I have lowered the DNS TTL on sks-peer.spodhuis.org in advance of IP
address changes.

At some point in the next couple of weeks, the service will move across
to new hardware (plus a new OS, etc).  There will be a DB dump and an
outage, probably coming back up on a newer BDB version.  The IPv4
address will almost certainly change, the IPv6 address might stay the
same.  (Ah, routed netblocks, how I love thee).

I don't expect to need to send out emails closer to the time: it should
just look like a down peer and come back, with DNS re-resolved, and some
peerings perhaps being temporarily stale on old IPs -- everything in the
peering meshes should self-heal, given time.

The X.509 keys and certificates for HTTPS/HKPS will migrate, unchanged.


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