Re: CSPWT its Limits

2003-08-09 Thread Robert Berger
Andy, if you have wplot I can send some plos that shows that.

Ole Bob

 Ole Bob - Just out of curiosity, what kind of variations are you
 seeing between batches when you try to keep everything exactly the

 Best Regards,

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSseeking an automated switch for making conc. CS

2003-08-09 Thread Reid Harvey
CS Enthusiasts,
With a view towards prolonged operation of a generator, intended for
increasingly concentrated CS, I'm hoping someone here can help give
ideas on the best way to put together an automated switching device.
The generator I'm using can give an additional 50 ppm per hour, or so,
and I'd like to let it run for 20 to 30 hours at a time.  The CS
produced in this way is for saturating ceramic water purifiers.  Up to
now I've never made more than about 400 ppm at a time, since I do manual
switching every 2 minutes.  Four to six hours of manual switching is
about all I can do without going a little nuts, so I need an automated

Surely there must be a way of using a computer, with the task scheduling
program.  But what additional software would be needed, and how would
this coordinate with the switch, presumably a DPDT switch?  On the face
of it I'd think it's a simple matter to make a switch that operates from
a computer.  Or is there some other methodology I'm missing?  I've
looked around for various kinds of timers that could do the job, but
have come up with nothing.

Once we have overcome this hurdle everything appears to be in place for
localized production of concentrated CS.  My intention is to publish all
information to the web at some point.  In the meantime there's more
information on the type of generator we're using at the link:

Can somebody help with the necessary information?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoes CS taken orally have a negative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi All.  

I apologize for coming into this discussion VERY late, But I recently
agreed to assume moderator duties an a quite busy list so I've gotten
behind on the rest of my email.

The subject line on this thread caught my attention because I recently
conducted a very unscientific set of experiments looking at the effect
of CS on probiotics.I originally posted this to the CSCats-Dogs list
then to the Silvermedicine list, and now as a result of this thread,

For some time I have been intending to conduct an experiment or series
of experiments on the effects of CS on probiotics, sometimes referred to
as good bacteria A brief thread on the other list finally prompted me
to do it. 

One of the statements made about the oral use of CS was that it must be
taken at a time quite separated from from the meal at which the
probiotic is ingested. I wanted to test this theory to the best of my
ability. Not having a clinic and/or laboratory I couldn't actually test
the effects inside the body. So I had to settle for a simple set of
experiments involving yogurt culture and CS.

Here is the experiment and the results. 

I bought some powdered milk just for the purpose of this experiment. I
re-hydrated the powdered milk as follows.

1 pint I made with distilled water and the powdered milk.
1 pint I made using 20 ppm homemade CS in place of the distilled water.
1 pint I made with the distilled water but added a small amount of the
20 ppm CS. 

To each of the containers I added an equal amount of yogurt culture, an
appropriate amount for the amount of milk in each vessel. 

I then set these aside in a warm place to culture. After about 8 hours
I checked the results. 

I did this experiment on two consecutive days with only a couple of

On day one, I used some granular yogurt culture as my starter in all
three containers and 1tablespoonful of the 20 ppm CS in one batch  

The next day  I used a tablespoon and a half of a ready made yogurt per
container as my starter and I used 1 and 1/2 tablespoonfuls of 20 ppm
home made CS in one container rather the single tablespoonful. 

On day one, the milk made with the DW only, had indeed cultured into
yogurt of decent consistency at the end of the 8 hour period. The milk
which had been re-hydrated with the 20 ppm CS remained the consistency
it was at the beginning of the eight our period.  The container with the
milk re-hydrated with the DW with 1 tablespoonful of 20ppm CS had also
developed into a yogurt of the expected consistency.  

On day two, the results were the same. Yogurt in the container made with
the distilled water. Uncultured milk in the container with the milk made
using the CS. And yogurt in the container containing the milk made with
the DW and 1 and 1/2 tablespoonfuls of CS.

On each day I refrigerated the cultured yogurt and left the uncultured
product on the counter.

I have tasted all of the end products. The yogurt made with no CS tastes
like yogurt. The ones containing a small amount of CS also taste like
yogurt, although one of them does have a slightly more sour taste to it.
It also seems to be slightly thicker in consistency. However variations
of this kind are typical with my home made yogurt.

The two containers containing the milk made by reconstituting the
powdered milk with 20 ppm CS i have left on the counter and I'm tasting
each of them every day. The one made on day one has developed a slightly
sour taste to it. The one made on day two tastes like one would expect
reconstituted powdered milk to taste with the exception that it has a
slightly richer taste, probably resulting from the whole milk yogurt
added as a starter.

Obviously my little experiment is far from scientific but I think it
does reveal some interesting information. 

These are my conclusions

1- Not surprisingly, at least to me, the full strength CS did in fact
inhibit or stop the growth of the bacteria responsible for making yogurt
and probably killed it outright. 

2- Volume has a great effect on the efficacy of the CS. The 1 to 1 and
1/2 tablespoonfuls of CS just wasn't up to the task of knocking out all
the yogurt forming bacteria. As a result yogurt was able to develop.

3- Depending on the amount of probiotic fed and the amount of CS given
it is relatively unimportant how close together or separated, time wise,
the administration of the CS and probiotic are. I am convinced by this
experiment, and the fact that much of the silver in CS is absorbed
before it ever reaches the stomach, that by the time they each get
diluted by the rest of the stomach contents the CS is unlikely to affect
the probiotic to any appreciable extent.

4- I believe that it clearly demonstrates that CS is equally effective
against, at least some, good bacteria as it is against bad bacteria.
Something which I have never doubted but is often debated on various

All comments, arguments, and questions are welcomed!! 

Let me say that the ppm concentration of my CS was challenged by 

Re: CSPWT its Limits

2003-08-09 Thread Ode Coyote
The auto off circuitry itself is very consistant, however, there are other
factors to include ion dispersion, crud on electrodes, even bubble buildup,
container tracking , contaminants acting as cytalists to make ions into
crystals of various sizes [which don't register as conductive] and so on.
 Any one of these can cause an early or late shutdown.
 Some elements can cause a feedback loop that leads to a mess that grows
forever. Hydrogen bubble/silver growths on an electrode make it a
semiconductor with a varying value. [the grey fuzzies]
 Hydrogen peroxide in the water makes silver flakes forever.
and, of course, the circuits can't tell the difference between one source
of conductivity and another.

 The way to figure out 'when' to tell the gen to shut down is to run
batches while monitering voltage drop until you get the results you like,
then set the gen to shut down at that voltage as a reference with a
comparator. If the circuitry is stable, that voltage will be stable. I use
zener diodes for the reference voltage and a high impedence feedback
circuit for monitering.  I suppose that some people use resistors and
depend on the input voltage to be stable.
 The voltage on the electrodes is relative to the constant current,
electrode area, electrode spacing and assuming a uniform conductivity of
the water.
 If all that is consistant, the resulting conductivity at shutdown is
highly consistant as compared to the reading from any given single PWT.
 It does what it sees, but vision 'can be' misleading and only what's
between the electrodes can be seen.
 All the rest of it is attempts to design variables out of the water that
are common to all water.

Monitering with a voltmeter?
 Any 'odd' disturbance to the water will give you a spike or a drop lasting
up to several minutes.
Ramp up to the controlled current can vary by hours.  There are ways to
trick it into speed up mode. One way is to ionize water locally, then
distribute it. [essentially 'seeding' a localized area]

 If you use an ohm meter on the electrodes with power off to get the water
resistance, the meter itself acts like a generator, so when you switch
leads, everything has to turn around and there is a delay.  Ions move
pretty slowly.
 If you leave the meter hooked up, you'll see the resistance slowly drop as
you make more CS with the meter as the power source.
 It's probably better to calculate the resistance from current and voltage
data with the generator turned on.


Also,  I assume (unless you disabuse me) that most CS makers with
automatic shutoffs (and I'm talking about Low Voltage DC setups with
currents limited to about 1ma per square inch of electrode surface
throughout this post...) monitor the effective resistance or conductance
across the wet cell in order to determine when to shut the maker off.
Whatever electronic method they use to determine this, they would have to
shut down the process when the cell reaches a certain impedance.  This
would vary from maker to maker depending on the surface area of their
electrodes and possibly some other factors.  (Do they feel that the results
with any particular CS maker is relatively consistent?)  With this in mind,
the last time I made CS I measured the resistance of the cell with my
Voltmeter through the electrodes as they sat in the distilled water but
with the power source disconnected.  I also measured the resistance at the
end of the process.  It was interesting to note that at the!
 end of the run I had quite a low resistance perhaps in the 20K ohm range
(I don't have the data here) but with the polarity of the meter leads
reversed I read a resistance approaching the Meg ohm range, I think it was
.5M ohm.  With clean electrodes at the start I *assume* that the resistance
would be the same or nearly the same.  Anyway, this would be easy to check.  

The point is, any crud or buildup on the electrodes is going to affect the
process and perhaps affect the repeatability of results.  And with
different distilled waters there may be slightly different contaminants
which would affect this.  Perhaps regular intervals of cleaning would tidy
up the test results.  

Incidently, does anyone have an ultrasonic cleaner?  They could use one
with a jar of clean distilled water to clean the electrodes between uses
and even at intervals during CS making if they want to test the result of
electrode crud on their process.  Sorry, don't have one of those yet...

Out of time...


you wrote:

Hi Dan,

I do not want to be factious but if we hyphenate the word assume we have

I cannot make those assumptions, and to establish it would require several
weeks of work. 
I do not have the time or inclination to do it, even though I have the
equipment to do the testing.

There appears to be several variables that we are not aware of, in making
this simple product.
Why is it that successive runs do not duplicate? This has plagued the
making of EIS ever since
we started.



2003-08-09 Thread Ode Coyote
  IT's only dangerous if you spend a lot of time in very close contact with it, handle and lick your fingers a lot [assuming there no jacketing which isn't likely as high velocity rifling shear would be a major problem with such a soft material..but kids picking them up after firing and using them for life savers would have a problem if they did it a lot] or inhale the vapors or dust as the bullet disintigrates on impact. [If you're that close, radiation is the least of your worries.  High velocity gobs of molten steel and supersonic rock dust particles take priority]

At 10:44 PM 8/8/2003 EDT, you wrote: 

Dear Alvin,

Well, that post certainly used up a lot of band width and changed the subject line a little.

Anyhow, it's my understanding that depleted uranium is U238 (a byproduct of extracting U235) and that it gives off very little radiation. I think the reason it is used is because it is very dense and easily goes through armor. It should work much better than Teflon coated bullets. Since Bush did the right thing and this has nothing to do with CS I will check the OT list for a response and not bother the good people of this list with politics and misinformation.

Best Regards,

From: Alvin Rose

> If you are wondering what happened to the American troups in Iraq
> It should be easy to figure..The US used a large amount of depleted
> uranium which is highly radioactive and will harm many more soldiers

> On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war 
> activist holding a
>  sign: Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945! That's 
> exactly what George
>  Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq 
> has been indeed a

and it goes on and on and on 

-- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSseeking an automated switch for making conc. CS

2003-08-09 Thread David Bearrow
Describe the switching pattern. How many minutes on, how many off. Then we 
can design a 555 timer circuit with a relay.

At 07:13 AM 8/9/03, you wrote:

CS Enthusiasts,
With a view towards prolonged operation of a generator, intended for
increasingly concentrated CS, I'm hoping someone here can help give
ideas on the best way to put together an automated switching device.
The generator I'm using can give an additional 50 ppm per hour, or so,
and I'd like to let it run for 20 to 30 hours at a time.  The CS
produced in this way is for saturating ceramic water purifiers.  Up to
now I've never made more than about 400 ppm at a time, since I do manual
switching every 2 minutes.  Four to six hours of manual switching is
about all I can do without going a little nuts, so I need an automated

+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Langsley,

It appears you tried hard and did the best you could with the tools available.

I like your mind set and approach.

Still, I wonder how close this comes to the effect of CS in the human body, 
for many reasons.

Why not use yourself for a guinea pig?   I do it all the time and many 
others do also.

I take probiotics and amino acids much more often that I drink 16 or 32 
ounces of CS.

While I use CS regularily, I don't hit the 16 and 32 ounce level unless I 
have a fever or a suspected infection.   At this time, I certainly don't 
worry about killing off a few friendly bacteria.  I am more concerned about 
the unfriendly ones.

Of course all my friends who go to the doctor and take antibiotics for a 
week or ten days likely kill millions of their friendly bacteria.

I have never noticed any ill effect or digestive problems from CS use.


CSPWT its Limits

2003-08-09 Thread Trem
Hi Andy,

Since you asked.we use a voltage comparator to shut our units off.  We 
calibrate the SG6 so the production light does not come on if the water is 
under about 2 uS which gives the user a general idea of water quality.  If the 
light doesn't come on then the length of time it does take to come on will 
indicate water conductivity in a roundabout way.  Longer time means better 

We do NOT measure current.  It is limited and is a constant once the unit is up 
to speed.  That function is indicated by the production light being fully lit.  
From then on the voltage across the electrodes is continually reducing in order 
to maintain the constant current.  So, it makes little difference what the 
water volume is..the unit runs until the voltage comparator senses the 
preset voltage on the front dial is the same as the voltage across the 
electrode.  The unit then shuts down. 

At that point one can use a PWT meter and get a rough idea of the amount of 
silver in the water by subtracting the initial water reading and adding a 
correction factor.  If one does not have a meter it makes little difference 
since the unit checked the water at startup and would have been less than 2 uS. 
 I'd say it's plenty good enough.

If someone waits a while and turns the unit off and back on again it will add 
more silver to the water.  We calibrate them to work properly from startup to 

I hope this helps you.


Trem Williams

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 9:03 PM
  Subject: [silver_list] Re: CSPWT  its Limits

  Hi Bob and Dan,

  When I try to measure CS with a DC ohm meter it acts like either a capacitor 
or a battery which makes sense. I've got two electrodes in an electrolyte so it 
is either charging or discharging through the meter (which is supplying current 
to make the measurement). Just the process of making CS is charging up the 
battery so current restart Bob mentioned makes sense.

  Measuring the AC impedance rather than the DC resistance (as Ole Bob 
suggests) would also seem to make more sense.

  I would assume that the commercial units with automatic shutoff are measuring 
current by using a voltage divider and a comparator. When a set value is 
reached they turn off. I doubt that they measure the initial starting current 
and adjust for variations of DW conductivity. Of course, if the generator runs 
on a timer, it's probably garbage. Good questions to ask the manufacturer if 
they provide an auto shutoff feature.

  Ole Bob - Just out of curiosity, what kind of variations are you seeing 
between batches when you try to keep everything exactly the same?

  Best Regards,

  From: Robert Berger

  Hi Dan,

  With our posteriors exposed we find that when using a DC ohm meter it is 
necessary to swish
  the electrodes in short rapid strokes to keep the reading from climbing. 
Generally when measuring
  a resistance of a liquid or soil it is done with an AC ohmmeter and 
preferably one running
  at 180 Hertz or faster.

  The commercial units do measure conductivity to determine when the proces is 
finished. The
  generators will not start if the conductivity of the DW is above a certain 

  Are you enough of a computer geek so that if I sent you off line a program 
Wplot32.exe that
  you would install it on the desk top, and then create a file folder My 
wplots under My documents
  to store some files that I would send to you?  If you could I would like to 
send you some data
  plots of runs that I have made so that you can see some of the strange things 
that go on with
  this process. First offf the conductance changes with time i.e. at the end of 
a run it might
  be 75 uS/cm and24 hours later if might be 40 uS/cm. If you stop a process for 
several minutes
  to wipe the electodes then the current on restart will be 20 to 30% lower. In 
fact just stopping
  for a minute and restarting without doing anything and the current readings 
will drop.

  Ole Bob

Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Langsley T Russell
Hi Wayne. 

You said,

 Why not use yourself for a guinea pig?   I do it all the time and many
 others do also.

I guess I could say I already do. I too take both probiotics and CS on a
daily basis. I make no efforts to separate the ingestion of one from the
ingestion of the other beyond natural daily routine. I experience no
adverse digestive effects as a result. However I don't believe that will
prove anything other than the fact that I don't have digestive problems.

I too do not consume anything approaching 32 ounces of CS in a day. It
is more like 4 ounces daily, occasionally as much as eight ounces. When
I first started taking CS I noticed some mild stomach pain following the
ingestion of the CS. I backed off some, then over time, I increased my
consumption. I don't consider that to be proof of anything other than
the fact that I did experience some passing pain. This may or may not
have been directly related to my ingestion of CS. Granted it appears
that way on the surface but in my view, that hardly constitutes credible
evidence that CS had any effect on my intestinal flora. 

I do give a lot of credibility to anecdotal evidence. I believe its
value though depends largely on numbers. I believe that anecdotal
evidence becomes what I consider to be empirical evidence only after a
sufficient quantity of supporting anecdotal evidence has been amassed.

Thanks for your feedback. I intend to put my experiments up on our
website. In doing so I will be sure to include the anecdotal evidence of
my own experience as well as that provided by other CS users like you. 

LTR  }}:{(

Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread David Bearrow
I found if I take 8 ounces of 10 ppm every 4 hours for 7 days it will kill 
my intestinal flora as evidenced by diarhea. Quickly repaired by eating 

At 12:14 PM 8/9/03, you wrote:

Hi Wayne.

You said,
Why not use yourself for a guinea pig?   I do it all the time and many 
others do also.
I guess I could say I already do. I too take both probiotics and CS on a 
daily basis. I make no efforts to separate the ingestion of one from the 
ingestion of the other beyond natural daily routine. I experience no 
adverse digestive effects as a result. However I don't believe that will 
prove anything other than the fact that I don't have digestive problems.

+-   Bentonite Clay for sale-+
¦  David Bearrow ¦
¦  ¦
+  Phone: (972)722-8319  +

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAnti-Virus program -- OT

2003-08-09 Thread Bill Missett

Apparently,  I have found my computer problem -- my Norton Anti-Virus, if
you can believe that.  I downloaded the MicroTrend PC-cillin, at your
suggestion, and had to uninstall Norton to do so.

When I dumped Norton, everything started working properly again!!

The PC-cillin program found no viruses or Trojans, BTW.  Many thanks for
your help on this problem.  I am a happy boy once again.

Bill Missett

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSAnti-Virus program -- OT

  What's the best dianostic for viruses?  I've got updated Norton and
  AVG, but still something has screwed up my computer.  Any ideas?

 I've used Trend Micro's PC-Cillin. They also have a free online virus
 checker called House Call, which you can access from their site. I've
 used that as well.


 In addition, I recently dealt with a trojan that snuck into my machine
 with something I downloaded from a newsgroup. It installed itself and
 was interfering with the tools I needed to get rid of it, but hopefully
 the firewall in my DSL box stopped it connecting anywhere.

 A few things I found useful were:

 ** Trojan Hunter from   ... free trial available.
 It's good enough I may go ahead and pay and register. They also have a
 program called Autostart Explorer that shows you what's being executed
 on boot-up. This found the suspicious file.

 ** TCPView from shows you the TCP port
 connections that your machine is currently hosting.

 ** Spybot Search  Destroy from  ... takes
 care of any adware/spyware that's lurking on your system, and can be
 set up to block a lot of known threats when browsing.

 ***  GREAT SITE: and  ... Really good resource for help with the
 nitty gritty technical stuff. A lot of questions you might want to ask
 have already been answered if you do a search. The gurus appear to be
 very attentive and skilled.

 Hope that helps. Compute safely.

 Be well,

 Mike D.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDoes CS taken orally have a negative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Jack Dayton
Langsley T Russell   8/9/03 5:42 AM  Wrote:

 4- I believe that it clearly demonstrates that CS is equally effective
 against, at least some, good bacteria as it is against bad bacteria.
 Something which I have never doubted but is often debated on various
 All comments, arguments, and questions are welcomed!!
Just tell the doubters that Germs are Germs --
and CS does not discriminate !
Some people enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing.
we've had a few on this list.
 One major reason for taking CS by itself is, in my
opinion, that  hopefully the CS doesn't stimulate
the stomach to produce HCL to digest it and thus
change the CS into ( hell I can never remember what
the form is, but it isn't desirable ) - maybe some one from
this list  will fill in here for my poor memory. 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2003-08-09 Thread terriken
Could you please make one complete message instead of the attachments?  Thanks

Re: CSseeking an automated switch for making conc. CS

2003-08-09 Thread Robert Berger

Your looking in the wrong place! Make a very simple 555 timer with a period
of twice the length of the switching time that you want . For a 60 sec x 60
sec switch that is a twp minute period. Connect the output to a DPDT relay
and you are in business.

Ole Bob

Reid Harvey wrote:

 CS Enthusiasts,
 With a view towards prolonged operation of a generator, intended for
 increasingly concentrated CS, I'm hoping someone here can help give
 ideas on the best way to put together an automated switching device.
 The generator I'm using can give an additional 50 ppm per hour, or so,
 and I'd like to let it run for 20 to 30 hours at a time.  The CS
 produced in this way is for saturating ceramic water purifiers.  Up to
 now I've never made more than about 400 ppm at a time, since I do manual
 switching every 2 minutes.  Four to six hours of manual switching is
 about all I can do without going a little nuts, so I need an automated

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSNew Revelation Surfaces About GWII Mystery Illness

2003-08-09 Thread DARocksMom
AUGUST 8, 2003 

The American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA), an independent Gulf War 
Veterans' support organization, has long searched for answers to explain why 
nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are now ill and why over 200,000 
of those servicemen/women have requested disability, but have received no 
adequate diagnosis or treatment, from either the Department of Defense (DOD), 
Veteran's Affairs. Though there have been over 125 studies done by the 
government at the cost of over $300,000,000 to the taxpayer, we still have no 
as to what caused so many of our soldiers to become ill.  Meanwhile, the 
suffering veterans are receiving little, if any, medical treatment for this 
illness.  It seems that whenever veterans become ill, the term mystery 
seems to be the first and often the only diagnosis that is ever made.  Veterans 
are then left to fend for themselves, sick and unable to work, with little hope 
of a normal life again.   

The AGWVA is now again asking questions, this time, about the newest mystery 
illness to hit the military.  After being pressured by a few independent 
news reporters who have not permitted this mystery to continue unabated, The 
DOD recently has been forced to announce the mystery deaths of Gulf War II 
soldiers and that at least 100 other men and women have become ill.  Again, 
however, there were no adequate answers, but, only that the mystery illness 
diagnosis had reared its ugly head again.  According to a family member of one 
the military victims, the DOD recently, has changed its label of the illness 
and is now calling it pneumonia in sharp contrast to what a physician on the 
scene reported.  Due to continuing pressure for sound answers, the DOD was 
again forced to send an investigative team to Iraq, however the convenient, 
repeated lack of diagnosis, unfortunately translates into lack of treatment, 
lack of compensation for the veteran.  The jury is still out, however, if the 
will be forthcoming with the truth this time.  

Contrary to the pneumonia and mystery illness labels, enlightening 
information surfaced today on THE POWER HOUR radio show 
( in 
an interview with Mark Neusche, father of Josh Neusche, one of the GW II 
troops to lose his life from the mystery illness while serving in Iraq.  The 
father stated that his 20-year-old healthy son, a former track star and 
non-smoker, had written home on June 26th explaining that he would be going on 
a 30-hour 
hauling mission, but that he could not disclose what they would be hauling. 
The son had stated that he had been to the Palace of Sadaam Hussein, and it 
was later learned that he was hauling at the Baghdad Airport.   

Marsha Paxson also appeared on the show, as she is the journalist who broke 
the U.S. story for the Lake Sun Leader ( Although the 
facts behind this story are continually changing, Ms. Paxson  is one of the 
few journalists who is remaining true to the facts of the original story. Ms. 
Paxson revealed in her articles that the father reported that his son was not 
the only ill soldier.  Neusche stated that while his son was in a coma at 
Landstuhl Hospital, the father overheard the nurses say that they were 
numerous sick troops to be brought in all at one time.  In fact, the father  
actually witnessed approximately 55 other troops being received by the hospital 
after they were transported by a military ambulance (bus).  According to the 
father, the transported troops were exhibiting varying degrees of the illness. 
Some walked, some were in wheelchairs and others were on respirators.  In the 
commotion, a doctor reported to the father that his son was suffering from a 
toxin.  No mention of pneumonia was ever made to him, nor was it ever 
in the medical record.   

Paxson and the AGWVA now question the diagnosis, the actual number of troops 
that were reported ill, and when the DOD first became aware of this incident.  

One of the most surprising statements to come from The Power Hour interview 
conducted on The Genesis Network was that while the son, Josh Neusche, was a 
healthy young soldier on June 26, 2003, when he reported that he was going to 
serve on the secret hauling mission, by July 1, 2003, he was in a coma, and 
that day was suddenly classified by the military, as medically retired from the 
Army without Josh or his family's consent.   Josh did not die until July 12, 
2003.  Among other problems that this new classification created was that the 
DOD was no longer obligated to assist the family in getting to Germany to be 
with their son as he lay in a coma. Because the DOD would not provide even so 
much as plane or taxi fare for the Neusche family, all 650 members of the 203 
Engineer Battalion each contributed $10.00 to make the family's final 

CSFw: Colloidal Silver MS treatment awatrule.gif [17/17]

2003-08-09 Thread Charles Sutton

Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Bill Fernald
I too have used myself as a guinea pig with colloidal silver and for almost 5 
years. For the last 2 years I have taken about 2 tsp of very small particle, 
low ionic colloidal silver (listers would know this as the meso type cs.) If 
I take as much as a tbsp when mold tries to get me in the bronchial, I get a 
clean out of the colon(diarrhea). When I hear of the megadoses some people take 
and get no diarrhea, I have to ask about the effectiveness of the products used 
since it is obvious to me that effective cs will kill flora in the lower gi 
track. If I take 2 oz or so of this 20 ppm product, it will not only clean me 
out but the resulting feces is odorless. I don't take any acidophilus though my 
wife does on occasion. I have found the flora returns quickly on its own. Yeast 
wouldn't DARE come to replace it as this stuff is lethal to it as well.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Langsley T Russell 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 12:14 PM
  Subject: Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

  Hi Wayne. 

  You said, 
Why not use yourself for a guinea pig?   I do it all the time and many 
others do also. 
  I guess I could say I already do. I too take both probiotics and CS on a 
daily basis. I make no efforts to separate the ingestion of one from the 
ingestion of the other beyond natural daily routine. I experience no adverse 
digestive effects as a result. However I don't believe that will prove anything 
other than the fact that I don't have digestive problems. 

  I too do not consume anything approaching 32 ounces of CS in a day. It is 
more like 4 ounces daily, occasionally as much as eight ounces. When I first 
started taking CS I noticed some mild stomach pain following the ingestion of 
the CS. I backed off some, then over time, I increased my consumption. I don't 
consider that to be proof of anything other than the fact that I did experience 
some passing pain. This may or may not have been directly related to my 
ingestion of CS. Granted it appears that way on the surface but in my view, 
that hardly constitutes credible evidence that CS had any effect on my 
intestinal flora. 

  I do give a lot of credibility to anecdotal evidence. I believe its value 
though depends largely on numbers. I believe that anecdotal evidence becomes 
what I consider to be empirical evidence only after a sufficient quantity of 
supporting anecdotal evidence has been amassed.

  Thanks for your feedback. I intend to put my experiments up on our website. 
In doing so I will be sure to include the anecdotal evidence of my own 
experience as well as that provided by other CS users like you. 

LTR  }}:{(  

CSCS photos before and after H2O2 added

2003-08-09 Thread jrowland

Whatever it was didn't come through, BUT these photos
were found at the site:
...I was very curious about if the hydrogen peroxide 
really does make the particles smaller, so I asked 
my brother Brian who works for a water reclamation 
plant if they would have a way for me to see what 
the CS looks like before and after adding the 
The picture on the left is CS without 
Hydrogen Peroxide...On the right is with the (H2O2):

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSseeking an automated switch for making conc. CS

2003-08-09 Thread Reid Harvey
There are two possibilities for the polarity switch:  1.  Every two
minutes,  or,  2.  Every one minute.
I'd like to be able to do either of these with one device, but if not
that's okay too.  I have heard it said that more frequency gives smaller
particles, but then for saturating ceramic filters it may be the larger
particles that are better.

David Bearrow said:
Describe the switching pattern. How many minutes on, how many off. Then
we can design a 555 timer circuit with a relay.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSseeking an automated switch for making conc. CS

2003-08-09 Thread David Bearrow
Ol Bob has a circuit he has already drawn up that will do what your after. 
Maybe he will share it with you.

At 09:19 PM 8/9/03, you wrote:

There are two possibilities for the polarity switch:  1.  Every two
minutes,  or,  2.  Every one minute.
I'd like to be able to do either of these with one device, but if not
that's okay too.  I have heard it said that more frequency gives smaller
particles, but then for saturating ceramic filters it may be the larger
particles that are better.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPWT its Limits

2003-08-09 Thread Mike Monett
Re: CSPWT  its Limits
From: Robert Berger
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 13:25:54

   In fact  just stopping for a minute and  restarting  without doing
   anything and the current readings will drop.

   Ole Bob

  You are seeing the effects of the Nerst diffusion layer.  Nernst and
  Einstein discussed  this  in  1906, which  resulted  in  the partial
  differential equations  that  bear   their  names  and  describe the
  concentration of ions close to the electrodes.

  The important things to remember are 1) the density of the ion cloud
  depends on  the  current density at the electrode,  and  2)  the ion
  concentration reaches a maximum at the surface of the electrode.

  I have  described how this influences the formation of  silver oxide
  in previous  posts, and why the current density at  either electrode
  is the major influence on particle formation.

  A high current density at either electrode promotes the formation of
  silver hydroxide, which then decomposes to silver oxide.  This grows
  by agglomeration to form particles large enough to absorb  blue from
  tha spectrum, leaving the yellow color we are so familiar with.

  I also showed how to visualize the high concentration of silver ions
  at the anode with ordinary cabbage juice, and also with plain salt.

  The Nernst-Einstein diffusion layer is real, and readily  visible to
  anyone who wants to see it.

  Of course,   modern   depictions   give   an asymptotically-changing
  concentration in  the diffusion layer instead of  straight-line, but
  that's OK. The basic idea still holds.

  Here are some references that may be helpful:

  3.1 The Nernst Equation

  The Nernst  equation describes the fundamental  relationship between
  the potential  applied to an electrode and the concentration  of the
  redox species at the electrode surface.

  Diffusion Controlled Electrode Processes

  Mapping Concentration  Profiles  within the  Diffusion  Layer  of an

  CHM 3120C Introduction to Analytical Chemistry LECTURE NOTES
  Week #10
  X. Coulometry and Voltammetry
  A. Principles of Electrolysis

  Current equations - mass transport

  The Tafel equation

  Butler-Volmer equation

  Current equations 1

  Current equations 2

  Current density

  Diffusion and conductivity: the Nernst-Einstein equation

  Ion speeds and conductivity-the Einstein and Stokes-Einstein equations

  Limiting current

  And thousands more...

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Duncan Crow
I understand that if silver is not well absorbed it will get to the 
bowel and kill bowel organisms.

So, unless you really want it to get as far as the lower bowel, 
doesn't it make more sense to simply use a type that is better 

Duncan Crow

 I too have used myself as a guinea pig with colloidal silver and for
 almost 5 years. For the last 2 years I have taken about 2 tsp of
 very small particle, low ionic colloidal silver (listers would know
 this as the meso type cs.) If I take as much as a tbsp when mold
 tries to get me in the bronchial, I get a clean out of the
 colon(diarrhea). When I hear of the megadoses some people take and
 get no diarrhea, I have to ask about the effectiveness of the
 products used since it is obvious to me that effective cs will kill
 flora in the lower gi track. If I take 2 oz or so of this 20 ppm
 product, it will not only clean me out but the resulting feces is
 odorless. I don't take any acidophilus though my wife does on
 occasion. I have found the flora returns quickly on its own. Yeast
 wouldn't DARE come to replace it as this stuff is lethal to it as

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS photos before and after H2O2 added

2003-08-09 Thread Charles Sutton
That's it.  Don't have any clue why it didn't come through as I sent it..

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 9:30 PM
Subject: CSCS photos before and after H2O2 added
 Whatever it was didn't come through, BUT these photos
 were found at the site:
 ...I was very curious about if the hydrogen peroxide 
 really does make the particles smaller, so I asked 
 my brother Brian who works for a water reclamation 
 plant if they would have a way for me to see what 
 the CS looks like before and after adding the 
 The picture on the left is CS without 
 Hydrogen Peroxide...On the right is with the (H2O2):
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS photos before and after H2O2 added

2003-08-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting photos.  I wonder what type of microscope they used.  I couldn't
have been a standard microscope since a typical CS particle is far smaller
than the wavelength of light, and thus cannot be imaged.  Perhaps it was a
dark field microscope that basically images the tyndal from each particle,
or maybe an ultraviolet microscope.  An electron microscope would image that
small, but it cannot image a colloid without drying it first.

Marshall wrote:

 Whatever it was didn't come through, BUT these photos
 were found at the site:
 ...I was very curious about if the hydrogen peroxide
 really does make the particles smaller, so I asked
 my brother Brian who works for a water reclamation
 plant if they would have a way for me to see what
 the CS looks like before and after adding the
 The picture on the left is CS without
 Hydrogen Peroxide...On the right is with the (H2O2):

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS photos before and after H2O2 added

2003-08-09 Thread Lew FH
 Thanks jr, for this down-to-earth demonstration of the responding waves from 
the Universe's spherical resonances.

   [ Stefanatos ( 1997 , 228 ) tells us that the   electromagnetic fields 
(EMF) emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic substances affect the cells of 
the body and weaken its constitution.  So vital force is identified quite 
with electromagnetic fields and said to be the cause of disease. But somehow 
the life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies.
   No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will save an animal or human 
being if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking ( Stefanatos
1997,229 ). So health or sickness is determined by who wins the battle between  
Good and Bad electromagnetic waves in the body. ]

Oxygen is magnetic.

With regards

- Original Message -

DATE: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 18:30:41

Whatever it was didn't come through, BUT these photos
were found at the site:
...I was very curious about if the hydrogen peroxide 
really does make the particles smaller, so I asked 
my brother Brian who works for a water reclamation 
plant if they would have a way for me to see what 
the CS looks like before and after adding the 
The picture on the left is CS without 
Hydrogen Peroxide...On the right is with the (H2O2):

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

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2003-08-09 Thread Sharon

Marshall. Maybe only 50% drink diet. : )
P.S. Thanks to your advice DD did great on her VCUG test.

Did they mention that the toxin was aspertame by chance?  I am surprised
only 50% are disabled after drinking all those diet cokes that had sat in
the hot sun over there.

Marshall wrote:

 ...nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are
 now ill...over 200,000 of those servicemen/women have
 requested disability...Josh Neusche, was a healthy young
 soldier on June 26, 2003, when he reported that he was
 going to serve on the secret hauling mission, by
 July 1, 2003, he was in a coma, and that day was suddenly
 classified by the military, as medically retired from
 the Army...Josh did not die until July 12, 2003... a
 doctor reported to the father that his son was suffering
 from a “toxin.”  No mention of pneumonia was ever made to
 him, nor was it ever reported in the medical record...

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2003-08-09 Thread Clifford H. Hume
From a feed store. It is often used on horses.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 12:00 AM
Subject: CSRe:DMSO
Where do you get DMSO?

Re: CSnegative effect on benefical gut bacteria?

2003-08-09 Thread Jason Eaton

I don't think you should use the word Meso associated with your products.  
They hardly compare, especially since MesoSilver is a registered trademark.  
Further, you may want to consider informing your customer base that you no 
longer carry Mesosilver...  Since I'm already informing them, some of which 
still thought they were buying Meso-products when ordering from you.

Best Regards,


For the last 2 years I have taken about 2 tsp of very small particle, low ionic 
colloidal silver (listers would know this as the meso type cs.) 
