Re: [Slackbuilds-users] Updates - 20201107.1

2020-11-14 Thread Marek Wodzinski


I had also recently some Intel related problems with Chromium (Alien's 
build) and also Opera. I didn't test Vivaldi, but it's also 
Chromium based.
I think that there were some changes in Chromium engine which broke all 
these browsers on Intel cards.
Browsers started ok, but full-screen didn't work and after some use of 
GL, application stopped redraw itself (it worked and responded to my 
clicks, but nothing changed on screen). I tried kernel upgrade (nothing 
changed), Mesa upgrade (Mesa 13.0.6 can be built on stock 14.2) - i have 
a feeling that this made things little better. Of course I tried 
disabling hardware acceleration in browser and it helped a 
lot, but in long term it didn't fixed issue.

What fixed in my setup was creating configuration for Intel card for X11 
(maybe together with new Mesa, but I didn't try to downgrade it) in 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf to force enabling DRI 3:

Section "Device"
   Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
   Driver  "intel"
   Option  "DRI""3"

Best regards,
"If you want something yourself!"
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg

On Tue, 10 Nov 2020, Spycrowsoft wrote:


I can confirm that I had a similar experience with Vivaldi.

Except in my case, the profile folder had been mutilated to such an extent by 
the new version that even the previous version of Vivaldi would just crash 
and burn when I tried to start it.

Starting over with a clean profile folder and hardware acceleration disabled 
was easy because I'm using the sync feature.

I've tried re-enabling hardware acceleration afterwards, which lead to the 
same result.

I've also been running the latest versions of Vivaldi on SBo with hardware 
acceleration disabled on Slackware 14.2 without any issues since then.

For what it's worth: I've seen the same thing happening on a system with 
NVIDIA Optimus disabled, and a system which only has an Intel embedded 
graphics card. So it seems to be some kind of Intel-related issue.

Given that this is a pretty common setup, it might be feasible to make a note 
of this in the README file, or even to take precautions in the 
slackbuild-script itself.

However, given that the general philosophy of Slackware is to assume that the 
user is smart and that other hardware configurations are not guaranteed to 
fail, such precautions should be optional.

Therefore I think that a note in the README and a variable that can 
optionally be set to apply your fix directly from the slackbuild with 
something like "DEFAULT_DISABLE_GPU_ACCELERATION=yes ./vivaldi.Slackbuild", 
might be the most elegant solution here.

Kind regards,


Op 10-11-2020 om 01:55 schreef Luiz Carlos Ramos via SlackBuilds-users:


 just posting about a thing that happened here with vivaldi (the

 When it was first upgraded to version 3.4, it became broken due to some
 anoying problems with the GUI (windows seemed to be opened but didn't
 react to mouse clicks; minimizing the window seemed to work but the
 screen didn't change, etc.).

 At that time I went back to the version 2022.47 (from the end of
 Setember and the last one from 3.3 series) and it ran flawlessly again.

 This happened again for two or three times, for each slackbuild version
 posted so far in the 3.4 series.

 Last week (in another frustating upgrade) I tried to investigate a
 little bit more about this and ultimately found an answer in one post on
 this thread:,
 which is to run vivaldi from the CLI this way:

$ vivaldi --disable-gpu-compositing

 another way to solve the problem is to disable GPU acceleration in the
 settings page (but to do this one must bring to the "settings" screen,
 which seems to be impossible when the problem happens).

 Here I managed to change /usr/bin/vivaldi inserting that option
 hardcoded in the shell script which starts the real vivaldi binary. This
 way I can run vivaldi from the GUI as well.

 The issue seems to be related to the specifics of the GPU used and I
 would not risk talking about it as it seems to require a deep knowledge of
 the inner bits.

 A curiosity of mine is if anybody else has experienced such problem.

 Anyway (and supposing this isn't a problem specific of myself), a
 suggestion would be writing some notes in the README file about it. I
 would volunteer doing so if there are no objections.

 Many thanks,

 Luiz Carlos Ramos
 Sao Paulo - Brazil
 lramos dot prof at yahoo dot com dot br

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[Slackbuilds-users] Updates - 20201114.1

2020-11-14 Thread Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
Sat Nov 14 10:17:36 UTC 2020
academic/cadabra2: Updated for version
academic/cdo: Updated for version 1.9.9.
academic/colin: Various fixes. Rebuilt.
audio/FAudio: Updated for version 20.11.
audio/alsacap: Use https URLs.
audio/connie: Use a homepage that exists.
audio/fluidsynth: Updated for version 2.1.5.
desktop/cwm: Use correct github URLs.
development/Fennel: Updated for version 0.7.0.
development/Sphinx: Updated for version 3.3.1.
development/asl: Updated for version 142_bld178.
development/bsdiff: Fix download URL.
development/cmake-202x: Updated for version 3.18.4.
development/github-cli: Updated for version 1.2.1
development/mongodb-compass: Updated for version 1.23.0.
development/mrustc: Updated for version 0.9.
development/racket: Updated for version 7.9.
development/tea: updated for version 50.1.0
development/vscode-bin: Updated for version 1.51.1.
development/vstudio: Update MD5SUM.
games/FlightGear-data: Updated for version 2020.3.2.
games/FlightGear: Updated for version 2020.3.2.
games/SLADE: Updated for version 3.1.12a.
games/VASSAL: Updated for version 3.4.8.
games/ags: updated for version
games/commandergenius: Updated for version
games/exult: Updated for version 1.6.
games/golly: Updated for version 4.0.
games/gzdoom: Updated for version 4.5.0.
games/ncursesoflife: Added (console Conway's Game of Life)
games/tome-sx: Version number cleanup.
games/xcowsay: Fix download link.
gis/cartopy: Updated md5sum.
gis/pointcloud: Updated for version 1.2.1.
gis/saga-gis: Updated for version 7.8.1.
graphics/blender: Fix download for x86.
graphics/graphite2: Updated for version 1.3.14.
graphics/libplacebo: Updated for version 2.72.2.
graphics/vuescan: Updated for version 9.7.37..
libraries/OpenBLAS: Updated for version 0.3.12.
libraries/SimGear: Updated for version 2020.3.2.
libraries/digimend-kernel-drivers: Updated for version 10.
libraries/fmt: Updated for version 7.1.2.
libraries/iddawc: updated for version 0.9.7
libraries/libcbor: updated for version 0.8.0
libraries/libjwt: updated for version 1.12.1
libraries/libxkbcommon: Compress man pages.
libraries/libxml++3: Updated for version 3.2.2.
libraries/oath-toolkit: Updated for version 2.6.4.
libraries/rhonabwy: updated for version 0.9.13
libraries/ulfius: updated for version 2.6.10
libraries/zmusic: Updated for version 1.1.4.
multimedia/lightspark: Updated for version 0.8.3.
multimedia/straw-viewer: Updated for version 0.1.1.
network/AdGuardHome: Updated for version 0.104.1.
network/glewlwyd: updated for version 2.4.0
network/mod_auth_gssapi: Updated for version 1.6.3.
network/ncp: Added (fast file copy tool for LANs)
network/nicotine+: Updated for version 2.1.2.
network/protonmail-bridge: Updated for version 1.5.0.
network/protonmail-import-export-app: Added (ProtonMail App).
network/protonvpn-cli: Added (ProtonVPN's Linux CLI)
network/sfeed: Updated for version 0.9.19.
network/sic: New maintainer.
network/tor-browser: Updated for version 10.0.4.
network/tor: Updated for version
network/tribler: Orphaned.
network/vivaldi: Updated for version 3.4.2066.106.
network/weechat: Updated for version 3.0.
network/wireguard-linux-compat: Updated for version 1.0.20201112.
network/zoom-linux: Updated for version 5.4.53391.1108
office/calibre-bin: Updated for version 5.5.0.
office/onlyoffice-desktopeditors: Updated for version 6.0.1.
office/xournalpp: Updated for version 1.0.19.
python/BeautifulSoup4: Updated for version 4.9.3.
python/josepy: Updated for version 1.5.0.
python/pycryptodomex: Updated for version 3.9.9.
python/python-PySnooper: Updated for version 0.4.2.
python/python-jsonrpclib: Updated for version 0.4.2.
python/python-toml: Updated for version 0.10.2.
python/python3-babel: Updated for version 2.8.1.
system/Solaar: Updated for version 1.0.4
system/chronograf: Updated for version 1.8.8
system/colorize: Added (colorize text on terminal)
system/fzf: Updated for version 0.24.3.
system/jdupes: updated for version 1.19.0
system/kapacitor: Updated for version 1.5.7
system/lv: Added (pager, grep, and iconv replacement)
system/memtester: Updated for version 4.5.0_1.
system/nvidia-driver: Fix issue with .la handling.
system/s3fs-fuse: Added (FUSE-based file system)
system/s6-linux-init: Updated for version
system/telegraf: Updated for version 1.16.2
system/tinyvm: Updated for version 20180322.
system/vtcol: Compile with latest rust in patches.
system/xbattmon: Download URL changed.

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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