While crickets chirped, the BUS RAN OVER FAUCI _CDC Director Redfield PUSHED him UNDER !!!!

2023-03-09 Thread Douglas Haack
 While crickets chirped, the BUS RAN OVER FAUCI -- CDC Director Redfield 



WILL NEVER HAPPEN !! -- Newsweek Calls for "Apologies" & "Investigations" re poisonous JABS

2023-03-07 Thread Douglas Haack
An Opinion Piece in Newsweek is Calling for "Apologies" and "Investigations"

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An Opinion Piece in Newsweek is Calling for "Apologies" and "Investigati...

Igor Chudov

And it is NOT asking for "pandemic amnesty"



You need to do lots of digging . . . it's all worth it-- exposes how K0v!d was a total scam . . .

2023-03-07 Thread Douglas Haack
Catch-UP -- former UK Health Minister (Matt Hancock) and his political cronies 
have had their "Whats APP talks" among themselves exposed --  100K files given 
to the UK Telegraph by a very clever beautiful journo Isabelle Oakshott -- 

In defence of Isabel Oakeshott | The Spectator Australia

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In defence of Isabel Oakeshott | The Spectator Australia

What shocks me most about Matt Hancock’s WhatsApp messages is the flippancy 
surrounding decisions to scare, mani...



There's a month of reading and how they all conspired to give the UK citizens 
the worst time during the mandates/lockdowns -- total exposure and how 
HILARIOUS it was for this clique . . . 

You need to do lots of digging . . .  it's all worth it exposes how K0v!d was a 
total scam . . . 
UK news

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UK news

Find all the latest news and updates from stories around the UK. Including 
politics, transport, education, healt...



Poisonous JABS -- remind U how many Billions Insurance industry is paying out WORLD Wide . . .

2023-03-07 Thread Douglas Haack
This was the first CRY for Help . . . 

What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

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What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

A report from an Indiana life insurance company raises serious concerns.



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Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Margaret Menge | The Center Square contributor

(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company 
OneAmerica said the death rate is up a st...



More readable: Current Levels of Silver in European Freshwater Bodies Pose No Health Concerns

2023-02-28 Thread Douglas Haack
 Remember how we were told that COLLOIDAL Silver would POLLUTE the river water 
systems of the country and World . . . 

THRU K0v!d we have learned the "News Media" is totally beholden to Big Pharma 
and the Big DEEP STATE Government -- who constantly tell us how dangerous 
silver colloids were for the ENVIRONMENT thru the citizen's use of daily SILVER 

Just more LIES and deception to further CONTROL "we the PEOPLE . . . . those 
who are clever enough to USE Silver Colloids in our daily lives for HEALTH and 
WELL-BEING -- this writer has DAILY for 25 YEARS . . .
F**K BIG Pharma . . . 

The Silver Institute, Feb 2023New Study Confirms
Current Levels of Silver in
European Freshwater Bodies
Pose No Health Concerns

European governments frequently examine substances,
including silver, of potential concern to human or
environmental health. A recent study by ARCHE Consulting
and the European Precious Metal Federation (EPMF),
both based in Belgium, has analyzed data similar to that
used by the European Commission to assess safe levels
of substances in freshwater environments, in addition to
specific country data, which showed that current levels of
silver do not pose a risk to these environments.
The study, published in Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry and Integrated Environmental Assessment and
Management, comes in response to a European Commission
proposal to amend the European Union water legislation to
include silver as a priority substance even though it has an
extremely low Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of
10 nanograms per liter, France Capon, Secretary General at
EPMF, told Silver News. The study, however, showed that
existing data and additional monitoring data from France,
Germany, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands, suggested
there is no European-wide risk of silver in freshwater
environments. Therefore, the report authors noted, silver
should not be added as a ‘priority substance’ to the
European Union’s Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
list of substances posing a significant risk to or by way of
the aquatic environment.
The European Union Parliament plans to discuss the
proposal in May 2023, but any timeline for implementation,
if it happens, is unclear, Capon said. She added: “The
EPMF and ARCHE Consulting’s findings on all identified
European freshwater silver monitoring data is most timely.
We conclude that there is currently no reliable monitoring
data indicating a European-wide risk for silver in the aquatic
environment. In absence of any risk indication, silver should
not be selected as a priority substance under the Water
Framework Directive. These key findings have been shared
with the relevant authorities.”
The report added: “Selecting priority substances for which
risk has not been demonstrated means that Member States
will waste valuable time and resources on their routine
measurement while bringing no benefit to the aquatic
The authors noted that because of silver’s chemical
properties it is not unusual to find very low levels of free
silver ions in water, because it strongly binds with organic
and non-organic molecules and precipitates out of the water.

New Study Confirms Current Levels of Silver in European Freshwater Bodies Pose No Health Concerns

2023-02-28 Thread Douglas Haack
Remember how we were told that COLLOIDAL Silver would POLLUTE the river water 
systems of the country and World . . . 

THRU K0v!d we have learned the "News Media" is totally beholden to Big Pharma 
and the Big DEEP STATE Government -- who constantly tell us how dangerous 
silver colloids were for the ENVIRONMENT thru the citizen's use of daily SILVER 

Just more LIES and deception to further CONTROL "we the PEOPLE . . . . those 
who are clever enough to USE Silver Colloids in our daily lives for HEALTH and 
WELL-BEING -- this writer has DAILY for 25 YEARS . . .
F**K BIG Pharma . . . 

The Silver Institute, Feb 2023New Study Confirms
Current Levels of Silver in
European Freshwater Bodies
Pose No Health Concerns

European governments frequently examine substances,
including silver, of potential concern to human or
environmental health. A recent study by ARCHE Consulting
and the European Precious Metal Federation (EPMF),
both based in Belgium, has analyzed data similar to that
used by the European Commission to assess safe levels
of substances in freshwater environments, in addition to
specific country data, which showed that current levels of
silver do not pose a risk to these environments.
The study, published in Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry and Integrated Environmental Assessment and
Management, comes in response to a European Commission
proposal to amend the European Union water legislation to
include silver as a priority substance even though it has an
extremely low Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of
10 nanograms per liter, France Capon, Secretary General at
EPMF, told Silver News. The study, however, showed that
existing data and additional monitoring data from France,
Germany, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands, suggested
there is no European-wide risk of silver in freshwater
environments. Therefore, the report authors noted, silver
should not be added as a ‘priority substance’ to the
European Union’s Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
list of substances posing a significant risk to or by way of
the aquatic environment.
The European Union Parliament plans to discuss the
proposal in May 2023, but any timeline for implementation,
if it happens, is unclear, Capon said. She added: “The
EPMF and ARCHE Consulting’s findings on all identified
European freshwater silver monitoring data is most timely.
We conclude that there is currently no reliable monitoring
data indicating a European-wide risk for silver in the aquatic
environment. In absence of any risk indication, silver should
not be selected as a priority substance under the Water
Framework Directive. These key findings have been shared
with the relevant authorities.”
The report added: “Selecting priority substances for which
risk has not been demonstrated means that Member States
will waste valuable time and resources on their routine
measurement while bringing no benefit to the aquatic
The authors noted that because of silver’s chemical
properties it is not unusual to find very low levels of free
silver ions in water, because it strongly binds with organic
and non-organic molecules and precipitates out of the water.

CDC-confirms-deadly-K0v!d-vaccine-batches (totalling 5%) produced -- did the killing & maiming

2023-02-20 Thread Douglas Haack
ALL VAX  Batches are precisely numbered and TRACKED by US POST CODE

CDC confirms 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of 
batches produced & the majority were sent to red Republican States across the 

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CDC confirms 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by jus...

On October 31st we exclusively revealed how an investigation of the USA’s 
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System...



Berberine -- for ATHEROSCLEROSIS and HBP . . . with REFERENCES . . .

2023-02-20 Thread Douglas Haack

“Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arteries, and is the 
underlying cause of about 50% of all deaths in westernized society”

Also known in CHINESE Herbal medicine . . . Berberine . . . 

Well Being: Berberine

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Well Being: Berberine

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another supplement with an amazing healing profile



NOBEL Prize -- L-arginine, special amino acid, helps blood vessels relax, supports blood pressure

2023-02-14 Thread Douglas Haack
AWARDED -- NOBEL Prize -- L-arginine, special amino acid, helps blood vessels 
relax,  supports blood pressure
Promote Optimal Blood Flow for Better Cardiovascular Health  L-arginine, a 
special amino acid, helps blood vessels relax and supports blood pressure 
levels already in the normal range. Give your cardiovascular system the help 
and protection it deserves with L-Arginine, offering advanced controlled, 
sustained and targeted release for better bioavailability.

FLUORIDE in DRINKING WATER -- Neurotoxic,Fluoride Is a Neurotoxic Endocrine Disruptor an Endocrine Disruptor poisonous REDUCES IQ . . .

2023-02-12 Thread Douglas Haack

Drinking FLUORIDATED WATER -- Fluoride Is a Neurotoxic Endocrine Disruptor

More studies show fluoride affects brain and disrupts sleep

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More studies show fluoride affects brain and disrupts sleep




Six of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality -- Vaccines KILL, some LESS than others, always have !!

2023-02-11 Thread Douglas Haack
 Six of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality -- Vaccines KILL, some LESS than 
others, always have !!

Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality

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Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality

Public health organizations insist vaccines are safe and effective and that the 
science on this 'is settled,' mu...



Oz Vax inventor Nikolai Petrovsky Phd., Melb. -- "mislead by present (MRNA jabs) by Govts. and MP's"

2023-02-10 Thread Douglas Haack

 Here is an Australian Vax inventor Nikolai Petrovsky Phd in Melb. giving an 
opinion how we the citizens have been totally misled about the useless unsafe 
MRNA jabs by Govts. and MP's and others . . . 

Petrovsky has a successful Vax being tested in IRAN -- Australia has made it 
impossible for him to test here in at home. . . 

I have donated to his "go Fund Me" page -- NOW CLOSED . . .

Below see video of 128 minutes, being -- for brevity start at 24 minutes listen 
to 34 minx and beyond -- this is MIND-BLOWING honety and a KNOWLEDGEABLE 
opinion . . . 

Video interview: #2 Podcast Episode


the DANES have total controlling hands on all IMMIGRATION of NON EUROPEANS into DENMARK

2023-02-10 Thread Douglas Haack
They have GELDED (De-Balled) the IMMIGRATION TROJAN HORSE . . . 

In SWEDEN the middle EASTENERS run WILD causing MAYHEM with serious CRIME --  
the Police are held back -- thus there is a constant drain of personnel OUT of 
the force . . .  been going on for years . . . 


What if Anthony Fauci co-authored an article -- "Vaccines are not suitable for coronaviruses" . .

2023-02-08 Thread Douglas Haack
FACT: "Vaccines are NOT suitable for coronaviruses". 

Billions were spent, Millions have DIED and continue DYING . . . for WHAT ???

AGAIN !! What was that Mr. Fauci?

Such respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. This is why there has 
never been a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu shot is predictably 

Vaccines can only be sterilizing and contribute to public health when the virus 
is a stable pathogen like Smallpox and Measles. For coronaviruses, there is 
really only one way forward: better anti-virals, therapeutics, and ACQUIRED 
IMMUNITY -- EXACTLY what the Jab CANT GIVE . . .  and so did Fauci waste our 
time our health and Billions . . . 


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Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses,...

Despite the successful deployment of vaccines during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, 
viruses replicating in the respirat...



Then read: Were WE TROLLED by Mr Fauci  Surely NOT 


OZ scientists-take-Oz-bureau-of-meteorology-to-court-over-reliability-of-temperature-records

2023-02-07 Thread Douglas Haack
You won't believe it -- It appears the CLIMATE scam is 100 plus years old . . 
and it's NOT being reported in Australia by any MEDIA  -- even NOW after 
EXPOSURE b a foreign organisation . . .
Australia has NOT accurately reported/RECORDED the correct TEMPERATURES over 
the last 100 years -- have KNOWN and remained silent .. sucking up their weekly 
pay for all these years . . .

The ABC, SBS and all the others a SILENT . . .

Thailand to be the first country to nullify Pfizer Contracts? REPAY BILLIONS . . ..??? Also Video

2023-02-04 Thread Douglas Haack

Thailand to be the first country to nullify Pfizer Contracts?

Cuteness overload: The tiny cotton ball-like birds known as 'snow fairies' in Japan

2023-02-03 Thread Douglas Haack
Cuteness overload: The tiny cotton ball-like birds known as 'snow fairies' in 

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Cuteness overload: The tiny cotton ball-like birds known as 'snow fairie...

Could these be the sweetest little birds on the planet? The Japanese certainly 
think so, calling the beloved, ...




2023-02-03 Thread Douglas Haack
One has to ask: Why non or ONE at the Australian OPEN Tennis recently  . . . .


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David Hiscox

A total of 15 tennis players have withdrawn from the Miami Open. Naturally, 
they’re doing all they can to blame ...



USELESS TGA (Australia's FDA) -- restricted future sales pf Paracetamol-REDUCED pack-size-purchases

2023-02-03 Thread Douglas Haack
Australia's Useless TGA are still pushing K0v!D Jabs -- despite INJURIES and 
MANY MANY DEATHS . . . Australia's DEATHS have increased annually. . . 

by 40% . . .  Ask the INSURANCE INDUSTRY . . .  Nobody is ASKING WHY -- the 
Members of Parliament (all apparently corrupt) --

All PreTENDing to do their OVERPAID jobs . . . these USELESS GOVT. TEAT suckers 
. . . 

Major change to painkiller sales

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Major change to painkiller sales

The maximum size of paracetamol packs will be reduced in pharmacies and 
supermarkets to tackle an overdose crisi...



NOT on ABC or any News media -- Oz GOV. To Pay your Funeral if U DIE FROM COVID Vaccines

2023-02-01 Thread Douglas Haack

Fire crews use SIX THOUSAND gallons of water to extinguish Tesla fire

2023-01-29 Thread Douglas Haack
Fire crews use SIX THOUSAND gallons of water to extinguish Tesla fire

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Fire crews use SIX THOUSAND gallons of water to extinguish Tesla fire

Vanessa Serna

The Tesla caught on fire while the driver was on Highway 50 in Rancho Cordova 
on Saturday. Fire officials said t...



The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

2023-01-29 Thread Douglas Haack
The next time someone calls you an anti-vaxxer because you have made a decision 
regarding whether or not to engage in a medical intervention, you let them know 
that, yes, you did make an informed, independent medical decision.  And wish 
them luck doing the opposite.  Worked out for Novak Djokovic who just won the 
Australian Open -- 
he refused the VAX . . .

The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

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The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

Aaron Siri

Soon there will be nobody left that does not meet the dictionary definition of 



Brain-Boosting Effects of Nicotine -- Ssshhh ! Big PHARMA is OBFUSCATING/BURYING this . . .

2023-01-28 Thread Douglas Haack
Brain-Boosting Effects of Isolated Nicotine (new evidence) -- 

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Brain-Boosting Effects of Isolated Nicotine (new evidence)

New research shows that isolated nicotine can enhance brain function and may be 
helpful in treating a number of ...



Fun With Kids and their ideas on marriage . . .

2023-01-24 Thread Douglas Haack


Subject:: Fun With Kids
> 1. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHOM TO MARRY? (Written by kids)
>> -You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like
> sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the
> chips and dip coming.
>> -- Alan, age 10
>> -No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry.
> God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're
> stuck with.
>> -- Kristen, age 10
>> Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.
>> -- Camille, age 10
>> You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the
> same kids.
>> -- Derrick, age 8
>> Both don't want any more kids.
>> -- Lori, age 8
>> -Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each
> other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
>> -- Lynnette, age 8
>> (isn't she a treasure)
>> -On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets
> them interested enough to go for a second date.
>> -- Martin, age 10
>> -When they're rich.
>> -- Pam, age 7
>> -The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with
> that.
>> -- Curt, age 7
>> -The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them
> and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.
>> -- Howard, age 8
>> It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to
> clean up after them.
>>  -- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)
>> There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
>> -- Kelvin, age 8
>> And the #1 Favorite is...
>> Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck.
>> -- Ricky, age 10

CDC JAB INJURIES -- Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Ventricular dysfunction & Cardiac incompetency . . .

2023-01-22 Thread Douglas Haack
 WILL CDC, the first corporation to be CHARGED with HOMICIDE . . . ?? THEY KNEW 
and did everything to HIDE their crimes .  . . 

CDC forced to admit thru AFOI/FREEDOM of INFORMATION etc: . . . .  Myocarditis, 
Pericarditis, Ventricular dysfunction, Cardiac Valve incompetency, Pericardial 
and Pleural effusion, Chest pain, Appendicitis and Appendectomies, Kawasaki’s 
disease and Vitiligo.

Story at-a-glance
   - September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. CDC to release its 
Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. CDC refused.   

   - The CDC’s PRR safety signals: including for Bell’s palsy, Blood clots, 
Pulmonary Embolism and DEATH. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 
safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a 
stronger safety signal than Myocarditis and Pericarditis   

   - In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in 
the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, 
ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural 
effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and 

   - The proportions of deaths, only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 
14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines   

   - The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical 
Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring 
results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA REFUSED  . . . . , only to 
admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to Pulmonary 
 The CDC Knew About the Safety Signals but Ignored Them

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The CDC Knew About the Safety Signals but Ignored Them

September 2022, The Epoch Times forced the CDC to release its Proportional 
Reporting Ratio data mining results. ...




2023-01-22 Thread Douglas Haack
Are Tomatoes Bad For Arthritis And Inflammation - ArthritisDaily.net

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Are Tomatoes Bad For Arthritis And Inflammation - ArthritisDaily.net

Tomatoes are delicious raw or cooked although your body can absorb more 
lycopene when the tomatoes are cooked, s...



How Does The Barometric Pressure Affect Arthritis - ArthritisDaily.net

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How Does The Barometric Pressure Affect Arthritis - ArthritisDaily.net

The answer to this question depends a lot upon who you ask. If you ask certain 
researchers, theyll tell you they...



Can Fingers Bent From Arthritis Be Straightened - ArthritisDaily.net

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Can Fingers Bent From Arthritis Be Straightened - ArthritisDaily.net

Your finger has three joints: One at the base, one in the middle, and one 
toward the fingertip. Arthritis can af...



'Power to the people!': Elon Musk 's message to Rebel News' -- GREAT citizen journalism

2023-01-21 Thread Douglas Haack
'Power to the people!': Elon Musk on Rebel News' citizen journalism

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'Power to the people!': Elon Musk on Rebel News' citizen journalism

Elon Musk, who now owns the platform, recognized Rebel’s contributions to 
citizen journalism, prompting him to r...



Covid-vaccines-obviously-dangerous should-be-halted-immediately-say-senior-swedish Doc . . .

2023-01-20 Thread Douglas Haack

WSJ -- Are (the FAKE dangerous jabs -- (they are NOT VACCINES) -- Fueling New Covid Variants?

2023-01-20 Thread Douglas Haack
Opinion | Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?

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Opinion | Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?

Allysia Finley

The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.



This is for REAL -- so inform yourself -- K0v!d is NOT going away . . .

2023-01-20 Thread Douglas Haack
They will bring out/distribute worse doses -- Japan thr only country taking 
this serious as a "POPULATION REDUCTION" SCAM -- of course they must have 
initially been involved too . . . .

Japan Investigates COVID Shot-Related Deaths | NaturalHealth365

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Japan Investigates COVID Shot-Related Deaths | NaturalHealth365

Patrick Tims, staff writer

(NaturalHealth365) Japan has launched investigation into millions of COVID 
shot-related deaths. Will this be eno...



FAA quietly admits Vax jabs have damaged the HEARTS of 1,000's of Us airline pilots

2023-01-17 Thread Douglas Haack


Elites Swarm Davos In Private Jets To Discuss Climate Crisis -- incl NZ PM --

2023-01-16 Thread Douglas Haack
"Distasteful Masterclass In Hypocrisy": Elites Swarm Davos In Private Jets To 
Discuss Climate Crisis

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"Distasteful Masterclass In Hypocrisy": Elites Swarm Davos In Private Je...

"Do we really believe that these are the people to solve the problems the world 



Roomba IROBO-vacuum-SENDS Photos HOME of YOU & Family -- even on the LOO !!!!

2023-01-15 Thread Douglas Haack

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Roomba testers feel misled after intimate images ended up on Facebook

An MIT Technology Review investigation recently revealed how images of a minor 
and a tester on the toilet ended ...




2023-01-15 Thread Douglas Haack
WEF Hires Unvaccinated Pilots To Fly Them Into Davos: “Safety of Our Members Is 
No. 1 Priority” - News Punch

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WEF Hires Unvaccinated Pilots To Fly Them Into Davos: “Safety of Our Mem...

Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from transporting World Economic 
Forum members in and out of Davos due...




2023-01-14 Thread Douglas Haack

Unvaccinated-blood-high-demand -- NZ ?

2023-01-10 Thread Douglas Haack

Why-eating-the-RAINBOW-is-a-brilliant-idea-especially-for-ALL . . .

2023-01-10 Thread Douglas Haack


2023-01-08 Thread Douglas Haack

Japan-launches-official-investigation into mass K0v!d Jab poison DEATHS

2023-01-05 Thread Douglas Haack

Germany: Anti-vaxxer-HERO nurse-JABs-8,600-ELDELY patients-with SALINE-walks-free from court

2023-01-05 Thread Douglas Haack

Jab Spike Proteins BURN in a THIRD DEGREE Manner -- causing Internal INFLAMMATION LONG TERM !!

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack

Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Quickly Drain Battery

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack
EV's are expensive & junkie at this time . . .

Report: Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Quickly 
Drain Battery

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Report: Siblings Charge Tesla 6 Times in 1 Day as Frigid Temperatures Qu...

Ethan Letkeman

Siblings said they had to stop six times in one day while driving a rented 
Tesla because the cold weather caused...



FBI Used Twitter to Track and Spy on Americans -- WHO is SPYING on AUSTRLIANS . . .????

2023-01-03 Thread Douglas Haack

FBI Used Twitter to Track and Spy on Americans


2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Have YOU survived K0v!D 
Do EAT OLIVE and COCONUT OIL -- they have been demonised !!!
SOY & CANOLA -- BAD OILS U EAT in ALL processed foods --      Genetically 
"ROUND-UP Soured"
One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods

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One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and hydrogenated soybean oil are some of the 
most harmful ingredients in process...



The "so called HEALTHY" Omega-6 found is GENETICALLY altered (you know the 
INFAMOUS company that destroys all foods!!) 

Soybean oil (also CANOLA Oil, a REGISTERED INSECTICIDE -- research it !!!)  
promotes chronic inflammation in your body, which is an underlying issue for 
virtually all chronic diseases.

55 Years Climate Scam -- there is a problem of ULTRA Pollution on land/OCEANS, SSSHHHH !!

2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack
2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

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2022 Same Shit, Different Year: 55 Years Of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predic...

Modern doomsayers have been predicting imminent climate and environmental 
disaster since the 1960s. They continu...



REAL problems are SKIRTED AROUND and OBFUSCATED by the D**P ST*TE who own the 
Political parties and 99% of POLITICIANS and all WORLD Big Finance and 
Manufacturing, thus industry continues to pollute and destroy environments . . 
. and DUMB us all down . . .


Are WE all being manipulated by OUR Govts -- as if directly by the Chinese COMMUNIST Party

2023-01-02 Thread Douglas Haack

In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. 
Robert Malone
In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefield: Dr. 
Robert Malone

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In War For Control Of Humanity, Thoughts And Emotions Are The Battlefiel...

Social media platforms are being weaponized...



Inventor of mRNA vaccines Dr. Robert Malone, having worked with the U.S. 
Department of Defense (DOD) for many years, warns that a war is being waged by 
the government for control of people’s minds, and that social media platforms 
are being weaponized in this war and are “actively employed” by the 
intelligence community to influence what people think and feel.

This is a GREAT COUNTRY if you FOLLOW this RULE/Procedure Below

2022-12-30 Thread Douglas Haack


Medicare Part G If you are an older senior citizen and can no longer take care 
of yourself and need Long-Term Care, but the government says there is no 
Nursing Home care available for you, what do you do?  You may opt for Medicare 
Part G.   The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Part G) and one bullet.  You 
may then shoot one worthless politician.  This means you will be sent to prison 
for the rest of your life where you will receive three meals a day, a roof over 
your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, a library, and all 
the health care you need  Need new teeth?  No problem.  Need glasses?  That’s 
great.  Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or 
heart?  They are all covered!   As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit 
you at least as often as they do now!   And, who will be paying for all of 
this?  The same government that just told you they can’t afford for you to go 
into a nursing home.  And you will get rid of a useless politician while you 
are at it.  And now, because you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any more 
income taxes!  Is this a great country or what?   Now that you have solved your 
senior Long-Term Care problem, enjoy the rest of your week!



VIDEO: Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID-19 Jab Manufacturers -- INDEPENDANT ANALYSIS

2022-12-30 Thread Douglas Haack
Here is another chemical and microscopic analysis pf the VAX -- this one will 
be the most informative, the video producer is one of the best anti-VAXXER 
exposers -- having done hundreds of videos. The Pathologist is first-class . . 
. . 

Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID-19 Jab Manufacturers

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Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID-19 Jab Manufacturers

December 12, 2022, The Highwire posted a fascinating and shocking lab 
investigation of the COVID shots. Here's w...



White-House-K0v!d-advisor-ACCIDENTLY-drops-TRUTH-BOMB -- Masks DON'T really WORK !!

2022-12-29 Thread Douglas Haack

The UNVAXXED have KNOWN this TWO Years . . . 


 House COVID Advisor Accidentally Drops Truth-Bomb About Mask Efficacy

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White House COVID Advisor Accidentally Drops Truth-Bomb About Mask Efficacy

“...no study in the world that show that masks work...”




NEW !! VAXXED are going BLIND -- many EYE problems for all VAXXES . . .

2022-12-28 Thread Douglas Haack

Would Australia's TGA commit a serious crime?? DiD a 7yr old BOY Die via Heart attack after K0v!d JAB

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack
Would TGA (our FDA) commit a serious crime?? DiD a 7yr old BOY Die via Heart 
attack after K0v!d JAB ???

 Firstly young children are NOT in danger of an C0v!d infection -- generally 
recognised all over the medical world . . . by those not being paid OFF . . . 
or in Australia . . .  INTIMIDATED . . .

THREATENED with deREGISTRATION -- according to a past President of the Aust 
Medical Association and former M. Dr Karen Phelps . . . who was (she and her 
wiFE) seriously injured via the K0v!d Jab.
 . . .  and what about the thousands we don'r know -- check with the Australian 
Senate --  they had ahearing anf the news was a disaster -- but NO MEDIA has 
reorted this . . . " Bring on NURENBURG TWO" . . .

Evrything is being done to OBFUSCATE & DENY this child actually suffered/RIP 
according to the father. Professors of medicine must be ducking/hiding !!! -- 
The hospital says NO! The boy's father disagrees . . . 

Here below is a detailed accusation with dates etc and FOI requests being 
denied by highly paid Bureaucrats . . . and TGA takes/pockets a majority of 
their operating funds/payments by collecting FEES from BIG Pharma . . .
This has to stop and they be paid by Govt FUNDS not be quasi-BEHOLDEN to Big 
Pharma who have a damning record with their ILK . . . being FINED Billions of 
dollars for fraudulent behavior AROUND the world . . . 

 . . .  and NEVER having to ADMIT FAULT . . . What a clever game and all the 
players love it . . . !!

Of course the "Faker TRUTH Factory mills" are working overtime to deny this . . 
.  the FOi's don't lie . . . 




BOMBSHELL: A Crime was Committed at the TGA Australia

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

TGA is Australia's medicines and medical devices regulator, which is the 
antipodal analogue of the captured and ...




The United NATIONS (who are boringly USELESS) CLIMATE SCAM attempt in 1989 -- . . .

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack

Funny: U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (1989 article)

Kind of like the "Winter of Illness and Death"

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Funny: U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (1989 article)

Igor Chudov

Kind of like the "Winter of Illness and Death"



Site: Resources to LIVE -- AVOID Body INFLAMMATION causing Spike PROTEIN

2022-12-26 Thread Douglas Haack


Reasonable Questions Regarding COVID-19

How Can We Trust the CDC After Learning This?

Vaccine Injury Cover-up Evidence

Masks: A Deeper Look

COVID Early Treatment Protocols

An Exhaustive List of Medical Doctors/Scientists 



They start on us at a very young age . . . Faking it . . . "is Santa Real , , , ??

2022-12-24 Thread Douglas Haack
They start on us at a very young age . . . Faking it . . . "is Santa/Tooth 
Fairy Real  ?? And then does this lead to everyone faking it for their own 
convenience/purposes --  especially Governments, Big Pharma, the AMA, Schools 
-- goes on and on . . . 

Where does it stop . .  !!! 

Getting us all to take a DANGEROUS VAX.Jab . . .


US Govt's. Twitter -- FBI, Pentagon, all Govt Dept's, Conspired -- KEEPing Citizens in Darkness!

2022-12-24 Thread Douglas Haack
This is how the son, Hunter Biden's LapTop Story was covered UP and daddy Biden 
was ELECTED -- no wonder the K0v!d disaster has been . covered-up by America's 
-- the land of the FREE -- totally captured PROPAGANDA media keeping citizens 
in the "SPIKE Protein JAB" Injury DARKNESS . . . . 
The Hunter Biden laptop-Files were on-line to be loaded down a month or more 
before the elections . . . . Don't you have a copy . . . ???

EISENHOWER and Kennedy had it right -- all those years ago . . . !!

. . . .  how different is it in Oz . . . ??

Of Course The Feds Were All Over Twitter

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Of Course The Feds Were All Over Twitter

Twitter was staffed by craven functionaries eager to please contacts and former 
colleagues in the national secur...



HPV -- another useless VAX -- you trade a few dangers for many many others . . .

2022-12-23 Thread Douglas Haack

Why Do Cervical Cancer Rates Keep Rising?



|  | 
Why Do Cervical Cancer Rates Keep Rising?

Between 2001 and 2018, cervical cancer rates have increased by 1.3% per year. 
What could be the primary cause?



GP delivering-care/ethics/CAN-GP/physicians-decline/REFUSE-UNVACINATED-patients CARE ?

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack

Is-depopulation-we-are-seeing-planned? World EXCESS DEATHS . . . SSShhhhhhh. . . . .

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack

Those Germans . . . like ALL PLAYERS in this HUMAN K0v!d disaster -- they all can't trusted . . .

2022-12-21 Thread Douglas Haack
This is a great GERMAN  LAB_LEAK_DISCLOSURE. I can actually remember reading 
some Christian Drosten Phd comments (very LEARNED !!) two years ago -- while 
looking and wanting to understand the term "mRNA . . .  this led to the Patent 
records and it all became clear . . . first mRNA patent issued 1990 for a 
Veterinary product -- subsequently never really successful, disclosing numerous 
problems which were never solved and thousands of test animals died . . . from 
then on it became worse . . . one could see the Big Pharma lies being pushed by 
governments telling us how "SAFE and EFFECTIVE the jabs were  . . . We will 
never trust this band of "KNOW-NOTHINGs" ever again

 . . . or is there a more SINISTER explanation . . .  


In the last days here in Australia a former member of parliament and executive 
doctor of the the Australian Medical Association -- SHE and HER WIFE had been 
seriously injured by their K0v!D JABS, thus THEY now ASKING in desperation -- 
the Australian TGA and their government bureaucratic hangers-on and others of 
their ILK -- (our FDA) . . . 
"WHY they had THREATENED the Australian medical 'community of family doctors 
and GP'S etc with DE-REGISTRATION as doctors of MEDICINE of they "talked about 
JABS causing INJURIES and DEATHS  or in any way spoke AGAiNST patient's wanting 
the JAB. . . 

Another perspective from the Daily Mail -- my previous email was from a Murdoch 
paper . . .

High profile doctor reveals she and wife suffered Covid jab injuries

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High profile doctor reveals she and wife suffered Covid jab injuries

David Southwell

Former federal MP and head of the AMA Dr Kerryn Phelps says both she and her 
wife have suffered vaccine injuries...



. . . . it's all coming apart !!!  . . . so bring on NUREMBURG II . . . .

Maybe the first to be questioned will be BRAD HAZARD and Dr Kerry CHANT -- 
surely these two "EXPERTS" knew what they were doing . . .  ???
. . . or is there a more SINISTER agenda/explanation . . .  

Climate SCAM -- now we are COLD worldwide -- Global Warming OUT of SEASONS UN SCAM !!

2022-12-17 Thread Douglas Haack
Climate SCAM -- now we are COLD worldwide -- Global Warming OUT of SEASON UN 

The Russians predicted 5 years ago we are entering/oncoming in a Mini-Ice Age . 
. .



2022-12-16 Thread Douglas Haack

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, forms a grand jury to investigate malfeasance 
and misconduct surrounding the covi...



Washed in Vinegar . . .

2022-12-16 Thread Douglas Haack

NO SAFE & Effective Jab data -- JUST say NO . . . !!! -- FDA wants BABIES jabbed 3rd time . . .

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

K0v!d LIES -- with German Translations

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

Italian-researchers-vaccines-will-not-work-because-Sars-Cov-2 -- also-entering-Bodily bacteria/

2022-12-14 Thread Douglas Haack

White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research "Killed Millions"

2022-12-13 Thread Douglas Haack

Covid/Sars-2 "Gain of Function" modified "NOVEL" Furin cleavage"? or LAB ESCAPEE . . .!!!

2022-12-11 Thread Douglas Haack
Covid/Sars-2 -- modified " 'NOVEL' Furin cleavage" -- "Gain of Function" ? i.e. 
More DANGEROUS likely to kill humans . . . 

Bioweapons Expert Shares His Theory of COVID-19 Origins

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Bioweapons Expert Shares His Theory of COVID-19 Origins

In this interview, Francis Boyle, Ph.D., shares his theory of the origin of 
this novel coronavirus. Listen to ou...



Jordan Peterson - The Origin of Covid 19 !! Matt Ridley - YouTube

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Jordan Peterson - The Origin of Covid 19 !! Matt Ridley




Video TRUTH, only TRUTH re injuries via deadly Jab -- Oz Parliament -- BRAVE Q'ld Sen. RENNICK

2022-12-11 Thread Douglas Haack
TRUTH, nothing but TRUTH re injuries via deadly Jab -- Oz Parliament -- BRAVE 

What a Liberal hero . . .


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Australia's Female Senators Make Fun of Vaccine Injured

Stephanie Brail

So much for women running the world saving us. Green parties around the world 
are apparently all in favor of GMO...



De Robert Malone -- What of the largest experiment in human history is a failure

2022-12-09 Thread Douglas Haack
What of the largest experiment in human history is a failure -- where the US 
Insurance industry payouts represent a 600 ft TIDAL Wave of DEATH PAYOUTS -- 
Yes! 600 FEET . . . that is 40 % higher than average . . . The say it can't be 
the VAX JABS . . . ! Surely . . . !!!

What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

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What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

A report from an Indiana life insurance company raises serious concerns.



Site below might have the answer WHY Ukraine is at war with Russia, a war they can't win!!

2022-12-09 Thread Douglas Haack
Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine

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Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine

American soldiers are already “boots on the ground”



Massive development in Higgins investigation

2022-12-08 Thread Douglas Haack
Massive development in Higgins investigation

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Massive development in Higgins investigation

The Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity will examine the police 
investigation into Brittany Higg...



13 % Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’ -- Govt does NOT want KNOW WHY

2022-12-06 Thread Douglas Haack
 -- it's OBVIOUS -- the JAB . . ..  same in USA at 14 to 16 % -- unheard of in 
world INSURANCE records -- Big Pharma is killing lots of folk . . . 

Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’

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Excess deaths in Australia ‘incredibly high’

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly 
high” 13 per cent excess death rate i...



Fw: CDC pushing hard: everything is now FLU .. people won't be taking the K0v!d Jab any more . . .

2022-12-06 Thread Douglas Haack

  OF COURSE THEY might just mix the K0V!D jab with the FLU jab ...

 everything is now FLU .. people won't be taking the Jab any more . . .  The 
usual FEAR-PORN is rampant . . . . 


Klaus Schwab's Jacinta Adern will come to a bitter end . . . will be hated by most New Zealander's

2022-12-05 Thread Douglas Haack
Here's a real NZ hero Doc -- texted 600 patients and advised "don't go near the 
JAB" . . .


Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand

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Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand

Igor Chudov

Matt Lost Everything -- But Fulfilled his Duty to Warn His Patients



The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics

2022-12-04 Thread Douglas Haack
The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics

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The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics

Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Australia's mortality statistics for 2022 are worse than the ABS is admitting 
to, so why are they tweaking the d...




2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack
You will think we didn't know this -- CDC had been hiding this, also all 


If Hunter Biden Pics/emails via Laptop exposure ALLOWED in media -- LANDSLIDE WIN by TRUMP !!!

2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack

Elon Musk Releases THE TWITTER FILES: How Twitter Collaborated With "The Biden 
Team" To Cover Up The Hunter Laptop Story: 
And all of the censoring of the crimes against humanity PSYOP-19 mandates, MK 
Ultra masking harms, DEATHVAX™, WEF/UN/WHO/CIA involvements, etc. & etc. that 
will also get their releases will yet again expose the entire illegitimate 
Federal government and all of its unconstitutional agencies as well as their 
corporate and One World Government partners in crime. 


US Virologist "US responsible 'Gain of function at Wuhan' -- subsequent virus leak -- US knew 2019 !!!

2022-12-03 Thread Douglas Haack

Switzerland-considers-electric-vehicle-ban --Green ENERGY will NOT keep the lights ON !!!!

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Switzerland-considers-electric-vehicle-ban -- Green ENERGY will NOT keep the 
lights ON 


Dutch-protest-20-dutch-farmers-protest -- world will follow them except the cowardly Australians

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
Dutch-protest-dutch-farmers-protest -- KLAUS SCHAWB"S WEF Deep State 
machinations -- world will follow them except the cowardly Australian PUBLIC

DUTCH PROTEST 2.0: Dutch farmers protest Rutte’s forced farm buyouts

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DUTCH PROTEST 2.0: Dutch farmers protest Rutte’s forced farm buyouts

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The only offer is to be extended by the people, which constitute the majority 
to the ultra minority WEF “penetra...



Japanese-emeritus-professor-at-kyoto-Umi/BLOWS-UP re his Govts Covid dangerous RESPONSE

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack
There will be Nuremberg trials -- over Covid's Killing Fields yet . . .  be 

Japanese Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University, Dr Masanori Fukushima, Blows 
Up Over the Covid-19 Vaccines and His Government's Covid-19 Response.

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Japanese Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University, Dr Masanori Fukushima, ...

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

He speaks to the world: "this vaccine was scientifically misconceived", "the 
harm caused by vaccines is now a wo...



1) CDC LIED -- HOW dangerous MYOCARDITIS is -- 2) HOW/EVALUATE-RISK-vs-benefit-if being JABBED

2022-12-02 Thread Douglas Haack


Fw: Very Important for older folks -- read carefully

2022-11-30 Thread Douglas Haack

Computerised Thermographic Imaging "sees MICRO CLOTTING"--  a serious 
symptom/side-effect of the mRNA SPIKE Protein JAB . . . 

Be aware ordinary blood tests don't see Micro Clotting -- potentionally leading 
to many Micro Strokes . . . 

Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis Post C19 Injection



Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis Post C19 Inje...

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD In this interview with Brazilian biologist and 
medical researcher Felipe Reitz we...




Unvaxxed relationship/Partners / blood donors are at a premium . . . and why NOT . . .

2022-11-30 Thread Douglas Haack


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s comments -- children’s Covid vaccines found ‘misleading UK watchdog

2022-11-28 Thread Douglas Haack

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s comments about children’s Covid vaccines found 
‘misleading’ by UK watchdog


Electrical and magnetic stimulation is NOT NEW -- has been written about for 100 plus years

2022-11-24 Thread Douglas Haack
Electrical and magnetic stimulation is NOT NEW -- been written about for 100 
plus years -- big PHARMA are killers and stop any good publicity . . . 

Research Bob Beck's blood cleaner thru voltage application to the skin via 
metal electrical contacts via two cloth covered contacts. The cotton is wetted 
with salt water . . . .

BB suggested this treatment when AIDS hit in the 80's -- a patent was issued 
where blood was taken and electrically stimulated and then put back into the 
body. All too messy and expensive, Bob Beck simplified this process with the 
'salty contacts and a few volts . . . 

New BANDAGE can heal wounds with electrical stimulation and biosensors

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New BANDAGE can heal wounds with electrical stimulation and biosensors

Christopher Carbone U.S.

Scientists have developed a smart bandage that can help to speed up wound 
healing by monitoring the injury and t...




2022-11-22 Thread Douglas Haack

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The Australian Government has finally given up on the covid vaccination policy 
and is conducting a staged retrea...



Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction Toxic COVID Jabs – Fraudulent Govt plays Baffled !!

2022-11-20 Thread Douglas Haack
Baffled?? HOW so . . . .!! It's the Jab STUPID . . . 

Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of Toxic COVID Jabs – Govt 
Baffled - News Punch

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Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of Toxic COVID Jabs...

Australia has seen a dramatic 63 percent decrease in births following the 
rollout of the toxic COVID jabs.




2022-11-19 Thread Douglas Haack

The moral is also "Avoid any BOOSTER" . . . 


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Igor Chudov

Please Share YOUR OWN Long Covid Stories!



the UN CLIMATE SCAM !! -- even when Earth CAN regulate temperature to keep planet habitable

2022-11-17 Thread Douglas Haack
Earth CAN regulate its temperature to keep the planet habitable

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Earth CAN regulate its temperature to keep the planet habitable

Christopher Carbone U.S.

Earth can regulate its temperature over hundreds of thousands of years to keep 
them within a steady range, a new...



AUSTRALIA -- Under 30s 홉홊홏 홏홊 take 4th Shot due to Increased Myocarditis -- STOP the VAX !!!

2022-11-15 Thread Douglas Haack

STOP the VAX !!! -- Australian Govt says it will Advise Under 30s 홉홊홏 홏홊 take 
4th Shot due to Increased Myocarditis Events


Citizen volunteers of ELECTRONIC Frontier FOUNDATION -- discovered US MASS SURVEILLANCE

2022-11-15 Thread Douglas Haack
The Atlas of Surveillance Turns  the Dragnet on Police Tech: 2021 Year in Review

https://www.eff.org/ (the ELECTRONIC Frontier FOUNDATION)

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The Atlas of Surveillance Turns the Dragnet on Police Tech: 2021 Year in...

Dave Maass

This past year, EFF's Atlas of Surveillance project mobilized hundreds of 
student journalists and volunteer rese...



As of December 2021, the EFF Atlas of Surveillance contains more than 8,100 
data points — each representing a technology SECRETLY acquired or used by a 
8100 US police Agencies -- SECRETLY collecting private data from all US 
citizens without their/your permission with NO involvement in crime whatsoever 
-- the do it because THEY CAN !!! -- having spent billions of tax payer funds 
-- YOUR TAX payments . . . 

Demonstrate your fury Locally -- Police Chiefs come up for election . . . Vote 

ONS -- UK OFFICE of NATIONAL STATISTICS -- Deaths ONE in every 310 boosted Vax Recipients

2022-11-14 Thread Douglas Haack
Official figures published by the UK Government confirm 1 in every 310 people 
who received a third dose (BOOSTED) of the Covid-19 injection in England by 
31st December 2021, sadly died within 48 days.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK’s largest independent 
producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical 
institute of the UK.
On 8th September 2022, the ONS published an unnoticed dataset titled 
‘Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus 
(COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to 
March 2022’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here.



Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus ...

An analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics associated with the risk 
of coronavirus (COVID-19) death in...




Reality Check! Will we ever learn DEATH?Injury truth of what has transpired over last 36 months?

2022-11-14 Thread Douglas Haack

This guy is a US (thomas a braun rph) Pharmacy\ist, has also displayed the 
world DEATH toll via the VAXX -- his figures are per million of population -- 
multiply Oz's toll by at LEAST "24" . . . totally unsure where the figures come 
from . . . -- then again he is no fool . . . 

Will we ever learn the truth of what has transpired over the last 36 months?

Influenza Vaccine is Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA, including Australia's TGA

2022-11-12 Thread Douglas Haack

Influenza Vaccine -- a Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA and 
Australia's TGA and the private company called the CDC -- 

Financed by a group of Billionaires who's aim, to reduce world population with 
any means at any cost . . . 

. . . They will own everything, YOU will own NOTHING -- you certainly wont  
like it . . . !!!
Influenza Vaccine is Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA and the CDC

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Influenza Vaccine is Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA and ...

Igor Chudov

Is only Covid vaccine utterly ineffective? And the rest are good? Not at all!



Sen. Rand Paul secured Senate seat -- Vows: "2bring FAUCI B4 courts -- re Wuhan/US tax dollars

2022-11-10 Thread Douglas Haack

MMS -- The Universal Antidote -- for almost everything . . .

2022-11-10 Thread Douglas Haack
There has been a medical revolution in South America withe the treament os 
K0v!d via MMS . . . 

It took me 15 plus years to actually trust taking/using MMS as all of the 
MEDICAL AUTHORITIES called it a "Bleach and Poison", totally NOT true -- I ahve 
a book (purchased 10 years ago) by an expert EYE Doctor, his book "Healing is 
Voltage", by Jerry Tennant MD, MDH, PSc D . . .  gives it a "clean bill for 
safety" taken with care . . . Also search for German Andreas Kalcker, a 
scientist who's opinion is worth reading and knowing . . .

Demonised by/for Big Pharma and all Western Govt Medical control Depts as FDA, 
Australian TGA and all other so called "Safety medical control Authorities"

The Universal Antidote Documentary

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The Universal Antidote Documentary

The Universal Antidote Documentary



Find good advice on the Dr Lee Merritt's website 
Also read this: 

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New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike pro...

Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as 
Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a s...



Jailed for making the use and treament for "anti K0v!d MMS" to the public 
including over accessing the airwaves via real public radio

Mark Grenon still IMPRISONED by the FDA

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Mark Grenon still IMPRISONED by the FDA

Mark Grenon still IMPRISONED by the FDA for promoting chlorine dioxide as 
lifesaving, affordable medicine



Pfizer CEO boasts Covid will be 'multi-billion dollar franchise'

2022-11-09 Thread Douglas Haack
Pfizer increases price of VAX by 10,000 PERCENT . . .

The company announced last month it will triple the price of its shot to up to 
$130 per dose next year — a far cry from the roughly $19 to $30 per dose that 
the government paid.

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How Pfizer plans to sell its Covid vaccine with a 10,000% markup

Mansur Shaheen

Once the government uses up the doses it has already bought, Pfizer will hike 
the price to as much as $130 for a...



Some experts estimate each individual shot to cost just $1.18 to make — meaning 
the new price represents a 10,000 per cent markup.

Pfizer CEO boasts Covid will be 'multi-billion dollar franchise'

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Pfizer CEO boasts Covid will be 'multi-billion dollar franchise'

Cassidy Morrison Senior

David Denton said he expects the Covid virus to be 'somewhat like a flu... but 
more deadly' - meaning therapeuti...



Japan grants first payment for death related to COVID vaccination

2022-11-08 Thread Douglas Haack
Japan grants first payment for death related to COVID vaccination

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Japan grants first payment for death related to COVID vaccination

No Author

A health ministry panel found that a causal relationship between subsequent 
health problems and the vaccine coul...



Japan grants 1st payment for death related to COVID vaccination

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Japan grants 1st payment for death related to COVID vaccination


A Japanese health ministry panel has awarded for the first time a lump sum 
compensation payment to the family of...



Japanese gov't set to pay benefits over death after COVID shot for 1st time - 
The Mainichi

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Japanese gov't set to pay benefits over death after COVID shot for 1st t...

TOKYO -- The Japanese government is set to offer a lump-sum payment under the 
country's vaccine redress system f...



K0v!D JAB in Pregnancy -- Most Egregious Violation of Ethics in the History of Medicine

2022-11-07 Thread Douglas Haack

Via Dr Robert Malone:

Board-Certified Obstetrician cries "STOP"

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Board-Certified Obstetrician cries "STOP"

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Promoting SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccination in Pregnancy is an unprecedented 
ethical breach



Experimental, Never before Tested Novel Genetic Therapy Pushed in Pregnancy.

The Most Egregious Violation of Ethics in the History of Medicine

James A Thorp, MD. 

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   >