The whitish patina is highly divided silver [aka 'dust' or micro rough
surface ]
 Leave it be.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 8:55 AM PT Ferrance <> wrote:

> Thank you, Ode.  I read that if I started the process with some eis
> already added it would reduce the time to make it.  Since without that
> addition it takes about 5-6 hours I guess I am good.  I only use distilled
> water but I did recently change the brand.
> I have no yellow light.  Only one light that swaps red and green.
> Do I need to do anything to the silver rods to remove the whitish patina?
> Thanks.
> PT
> On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 07:21:51 AM EDT, Ode Coyote <
>> wrote:
> It should take  AT LEAST 6 hours to do a quart or the water isn't good
> enough.
>  Some contaminants in water can kick off reactions with the silver or
> become involved with the silver until it gets used up.
> If it's doing that, time can actually increase as the results aren't
> conductive and won't contribute to the Auto Off triggering...but the water
> may actually appear grey with a very heavy TE. [Tyndall Effect]
> TE  is always a's not a result of what the 'generator' is
> doing, but relates to what is happening AFTER the gen does its thing in the
> environment it's working in.
>  The 'generator' makes ions and nothing BUT ions..and you can't see ions
> at all.
> ..and it's the ions that do most of the 'work' the fastest.
> Even with a heavy TE, at least 85% of the silver content is still
> isn't much of anything to worry about.
> The yellow color is due to the oxidation of some of the ions.
>  Some water contaminants can kick that reaction into play..with no way to
> tell 'what' is in water.
>  The stronger you make the EIS, the more sensitive to stray reactions it
> becomes.
> Silver Oxide suspended in the water is harmless...unsightly, but harmless.
> With the variances in water,"normal' covers a fairly wide piece of
> territory.
> Want something different?...change the water.
> Adding not more than 2 or 3 Drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide per Quart to the
> water when the Yellow LED starts blinking and letting  the generator run
> longer will increase the Colloidal [vs Ionic] Content [Do not reset/unplug
> the generator when doing this as you will now be making non conductive
> colloids that meters and the generator cannot detect and it may not ever
> turn itself off ...or enter programmed mode. ]
>  Even a trace of H2O2 changes EVERYTHNG…let jar completely dry between
> batches.
> Ode
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 9:12 AM PT Ferrance <> wrote:
> If I start with some eis already in the jar when I fill it with distilled
> water 2-3 hours.  If I start with straight distilled then longer... maybe 5
> or 6?  Your equipment is so reliable I kind of set it and forget it for a
> bit and haven't kept track of times in quite awhile.
> The interesting thing, to me, is that when I dry off the rods now they
> leave no black residue on the paper towel.  They used to leave black
> marks.  Is there anything that needs to be done to them to remove the white
> patina (sort of) on them?
> The Tyndall line used to be fine and tight and now it is wider and fuzzy.
> Thanks.
> PT
> .
> On Monday, July 20, 2020, 07:12:49 AM EDT, Ode Coyote <
>> wrote:
> How long is it taking to run a 10 PPM batch?
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 10:46 AM PT Ferrance <>
> wrote:
> Hi, Lately I've noticed that when I clean my rods with a paper towel
> nothing comes off of them.  Also no black speckles in the eis and no light
> yellow color.  Laser shows a wider line and can almost see speckles in the
> line... not the nice tight line I used to get from my silver puppy.
> Any ideas how to get things back to normal?
> Thanks.
> PT