RE: CS>Re: Moving Lymph Naturally

2007-04-27 Thread reglee
Hi Charles and Kirsteen

I am confidence if you have access to one of this machine.. it will surely
benefit you very well and quickly too.

And if you live in Perth Western Australia, you are most welcome to use this
machine. Only the first minute and you will see the positive result.. 

Reginald from the wild west..

-Original Message-
From: Charles Marcus [] 
Sent: Friday, 27 April 2007 8:48 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Moving Lymph Naturally

>> Hope this isn't too late. The other day, the list had a few posts
>> related to moving lymph. I have a 2-page document that details a
>> simple protocol that explains how to do self-lymph massage.

> I'd absolutely love a copy thanks
> Kirsteen

Obviously this should simply be posted to the list - not sure why you 
didn't just do that anyway...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>[List Owner] Time out...

2007-02-05 Thread reglee
I agree with Carlos.. Everyone here is decent folks.. and I have learnt a
great deal from this list too. Even though I don't contribute much but
listening (reading) are mostly decent and honest view all the folks here..
and I have not wasted my time here.

Reggie!!  from the wild wild west

-Original Message-
From: Carlos PXrez [] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 8:24 PM
Subject: RE: CS>[List Owner] Time out...


Undoubtedtly you are a top class moderator and this list is full of really 
high quality members. I am very proud to belong to this gang of freaks, 
silver nuts or whatever we or others want to call us.

Thanks to all for the tremendous help given me all along my process of 


>From: "M. G. Devour" 
>Subject: CS>[List Owner] Time out...
>Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 20:00:12 -5
>Okay, gang. We need to take a time out here.
>Our regular members are starting to lose their patience and it's
>showing up as inappropriate aggressiveness.
>Our new member, Gina, is either not reading what is being addressed to
>her or is ignoring it purposefully. She is starting to repeat questions
>that have been answered already and accusing the group of not answering
>when they have... repeatedly.
>Argyria Victim has had an ample opportunity to present her case and has
>done so with vigor. I have done my best, ma'am, to keep things civil in
>the face of your angry tone.
>It's now time to end this topic and move on. The fact that I've
>extended you both a courteous reception is not an abdication of my
>obligation to the rest of my members.
>Gina, contact me privately at if you want to
>continue to participate in the group. Your questions have and will be
>answered, fully. Assuming you are still prepared to take responsibility
>for your own decisions the group is prepared to help you.
>Janis, I think you should not give up on a cure for your Argyria. I
>believe Jason is the best resource you have and the results he is
>seeing are significant. You can be as impatient as you want, but you
>must not quit trying!
>Contact me again at any time if you have something to contribute or
>need anything from our members.
>Everyone, thank you for your attention and restraint. Feel free to
>discuss until you're satisfied.
>Be well,
>Mike Devour
>silver-list owner
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[Speaking only for myself...   ]
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

RE: CS>skin cancer

2006-12-26 Thread reglee
Yes I think its commonly available in USA and yet it is ban in Australia
thanks to our "marvelous" TGA know how..  and AMA. I know this works as I
have seen it on several occasions.



From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 26 December 2006 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS>skin cancer


A friend of mine use an American Indian salve by Two Feathers that got to
the root and totally irradicated on his face without scarring. I remember it
was  a small jar and ran around $100.

RE: CS>Re: Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>Ionic Silver vs. Silver Particles

2006-12-18 Thread reglee
Gday from the west,
I find this site explained in another way of ionic silver vs cs.

Reginald WA

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2006 8:00 AM
Subject: CS>Re: Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>Ionic Silver vs. Silver Particles

> From: sol 

>   I guess I missed the meaning of your post. Sounded like you had only 
> read the Silver Colloids info to me.
> Sorry. Perhaps I still miss your meaning.  The part of the SS site that 
> I wanted to point out is that there is at least one place that says that 
> ionic is better,

  See -- I couldn't find anything anywhere on the Sovreign Silver site
that referred to ionic silver AT ALL -- much less that it was better.  The
other site discussed ions and particles and tried to convince you that ions
were bad (or at least useless) and particles were good.  The SS site didn't
discuss the issue at all.  I thought perhaps I was overlooking one of their
links.  That was the meaning of my post to you.  MA  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Colon cleanser

2006-12-12 Thread reglee
Hi Scot

U should try homozon.. this is a much better, clever options for a good
bowel cleansing protocol.. safe, gentle, effective, hydrating the bowel and
therefore no healing crisis, no side-effect, no pain but with magnesium as a
base mineral, u don't get addicted or become dependence PLUS being mostly
water, it cleanses from top to bottom, especially consider the bowel is a
convoluted surface and if u have bowel pockets, this is definitely good for
cleansing all those "weakened colon wall"  and please  talk to Donna at


TCMB in the West of the land of Oz.



From: Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 8:37 PM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>Colon cleanser


I was wondering if any of you knew of a safe, homemade recipe that cleanses
the colon?  I saw some interesting things from a product sold as Colonix:  I can't afford to spend the astronomical prices
they want for this stuff.  Anyhow, I appreciate the feedback.

In His Service,
Scott Young <><

In His Service,

Scott <><



Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your
question on Yahoo!

RE: CS>Need Homozon Info

2006-10-02 Thread reglee
Hi Connie

My last email from her a yr ago was


Hope it help.. and I cc to Donna at the same time.


Reg from the wild wild west



From: [] 
Sent: Monday, 2 October 2006 12:11 AM
Subject: CS>Need Homozon Info


I can not locate Donna Crow's email address and need to order more
Homozon  can anyone help?

Also...  would like to know how Homozon has worked with other people.  I've
been on it for about two weeks and have two bottle prepared 1-Lemon Juice
2-Homozon throughout the days I consum these two bottles...  sometimes I
feel that I filling up with air and will burst  I've had long time
constipation problems and the VA diagnosed me with a lazy colon and
perscribed antibiotics (which I did not take)...   just want to see how the
Homozon has helped others.






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CS>A safe, gentle and easy way to cleanse your colon or bowl

2006-09-19 Thread reglee
Dear all

For a really good bowel cleansing, a high dose of mgo will "hydrate" your
bowel without any negative side-effect. It is safe, as a mineral you don't
get dependent on it plus not become addicted. From what I have learned about
Homozone, it actually regulates your bowel and not makes it "lazy". I
usually get homozone from Donna whom I believe is doing a great job in
selling Homozone as a safe, gentle and effective bowel cleanser.

This is part of Donna's website if you are interested to cleanse from "top
to bottom" or coast to coast...for your bowel.

The Original Oxygen-Therapy-Blass Homozon of 1898, 
now produced by Dr. George Freibott of International Oxydation Laboratories 
A compound chiefly MgO and beneficial gases. Non-toxic. Bound by a
proprietary process and released by a catalysis. Daily use varies according
to intended purpose. 1/4th to several teaspoons in 6-8 ounces of PURE water
and swallowed as often as desired. Follow with sufficient citrus juice
diluted in water (1/4th to 1/2 a lemon, for instance) to dissolve the
powder, setting free the beneficial gases for action. 

Guaranteed non-toxic, non-habit forming, harmless. Usable by both young and
old, internally and externally. 

150 Grams  Regular Retail $33   -   ET Price $26.50  

You feel great when your bowl works well!!

R from the wild wild west!!

-Original Message-
From: Richard Harris [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:18 PM
Cc: Richard Harris
Subject: RE: CS>Personal colonic device

Hi Terry,
Please send the persona; colonic device plans,
Thanks for this and your other many contributions to "us seekers".
Richard Harris, 59 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Microwaved water science fair project.

2006-04-12 Thread reglee
that is clever.!! Thank u roger.

-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker []
Sent: Wednesday, 12 April 2006 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Microwaved water science fair project.

I've been waiting for this. Thanks Marshall.

Cheers,  Roger

On 11/04/2006, at 5:00 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> OK, I FINALLY got the images for my granddaugher's science fair 
> project posted.  To refresh everyone's memory, she boiled filtered 
> water and microwaved filtered water and over a 5 day period watered 
> the plants. The ones watered with the microwaved water were virtually 
> dead after 9 days, the ones with non-microwaved water were thriving..
> Marshall

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>[List Owner] Investment spam posts?

2006-02-25 Thread reglee
Well done Mike.. Thank u .. 

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2006 9:35 AM
Subject: CS>[List Owner] Investment spam posts?

Hi everybody! Your list owner is ON THE JOB!!!

Okay, when one of these investment posts came through from somebody
calling themselves, I figured that a member thought it
was interesting and sent it along. It would have been nice if they had
said something so we knew why they wanted to post it, but, in fact, it
was talking about using ozone for food sanitation... a relatively
obvious alternative health reference.

Then a *second* copy comes under a different Subject line, from the
same address. Now this starts looking like SPAM.

So I went and checked the subscriber file and we don't even *have* a ... and when you think about it the odds of anyone
even having an address like b...@... from any large domain is pretty
much nil. I'm sure was taken the first day verizon was
handing out userid's, probably to an employee, and that person is
unlikely to be a member here. It's most likely a forgery.

Digging a bit deeper, it turns out these *were* spam, and they got
posted because we have an extremely similar user name already
subscribed, and I had the threshold for accepting submissions set to
"tight" but not "exact," and that was good enough to let it through.

I've changed it now so the list server requires an *exact* match to the
subscriber list entry. I hope this won't cause anyone a problem
posting. If that happens, let me know. My personal e-mail address is in
the footer at the bottom of every list message.

Thought you'd all like to know... 

Be well,

Mike D.
list security guard... 

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date forwarded: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 04:47:20 -0800
From:   "Bill" 
Date sent:  Sat, 25 Feb 2006 20:47:19 -0500
Forwarded by:
Send reply to:
Subject:CS>Investors profit on last minute trading

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Ticker Symbol: PDSC.PK  Buy  Aggressively

Last Trade: 0.082
AVG Vol: 1,107,198
Short Term Target: +0.67 
Long Term Target: +2.00

We believe serious news is on the horizon that can blow the lid off the
stock like a powder-keg

  PDSC is poised to be the standard for the multi-billion dollar food
  safety industry. Its food sanitation process improves organic and
  non-organic foods. Billions of American, and International, consumers
  will receive quality, non-toxic, fresh fruits, vegetables and meats.

  An estimated 76 million Americans suffer from food-borne illnesses
  every year, an issue which concerns food producers, processors and

[the rest deleted...]

--- End of forwarded message ---

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>EIS + Oxylene for COPD

2005-12-22 Thread reglee
Yes Jonathan.. Couldn't agree more. Thanks for this infor.. If it wasn't
your email I would have missed this good readings.

>From WA.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten [] 
Sent: Friday, 23 December 2005 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>EIS + Oxylene for COPD

My goodness:  a 173 page book, free with one mouse-click!

Thanks for that.

I notice that in the first chapter the doctor addresses my 
long-standing question about the conflict between H202 therapy and the 
free-radical theory of aging and cellular damage.   That alone suggests 
this is a worthwhile read.

Much obliged!

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 10:49 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

> At 11:15 AM 12/22/2005, Kallie wrote to Pete:
> Check this out, Pete.
> stuff
>> Have you looked into and can afford intravenous Hydrogen peroxide for
>> your emphysema and cancer?
>> For more information, do a google search on "intravenous hydrogen
>> peroxide"
>> Kallie Miller
>> - Original Message -
>> From:
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:33 AM
>> Subject: CS>EIS + Oxylene for COPD
>> As many on the list know, I have an advanced case of Emphysema and am
>> trying
>> various means to slow the decomposition of my lungs.  I use a Omron 
>> nebulizer in
>> which I add my 12PPM EIS than inhale the mist for about 10 mins. 
>> AM/PM.  I came
>> across this other product at Walgreens called "Oxylene" which 
>> indicates that it is a
>> Nitric Oxide (NO) enhancer. It is suppose to improve oxygen delivery 
>> to the cells,
>> promote max. circulation and vascular blood flow, and also increase 
>> physical sta-
>> mina and endurance.  Does anyone on the list have any knowledge of 
>> this product?
>> Is "NO" a safe substance? One of the main ingredients is Arginine 
>> alpha Ketoglu
>> tarate(akg). Thank you,   Pete
>> PS between nose cancer and Emphysema I am having a wonderful 
>> Christmas!
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS>zip files on cancer please

2005-10-17 Thread reglee
Yes Terry me too for the zip file. Many thanks

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, 17 October 2005 6:10 PM
Subject: CS>CS>zip files on cancer please


We would like to have the file on cancer.


RE: CS>[List Owner] I'm BAAACK!

2005-07-31 Thread reglee
Welcome home!! Mikie!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Subject: CS>heliobacter & CS

2005-04-03 Thread reglee
Dear Deborah
I love to help you out if you are living in Western Australia. 
Reglee in the land of Oz.
-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, 4 April 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: CS>Subject: CS>heliobacter & CS
Deborah wrote:

A friend of mine with early stage stomach ulcers would like to try CS as
way of eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be causing

trouble.  I would appreciate knowing the dosage and frequency to
to her of the homemade CS I'll be supplying.

I am surprised that her doctor did not give her the now common treatment
for heliobacter pylori caused ulcers:  Pepto Bismol (or other bismol
product) and an antibiotic.   Back in the late eighties, when my husband
had a huge bleed down from an unexpected ulcer, doctors were still
recommending a bland diet forever, no alcohol, etc., in addition to a
prescription of Zantac.  I read in the paper at the time (1987) that a
doctor in Australia had theorized that ulcers were caused by this common
bacteria and ought to be treated as a bacterial infection.  He was
laughed out of every medical venue where he brought the subject up.
Finally, he infected himself with the bacteria, in an effort to prove
his theory, and promptly cured it.  When I sent the clipping with my
husband to his followup appointment with his doctor, it was predictably
pooh-poohed.  However, within a year, it was major medical news and it
now is the gold standard treatment for such ulcers.  A very easy test
done in the doctor's office confirms if h pylori is present, (my doctor
checked me out a few years back when I had symptoms), but sometimes the
test costs more than the treatment, so typically, I understand that a
prescription is written instead, and in a few days, it is a done deal.
Just "shows to go ya" (as we used to say as kids), the doctors are not
only unsympathetic to outside the mainstream complementary methods such
as CS, they are pretty hard on their own colleagues when they step out
of line from the "way it is always done," too.

CS may give the same quick results.  I don't know.  If she tries that
route instead, I will be interested to learn if it is as quick and long
lasting as the allopathic doc's fix, and I am sure others on this list
will be, too.   It would save a trip to the doctor's office, leaves some
cash in one's pocket, and leave a digestive tract that does not require
recolonization with probiotics (good bacteria in the intestines are
killed by antibiotics)!
-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To
post, address your message to: Silver List
archive: Address
Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List maintainer:
Mike Devour 

RE: CS>My silvergen machine

2005-03-22 Thread reglee
Thank you Jim
Well written. We all needs this reminder every now and then.

Reginald from the land of Oz.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Led array from V

2004-08-24 Thread reglee
Dear folk

These are available in Victoria under the direction of Prof Campbell. He is
having a lot of success and the cost is about $1500 per week which is a 3 to
4 hours daily treatment for the entire week. As I understand it could takes
up to 3 months depending on various stages of the diseases. The treatment
cost includes the entire necessary protocol regime, such as sauna ozone,
John Holt electrotherapies, rife and PDT. However, nutrition and various
tests are not included in the treatment cost. I still believe its great
value for money.

I have the privilege to follow on some of his patients who are my dear
friends. Having seen his work for several weeks now, my friends are doing
well now. No more pain and I am confidence that the test will show great
result when the time comes. Most of all, their pain is gone, their QOF have
improved significantly. And this simply shows something very good is
happening. They are lung,lymphoma and breast cancer. I am also aware of his
high success rate in prostate and ovarian cancers lately with PDT.

Andy from the west of Oz

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, 21 August 2004 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Led array from V

Info from the National Cancer Institute on PDT (photo dynamic therapy)

 Cancer Facts  NCI Home
CIS Home


Date reviewed: 5/12/2004

Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer:
Questions and Answers

Key Points 
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) combines a drug (called a photosensitizer or
photosensitizing agent) with a specific type of light to kill cancer cells
(see Questions 1 and 2). 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the
photosensitizing agent called porfimer sodium, or PhotofrinR, for use in PDT
to treat or relieve the symptoms of certain cancers (see Question 3). 
Patients treated with porfimer sodium should avoid direct sunlight and
bright indoor light for at least 6 weeks after treatment (see Question 5). 
Researchers continue to study ways to improve the effectiveness of PDT and
expand its use to other cancers (see Question 6). 

What is photodynamic therapy?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment that uses a drug, called a
photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, and a particular type of light.
When photosensitizers are exposed to a specific wavelength of light, they
produce a form of oxygen that kills nearby cells (1, 2, 3).

Each photosensitizer is activated by light of a specific wavelength (3, 4).
This wavelength determines how far the light can travel into the body (3,
5). Thus, doctors use specific photosensitizers and wavelengths of light to
treat different areas of the body with PDT.

How is PDT used to treat cancer?

In the first step of PDT for cancer treatment, a photosensitizing agent is
injected into the bloodstream. The agent is absorbed by cells all over the
body, but stays in cancer cells longer than it does in normal cells.
Approximately 24 to 72 hours after injection (1), when most of the agent has
left normal cells but remains in cancer cells, the tumor is exposed to
light. The photosensitizer in the tumor absorbs the light and produces an
active form of oxygen that destroys nearby cancer cells (1, 2, 3).

In addition to directly killing cancer cells, PDT appears to shrink or
destroy tumors in two other ways (1, 2, 3, 4). The photosensitizer can
damage blood vessels in the tumor, thereby preventing the cancer from
receiving necessary nutrients. In addition, PDT may activate the immune
system to attack the tumor cells.

The light used for PDT can come from a laser or other sources of light (2,
5). Laser light can be directed through fiber optic cables (thin fibers that
transmit light) to deliver light to areas inside the body (2). For example,
a fiber optic cable can be inserted through an endoscope (a thin, lighted
tube used to look at tissues inside the body) into the lungs or esophagus to
treat cancer in these organs. Other light sources include light-emitting
diodes (LEDs), which may be used for surface tumors, such as skin cancer

PDT is usually performed as an outpatient procedure (6). PDT may also be
repeated and may be used with other therapies, such as surgery, radiation,
or chemotherapy (2).

What types of cancer are currently treated with PDT?

To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the
photosensitizing agent called porfimer sodium, or PhotofrinR, for use in PDT
to treat or relieve the symptoms of esophageal cancer and non-small cell
lung cancer (7). Porfimer sodium is approved to relieve symptoms of
esophageal cancer when the cancer obstructs the esophagus or when the cancer
cannot be satisfactorily treated with laser therapy alone. Porfimer sodium
is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer in patients for whom the usual
treatments are not appropriate, and to r

RE: CS>regarding bladder infections & more

2004-06-20 Thread reglee
HI Mal


I have no problem getting great result with Bladder infection. Maybe u could
consider using cs via the anus with some colonic equipment. Say, have a
litre of cs in a bottle and let it sip into the rectum for abt 20 mins. Get
the drift?


Andy from the wild west WA





From: Malcolm Stebbins [] 
Sent: Saturday, 19 June 2004 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>regarding bladder infections & more


Hi Bill, I'm curious about your - and your wife's - experiences with CS for
UTI's.  I've had inconsistent results using it as a topical bladder
irrigant.  I've considered using DMSO mixed with the CS, but have held off
since my skin seems to be much more sensitive to DMSO than most people's.   

I think the progress of ionic silver through the stomach, etc., is a more
complex subject than the usual  analogy of silver chloride can account for,
and arguments to "particular" superiority I've seen here ignore the effects
of HCl and other stomach contents on metallic silver particles.
How could particulate silver make it through the kidney anyway, though?

Aren't there studies of blood concentrations of dissolved - ionic?
covalent?? - silver, post-ingestion, or post-injection?  What about
excretion, isn't that about 85% through the urine, what form is it in then,
or does this all differ between mostly particulate  vs. mostly ionic CS?  

You said: " ...[E]lemental silver which produces ions at the site of
infection.", but why does it?  Dr. Becker measured DC nano-currents at the
site of limb amputations, then later discovered that the current direction,
which seemed to govern appropriate re-generation of limbs for salamanders,
was largely (surprisingly) immaterial in the regeneration of bone and tissue
when healing recalcitrant fractures in humans. The presence of silver ions
was both necessary and sufficient, though.  So what, in a wound or insult,
provokes the silver to ionize??

I guess we're lucky that corpora-gova-mega-mint-funded research hasn't
appropriated CS and all its mysterious puzzles right out of our grasp for
the 'Public' good . . . yet, anyway.  By all means, please dig!

Take care,  Malcolm

At 06:56 AM 6/15/04 -0500, you wrote:

Some types of cs don't get to the urethras, ureters and to the "faucets" Ole
Coyote so deftly refers to . . .  HCl in the stomach turns the ionic portion
of it to silver chloride which is not as effective as elemental silver which
produces ions at the site of infection. When I have time, I will dig up the
 a tsp or 2 daily of our 20 ppm, small particle (under 2 nm), low ionic CS 

Re: CS>bladder infection

2004-06-14 Thread reglee
Hi Nancy

I have great success using cs for bladder infection.. especially in the initial 
stage. Mybe your cs wasnt 
made correctly? Unfortunately I dont know of any means to test it.. so I just 
trust my supplier in WA.

reginald from the wild west.


Quoting nancymike :

> It is difficult to get the CS to the bladder area, but d-Mannose is a great
> product for curing and preventing future bladder infections without
> antibiotics
> Nancy
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Ode Coyote" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 5:27 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>bladder infection
> > Many people say it's worked for them but the reverse flush [squeeze bulb]
> > seems to be the ideal method.
> >  I've never heard of a woman doing it but a womans plumbing is similar
> with
> > the exception of the faucet shape.
> >
> > Ode
> >
> >
> > At 02:42 PM 6/13/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> > >A friend that I had printed some of the info on EIS for mentioned to me
> that
> > >his wife has a bladder infection, and wanted to know if drinking EIS will
> > >help.   I know this subject was covered recently but I was not interested
> > >enough  at that time to pay any attention.  I would appreciate any
> > >suggestions.Bob Smith
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > >
> > >Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > >
> > >To post, address your message to:
> > >Silver List archive:
> > >
> > >Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > >OT Archive:
> > >
> > >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> > >
> >

RE: CS>Calcium/

2004-02-18 Thread reglee
That is great reading!! Thanks for that.

Reg from the wild west of downunder.

-Original Message-
From: TJ Garland [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: CS>Calcium/

Human ratios.  Maybe  will convince you.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
   there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

>From: Wayne Fugitt 
>Subject: Re: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver Deficiency
>Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 10:15:35 -0600
>Morning TJ,
>At 09:29 AM 2/15/04 -0500, you wrote:
>>My rerference says the calcium/phosphorous ratio should range between
>>to 6.1- IOW 1.3 to 6.1 times more calcium
>Are we talking about plant nutrition or human nutrition?
>Both are interesting to me of course.
>On one of my blood reports, my phosphorus was near the top end. I
>think it was out of range.
> This did get my attention.  I still drink that awful stuff called 
> I would be interested in any ideas of blood or tissue analysis, or

>other organ function test that would indicate anything in my diet is
>damage, especially milk.
>My situation with milk, is much like the world leaders not being
>to find anything to take the place of WAR.  I have the complete report
>"The Iron Mountain Meeting" that was funded specifically to find
>to take the place of war.
>   One point I failed to make in the discussion of  "Chelated Minerals"

>will follow.
>   Wayne
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RE: CS>sinus congestion

2004-02-18 Thread reglee
Hi John 

Of course it does!! If you get the right type of CS.


-Original Message-
From: Stuff [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>sinus congestion

It wouldn't why not try it?

I would suggest doing your own research to find the best
product or do you make your own?


At 02:12 PM 2/18/2004 +1100, you wrote:
>Dear list,
>I have an 18 year old nephew who is afflicted with a terrible body
>particularly at night, his mother has to wash his sheets every day.
>He has been on antifungal mediction, "Lamasil", plus other antibiotics,
>he has an acne problem. He currently is on no medication.
>Would CS taken orally and applied topically kill off this troublesome
>John in Australia
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