Re: CSSqualene in vaccine

2009-11-12 Thread Bob Banever
Vinegar might be effective in emulsifying the oil.  It does this outside the 
body very well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: jr orrilia 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:11 AM
  Subject: Re: CSSqualene in vaccine

  I just wanted to know what some of you might think of this detoxification of 
squalene.  As per Dr. Rebecca Carley, when the squalene is injected into the 
bloodstream, the immune system kicks in and tries to remove it, and when it 
does, not knowing what is foreign anymore, will remove squalene from the body 
in areas such as joints, brain, .which in turn turns into auto immune 
diseases.  I guess this is why there were so many sick with the Gulf War 
Syndrome, what what they experienced was stiffness of the body.  This man 
discusses that CS will take care of metals, but as for squalene, since squalene 
is an oil, you need a degreaser to remove it from the bloodstream.  These are 
his words:

  I recommended only a few drops of liquid dish soap, 1 TIME, after the vax, 
to clear the squalene oil from your blood stream, so as to prevent your 
suffering rheumatoid arthritis when your body begins antibody production 
against this natural oil that's SUPPOSED to be in your brain and joints AND NOT 
in your blood stream.'  This is the YOUTUBE video

  Any input is appreciated, since I have been looking for a way to detox in 
case of forced vaccination.  I have heard that clay and MMS could be helpful.  
Here is the youtube video from that man.


  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CSOT Vitamin D

2009-11-12 Thread Clayton Family
I got you all beat- a few years ago mine was off the chart low-  
measured zero. After supplementing for some months it was up to 25.  
Then I got the 2000IU tablets, and take those daily, all the time. I  
have not retested, since I just keep taking it. I take D2-since the  
only D3 I can find is allergenic for me. I am glad to hear how long it  
took you to get it within reason. I read the article by that doctor  
saying that 10,000 IUs a day is not too much for those of us living at  
the 45th parallel, over the whole winter.


On Nov 10, 2009, at 4:51 AM, wrote:

My doctor had mine tested a year and a half ago just on a whim and  
mine was 8.  He almost croaked but suggested I take 800 IU.  I came  
home and read up on the problem and started taking 3,000 daily and  
had it retested in 3 months.  It was still super low so he suggested  
I take 1,500 so I stated taking 5,000.
It took one year to get it up to 30 which he thought was great but I  
know that's still way too low.

I was shocked because we live on a farm and I have always been out  


In a message dated 11/9/2009 5:11:06 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
Right after joining this group someone posted how important Vitamin  
D3 was to our health. My daily vitamin wasn't going to cut it during  
the flu season so following suggestions I ordered some for myself  
and smaller dosage for the kids.

I've been taking 2000IU daily for over 3 weeks. Today I got results  
from my physical blood test on Vit D and it was 25! The doctor  
called in a prescription for 50,000/week.

Does Vit D take time to build up or was I simply not taking enough  
do you think?

I also wanted to say thanks to those that had the Vit D discussion.  
I would not have thought to check otherwise.


Re: CSEIS and mold

2009-11-12 Thread Clayton Family
Well, sipping from the bottle can contaminate the entire batch so it  
becomes ineffective. It is important to  pour it into a clean bottle  
(well rinsed with distilled water) and then pour it out into something  
else without touching skin to the jar edge.

I have seen some kind of mold (tiny specks) on the underside of the  
cap on my bottle after a long time.


On Nov 10, 2009, at 2:50 PM, Saralou wrote:

I'm starting to wonder about my EIS.  I know  it's doing stuff to  
the water but... bleah.

I just refilled my 4 oz desk bottle (from which I sip from time to  
time)  and noticed the mold/mildiew smell. Blessedly it's only 4  
oz.  It's a blass bottle with plastic cap.  I noticed the same thing  
on the bathroom bottle  a few months ago.  Can't tell if it comes  
from the air or mouth contamination or both or? but the EIS isn't  
killing it.

Somebody please reassure me that EIS kills single-cell fungi  so  
this stuff must be more sophisticated.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSqualene in vaccine

2009-11-12 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
But if you are allergic to something which could result in your death, I doubt 
very much that they could force you to do it.  I have to say here, that if in 
the unlikely even that vaccinations be forced on us in the UK, I would *still* 
refuse to have them!  It would be an infringement of our human rights, and 
although I think that in a lot of cases this law is misused and abused, in this 
case it would be entirely justified to evoke this.  dee

On 10 Nov 2009, at 20:18, jr orrilia wrote:

 Hi Dorothy.  From what I have been reading, if the World Health Organization 
 enforced forced vaccinations, everyone must get it.  Hope it won't come to 
 that.  So, I just want to be prepared in case. 

Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-12 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I don't think you are allowed liquids are you?  dee

On 10 Nov 2009, at 22:34, wrote:

 Hey Lois,
   I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S. 
 onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.
 Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois

Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-12 Thread Bernadette
I like to get hand sanitizers (the individuals) and pour the CS over them.  I 
allow them to soak up the CS for a day or two,  and keep them in a zip-loc bag 
in my purse.  I can wipe my hands and face with them (even suck on them or wipe 
mouth out with them).  Once I didn't have anymore of the individual packets so 
I soaked a clean washcloth in CS and put that in a baggie.  Then used it as 
needed.  Worked for me.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 5:34 PM
  Subject: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS  flying..

  Hey Lois,
I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S. 
onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.

  Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois

Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-12 Thread Day Sutton
I go to the drug store and buy a sinus sniffer.  Take it home and rinse it
out with DW., then fill it with CS/EIS for sniffing on the plane.  It has to
be in a plastic baggie.  Never carried any more than that...

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:34 PM, wrote:

  Hey Lois,
   I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S.
 onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.

 Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois

Day Sutton

CS~Repost request, CS DMSO for gingivitis

2009-11-12 Thread J- Lee
Hello Group,

Some weeks back, someone posted their method for treating gingivitis (or
worse, periodontosis) with CS  DMSO.  As I recall, it wasn't a specific
post on that topic, it was within a reply to something else.  I think it was
a 90/10 mix of CS/DMSO, just can't remember how many times per day, and how
long it took to achieve results.  It may have been Garnet?  Anyhow, would be
grateful to learn of what others do, and how well it has worked.  Apparently
I have a rather tenacious biofilm below the gumline that has not responded
well to conventional treatment.

Many thanks in advance,



2009-11-12 Thread Dan Nave
Is the list still active?

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-11-12 Thread Clayton Family

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSMemory Boosters

2009-11-12 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a 
number of memory enhancing substances...including
some from the pharmaceutical community---but most from the natural plant 
community.   At least eight of the plant candidates demonstrated 
sufficient value to recommend their utilization.  However, two 
demonstrated to be far and away more effective
than the restat least in our evaluations.   Our primary concern was 
in areas of short-term recall and speed of recognition.   The champion 
turned out to be  bacopa monnieri..a herb which has been used in 
ancient Asiatic  medical practice for several thousands of years.  Using 
the extract of this plant ONLY , we were able to witness improvements
of 40% in the test group over those in the control group.  Our test, 
similar to the one conducted by an Australian group...yielded these 
results based on calendar time.  e.g.  Test group time required for 
baseline results===6 days.   Control Group time required for
baseline results10 days.   The next best protocol using a SINGLE 
component...demonstrated to be essential oil of the Rose
flower.   The Rose essential oil yielded an average 11% net increase in 
short-term memory gain.  If you do not think that is a very significant 
increaseI suggest that during your next business presentation 
relating to the  technical  parameters of your profession
that you consider the effect of 10 objective errors out of a population 
of 100 total references!   Or even more distasteful..not even

remembering to include their subjects.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  When combined with several other brain-enhancing 
substancessuch as  Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphorylcholine  (Alpha-GPC),  
Ginkgo Biloba  and vinpocetine, we achieved over 70% improvement in 
memory and brain acuity.
Others have reported even superior results to ours, sometimes using 
additional components however.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSno messages coming through

2009-11-12 Thread lk
Haven't had any messages since Tuesday. Is there a problem on this site?


CS[List Owner] Welcome Back!

2009-11-12 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi everybody,

It's been an eventful couple of days for the customers of Eskimo North, 
the ISP that hosts our group for me.

Evidently the owner and principal operator became seriously indisposed 
a couple of weeks ago and, in all the chaos his family was dealing 
with, the business was surfing along pretty much on autopilot... until 
a bill didn't get paid and the upstream connection was abruptly turned 
off. sigh

Initially, there was speculation that Eskimo was simply gone, taking 
our data with them, but, happily, reports of its death were premature.

It took a couple of days to get things back under control, once the 
family realized what happened. The owner's eldest son is stepping in to 
keep things going, and has explicitly said there is NO intention to let 
the company go under. The connection's been restored, tech support got 
everything running again, and no data was lost. 

We have a reprieve. 

I have to admit, I've never been as happy to see a pile of 2000+ spam 
messages as when the mail server came back online this evening! grin

Nonetheless, it's given me quite an opportunity to start to examine our 
options and my recovery procedures.

One of the first things I need to do is move the mailing list addresses 
to the domain instead of, so that if I do 
ever have to retreat to another hosting service there won't be any 
sudden disruption for the members. Just point the domain servers at the 
new site and go. Then we'll have a measure of ISP-independance.

I'll let you all know when the list addresses are going to change, 
including some broadcasts to the distribution list directly from me, so 
that they'll bypass folks' message filters and alert them that they 
might have to modify their sorting rules and address book entries.

Another thing I need to tighten up is to make damned sure I have at 
least a weekly backup of the member lists... ahem!cough!blush 
(...brings up man pages for rsync, cron.)

Apart from that, I'm again looking at options for developing a web 
presence for the group, with the idea of integrating e-mail with 
searchable web archives or forums. I think technology has finally 
advanced to the point even I might be able to get it built this time.

It's early days on any of that, but at least the overwhelming 
responsibilities in other areas of my life are winding down enough that 
I can at last devote myself to being a internet geek for a while and 
get some work done on this.

So, thanks for your patience folks! Thanks, also, to Marshall and 
others who alerted me that we were down so I could get started working 
out a solution. What I learned I'll now be able to apply on a less 
urgent timetable.

Any questions, comments, or news, I'm here! Welcome back, everyone.


Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS[FW][Fwd: Memory Boosters]

2009-11-12 Thread Brooks Bradley
My apologies for this convoluted transmission technique.  I used wrong mail client for original and not enough time to transcribe the entire post.
Brooks Rradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : [Fwd: Memory Boosters]
 Date : Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:03:39 -0600
 From : Brooks Bradley
 To : Brooks Bradley

   Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a 
number of memory enhancing substances...including
some from the pharmaceutical community---but most from the natural plant 
community.   At least eight of the plant candidates demonstrated 
sufficient value to recommend their utilization.  However, two 
demonstrated to be far and away more effective
than the restat least in our evaluations.   Our primary concern was 
in areas of short-term recall and speed of recognition.   The champion 
turned out to be  bacopa monnieri..a herb which has been used in 
ancient Asiatic  medical practice for several thousands of years.  Using 
the extract of this plant ONLY , we were able to witness improvements
of 40% in the test group over those in the control group.  Our test, 
similar to the one conducted by an Australian group...yielded these 
results based on calendar time.  e.g.  Test group time required for 
baseline results===6 days.   Control Group time required for
baseline results10 days.   The next best protocol using a SINGLE 
component...demonstrated to be essential oil of the Rose
flower.   The Rose essential oil yielded an average 11% net increase in 
short-term memory gain.  If you do not think that is a very significant 
increaseI suggest that during your next business presentation 
relating to the  technical  parameters of your profession
that you consider the effect of 10 objective errors out of a population 
of 100 total references!   Or even more distasteful..not even

remembering to include their subjects.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  When combined with several other brain-enhancing 
substancessuch as  Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphorylcholine  (Alpha-GPC),  
Ginkgo Biloba  and vinpocetine, we achieved over 70% improvement in 
memory and brain acuity.
Others have reported even superior results to ours, sometimes using 
additional components however.


---End Message---


2009-11-12 Thread Alchemysa

If CS killed the 'good bacteria' the result would be pretty obvious  
and catastrophic. I certainly haven't noticed any problems in that area.
My personal theory is that CS particles and ions are nulified in the  
intestine because they become coated with goo. (i.e. Digestive fluids).
Silver needs to be physically in direct contact with a bacteria to  
kill it. That can't happen if the silver is surrounded by an  
'insulating' coating.
Its similar reasoning to why 'mild silver protein' is less effective  
than electolytic CS.  Mild silver protein (like Invive) is a silver  
compound coated with a type of gelatin.


From: seth sato
Date: 11 November 2009 3:38:58 AM
Subject: CSprobiotics

Does anyone know if C's destroys probiotics and if so what is the  
time one needs between taking C's and any kind of probiotic?



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS~Repost request, CS DMSO for gingivitis

2009-11-12 Thread Garnet

Ipsab by Home Health is excellent for gingivitis. There is a
liquid and a tooth powder. Paint the liquid on twice a day with
a Q Tip. It has prickly ash bark.

I was not the one who posted on CS and DMSO for gums
but it would also be a good remedy to paint on but might
give you some garlic breath so you might want to test
before going out. Chlorophyll gel caps may help with this.
Others say adding honey to the mix helps with the odor.



Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

J- Lee wrote:
Hello Group,
Some weeks back, someone posted their method for treating gingivitis (or 
worse, periodontosis) with CS  DMSO.  As I recall, it wasn't a specific 
post on that topic, it was within a reply to something else.  I think it 
was a 90/10 mix of CS/DMSO, just can't remember how many times per day, 
and how long it took to achieve results.  It may have been Garnet?  
Anyhow, would be grateful to learn of what others do, and how well it 
has worked.  Apparently I have a rather tenacious biofilm below the 
gumline that has not responded well to conventional treatment.
Many thanks in advance,

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMemory Boosters

2009-11-12 Thread Gayla Roberts
How was the rose EO used? Internally? Aromatically? Considering the cost of 
Rose EO, I wonder if Rose Hydrosol would be a viable substitute?

Bob and Gayla Roberts
Always Enough Ranch
Acampo, CA
- Original Message - 
From: Brooks Bradley

Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:58 PM
Subject: CSMemory Boosters

   Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a 
number of memory enhancing substances... 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSMemory Boosters

2009-11-12 Thread Saralou

Mr. Bradley,

'Been wondering what to do with several grams of Turkish Rose Otto 
(rosa.damascena) I've had in cool, dark storage for a few years.  How 
did you use it to achieve the memory improvement?

Thanks  Saralou

The next best protocol using a SINGLE component...demonstrated to be 
essential oil of the Rose flower.   The Rose essential oil yielded an 
average 11% net increase in short-term memory gain.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List Owner] Welcome Back!

2009-11-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
Well dang. I'm so glad you got everything fixed:)  I sent an email 
yesterday and got a pending notice, so I figured something was up. 
Thank you for letting us know what's what.


M. G. Devour wrote:

Hi everybody,

It's been an eventful couple of days for the customers of Eskimo North, 
the ISP that hosts our group for me.

Evidently the owner and principal operator became seriously indisposed 
a couple of weeks ago and, in all the chaos his family was dealing 
with, the business was surfing along pretty much on autopilot... until 
a bill didn't get paid and the upstream connection was abruptly turned 
off. sigh

Initially, there was speculation that Eskimo was simply gone, taking 
our data with them, but, happily, reports of its death were premature.

It took a couple of days to get things back under control, once the 
family realized what happened. The owner's eldest son is stepping in to 
keep things going, and has explicitly said there is NO intention to let 
the company go under. The connection's been restored, tech support got 
everything running again, and no data was lost. 

We have a reprieve. 

I have to admit, I've never been as happy to see a pile of 2000+ spam 
messages as when the mail server came back online this evening! grin

Nonetheless, it's given me quite an opportunity to start to examine our 
options and my recovery procedures.

One of the first things I need to do is move the mailing list addresses 
to the domain instead of, so that if I do 
ever have to retreat to another hosting service there won't be any 
sudden disruption for the members. Just point the domain servers at the 
new site and go. Then we'll have a measure of ISP-independance.

I'll let you all know when the list addresses are going to change, 
including some broadcasts to the distribution list directly from me, so 
that they'll bypass folks' message filters and alert them that they 
might have to modify their sorting rules and address book entries.

Another thing I need to tighten up is to make damned sure I have at 
least a weekly backup of the member lists... ahem!cough!blush 
(...brings up man pages for rsync, cron.)

Apart from that, I'm again looking at options for developing a web 
presence for the group, with the idea of integrating e-mail with 
searchable web archives or forums. I think technology has finally 
advanced to the point even I might be able to get it built this time.

It's early days on any of that, but at least the overwhelming 
responsibilities in other areas of my life are winding down enough that 
I can at last devote myself to being a internet geek for a while and 
get some work done on this.

So, thanks for your patience folks! Thanks, also, to Marshall and 
others who alerted me that we were down so I could get started working 
out a solution. What I learned I'll now be able to apply on a less 
urgent timetable.

Any questions, comments, or news, I'm here! Welcome back, everyone.


Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMemory Boosters

2009-11-12 Thread Annie B Smythe

Hey Brooks,

I use Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo, Vinpocetine, and Coleus
Forskohli, although not all of them on the same days. There's a few
others I use too, but I don't want to bother to try and spell them. LOL.

And they work. Some are more expensive than others. The Bacopa and
Huperzine A are probably the most reasonable of the lot. I buy those at
Swanson and they work like a charm. I do switch out what I use every
few days. And mix and match. But they do work.


Brooks Bradley wrote:
Recently, we completed some limited, short-term evaluations of a 
number of memory enhancing substances...including some from the 
pharmaceutical community---but most from the natural plant community.

 At least eight of the plant candidates demonstrated sufficient value
 to recommend their utilization.  However, two demonstrated to be far
 and away more effective than the restat least in our 
evaluations. Our primary concern was in areas of short-term recall 
and speed of recognition.   The champion turned out to be  bacopa 
monnieri..a herb which has been used in ancient Asiatic  medical 
practice for several thousands of years.  Using the extract of this 
plant ONLY , we were able to witness improvements of 40% in the test 
group over those in the control group.  Our test, similar to the one 
conducted by an Australian group...yielded these results based on 
calendar time.  e.g.  Test group time required for baseline 
results===6 days. Control Group time required for baseline 
results10 days.   The next best protocol using a SINGLE 
component...demonstrated to be essential oil of the Rose flower. The

Rose essential oil yielded an average 11% net increase in short-term
memory gain.  If you do not think that is a very significant
increaseI suggest that during your next business presentation
relating to the  technical parameters of your profession that you
consider the effect of 10 objective errors out of a population of 100
total references!   Or even more distasteful..not even
remembering to include their subjects. Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  When combined with several other brain-enhancing
substancessuch as  Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphorylcholine  (Alpha-GPC),
Ginkgo Biloba  and vinpocetine, we achieved over 70% improvement in
memory and brain acuity. Others have reported even superior results
to ours, sometimes using additional components however.

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSA little OT/ Wow...Just Wow Desiree Jennings recovers via natural medicine..

2009-11-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
(I sent this on the 11th and it got bounced back, 
so here it is again)

 I just got this link via Twitter..I thought 
some of you might be
 interested. This is amazing! And I think 
it'll give hope to a lot

 of people.

What do you want to bet that the MSM makes the 
claim that she probably wasn't that sick if she 
recovered like this. Anything to put down ways 
that aren't used by the establishment and blessed 
by the pharm industry. That is if it is even 
reported in the MSM.

 Natural Medicine Produces Stunning Recovery 
from Vaccine-Induced

 Debility for Cheerleader Desiree Jennings


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS flying..

2009-11-12 Thread SJY
You can always just take a CS generator with you  make it at your



From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: CSHi listers--got this ? from a friend. CS  flying..


I don't think you are allowed liquids are you?  dee


On 10 Nov 2009, at 22:34, wrote:

Hey Lois,
  I'm leaving for Florida Saturday, any good ideas for carrying my C.S.
onboard the airplane? Checked luggage, of course.

Any ideas--?? I don't fly so can't help her .. Thanks much, Lois


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