
last year there was a discussion about the location for KeePass:


and after that I've posted an upgrade, which modified the
destination to /usr/lib/KeePass (from /usr/lib/KeePass-$VERSION)
so creating SlackBuilds for KeePass plugins would be much easier
and wouldn't take an update of each plugin-Slackbuild after each
KeePass version update:


But then this happened:


and KeePass is again in /usr/lib/KeePass-$VERSION

And a few weeks after that Willy updated my KeePassHttp plugin:


but only the version :-) the plugin is still installed
in /usr/lib/KeePass (as expected).

So my question is: can we please have KeePass in /usr/lib/KeePass again?


Best regards

Thomas Szteliga

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