CS>Re: unsubscribe tool

2017-05-28 Thread Evan Jones
UNSUBSCRIBE has not worked for years. It returns an "email address not
found" error.

CS>Re: Iodine and thyroid and cancer

2016-11-07 Thread Evan Jones
Ron wrote:
> I believe that iodine can effect a breast
cancer cure to the extent that one is iodine deficient.
> The thyroid and the breast compete for iodine and the thyroid will win
and if there is not enough iodine to go around then the breast is
vulnerable to cancer.

While there are lot of claims that Iodine can "cure" thyroid and
cancer, the claim is a dangerous over-simplification. Ray Peat warns
that overdosing iodine actually causes the thyroid gland  to shut
down.(The Wolff-Chaikoff effect, which is taught to most doctors in
medical school.)

When Peat warns us of overdoing iodine, he may assume that we are
eating his recommended totally PUFA free diet. (Something which is
impossible if you eat any kind of food processed in factories or in

Ray Peat follower Scott Schlegel explains that iodine intake is
clouded by the excess non essential toxic man-made halogens in our
environment e.g. bromine, flouride, chlorine, which our cells all too
readily absorb, because they too easily confuse the stuff for iodine.
Explained rather clearly in this article by Dr L. Wilson:

 Schlegel says that some of us may also benefit from supplementing
with vitamins B1 and B2 (thiamine and niacin).

After  all that, I don't know if I need to supplement iodine or not!
Wilson says to supplement with a little kelp.

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2016-07-18 Thread Evan Jones

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2016-06-22 Thread Evan Jones

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CS>Re: Today’s health tip : hydrogen water

2016-03-30 Thread Evan Jones
Hydrogen water seems a bit hard to swallow. Carbonated fizzy drinks consist
of  CO2 dissolved in water. The fizziness in your drink is the CO2 coming
out of solution as the water warms up. CO2 is not very soluble in water.
Water just above freezing can hold 3.5grams /liter. At room temperature
this drops to 1.5g/liter. Thus the bubbles.

Freezing cold water can hold 20milligrams/liter of hydrogen. Less than one
thousandth that of CO2. So the stuff seems to be hype.

Re: CS>Bronchitis probably

2016-03-26 Thread Evan Jones
> Nothing seems to work. Frequent dry cough. No temperature.

10% Xylitol sugar dissolved in CS water in a nasal spray or nebulizer
10x/day until the streptococcus pneumonae biofilm in the lungs is
broken up. If you were running a temperature, I would have suggested
IV Vitamin C or failing that, liposomal vitamin C. If your lungs are
badly gummed up, it may take a few days for the xylitol to break up
the biofilm.

Nebulized N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (dissolved in CS water) will thin the
mucus, making it easier to cough up.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fixing Hyper/Hypothyroidism without drugs

2016-03-13 Thread Evan Jones
 <2wordsproduct...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Thanks Evan. There's a lot of info to digest here. A couple of  things.
>1 - a protocol of detox is needed this time - specifically for a
>feline. Small animal medicine.

You mean I spent 2 hours writing this post for a bloody CAT?

  >We have now officially removed
  >  ourselves from conventional veterinary practice after thousands upon
   > thousands of dollars were thrown at the them for absolutely no
   > relief. So now we do things the better way.

Do give up on the vet yet. That cat is suffering; it is in bad shape.
1. Take the cat back to the vet ASAP
2. Have it put down
3. Go to the SPCA and get a new one.

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List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Fixing Hyper/Hypothyroidism without drugs

2016-03-11 Thread Evan Jones
<2wordsproduct...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to reverse hyperthyroidism by any means possible - OTHER THAN - 
> medication or surgery.
> Your input for someone suffering pretty badly right now.
> As for why no medication or surgery - liver/kidney issues

Your question suggests the solution to your thyroid problem. If you
concentrate on fixing your liver / kidney issues, you could find that
your thyroid may fix itself. If your liver is backed up with toxic
stuff, it cannot balance your body's metabolism. My own problem is the
opposite to your's, *hypo* (meaning under active) thyroid. Although
your's is *hyper*, the root causes of a malfunctioning thyroid can be

Your query is reasonable. Similar to what I have been researching
since being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (heart failure) in early
2010. After months of intensive study, my earliest conclusion was that
conventional medicine not only could NOT offer a solution, it didn't
offer even a remote clue as what causes heart failure. The crude
medieval solutions being prescribed by cardiologists threaten more
harm than good. By the end of 2010, I had entirely written off the
heart doctors' crude reductionist nostrums.

Those private conclusions about cardiologists were vindicated when
this news report about a year ago:

Reading the ideas of Ray Peat led to the discoveries of Dr Broda
Barnes who found that all heart problems can be traced to an under
functioning thyroid. That led me to Russell Farris's
Infection-Cortisol Yahoo group and an expatriate goat farmer in
Thailand, who  solved his thyriod issues with Armor dessicated natural
thyroid extract. I tried this for a about a year but it didn't work
for me, possibly for the reason given here by Tom Brimeyer:

"However, it’s important to understand that just because you take
thyroid hormone doesn’t mean that the hormone is getting to your
cells. Thyroid hormone can get blocked many places along this pathway.
For example, most hypothyroid people can’t convert inactive T4 thyroid
hormone to active T3 thyroid hormone that your cells need. Thyroid
hormone can also get blocked in the bloodstream, at the cell receptor,
etc. You can supplement all of the thyroid hormone you want but if you
can’t get the hormone to your cells then you will still be

Next , I found the sensible and practical DrMyhill.com:

Dr Sarah Myhill in the UK specializes in chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS), a condition which is closely related for hypothyroidism. She
found that daily sweating in an infra red sauna helps the body sweat
out toxins. Ray Peat agrees; he says that a few hundred watts worth of
ordinary incandescent light bulbs do the job. Dr John Harvey Kellog of
Kellog's Cornflakes Battle Creek Sanatorium fame found the same thing.
He summarized his 40 years of medical practice using light bulbs in
"Light Therapeutics", published in 1922, a book which is now a free
download on the internet. A daily session either under the lights or
in the sun (I live near the Equator) is relaxing and invigorating.

As to the liver, there seems to be two essential things we can
immediately do (apart from avoiding toxins such as alcohol and PUFAs -
Poly Unsaturated Fats) . One is start doing a Max Gerson daily coffee
enema, the other is daily yoga to get the lymph fluids moving.  Our
bodies have more lymph fluid that blood; it is a major detox pathway.
Our lymph system has no means of moving the stuff around except
movement and exercise. Some say a daily rebounder works; I like yoga.
- The daily coffee enema thing is a hassle for most people, I need to
post my own quick and easy technique on a health blog, one of these
- I also vigorously brush my dry skin with a rough brush before
showering (twice daily), as that seems to help the body detox. My soap
is home made out of palm oil and coconut oil - i.e. no dodgy
artificial perfumes, surfactants or colorings. A couple of litres of
cooking oil makes a two year supply. Use all soaps and skin
surfactants sparingly.

So by 2012 I was supplementing with a load of stuff suggested by the
Dutchman Willie Witzel, the most important of which seems to be
magnesium and zinc.  Ray Peat had already convinced me to totally stop
all polyunsaturated seed oils such as corn, soy, canola, even flax and
fish oils. Dr William Davis (Wheatbelly) convinces us to stop
consuming all wheat products. That means that just about all packet
processed foods on supermarket selves are off limits.

I then in 2014, I found the ideas of DrLWilson.com  who sensibly
maintains that heavy metal toxicity can be solved by 3 -4 monthly
cycles of hair analysis and his (complicated) nutritional balancing
program. I was on this for a couple of years and it certainly helped
get my waking body temperature halfway up from a 

Re: CS>nebulizer freuency

2016-03-04 Thread Evan Jones
>According to Ray Peat, salt does not put up blood pressure - this is yet 
>another dangerous myth perpetuated by the medical community.Dee

There could be something in the anti-caking chemicals added to table
salt which have not-yet understood negative health effects. So plain
old sea salt is the way to go. Ray Peat rather likes salt.

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List Owner: Mike Devour 

CS>Agents which break up biofilms

2016-02-21 Thread Evan Jones
This information could be useful to anybody suffering an infection
that comes from an entrenched biofilm. Commons ones include
bronchitis, tooth decay, prostate problems, urinary tract infections.

Biofilms exist everywhere in our bodies and in our environment. e.g.
Water containers such as pipes and tanks are natural hosts for slimy
biofilms; typically made from a fermenting gram negative bacteria. I
should try using various substances  lying around the house to see
what controls the slimy biofilm in my water storage dispensor e.g.
xylitol, d ribose, sea salt, iodine, chlorine, NAC, soap, sodium
bicarb, aspirin. Biofilms are a growing problem in engine fuel
systems, due to the recent trend of adding 6 - 10% biofuels to
gasoline and diesel fuels.

Because  xylitol looks and tastes like plain white sugar , somebody
asked why not simply  use sugar to control biofilms?  The reason is
that while most sugars contain 6 carbon molecules, xylitol contains
only 5, a characteristic which affect the ability of microbes to form
biofilms. D mannose and D ribose also have 5 OH chains . D mannose is
the sugar in cranberries which is useful in breaking up biofilms in
urinary tracts.

CS to break up biofilms.
I wrote earlier that mixing CS with xylitol may not be a good idea ,
as the CS may attack the strep mutans too soon. (This is said to be
the case of mixing salt and xylitol to control tooth decay - we want
to the strep mutans to eat the xylitol, not eweaken it.)

Upon further reading, it seems that CS (Colloidal Silver) also
controls infections by breaking up biofilms.
"Silver is an important antimicrobial agent used as a coating to
reduce bacterial adhesion to biomaterials and prevent infections.
Silver ions increase bacterial membrane permeability, induce
de-energization of cells, leakage of cellular content, and disruption
DNA replication. [Marambio-Jones & Hoek, 2010] Many studies support an
anti-biofilm component of silver. However, a recent study suggests
that silver may indirectly promote bacterial adhesion [Carvalho et
al., 2013]"

I don't know whether mixing CS with xylitol is a good idea or not.

This article, BTW, contains a useful list of natural biofilm agents,
which includes :
- Proteolytic enzymes like serrapeptase
- Bacteriophages (which are viruses that produce a number of enzymes)
- Quorum-Sensing Inhibitors
- Ajoene, found in crushed garlic, inhibits production of rhamnolipid,
which shields biofilms from white blood cells
- Resveratrol demonstrates antimicrobial properties on periodontal pathogens
- Cranberry keeps bacteria from sticking to surfaces
- Chlorogenic acids (CGA) come largely from coffee
- Boswellic acids, the pentacyclic triterpenes, produced in plants
belonging to the genus Boswellia, disrupt preexisting biofilms.
- Aspirin and many other naturally-occurring salicylates can inhibit
the macromolecules that make up the biofilm matrix
- Formic, capric, and lauric acids (e.g. coconut oil) are broadly
inhibitory for bacteria. Undecylenic acid is another medium chain
fatty acid known for its anti-biofilm ability, including the
disruption of troubling biofilms of Candida albicans
- Iron promotes EPS production and biofilm formation in many
pathogenic, biofilm-producing bacteria. By tying up iron, lactoferrin
could conceivably show anti-biofilm activity.
- Bismuth appears to work largely by inhibiting bacterial EPS
[Domenico et al., 1991, 1992] via competitive interference with iron
- N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), at low milligram levels, was found to
decrease biofilm formation by a variety of bacteria
- sodium bicarbonate has an antibiofilm activity

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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List Owner: Mike Devour 

Resend: CS>nebulizer freuency

2016-02-21 Thread Evan Jones
CORRECTION : 1tsp = 3grams not 300
On 21 Feb, 2016 4:17 pm, "Evan Jones" <evanj.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Lyn wrote :
> > <jcegre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That’s fantastic news, Evan. Please tell me how much xylitol in how much
> water? Thanks, Lynn
> Put about 1tsp (300grams) xylitol into a 100ml nasal spray bottle,  add
> water. Let the xylitol crystals fully dissolve before inhaling.
> I still have minor daily phlegm, so the streptococcus pneumonia may be
> active?  Dental plaque consists of streptococcus mutans biofilm. Could the
> phlegm be a biofilm? I don't know.
> On 21 Feb, 2016 9:38 am, "Evan Jones" <evanj.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have had chronic lung infections since childhood, morning phegm ,
>> often coughing, easily get bronchitis , sometimes pneumonae. I tried
>> inhaling CS. Finally found that xylitol water in a nasal spray and
>> inhaled into the lungs 5 x day has it beat. Many lung infections have
>> a biofilm made of streptococci pneumonae, a bacteria which loves the
>> sugar in xylitol. When the strep consumes the xylitol sugar, the strep
>> bug loses it's ability to form the biofilm. (Same happens to tooth
>> decay forming strep mutans when fed xylitol).
>> Therefore, I wouldn't take anything that attacks bacteria when using
>> xylitol, such as zithromycin, salt or CS.
>> I now inhale xylitol water 2 x day as a preventive.

Re: CS>nebulizer freuency

2016-02-21 Thread Evan Jones
Lyn wrote :
> <jcegre...@gmail.com> wrote:

That’s fantastic news, Evan. Please tell me how much xylitol in how much
water? Thanks, Lynn

Put about 1tsp (300grams) xylitol into a 100ml nasal spray bottle,  add
water. Let the xylitol crystals fully dissolve before inhaling.

I still have minor daily phlegm, so the streptococcus pneumonia may be
active?  Dental plaque consists of streptococcus mutans biofilm. Could the
phlegm be a biofilm? I don't know.
On 21 Feb, 2016 9:38 am, "Evan Jones" <evanj.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have had chronic lung infections since childhood, morning phegm ,
> often coughing, easily get bronchitis , sometimes pneumonae. I tried
> inhaling CS. Finally found that xylitol water in a nasal spray and
> inhaled into the lungs 5 x day has it beat. Many lung infections have
> a biofilm made of streptococci pneumonae, a bacteria which loves the
> sugar in xylitol. When the strep consumes the xylitol sugar, the strep
> bug loses it's ability to form the biofilm. (Same happens to tooth
> decay forming strep mutans when fed xylitol).
> Therefore, I wouldn't take anything that attacks bacteria when using
> xylitol, such as zithromycin, salt or CS.
> I now inhale xylitol water 2 x day as a preventive.

Re: CS>nebulizer freuency

2016-02-20 Thread Evan Jones
I have had chronic lung infections since childhood, morning phegm ,
often coughing, easily get bronchitis , sometimes pneaumonia. I tried
inhaling CS. Finally found that xylitol water in a nasal spray and
inhaled into the lungs 5 x day has it beat. Many lung infections have
a biofilm made of streptococci pneumonae, a bacteria which loves the
sugar in xylitol. When the strep consumes the xylitol sugar, the strep
bug loses it's ability to form the biofilm. (Same happens to tooth
decay forming strep mutans when fed xylitol).

Therefore, I wouldn't take anything that attacks bacteria when using
xylitol, such as zithromycin, salt or CS.

I now inhale xylitol water 2 x day as a preventive.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulizer freuency

2016-02-20 Thread Evan Jones
I have had chronic lung infections since childhood, morning phegm ,
often coughing, easily get bronchitis , sometimes pneumonae. I tried
inhaling CS. Finally found that xylitol water in a nasal spray and
inhaled into the lungs 5 x day has it beat. Many lung infections have
a biofilm made of streptococci pneumonae, a bacteria which loves the
sugar in xylitol. When the strep consumes the xylitol sugar, the strep
bug loses it's ability to form the biofilm. (Same happens to tooth
decay forming strep mutans when fed xylitol).

Therefore, I wouldn't take anything that attacks bacteria when using
xylitol, such as zithromycin, salt or CS.

I now inhale xylitol water 2 x day as a preventive.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2015 #64

2015-02-19 Thread Evan Jones
RaVen  asked:

Does the potassium salt have iodine in it?


Beth Toraason wrote:

 I love the Magnesium Oil from Swanson's.  When sprayed
 on, it stops a cramp in my leg or foot within 5 minutes or so.

John wote:
 I use salt substitute (mostly potassium chloride) for that.  Just a
 sprinkle on the tongue usually melts a cramp in a minute or two. If this
 happens a couple times in a week, I just add a teaspoon of the potassium
 salt to my salt shaker, and eliminate cramps for a week or two.

 Muscle cramps are one of the symptoms of low
 blood potassium.

 I wonder if there is any potassium in your Magnesium Oil.

Electric signalling to muscles needs adequate magnesium, sodium and potassium.

If we get short of any of these 3 basic minerals, we can get cramps.

On 2/20/15, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain

 silver-digest Digest  Volume 2015 : Issue 64

 Today's Topics:
   Re: CSOT -Magnesium for the chemist  [ ASL raVen aslra...@gmail.com ]
   Re: RE: CSHighly ionic CS.   [ Kenneth Taylor pli...@yahoo.com
   Re: CSOT -Magnesium for the chemist  [ John Popelish
 jpopel...@gmail.com ]
   Re: CSHighly ionic CS.   [ Kenneth Taylor pli...@yahoo.com
   Re: CSOT -Magnesium for the chemist  [ ASL raVen aslra...@gmail.com ]
   Re: CSOT -Magnesium for the chemist  [ John Popelish
 jpopel...@gmail.com ]
   Re: CSHighly ionic CS.   [ Da Darrin ddarrin...@gmail.com
   Re: CSHuman Telomerese Gene Express  [ Joe Huard joe.hu...@primus.ca ]
   Re: Re: CSHighly ionic CS.   [ Debra  David
 alch...@kern.com.au ]

Currently in Batam
In Batam 12 Feb to late Feb
In Thailand late Feb/ early  March
In Sydney 19 to 29 March 2015
In Batam from 30 March 2015
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The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read
and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2012 #376

2012-10-18 Thread Evan Jones
Re NAC eyewash. I use NAC powder from Purebulk mixed with CS water in
my nebulizer. So far the lungs go, NAC seems to be harmless enough
stuff; if I wanted to try it in my eyes, I would make a very dilute
eyewash and give it a try. Then slowly increase the strength.

On 10/18/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:
 Content-Type: text/plain

 silver-digest Digest  Volume 2012 : Issue 376

 Today's Topics:
   Re: CSMaking silver colloids from s  [ Jason R Eaton
 jason@eytonsearth. ]
   RE: CSMaking silver colloids from s  [ Bob Banever
 bbanever@earthlink.n ]
   Re: CSMaking silver colloids from s  [ Steve G chube...@yahoo.com ]
   Re: CSMaking silver colloids from s  [ David AuBuchon
 aubuchon.david@gmai ]
   Re: CSMaking silver colloids from s  [ Dorothy Fitzpatrick
 d...@deetroy.or ]
   CS=?windows-1256?Q?need_advic?= =?w  [ Elbert vaughn
 evaughn312@hotmail.c ]
   CS=?windows-1256?Q?Re:_CS=3Eneed_ad  [ Jane MacRoss
 highfield1@internod ]

Currently in Batam
Indonesia mobile +62 811 777 994
Sent from my Samsung® 4G LTE Toaster Oven

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-12 Thread Evan Jones
Steve G chube...@yahoo.com wrote:

I think the question should not be 'how' homeopathy works, but 'whether' it=
.. I am not a believer in homeopathy

I haven't tried the stuff myself, though it may be worth giving it the
benefit of the doubt, as our ability to comprehend the magnificence of
mother nature is handicapped by our extremely limited abilities of

All of us can understand than an ant living in a crack in the floor
has a very limited worldview. But our hubris (i.e. our inflated sense
of self importance) prevents us from admitting that our own
perceptions of time, physical dimension and electromagnetic bandwidth
are little better than that of an insect.

The Gawler Foundation near Melbourne Australia teaches cancer suffers
self help strategies. It's founder, Ian Gawler, says that during his
time as a veterinarian, he sometimes used the Bach Flower homeopathic
remedies with good success when treating animals. e.g.


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  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com