tissues, even a minute amount of current can burn.
Even .3 to .5 milliamps can produce visible damage.  Injured tissues have
far less electrical resistance than healthy tissues.  Using a conductive gel
definately helps to manage the current.

Any comments on the pages/topic would be very welcome.

Also, this morning I purchased the domain: ( it is
currently going through the registrar process ).

I've designed a new index page that will implemented as I switch webhosts,
which shouldn't be for about another month or so.  The old website will
remain in place as a mirror.  Traffic has been steadily increasing since the
site went online in February of 2000.

The new design begins to address some of the suggests from listers regarding
text formatting.  After fighting with DHTML technology for a year, I'm going
to back off, despite the incredible power it can afford.  If Netscape users
maintain at least 10% of the surfer market, I'll continue to build
compatible webpages ( I know a few still have not been changed over ).  If
Netscape users drop down to 5% or less, I'll change the design.

We've had 21,334 logged hits so far this year; not bad for a project that
operates completely upon attraction, and utilizes absolutely no funds in
advertising or any other promotion; not to mention that only a very small
handful of brave colloidal silver vendors will link to the website -- in
essence, as far as web-presence goes, the site is in competition with
vendors who use a host of cross linking methods to improve traffic.

On a humorous note, I actually find it very entertaining when colloidal
silver product vendors copy a page and duplicate it on their site!  For any
budding webmasters out there, a trade secret is to always have at least one
unique phrase in your text, so that you can easily track down lazy

Upon switching webhosts, I plan on expanding the traffic by about 4X.  The
bandwidth costs are a bit more affordable.

Some of you might be interested in the two key documents I've written in
order to theoretically make the research and outreach project legally safe:

There are links to Word for Windows documents ( superior ) and html
documents ( acceptable ).

One of the reasons the research project is so important to me personally:

If I can collect significant statistics on specific illnesses, two things
can be accomplished:

An effective average dose can then be found, and it might be possible to
identify the reason for efficacy variances.

By addressing a small population sample, different types of silver products
can be proven as more or less effective -- in the human body.

While the research project isn't designed to be a scientific study, it will
still be statistically accurate.

Once I have the numbers behind the use, I can also draw more cooperative

On major study programs, I plan to personally oversee all of the initial
work, at least 50 cases per studied illness.  Then, I plan on turning over
the individual research project to those who show an interest who have
personally experienced the treatment...

On another note, I'm looking for some ethical opinions...

I've come to the point where I could certainly use some more advanced
equipment, and funds for laboratory testing, ect.  At this point, I simply
adsorb the costs involved myself, which I have no problem doing...  However,
the time element is certainly effected.

For instance, I plan on filming the difference between a homebrew colloidal
silver and Stephen Quinto's new Argentum ( medical use only ) product.  The
difference in action can actually be visually observed in two fresh cuts (
that is, if I can 

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

 Hello Marshalee,

 I haven't tried cs on sunburns. Haven't had any for years, but back when
 I did, I used white vinegar for relief and it worked. Also, for burns and,
 I am sure sunburns, Aloe Vera works very well. In my yard, I keep a very
 healthy Aloe Vera plant, just for burns.


Dear John, That is good to know.
When I was sunburned the last time, at an Arabian horse show, I splashed CS
on my skin and let it dry. The heat in the skin cooled and the next day I
was tan, no peeling!
Amazing stuff!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew Here

2002-06-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

 I have been purchasing CS at my HFS.  I buy 30 ppm.  Any comments on that?
 I understand that some of you make your own.  How do you know the
 are small enough to do the job?  I would LIKE to make my own to save
 though I am worried that I can't pull it off.  As in I am not handy.  So,
 there anyone out there that know how/where I buy a generator, or how easy
 is to make one?  Sorry for all the newbie questions.  Just scared to get
 something off the net that may not work.

Dear Lona, Hello and welcome! I`m Marshalee, an oldie but goodie around
here. Here are the directions for the really simple CS generator that I give
to all and sundry who care to know. The CS made this way works just fine,
and is a heckuva lot less expensive, a few cents a gallon.

Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:

You`ll need 3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
  (the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines, if you can afford
  they are about 21 bucks at Radio Shack)
2  five inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling
  as it has other metals in it.)
2 alligator clips, (the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic-coated
  wire, also available at the Shack)
2 cups of distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (I always use glass to
  make CS in. I have a cup used solely for making my CS.)
A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.
An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in. A pop top plastic bottle
is just fine.

  Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust
soap residue.
 Take the batteries and snap them together, one upside down on top of the
other two.
This will leave two empty posts on the batteries.
Connect each silver wires to the two empty posts with the two alligator
Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about 1
inch apart.
(As they tend to float around, you can put a candycane bend in the top of
the wires
and hang that over the lip of the cup, with the connectors hooked to the
bend.) Don`t let the connectors get into the water.
  It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it.
Now leave it and time for 30 minutes. You may notice some bubbles coming off
one wire, and fine wisps of gold coming off the other, that is the Colloid
forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water. There will be a buildup
of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but you can wipe
it off
with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30 minutes. This
one hour activation gives a CS of about 18 PPM.  The longer it works, the
higher the PPM.
  When finished, wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the green
scrubber until the wires are shiny again, and detach the batteries. Store it
all in a ziploc bag to keep it handy. The finished CS doesn`t need to be
refrigerated. If you keep the bottle out where you see it, you`ll remember
to take it.
 I take 3 big swallows a day for an active infection, sometimes even more.
(My swallow is about 1/3 of a cup.) The silver particles are fine enough to
be easily excreted, so taking more won`t hurt. If you hold the CS in your
mouth for a few minutes, it will clean your mouth nicely.
I take one swallow a day for a preventive. I use it topically too, and even
in the
eyes. It is mild and doesn`t sting. Splash some in the pits for a natural
deodorant. It is bacteria that causes BO, and since CS kills the bacteria,
no BO!
CS doesn`t taste too bad either. Some folks notice a metallic tang, others
don`t. I put some on my skin and let it dry for a sunburn, and was tan the
next day. I use it for bug bites and stings too. Canker sores respond
I have used CS for my pet birds, and always put some in the water bowl for
my Pug dogs. CS is even good for cut flowers, they will last for weeks. It
is bacteria that actually kills fresh-cut flowers.
It can be sprayed on houseplants with fungus or rust.
A dollop in the milk jug keeps the milk fresh for a long time.
There are lots more uses for CS in the body and around the house,
any place bacteria live can benefit from CS.
 I have some wire available that I sell for 5 bucks just so folks don`t have
to get the minimum order, which turns out to be several feet of wire. If
someone does want that much, I send them the phone number of my supplier.
I`m not in CS to make money, just for the joy of helping folks get well
again, like I did!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS New here

2002-06-16 Thread jrowland
Lona wrote:

 ...How do you know the particles are small enough to do the job?

Can anyone verify the following:

 When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will always

 break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).

 This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness is

 the atom itself.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread Jack Dayton
Chuck wrote:

 To Women Everywhere...
 * Learn to work the toilet seat. If it's up, put
 it down. We need it up, you need it down. You
 don't hear us bitching about you leaving it down.

Chuck I pondered the problem of toilet-seat-positioning
for quite awhile, and have finally decided that there
is a way to get them to stop nagging about seat position.

I consider the solution both brilliant and labor saving -
(well for us anyhow),


Now that's really a man thing.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: silver spoon/3rd degree burns

2002-06-16 Thread Sylvia Daniels
Marshalee wrote concerning Re: CS/sunburn
Dear Sylvia, Are you sure it was 3rd Degree?? That means the skin was
totally destroyed with damage to underlying tissues.

That's what the doctor said, my Mother didn't want to pay for skin
grafting...I was a tomboy and spent most of my time out on our farm
which was 5 miles away from home...
by the time I got home from cheerleading camp...two weeks later
my face was a big scab and it was growing new skin but it is
a different kind of skin...

when I was in my 20's and 30's it really
looked about like the rest of my skin cause I was a tomboy and outside all
the time...but as I got into my 40's and now 50's the skin is thinning and
you can really tell the difference...and about 50 pounds over weight will
give your face a little redness too...I'm not an alcoholic but

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth...quite literally we used them
for cooking and they were worn away pretty good...maybe I was even luckier
than I thought he he...I was told as a child that silver was good for me and
other metals were not...we were from Denmark and Wales...don't know if
silver dissolved in soups and gravy would be small enough particle size
though...but who knows...maybe when we need it the body figures out a way to
get it? Our bodies need a lot of trace minerals and plants know how to get
it into the proper forms from the soil and water except for salt...we are so
uneducated in this country about most people don't even know how
to make salt even if they lived by an ocean...

 I'm not one of these who believe that illness and disease is caused by
genetic problems as much as the AMA would like to get out of responsibility
for bad doctoring so they can spend the next research on more ways to
manipulate people with no responsibilities or watch dogs to reign them in.

I can't believe all the people who have been laid off of corporations lately
pay $1000 to $3000 a month for insurance just so they can go to a doctor and
get a diagnosis and a 'treatment' that doesn't work, or more often than get sympathy and a little attention from their families with the
doctor as the one who says if they deserve it or not...

And white middle to upper class people think they are more intelligent than
third world country people?...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread d.linen
What a beautiful name, Noel. 


Noel White wrote:
 These posts have nothing to do with CS!
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Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread d.linen
It wasn't a funny joke but get over it. 

Catherine Creel wrote:
 Hi John,
   You said:
 Are you reading the posts. I did and do not support the so-called. joke
   Yes, I saw that, and I appreciate it.  I was referring to the guys who
 suporting it despite others being offended.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCYP450 enzymes

2002-06-16 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 10:08:07 -0400, Catherine Creel wrote:

   Currently, testing exists for three or four CYP450 enzymes.
  snip lots of good stuff
  LOL, I'll bet this was more than you wanted to know!

Nope.  :)

Keep it coming!

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread Jack Dayton
Maxine wrote:

 Come - on now all CS  consumers,
 Let the joke thing die. This is a CS site and jokes not of good taste etc
 are realy not wanted here !!

That is your opinion, go with it in good grace.

 Where is our List Owner??
Or is he   is it.  When the Cat is away , the mice will  play.

Where have you BEEN the last few days?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-16 Thread Jack Dayton
Hi Beth,

check out what  Roger Altman, a researcher has to say on
the subject of safe amounts.
;This article should easy your mind about safety.

I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a
health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm
should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it
shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds
like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm.
Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products
which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when
needed for sinus infections.

My boyfriend however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma.
What is safe to take and will it help his asthma?

Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a fever
over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5 days of
a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly now
and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS make her
thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe she's
making up for lost fluids. Thanks in advance.

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread M. G. Devour
 Maxine wrote:
  Where is our List Owner??

Jack retorts...
 Where have you BEEN the last few days?

Well, there are always folks who are a little behind reading their 
e-mail. Those of us who hang on our computer's every byte and nybble 
know what's going on up-to-the-minute... but for others, it's still 
Thursday afternoon, list-time. grin

It's always a good idea to get completely caught up before replying to 
any part of a thread. That way you know if your comment is timely or 
necessary... or if you might be sticking your foot in it.

Just be patient, and nod knowingly when folks respond to 
the-day-before-yesterday's situation!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSNebulizer/WasCough/Was Empty Stomach

2002-06-16 Thread Val Q

Dear Grant, Connie, Jack, and Tony,

Thank you for your responses.  Such a wonderful group.  Yesterday I decided 
to take much more when my stomach was pretty empty.  I took about 4 oz. 
several times.  Also twice yesterday I took Oil of Oregano, which is very 
gross, but does seem to help when I remember it and I am really trying to 
kill something.  Finally!  Today my chest feels just fine for a change, 
although that throat-clearing thing continues.  Maybe it's just a 
coincidence, but it doesn't feel like it. In case, maybe you would like to 
try that (icky) stuff, Marshall. :-)

Out of the lesser of evils, I prefer Jack's suggestion of parasites as 
opposed to Connie's possible congestive heart failure.  But I am considering 
everything.  Because surely it is something that causes these symptoms!

I do have a DeVilbiss Pulmo-Mate actually, but I don't even remember how to 
use it.  I used it for a little while but didn't seem to notice any 
improvement with it so I gave up.  To me it seems like it makes more sense 
if it came with a mask instead of a tube that goes in the mouth.  Can anyone 
remind me how to use it, and do you think it works okay?

Thanks again,

Dear Grant, Connie, Jack, and Tony,

Thank you for your responses.  Such a wonderful group.  Yesterday I decided 
to take much more when my stomach was pretty empty.  I took about 4 oz. 
several times.  Also twice yesterday I took Oil of Oregano, which is very 
gross, but does seem to help when I remember it and I am really trying to 
kill something.  Finally!  Today my chest feels just fine for a change, 
although that throat-clearing thing goes on (doesn't seem as much as 
usual). Or it was just time for it to clear up (after a long time).  In 
case, maybe you would like to try that (icky) stuff, Marshall.

Out of the lesser of evils, I prefer Jack's suggested of parasites as 
opposed to Connie's possible congestive heart failure.  But I am considering 
everything.  Because surely it is something that causes these symptoms!

more direct approach to your lung problem might be  with a nebulizer.
I can't advise about it's use, but if you will go to the archives:

and type in nebulizer in the search window, The info there should  help
you decide whether or not to try that method.

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
It is s nice to NOT have a man around the house anymore...
I don`t fall into the toilet at night, nor step in the puddles he left on
the floor from his poor aim, anymore.
Good riddance!!

  * Learn to work the toilet seat. If it's up, put
  it down. We need it up, you need it down. You
  don't hear us bitching about you leaving it down.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNebulizer/WasCough/Was Empty Stomach

2002-06-16 Thread Jack Dayton
Well heck Val, just get the directions out of the waste basket and read
them. :-)
You could contact DeVilbiss and ask for a copy of the users manual.


 From: Val Q
 I do have a DeVilbiss Pulmo-Mate actually, but I don't even remember how to
 use it.  I used it for a little while but didn't seem to notice any
 improvement with it so I gave up.  To me it seems like it makes more sense
 if it came with a mask instead of a tube that goes in the mouth.  Can anyone
 remind me how to use it, and do you think it works okay?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSmask vs. mouth breathing TX

2002-06-16 Thread Connie
 I do have a DeVilbiss Pulmo-Mate actually, but I don't even remember how to
 use it.  I used it for a little while but didn't seem to notice any
 improvement with it so I gave up.  To me it seems like it makes more sense
 if it came with a mask instead of a tube that goes in the mouth.  Can anyone
 remind me how to use it, and do you think it works okay?

Honestly, to get the ''meds'' into the airways and the lungs, doing
treatments by mouth (tube) are much more effective.
When breathing through a mask, more of the meds deposit and or fall out onto
the face, in the nose, etc. Not in the areas where you generally want the
meds to go.
Mask is beneficial to upper respiratory, sinus etc, but will allow only
minimal (if any) penetration into the bronchi and bronchioles.

We use masks on kids or debilitated who are not able to get the mechanics of
mouth breathing, or not able to mouth breath for whatever reason.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNebulizer/WasCough/Was Empty Stomach

2002-06-16 Thread Richard Sobe
 Hi Valerie,

The pulmo-mate I just had was a compressor and I bought the inhaler part 
separately. The inhaler had a six foot tube that connected from the compressor 
to the medicine cup of the inhaler. The medicine cup had a cone shaped green 
piece inside of it. The top of the medicine cup had a screw on cap that held 
the mouthpiece and an extension exhaust tube on the other end with a Tee tube 
in the middle. I filled the medicine cup up with 5ml of CS, plugged the thin 
tube into the pulmo-mate compressor and turned it on with the mouthpiece in my 
mouth. The mask idea is good if it will stay on your face without having to 
hold it with your hand because, since I'm at my computer most of the day, I 
need my hands free to work the keyboard/mouse. I didn't have the facemask. I 
didn't like my pulmo-mate, but I bought mine used and it was past it's warranty 
of 5 years. I couldn't tell if it was performing optimally either but it did 
produce a very light mist. I just sold it and am waiting for an ultrasonic 
nebulizer that vibrates the liquid into a mist instead of using compressed 
air. I only used the pulmo-mate for about a week (3-4 times a day and through 
the whole course of the 5ml of CS per dose-about 15-20 mins) so I couldn't tell 
you if it helped me because I still have this slight wheeze when I exhale fully 
forcing all the air out of my lungs.

I originally thought I could get away with using an aquarium air pump to pump 
the air through the inhaler but the aquarium air pump doesn't put out enouogh 
pounds per square inch and liters per minute.

- Original Message -
From: Val Q
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 6:01 PM
Subject: CSNebulizer/WasCough/Was Empty Stomach

Dear Grant, Connie, Jack, and Tony,
I do have a DeVilbiss Pulmo-Mate actually, but I don't even remember how to
use it.  I used it for a little while but didn't seem to notice any
improvement with it so I gave up.  To me it seems like it makes more sense
if it came with a mask instead of a tube that goes in the mouth.  Can anyone
remind me how to use it, and do you think it works okay?

Thanks again,

Re: CSIontophoresis, silver ion injection, updates to CS Website....

2002-06-16 Thread AVRA / Jason

It appears as if the whole 20m domain is down.  They may be doing maintanence 
on the servers ( another reason I need to switch hosts! ).

Hopefully, they'll be back up by tonight/tomorrow morning,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Marlene Hanson 
  Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 10:20 AM
  Subject: Re: CSIontophoresis, silver ion injection, updates to CS Website

  Hi Jason, I tried your links but couldn't get through. Could you check and 
see what is wrong.  It may be my server MSN.  Thanks Marlene 

- Original Message -
From: AVRA / Jason
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: CSIontophoresis, silver ion injection, updates to CS Website

Greetings, all...

I've recently updated the Colloidal Silver Database Website to include two
additional pages, the first two in an expanding section that some of you
might find interesting:  Silver Ion Injection via Electrolysis.

The first page simply highlights the conclusions of Dr. Robert O. Becker's

The second one explores silver ion injection via electrolysis, but is only
the very initial results:

Awhile back there was a brief thread about whether to use a conductive gel
or not when treating the skin via silver ion injection...  It should be
known that there are very good reasons for doing so, depending on how much
current is being applied to the area.  The process is a bit misleading, as
there is never any problem with low current and healthy tissues.  However,
with extremely damaged tissues, even a minute amount of current can burn.
Even .3 to .5 milliamps can produce visible damage.  Injured tissues have
far less electrical resistance than healthy tissues.  Using a conductive gel
definately helps to manage the current.

Any comments on the pages/topic would be very welcome.

Also, this morning I purchased the domain: ( it is
currently going through the registrar process ).

I've designed a new index page that will implemented as I switch webhosts,
which shouldn't be for about another month or so.  The old website will
remain in place as a mirror.  Traffic has been steadily increasing since the
site went online in February of 2000.

The new design begins to address some of the suggests from listers regarding
text formatting.  After fighting with DHTML technology for a year, I'm going
to back off, despite the incredible power it can afford.  If Netscape users
maintain at least 10% of the surfer market, I'll continue to build
compatible webpages ( I know a few still have not been changed over ).  If
Netscape users drop down to 5% or less, I'll change the design.

We've had 21,334 logged hits so far this year; not bad for a project that
operates completely upon attraction, and utilizes absolutely no funds in
advertising or any other promotion; not to mention that only a very small
handful of brave colloidal silver vendors will link to the website -- in
essence, as far as web-presence goes, the site is in competition with
vendors who use a host of cross linking methods to improve traffic.

On a humorous note, I actually find it very entertaining when colloidal
silver product vendors copy a page and duplicate it on their site!  For any
budding webmasters out there, a trade secret is to always have at least one
unique phrase in your text, so that you can easily track down lazy

Upon switching webhosts, I plan on expanding the traffic by about 4X.  The
bandwidth costs are a bit more affordable.

Some of you might be interested in the two key documents I've written in
order to theoretically make the research and outreach project legally safe:

There are links to Word for Windows documents ( superior ) and html
documents ( acceptable ).

One of the reasons the research project is so important to me personally:

If I can collect significant statistics on specific illnesses, two things
can be accomplished:

An effective average dose can then be found, and it might be possible to
identify the reason for efficacy variances.

By addressing a small population sample, different types of silver products
can be proven as more or less effective -- in the human body.

While the research project isn't designed to be a scientific study, it will
still be statistically accurate.

Once I have the numbers behind the use, I can also draw more cooperative

On major study programs, I plan to personally oversee all of the initial
work, at least 50 cases per studied illness.  Then, 

CSNew to Colloidal silver

2002-06-16 Thread Cattycatz
Hello all,
I am very new to colloidal silver.  I have been researching it for the past 
few days and it seems the more I read, the less I know.  Every company says 
theirs is the best.
Some sell 5ppm concentration and I found one who has a 500 ppm concentration.

A site that sells a high ionic concentration says theirs is the best, but 
then I read that ionic silver does not get utilized inside of the body, and 
that it is best used externally for cuts etc...  Is this true?

Virusesthere is a company who sells 2 is their standard 
version which sells for 15 dollars for an 8 ounces bottle.  They also have an 
advanced version with smaller particles which they say is necessary to wipe 
out certain viruses like Hepatitis C.  I have a friend with Hep. C. and would 
like to find a treatment for him.  Colloidal silver seems like a good way to 
go, but what kind to get is the BIG QUESTION.  Also, I read that SOME doctors 
are using CS to treat Hep. C, and that they are even injecting it into the 
We live in PA.Any doctors nearby?

I have a dog who I think had an abscessed tooth.  Her gum seems to have a 
hole in it. I'm not sure if the tooth is bad or not, but before going to the 
vet, where he would most likely pull her tooth, I would like to try to cure 
it with CS.
What would be the best way to go about this?

Also, I found a site which sells their colloidal silver very cheap.  There is 
such a variance among what people charge for it, it's hard to know which way 
to go.
We cannot afford to spend hundreds of dollars, so if the cheap stuff is just 
as effective as the expensive stuff, that would be wonderful.  But is it, and 
how can I know if what I'm getting is good?
I don't know what the particle size is though, and if it would be effective 
for Hep. C.
Maybe it is just good for general use. 
Also, it's 5ppm.   Is their a difference in how a low ppm works as opposed to 
a higher ppm?  And what about particle size?

I'm looking forward to learning more about CS.
