Re: CSMink rancher

2006-11-21 Thread Marshall Dudley

Terry Chamberlin wrote:

Marshall said,

Have you considered using copper tubing as the

cathode and silver wire strung down the middle as the

Yes, but I couldn't figure out how to connect an
electrical flow to the rod running down the middle.

Take a section and put tee's on each end, then put in a copper to pvc 
converter, and cap them. Run the wire through the caps.

Also, the metal pipe would hide the silver rod, making
it impossible to tell when it needed to be replaced.
The clear plastic tubing appeals to me because it can
be monitored how the silver rod is thinning.

True. You should be able to get a pretty good end of life on the wire by 
monitoring the voltage drop, it should increase significantly as the 
wire thins down.

My friend came by yesterday with samples of CS that
had been brewed for 5 minutes and also 2 minutes. He
brought one of the silver wires with him to show me.
After 5 batches of CS - the first at 10 minutes, 2 at
5 minutes and 2 at 2 minutes, the 14 guage silver wire
is half dissolved. This means a lot of silver in the
water, more than he needs. Today he will try 1 minute.
He's quite satisfied with this because he is able to
brew 20 gallons every 10-15 minutes (including filling
and emptying the brewing jars), which he is adding to
the food.

His well water is obviously rich in minerals and very
conductive. This makes me think he can brew adequate
ppm CS with the flow-through unit I have in mind.

I have to figure out how to measure the approximate
ppm of silver he is brewing. The problem is that the
water is already very high ppm with other minerals.
The conductance type of testers only measured the
ionic silver, not the colloidal?? Yet, almost
certainly, most of what he is producing is colloidal
because of using well water.

Any ideas on how to get a basic idea?

I don't know any easy way to measure it, I think the best way would be 
to monitor the current and figure the amount from the equations, should 
come within 20% or so of the actual amount.


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Re: CSRabid Skunk attacks puppies

2006-11-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
CS should be very effective as a preventative, if given before the bit, 
or within a few hours or maybe even a day or so of the bite.  However 
once it has had long enough to infect the brain it is doubtful it can 
get to the brain to help with that.  I would give CS prophetically, and 
if there were a bite, large amounts for a couple of weeks.  Odd are I 
believe that there would be no infection.


Day Sutton wrote:

Does anyone know if CS/EIS would help in this situation???

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Nov 18, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Food for thought

Crossposted from another list - I think skunks are present in all 
parts of
the US - they consistute a danger that I hadn't given much thought to 
since I
live in the middle of town - but I see skunks in the greenbelts near 
my home


Some of you may have received this email from other groups, however, 
it is a

very real reminder about these kinds of dangers. ..

Permission was given to cross-post.
I have a terribly tragic story to relate to everyone in the hopes that it
will prevent this from ever happening to another litter of Leo 
puppies. I'm
sorry for the length of this story, but I felt I had to include all of 


Last Friday the 27th, it was a nice, relatively warm October day, so I 
my 4-1/2 week old litter of 9 puppies outside in an ex-pen. The ex-pen 
located about 20 feet from my back door and was a 4 ft high pen with 

gauge wire. After the pups were out for about an hour, I was about to 
them in when Sarabel looked out the window and noticed a skunk by the 
pen. I went out, expecting to shoo it away by shouting, but it took no 
of me at all. Then I saw it put its head through the wire and grab a 
puppy. I

ran into the house, grabbed a broom, and smacked the skunk over the head,
but it still took little notice of me, not even spraying me. Finally it
wandered away, and we rushed out and brought the puppies in. Then the
began. A phone call to my vet made me very alarmed when the first 
thing he

was that the skunk might be rabid and to check the puppies very 
carefully for

injuries. On close examination, two puppies had bites/scratches on their
faces, one which was an obvious bite. On my vet's advice, I immediately
those two puppies.

The next day, the skunk appeared in my neighbor's yard and walked toward
their son as if to attack. The skunk was killed, and on Tuesday the
results came back positive for rabies. By that time the girls and I had
already started post exposure rabies treatment. The nightmare 
continued as
the more I talked to health officials, vets, and others, the more 

this story became. It was clear that my puppies were almost certainly
going to contract rabies. I have learned more about rabies and how it is
transmitted than I ever wanted to know. Young puppies are extremely
vulnerable to contracting rabies when exposed as they have no 
immunities to

it and are too young to vaccinate. Vaccination after exposure does
nothing to prevent rabies. I also learned that bites on the face, 

near the nose, are the most dangerous. Both puppies were bitten
right next to their noses.

One of my puppy buyers is a nationally known infectious disease
epidemiologist, and he told me that the puppies that had obvious bites
would definitely get rabies and the other seven were also in danger. I 

not find any obvious injuries on them, but the tiniest unseen scratch
would be enough to infect a puppy with rabies.

This has been the most difficult week of my life. Saturday morning I 
had the

two bit ten puppies euthanized, a decision that I had agonized over all
week. After making two previous appointments and not showing up for 
them, I

finally found the courage to do what had to be done. There was no
choice; I could not allow those puppies to reach the point of being
symptomatic of rabies and contagious, which they most certainly would 

in a few weeks.

The fate of the remaining seven puppies is unknown at this time. None 

be going to their families at 8 weeks. The local health dept. has them
quarantined at my home with strict regulations imposed. There are so many
unknowns which makes it difficult to know what to do. Because I don't 

long the skunk was there and how many puppies it tried to
bite/scratch/ bite/scratch/ WBRgrab, it's impossible to know if any 
or all
also been exposed. Puppies naturally mouth, bite, and lick each other, 
so if
they stay together and one becomes rabid, that puppy will i mmediately 

the rest. There is also a potential risk to our human family. The post
exposure treatment is highly effective, but is not 100 percent foolproof.
are cases where it has failed.

I am continuing to explore all possible options and to talk to as many

CSUnidentified subject!

2006-11-21 Thread nathan cross

Hi everyone,

can anyone suggest their top 5 cs sites
i want to introduce a friend of mine to cs
as he is leaving to go to india for six weeks in a week and a halfs time
i want to point him to sites that are informative, that cover all the 
aspects of cs and cs use, that have correct information, and are respected 
in the cs community.

i realise that there are a million sites out there but i want him to get a 
clear picture without being confused by all the finer details that surround 
cs use,

any suggestions would be appreciated

thanks alot

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2006-11-21 Thread V
Hi nathan,

  I would include this one due to the important piece of information
  it has about silver.


 Hi everyone,

 can anyone suggest their top 5 cs sites
 i want to introduce a friend of mine to cs
 as he is leaving to go to india for six weeks in a week and a halfs time
 i want to point him to sites that are informative, that cover all the 
 aspects of cs and cs use, that have correct information, and are respected
 in the cs community.

 i realise that there are a million sites out there but i want him to get a
 clear picture without being confused by all the finer details that surround
 cs use,
 any suggestions would be appreciated

 thanks alot

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


CSRe: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CSRe: Re: CSpups

2006-11-21 Thread marmar845
 From: sol

 So EIS might actually be  helpful for a parietal lobe brain tumor in a 
 human? A very good friend of mine has just been diagnosed, don't know 
 yet if the tumor is malignant or not.

## Hi Sol.  See -- this is what's confusing to me.  I don't see how 
Colloidal Silver can affect a tumor.  First of all, most tumors are 
encapsulated -- so how would the CS even reach what it needs to?  Second, 
silver is effective against viral, bacterial and protozoal cells.  Are tumors 
any of these?  Are the cells of a tumor actually comprised of these?  I don't 
think they are -- I think the cells are abnormally growing *normal* cells.  
It's the abnormal growth that makes a tumor a tumor.  So what's there to be 
killed?  I dunno.  There are smarter people than me here on the list -- maybe 
someone else will know better.  I hope your friends tumor is not malignant.  MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Re: CSpups

2006-11-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Although the blood brain barrier of horses may be different than that of 
humans I doubt it.  It is quite possible that the blood brain barrier 
was not functioning due to the penetrations of the protozoa.  For them 
to cross it requires them to drill through it, making it no longer a 
barrier.  Perhaps this is why the CS was able to cross it as well, or 
perhaps the information on silver and the blood brain barrier is wrong.  
If it was penetrated because the protozoa had drilled through it, then 
this would not be the case with viruses. So I guess the question is 
still open.

Marshall wrote:

From: Marshall Dudley

 But it also usually does not pass through the blood brain 
barrier from what I can read, and if that is the case, once rabies gets 
to the brain, the CS will not get to it.

##Sorry -- but I've had just the opposite information and experience.  
Colloidal Silver does pass through the blood brain barrier -- which is exactly 
why we've been successful treating our EPM horses with CS.  By the time that we 
realize that the horse is sick with EPM, the protozoa have crossed the blood 
brain barrier and are populating the neurological cells of the spinal cord.  CS 
does kill these protozoa -- with evidence of a die-off resulting in the horse 
becoming sicker before they get better.  So, perhaps this would be the case 
with rabies as well.  MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSRe: blood/brain barrier, parietal lobe tumor was Re: CSRe: Re: CSpups

2006-11-21 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

From: sol

So EIS might actually be  helpful for a parietal lobe brain tumor in a 
human? A very good friend of mine has just been diagnosed, don't know 
yet if the tumor is malignant or not.

## Hi Sol.  See -- this is what's confusing to me.  I don't see how Colloidal Silver can affect a tumor.  First of all, most tumors are encapsulated -- so how would the CS even reach what it needs to? 
Tumors, expecially cancer,  have blood vessels inside of them, if they 
didn't they would die. The CS simply is in the blood.  Are you thinking 
of a cyst?
 Second, silver is effective against viral, bacterial and protozoal cells.  Are tumors any of these? 
There are many types of tumors.  Some are cancerous and some are not.  
Those that are cancerous are often if not usually caused by viruses.  
But it doesn't matter, silver causes cells that are injured or 
misbehaving to revert back to stem cells, and then redifferentiate back 
to the proper cell types.  This I believe is what when CS gets rid of 
cancer often the tumor does not die, it simply changes back to what it 
suppose to be (just like warts do).
 Are the cells of a tumor actually comprised of these? 

Not sure what you mean by that. They are often infected with viruses.
 I don't think they are -- 

They often are infected by viruses.
I think the cells are abnormally growing *normal* cells. 

If they were normal, they would not be abnormally growing.
 It's the abnormal growth that makes a tumor a tumor.  So what's there to be killed? 
There is killed, and there is healed.  CS kills viruses, which are 
controlling the DNA, and it heals damaged DNA by getting it to revert 
back to stem cells.


 I dunno.  There are smarter people than me here on the list -- maybe someone 
else will know better.  I hope your friends tumor is not malignant.  MA

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RE: CS Silver injector sketch notes

2006-11-21 Thread Dan Nave
 This post is not directed to you, as a beginner CS user/maker.  It was
directed to someone who has a certain technical expertise and is trying
to develop a specialized CS system for treating animals in a Mink Farm.

For you, if you want to learn the ins and outs of Colloidal silver, I
would suggest that a good site to read about it is at  

There is specific information on making a simple generator at

There are some good generators you can buy, depending on what you want
to spend and how much you want to be involved in the process.

There is another site which does a great job of comparing different CS
generators and explaining how they work but I can't find it just now...
I think someone posted a link to it in the last few days.


-Original Message-
From: Jeanne [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

I am a stupid woman that would love to have this, but i don't have the
knowledge to do this can you all help me?

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS Silver injector sketch notes

 Another possibility would be to start with a whole house filter. Since
 chamber screws on  an off, it would make it fairly easy to check the 
 electrodes.  Or use a large  fuel filter, similar design, but they
have a 
 clear plastic housing so you can monitor without even unscrewing it.


 M. G. Devour wrote:
 Adding a couple of comments...

 To add a window, you might replace the cap with a piece of 1/4
 acrylic sheet. It will bond with PVC cement just fine, I believe. To
 it more secure, use a coupling for joining two pieces of pipe and cut
 window to fit in the open socket, instead of just doing a butt joint 
 directly to the end of the pipe.
 You'll probably want to move the inlet and outlet fittings to the
side of 
 the pipe. That will keep you from having to put them through the
 which would weaken it, or the cleanout plug, which you has to be
 using a wrench or pliers to remove for service.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour


CSgood pictures of a cheap cs generator

2006-11-21 Thread CHERYL HOLMES

  need 2 jumper wires..this pic from ebay

Re: CSgood pictures of a cheap cs generator

2006-11-21 Thread Sam L.

Hi Cheryl.
Great pic. Same one I started with 3 years ago. I would brew one pint for 40
minutes or so using this method (3-9 volt batteries). Very simple generator
to get started with. It will produce about a 5 ppm batch of  CS.
It does work but dont expect anymore than 5 ppm and drink what you make
daily, give the rest to your dogs, cats or chickens.

Sam L.

Re: CSgood pictures of a cheap cs generator

2006-11-21 Thread Sam L.

Hi Cheryl.
Im sorry, that would be half pint or alittle less than one cup per 40
minutes or say 1 cup per 45 minutes.

Sam L.

On 11/21/06, Sam L. wrote:

Hi Cheryl.
Great pic. Same one I started with 3 years ago. I would brew one pint for
40 minutes or so using this method (3-9 volt batteries). Very simple
generator to get started with. It will produce about a 5 ppm batch of  CS.
It does work but dont expect anymore than 5 ppm and drink what you make
daily, give the rest to your dogs, cats or chickens.

Sam L.

CSLocate a Alternative med. dr.

2006-11-21 Thread Deborah Gerard
I have made an online friend who is suffering from IBS. He lives in South 
Africa, this is a long shot but does anyone know of or how to locate a 
Alternative Medicine Dr. in that area? thanks so much in advance...debbie
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