Hi Mike

Your "1" consists of two separate challenges: (1) reasoning & (2) learning
IMHO your 3 to 6 can be classified under (3) pattern recognition. I think 
perhaps even your 2 may flow out of pattern recognition.
Of course, the real challenge is to find an algorithmic way (or architecture) 
to do the above without bumping into exponential explosion.e. move the problem 
out of the NP-complete arena. (Else an AGI will never exceed human intelligence 
by a real margin.)


> "Mike Tintner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Your comments are irresponsible.  Many problems of AGI have been solved. 
>> If you disagree with that, specify exactly what you mean by a "problem of 
>> AGI", and let us list them.
>1.General Problem Solving and Learning (independently learning/solving  
>problem in, a new domain)
> 2.Conceptualisation [Invariant Representation] -  forming concept of Madonna 
> which can embrace rich variety of different faces/photos of her
> 3.Visual Object Recognition
> 4.Aural "Object" Recognition [dunno proper term here - being able to 
> recognize same melody played in any form]
> 5.Analogy
> 6.Metaphor
> 7.Creativity
>8.Narrative Visualisation - being able to imagine and create a visual 
>scenario ( a movie)   [just made this problem up - but it's a good one]

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