define url example.com
s6-tcpclient $url 80
execlineb "
foreground {
 fdmove 1 7 echo -en \"…\"
 fdmove 0 6 cat

 I have trouble understanding what you want to do in the general case,
because in this example, s6-tcpclient takes a whole command line, so
you do not have to call execlineb again.
 Remember that once an execlineb script has been parsed, it's just a
command line, no more, no less. So your example script can just be
written as:

define url example.com
s6-tcpclient $url 80
foreground { fdmove 1 7 echo -en "..." }
fdmove 0 6 cat

 No second execlineb invocation necessary at all. No quoting nightmares.


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