Posted this a while back to the kermit newsgroup:

So I downloaded CKV211-VAX-VMS73-NONET.EXE and put that in the ISO,
fired up kermit on the netbook (I keep it an EVERY machine I ever
use!)  and ssh'ed to the localhost, fire up the simulator, log on,
fire up CKV211-VAX-VMS73-NONET.EXE into servermode and Frank is your
uncle :-)-O

At least for text files (for the time being) :-)-O

Kermit always works!


On 2016-04-20 15:43, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 9:16 PM, Bill Cunningham <> 
> wrote:
>> People tell me kermit in vms can be a pain.
> We used Kermit on VMS everyday back in the 80s.  It was terrific.
> You do have to know how to use Kermit (the default option settings
> aren't always the best choice) and you have to understand that files
> on VMS are record-oriented not streams-of--bytes, so moving *binary*
> files to/from VMS is not so trivial (EXEs aren't bad because they
> are fixed-length 512-byte record and you can tell Kermit what you
> are up to so you write the correct format on the VMS side, .OLB and
> other types of random-length-record files aren't so easy - we used
> to wrap binaries up in a text format that preserved the record-size
> meta-data and send text files.  Kermit is superb at that).  It's not
> Kermit that makes this "difficult", it's RMS on VMS that makes it
> more complicated than files on UNIX or DOS or whatever else.  All
> heterogenous file transfer techniques have the same hurdles.
> So since your use-case is moving text in and out of VMS, Kermit is
> an excellent choice that is not difficult to set up.
> -ethan

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