Re: AW: ACL questions

2004-12-15 Thread Alan Wood
This ambiguity has caught me out before, spent days chasing ACL problems 
only to find the 'order' of the entries makes a difference.

If one is to use this 'hack' one might find oneself in trouble later 
down the line, with one's users not having access to their files because 
you have updated to some fture version of slide that works differently. 
Also is this the same for different backend stores, can differences 
occur if store backend are changed.

What is the official position on this for slide, or rather what the 
webdav official position on the way such ACL's are inplemented ?

It would be nice to have a definative (unified) interpretation on the 
slide list

Daniel Florey wrote:
As far as I can remember the ordering of the ACL is very important for the
resulting permissions. The first entry that matches the user/required
permission will indicate if the user if allowed to perform the required
If this is true it would be possible to achieve what you had in mind by
simply ordering the acls in the right way.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Im Auftrag von Pontus Strand
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2004 10:28
An: Slide Users Mailing List (E-mail)
Betreff: ACL questions
I have spent a couple of days working with user access rights in the
application we are building. And I think I understand how things work by
now, almost ... :-) A couple of questions remain, however...
The customer we work for wants the initial creator of a document to be the
only one who has the right to assign access rights to that document. And
that is impossible, it seems, given the way ACL work in Slide. The way I
want this to work is to first grant "read" and "write" to our user groups
(roles) on the collection where the file is stored. Second, I grant
"read-acl" and "write-acl2 to the user that created the document. Finally,
deny "read-acl" and "write-acl" to our user groups. However, since the
is part of one of the user groups, the user is also denied "read-acl" and
"write-acl". Now to my question, is there any way around this? I.e. can I
grant a user belonging to a group higher access rights than that group?
Another question in this area: Assume that we have a user A that is a
of groups B and C. Group B has "read" and "write" rights on a file and
C only has "read" rights. Will user A be able to write to that file? This
not really part of the problem I need to solve, it just curiosity :-)
Best regards,
Pontus Strand
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Re: Cannot browse WebDAV in Windows XP

2004-06-22 Thread Alan Wood
I had this XP log on issue, whereby xp insisted on appending a hostname to 
the login. It only happens on certain xp clients.
In my case I was running slide on port 80 (for firewall reasons), so 
entering the url in the add network places wizard would be something like :
http://x.x.x.x/slide/files This resulted in the issues as described. 
However when i appended the port  number i.e. 
http://x.x.x.x:80/slide/files the issue stopped. That is XPO stopped 
appending a host and logged in perfectly.

I'll add a cautionary note however, XP on some versions has an issue with 
slide running on port 80, it suffers from the infinite directory problem, 
where by the directory listing contains itself!!! Try explaining that one 
to your users.
(This issues is know and can be seen under as 

You have been warned!!
PS The solution is not to use port 80 which is a royal pain and defats the 
object in many cases!!

PPS I am not actually running the app server on port 80 (root access!!), 
its being masqueraded via port 80 through the firewall

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 07:53:31 -0700 (PDT), Bernard Sirius 

Er, that doesn't work either on my machine.
BUT, I have a workaround now... with a price tag:
south river technologies' WebDrive. Runs like the wind
I'll stick with this for the moment, as it's more
important for me right now to understand what Slide
can  actually bring me...
--- Andrey Shulinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi there!
I had the similar problem and solved it by turning
off the authentication
for the OPTIONS method in Slide's deployment




XP WebFolders client issues the OPTIONS request
first, it fails because
you've not been authenticated yet but for some
reason I don't know the
client doesn't ask for your credentials. Either
Slide doesn't return the 401
response or WebFolders don't expect it... or... or
something else happens.
I haven't looked into the problem thoroughly.
I wonder if there are better solutions then the one
I'm suggesting...
Yours sincerely,
> -Original Message-
> From: Slide Users Mailing List
> Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:23 PM
> Subject: Cannot browse WebDAV in Windows XP
> Importance: Low
> Hi,
> I'm trying to browse my fresh slide installation
with xp. It
> all works perfectly with my regular browser, but I
> "add a new Network Place"...
> The password is never recognized. I have done
everything like
> is said in the documentation (auth-constraint
stuff) and
> tested several things, but the password simply
isn't recognized.
> In fact, xp doesn't allow me to enter "root" as
username, and
> systematically prepends localhost/ to it.
> Any idea ?
> Bernard
> __
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Re: Need help getting Slide to use LDAP.

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Wood
On Thu, 27 May 2004 00:58:07 +0900, Carlos Villegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Alan Wood wrote:
On Tue, 25 May 2004 09:38:25 -0700, James Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It might be posible to define a standard mechanism, maybe by writing
some Abstract Store class for a partial or "transparent" store, where
store that does not handle an operation it delegates to the parent
store. For example, you mount a standard store on /, Tx or JDBC, and

then you mount the LDAP store on /users and /roles. If the LDAP store

doesn't handle a given operation, like creating arbitrary properties,
delegates to the root store.

I was thinking of something along those lines. Having a dual-mode Store
that put some things in LDAP and some things in a filesystem/database. 
hadn't thought of passing the additional properties up to a
higher-scoped Store. That makes sense. I'm not sure how that would play
out with the current API, and I can see the potential for concurrency
issues (deleting a user in LDAP but still having properties in the
parent store). I like the idea, though.

Well, I am not expert either, but I have a working "mixed" store along 
those lines. As you said, a slide node is made of other pieces. But it 
doesn't matter where those pieces come from as long as the overall view 
of the object is consistent. I implemented a EJB Store based on the JDBC 
samples, however, the user/roles come from existing User/Role beans in 
my application. In fact the User bean may be an LDAPUser or and 
DatabaseUser, which my application already had. I have several 
abstractions in between, because other parts of my application needs 
them, but it could be done with the default stores. The transaction 
stuff could be tricky, I haven't tested my implementation thoroughly. So 
far it seems to work. But if LDAP is readonly, it doesn't matter.

I didn't use what I suggested, passing unsupported operations to the 
parent store. Rather, I handled it internally, as far as Slide is 
concerned there's only one store mounted at the root. Basically, for 
LDAP, you just need to implement retrieveObject and 
retrieveRevisionDescriptor, the rest is passed along. However, I think 
it's possible to generalize this and use the scope concept in Slide as 
suggested. The problems I see are the same James mentioned: the current 
API may be lacking and how to synchronize external changes to 
user/roles. Deleted users in LDAP may not be a problem because you 
always check LDAP first and can invalidate the orphan local objects. But 
there are other cases like deleting and readding, or even some 
modifications may also create inconsistencies. Maybe a timestamp check 
to discard local related objects will do the trick.

I see where your coming from, using the readonly store implementation (for 
say user and password) avoids the transaction issues. But if this were to 
be implemented (just user and password) it would be best to create the 
store so that it outsourced authentication in a standard way using JAAS, 
that way you could easily design any backend for authentication i.e. LDAP, 
SQL or even another Slide !! just joking about that last one ;)

PS there are also some diadvantegs to just user/password storage changes, 
promarily that from a admin point of view you now have two points of admin 
LDAP for user name and passwords and other permisssions and WEBDAV/Slide 
for ACLs which isnt exactly a global admin view.



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Re: Need help getting Slide to use LDAP.

2004-05-26 Thread Alan Wood
On Tue, 25 May 2004 09:38:25 -0700, James Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It might be posible to define a standard mechanism, maybe by writing
some Abstract Store class for a partial or "transparent" store, where
store that does not handle an operation it delegates to the parent
store. For example, you mount a standard store on /, Tx or JDBC, and

then you mount the LDAP store on /users and /roles. If the LDAP store

doesn't handle a given operation, like creating arbitrary properties,
delegates to the root store.
I was thinking of something along those lines. Having a dual-mode Store
that put some things in LDAP and some things in a filesystem/database. I
hadn't thought of passing the additional properties up to a
higher-scoped Store. That makes sense. I'm not sure how that would play
out with the current API, and I can see the potential for concurrency
issues (deleting a user in LDAP but still having properties in the
parent store). I like the idea, though.

Although this would be handy I am not sure it is feasable after looking at 
the TX store and XMLDescriptors et all... The stores store nodes for a 
given URI, a node itself consists of other nodes (properties, value 
permissions etc..) what seems to be suggested here is differentiating 
storage for these different node components (leaves of the tree). I 
believe this may destroy the node abstraction fundamental in slide. I also 
find it difficult to imagine how transactions would be handled accross the 
nodes given that some have an LDAP route and others have a file stream 
route. Now Im no expert here it's my first look at the store example code, 
but my feeling would be that LDAP would have to house all of the nodes 
under the user tree (and roles would also make sense here i believe). This 
would again raise the issue of LDAP schema issues with existing schemas in 
the LDAP instalation for users.groups etc.. It would also mean a lot of 
work me thinks.

I think the real issue here is that slide has not been created with an 
abstract or seperable user/role model, but instead treats these as nodes 
of the existing model, stored alongside everything else (I dont mean this 
as a critisism, just an observation).

It would be nice if someone else here with direct experience of the store 
developement could add some input to clarify. Any takers?


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Re: Need help getting Slide to use LDAP.

2004-05-24 Thread Alan Wood
James I think its a great idea, in my opinion would also really help slide 
in a number of applications i am working on too.

On Fri, 21 May 2004 11:09:30 -0700, James Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's what I'm hoping to have when I get finished:
1. Tomcat authenticates users against an LDAP repository.
2. Slide authorizes users against an LDAP repository.
3. Slide authorizes groups (or roles) against an LDAP repository.
4. Slide determines group/role membership from user membership in LDAP
#1 is not an issue with Slide, but I was thinking of configuring Tomcat
to use the SlideRealm and having Slide authenticate against LDAP. This
may not be worth the effort, though.
I have used the JAAS implementation from slide for this so that i dont 
have to worry about keeping users up to dat in the application server. 
Thus jetty (I prefer Jetty over tomcat) authenticates via jaas through 
slide. Thus all users are managed in slide. I have also written some admin 
classes for administrating users. If the store for users is changed to 
LDAP, this should still play nicely.

For #2 - #4, based on my understanding of Slide, I'm going to need to
create a new Store implementation that talks to LDAP.
Unfortunately I havent looked at the stores, so cant add any pointers here
My questions:
Does anyone see anything I've overlooked (an easier way to do this,
I think one has to consider what the benefits of using LDAP are as a user 
store? I would have thought the main benefit is centralisation, single 
sign in that sort of thing. In doing that one would need to use a common 
schema that all apps authenticating users etc.. would all support I have 
No real experience with LDAP schema's but I guess the trick here is to use 
a recognised schema for users and add the extra nodes that slide would 
require, remembering that ACLs are quite complicated in slide, would these 
apply outside of slide?? or would each app using LDAP have its own 
application specific ACLs I definitley find the ACLs difficult to get my 
head around.

Has anyone else done something similar that they wouldn't mind
Is there any documentation/postings that would help me write a new
Store? What I've found basically says read the source for the default
Actually the text stores are probably better to look at than the SQL/J2EE 
stores as they are more node like (albeit xml node based), LDAP dI think 
has a node like structure so the match is good.

The other question would be how would you talk to LDAP, would you use JNDI 
or specific LDAP libraries ? I think JNDI may have a benefit here, plus 
slide could also benefit from a little JNDI support, again these are not 
areas of my expertese, just my $0.02, and I would certainly be prepared to 
help as long as the code was contributed back (I.E opensourced).


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Re: Folders inside folders on Windows XP

2004-05-19 Thread Alan Wood
On Wed, 19 May 2004 09:02:10 +0200, Julian Reschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Alan Wood wrote:
I also tell customers to enter the full URL including port into the 
address when they are adding a web folder (even though 80 is default of 
course) this prevents Microsoft's intefering user/login management 
automatically adding domain information to the user name!! Weird but 

So now i really have a dilema if i wish to use port 80 (but dont 
specify port in the url) the user can't enter the username as windows 
interferes!! Has anyone found another way around this, forgive me I am 
not a Windows expert.
How does one prevent windows (XP and 2000) from automatically 
converting login usernames to domain qualified ones?

e.g. when adding a web folder using the wizard one enters the userName 
'fred' and password 'fredspassword' then windows converts this into 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/files' for instance.
I probably should have that on my issues list, too (and cross-link the 
two issues). Does this issue have an KM article? In which webfolder 
versions does it occur?
Well I will try to get some more version information from a couple of 
customers for completeness and feedback for yourself.

This problem however is not confined to webfolders me thinks, I have seen 
this problem on the same system trying to connect to a Samba share, where 
Windows tries to add the domain name etc.. when one presents it with a 
straight user name like 'fred'. It is less of a problem with samba/CIF 
shares though because you can use the DOS 'NET USE' commands to map shares 
to drives etc.. providing usernames and passwords on the command line. It 
therefore must be related to Windows user/logon management and may not be 
specific to a dll. It may come down to whether the system is part of a 
windows domain or similar (again my familiarity with windows here is 
limited). Having said that adding the prot number to the webFolder address 
line does get around the problem so it should be documented from a 
webfolder/webdav perspective I guess.

I am sure others must have experienced this, and would like to know if 
there are ways around it (rather than changing port numbers away from '80'


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Re: Folders inside folders on Windows XP

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
Alan Wood wrote:
Hi Guys
I got a weird one here, for some reason when one of our clients looks 
into their webdav folder (using add a network place on Windows XP) They 
see the folder itself as a folder in its root listing!! For every 
folder the go into they see the folder they are in as well as its 
contents!! Its like facing mirrors going into the infinite. It only 
happens with their two XP systems, its ok with their Macs and regular 
browser views, and its ok when i look at it here from my test XP 

Has anyone else experienced this issue before??
Maybe this one...:
Excelent Julian, spot on thank you
it was : 'folder-mismatch'
'When specifying port 80 explicitly in the URL (rather than letting the 
default apply), the webfolder fails to detect the entry for the parent 
collection from the PROPFIND/Depth:1 response body, displaying it as 
additional child collection.'
from the link you gave.

I changed the port from 80 to 8580 and bingo it works.
The reason i use port 80 is because its a public service and port 80 gives 
me the least firewall issues with customers!!

I also tell customers to enter the full URL including port into the 
address when they are adding a web folder (even though 80 is default of 
course) this prevents Microsoft's intefering user/login management 
automatically adding domain information to the user name!! Weird but true!!

So now i really have a dilema if i wish to use port 80 (but dont specify 
port in the url) the user can't enter the username as windows interferes!! 
Has anyone found another way around this, forgive me I am not a Windows 
How does one prevent windows (XP and 2000) from automatically converting 
login usernames to domain qualified ones?

e.g. when adding a web folder using the wizard one enters the userName 
'fred' and password 'fredspassword' then windows converts this into 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/files' for instance.


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Folders inside folders on Windows XP

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
Hi Guys
I got a weird one here, for some reason when one of our clients looks into 
their webdav folder (using add a network place on Windows XP) They see the 
folder itself as a folder in its root listing!! For every folder the go 
into they see the folder they are in as well as its contents!! Its like 
facing mirrors going into the infinite. It only happens with their two XP 
systems, its ok with their Macs and regular browser views, and its ok when 
i look at it here from my test XP system!!

Has anyone else experienced this issue before??
Anyone have any clues as to what might be going on or how to solve it?
confused Al

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Folders inside folders on Windows XP

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
Hi Guys
I got a weird one here, for some reason when one of our clients looks into 
their webdav folder (using add a network place on Windows XP) They see the 
folder itself as a folder in its root listing!! For every folder the go 
into they see the folder they are in as well as its contents!! Its like 
facing mirrors going into the infinite. It only happens with their two XP 
systems, its ok with their Macs and regular browser views, and its ok when 
i look at it here from my test XP system!!

Has anyone else experienced this issue before??
Anyone have any clues as to what might be going on or how to solve it?
confused Al

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JDOM problem with slide version 2.0 release

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
I have noticed a problem using newer versions of Jdom (1.0rc1, Feb 26th 
2004 ) with the new slide final release, this did not occur with slide 
If i use jdom beta 9 (as provided with slide 2.0) the problem disssapears. 
I just figured it would be nice to use the latest versions if possible.

here is the exception when loading the domain (servlet startup):
[snip] all the loading stuff
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - - INFO - 
Action aggregations loaded successfully
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - org.apache.slide.common.Namespace - INFO - Import 
data into namespace slide
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - org.apache.slide.common.XMLUnmarshaller - INFO - 
Loading object /
org.apache.slide.common.ServiceAccessException: Service TxFileStore at 
store/metadata  working on work/metadata access error : 
	at org.apache.slide.common.Namespace.loadBaseData(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.initNamespace(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet.init(
	at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
	at org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet.init(
	at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
	at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.WebDav.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.ServiceKernel.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.boot.main(


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JDOM problem with slide version 2.0 release

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
I have noticed a problem using newer versions of Jdom (1.0rc1, Feb 26th 
2004 ) with the new slide final release, this did not occur with slide 
If i use jdom beta 9 (as provided with slide 2.0) the problem disssapears. 
I just figured it would be nice to use the latest versions if possible.

here is the exception when loading the domain (servlet startup):
[snip] all the loading stuff
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - - INFO - 
Action aggregations loaded successfully
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - org.apache.slide.common.Namespace - INFO - Import 
data into namespace slide
18 May 2004 11:56:20 - org.apache.slide.common.XMLUnmarshaller - INFO - 
Loading object /
org.apache.slide.common.ServiceAccessException: Service TxFileStore at 
store/metadata  working on work/metadata access error : 
	at org.apache.slide.common.Namespace.loadBaseData(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.initNamespace(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.init(
	at org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet.init(
	at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
	at org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet.init(
	at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
	at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.WebDav.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.ServiceKernel.start(
	at org.technolibre.interprise.boot.main(


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Folders inside folders on Windows XP

2004-05-18 Thread Alan Wood
Hi Guys
I got a weird one here, for some reason when one of our clients looks into 
their webdav folder (using add a network place on Windows XP) They see the 
folder itself as a folder in its root listing!! For every folder the go 
into they see the folder they are in as well as its contents!! Its like 
facing mirrors going into the infinite. It only happens with their two XP 
systems, its ok with their Macs and regular browser views, and its ok when 
i look at it here from my test XP system!!

Has anyone else experienced this issue before??
Anyone have any clues as to what might be going on or how to solve it?
confused Al

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Re: JAAS LoginModule

2004-05-01 Thread Alan Wood
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 13:38:13 +0100, Unico Hommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The issues with the domain loading itself more than once ended up being 
the result of multiple slide jars being installed . DOH!!
The jars were installed inside the slide war/WEB-INF/lib and in our 
application server. Removing the jars from the slide webapp jar solves the 

Thought I let everyone know in case it happens to them :)


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Re: Strange windows problem

2004-04-16 Thread Alan Wood
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 18:17:18 +0800, Hoi Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Windows "webfolders" have a bug where it try to use the "DAV displayname"
value in it's URI to access WebDAV resources.
You can use the Slide commandline client or DAVExplorer to access Slide
server /files
URI and see what the displayname property is set to.
If using Slide commandline client, the command is "propfindall files". If
DAVExplorer you should see the displayname property easily.
Trying to connect to the slide server from a windows system on the 
i get:

HTTP ERROR: 404 %2Ffiles+Not+Found


Thanks Hoi, that helped me work out the problem, it was actually a virtual 
server issue, I have virtual server set to 'localhost' (im using jetty 
rather than tomcat) so on the local system it was fine as i was using 
localhost in the uri, but on the windows system i used the IP number which 
didnt match the virtua server string!! So i just changed the virtual 
server string to the IP address now it all works (except for explicit 



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Strange windows problem

2004-04-16 Thread Alan Wood
Trying to connect to the slide server from a windows system on the network 
i get:

HTTP ERROR: 404 %2Ffiles+Not+Found


and I cant see anything in the console output on slide?

The strange thing is i can connect to the same /files from the local 
browser and Konquerer without any issues, the authentication box comes 
straight up

I just cant work out why i.e is getting that error (also add network 
wizard is the same), its running XP by the way



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Re: Re[2]: Proxy for slide

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Wood

MH> Alan Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi I'm looking at ways to proxy slide.

Can i use apache mod_rewrite in conjuction with slide running in an
app server?
MH> We had problems with mod_proxy and HTTP 1.1, especially
MH> chunked encoding. I have not been looking into this
MH> for a year or so, so it might be solved.
mod_proxy was rewritten for apache2.
i use it for running tomcat behind apache2 on windows2k and it works
great with http1.1
here you can find some configuration tips:

Thanks Andreas that links has some usefull tips, and i agree whole 
heartedly with using apache to front all my application servers (I 
normally use mod rewrite). There are also a couple of other usefull links 
on the cocoon wiki.

I am also looking ad mod_cache but cant find any info on that yet, for 
both slide and other document publishing web apps we run, anyone used 


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Proxy for slide

2004-04-15 Thread Alan Wood
Hi I'm looking at ways to proxy slide.

Can i use apache mod_rewrite in conjuction with slide running in an app 

e.g. in slide i could have the following namespaces 
and have apache rewrite requests from to the 
above namespace.
Thus I can map a number of domains to the 
corresponding /x/their-files.. namespace on slide.

would this work ?

otherwise can slide be proxied?



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Using jdbc/mysql with slide 2.x

2004-04-10 Thread Alan Wood
Hi Guys

I appreciate some feedback/opinion on the following :

I currently use the file based backend for slide, which has been excellent 
for us so far. Moving forward however we are looking at using JDBC/mysql 
backend. I have not yet used this backend, and thus have little experience 
of it, I therefore wonder what current slide users think about the 
following points.

Is the current jdbc/mysql backend as robust as the file backend? does it 
have any issues over the file based backend i should be aware of?

using a mysql backend gives us several advantages including cetral storage 
along with other data to a replicated db, redundancy and backup to name a 
few, will the jdbc/mysql backend provide other benefits in performance 
searching etc.. in slide?



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Re: creating Collections and default permissions

2004-03-26 Thread Alan Wood
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 13:56:38 +0100, Unico Hommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks it is reassuring to see someone alse's code that knows slide!!

do you know why the '/' namespace has the following permissions in the 
Domain.xml file?

this seems a little to lax for me, just trying to understand it



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Re: JAAS LoginModule

2004-03-26 Thread Alan Wood
Sorry for the long delay. I haven't been monitoring this list for a 
while. Hope this is still relevant.

It looks like the Domain is bootstrapped during initialization of the 
JAAS LoginModule instead of by the SlideServlet which is the way it 
should be. In this case the Domain is not given a specific location to 
load the domain configuration from so it attempts to locate it by itself.

Now I haven't run into this problem. It is probably something specific 
to the way the application server you are using is starting its services 
or it may be a classloader issue. The former used to be the case with 
the Tomcat SlideRealm and I remember working around this by initializing 
the realm lazily to give the servlet time to bootstrap the Domain first.

Hope this gives you some pointers as to where to start debugging this 

I have had some issues with jar conflicts and sealed packages etc.. 
Because I am devoping an application server the libraries can be loaded by 
the web application of the application server which loads jetty. I still 
have quite a bit to go through in order to eliminate some of these issues 
first. But I am using slide at the web application level (as the servlet) 
and also above jetty at the application level for administrating slide 
webdav users/groups, it may well be I am loading it twice and hence this 
could be the cause, I will be doing more with it to check out some of 
these possible issues. I assume i am doing the right thing by using the 
static :


I could access the slide servlets NamespaceAccessToken from jetty's 
context, but i figured this may cause issues on transactions etc.. I 
assumed that using the Domain static method was the way one should get the 
NamespaceAccessToken . Is this a correct assumption?



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creating Collections and default permissions

2004-03-26 Thread Alan Wood
Ok guys help me out here if you can

My software is now able to create uers and groups (roles) and associate 
them on the backend using slide libraries 2.x

I an now trying to deal with the creation of collections and permisiions 
(ACL) etc..

this is kind of what im trying to get to collection wise


so there are multiple patients centre collections (these publish the 
information) under which are there patients which have their own user 
names and login. Each patient should only be able to access their own 
records (normally read only, but they also need write permission for other 
stuff). Each centre has full access to all records collections inside its 

The software im writing will create the required users and groups on the 
fly. When it creates a user (patient in this example) it also has to 
create their collection.
Likewise when a new patient centre user/group is created its collection is 
also created.

I have the users and groups licked, my issue is understanding how to 
create the collections and the correct permissions for both types of user. 
I'm doing so on the slide side using the slide libraries 2.x not using a 
webdav client for admin. If any one can help me out here with a few 
pointers I would really appreciate it.


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Re: JAAS LoginModule

2004-03-26 Thread Alan Wood
Sorry for the long delay. I haven't been monitoring this list for a 
while. Hope this is still relevant.

It looks like the Domain is bootstrapped during initialization of the 
JAAS LoginModule instead of by the SlideServlet which is the way it 
should be. In this case the Domain is not given a specific location to 
load the domain configuration from so it attempts to locate it by itself.

Now I haven't run into this problem. It is probably something specific 
to the way the application server you are using is starting its services 
or it may be a classloader issue. The former used to be the case with 
the Tomcat SlideRealm and I remember working around this by initializing 
the realm lazily to give the servlet time to bootstrap the Domain first.

Hope this gives you some pointers as to where to start debugging this 

I have had some issues with jar conflicts and sealed packages etc.. 
Because I am devoping an application server the libraries can be loaded by 
the web application of the application server which loads jetty. I still 
have quite a bit to go through in order to eliminate some of these issues 
first. But I am using slide at the web application level (as the servlet) 
and also above jetty at the application level for administrating slide 
webdav users/groups, it may well be I am loading it twice and hence this 
could be the cause, I will be doing more with it to check out some of 
these possible issues. I assume i am doing the right thing by using the 
static :


I could access the slide servlets NamespaceAccessToken from jetty's 
context, but i figured this may cause issues on transactions etc.. I 
assumed that using the Domain static method was the way one should get the 
NamespaceAccessToken . Is this a correct assumption?



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Re: Users,Passwords,Groups and ACLs

2004-03-25 Thread Alan Wood
Hi Russell

I had this same question, couldnt find an answer so decided to take it on 
my self to develop such a thing. I am currently in the middle of it but am 
certainly willing to share it with anyone in the community and commit it 
if its deemed useful good enough. I am also trying to keep it as seperate 
from my application as possible to enable it to be used by others, but 
some work (help) may be required. As soon as it's fit to show anyone else 
I will let you know.

PS thanks to Andrey for his help on this also, it was his code that 
sparked me off in this direction



Is there any usable client (preferrably a gui client) for performing 
management functions on slide
  - handling users,passwords, groups etc
  - setting up ACLs

Without such a client, slide is like an automobile with no steering 

Didn't slide once have a management servlet?

Does anyone know the correct syntax for specifying properties (not in 
the DAV: namespace) in the commandline

From looking at the source code  seems to be 
the syntax.
propget accepts this syntax but propput chokes on it. So I can't even 
set passwords
with the commandline client.

I managed to set passwords with SkunkDav, but assigning users to groups 
seems totally
beyond SkunkDav and the commandline client (neither can even display the 
group-member-set properly).

I have some proposals for additions and corrections to the Slide 
Documentation :-).
Is anyone interested?

Russell Thamm
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Re: Browser webdav listings - ignore this

2004-03-19 Thread Alan Wood
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:53:15 -, Alan Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can anyone point me in the direction of the classes/mechanism used to 
render the browser view of collections?

Can this be modified, any pointers here would help

Sorry just ignore me I'm being dim. it defaults to the standard 



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Browser webdav listings

2004-03-19 Thread Alan Wood

Can anyone point me in the direction of the classes/mechanism used to 
render the browser view of collections?

Can this be modified, any pointers here would help


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Re: Is GroupNode really necessary?

2004-03-11 Thread Alan Wood
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:39:24 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any sample code to show how to use the new
ACL-Draft-12 group stuff?
Please have a look at default Domain.xml shipped with Slide 2.0b1. 
There, you'll find 4 users configured: /users/root, /users/john, 
/users/john2 and /users/guest. Moreover, there are 3 roles configured: 
/roles/root, /roles/user and /roles/guest. The user-role relationship is 
established through the DAV:group-member-set property. For instance, 
you'll find /users/john, /users/john2 and /users/root belonging to 
/roles/user. Note that /users/root is also a member of /roles/root.

Through WebDAV, you can link a user to a role by PROPPATCH'ing the 
DAV:group-member-set property of the role. As a non-standard feature, in 
Slide you also can create new principals through WebDAV by means of the 
MKCOL method, e.g. MKCOL /slide/users/peter creates a new user.

Merely the maintenance of users and roles over the native Slide API 
became a bit unhandy through the ACL-DRAFT-12 changes: the NodeProperty 
instances corresponding to DAV:group-member-set have to be properly 
provided with lists of XML  elements ... :(  It is still a TODO to 
add some convenience here.

This is hinted to in the documentation, and i agree it would be nice to 
see more information about its use. A few examples of adding a user and 
applying a group would be really handy to get a grip on it. My other 
question would also be how does one secure such access and changes, can 
anybody expand on this or proviide an example?


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JAAS LoginModule

2004-03-09 Thread Alan Wood
Hi I'm pretty new to Slide (and webdav for that matter) and am still getting 
my head mangled by it (a few days a newbie).

I think it is an awesome thing that creates major opportunities when 
integrating to our open source application server, congrats to the developers 
on the code base so far.

The documentation however does not help in many situations which is why i 
subscribed to this list, i already have a a number of questions:

1) I have just managed to get the JAAS LoginModule working in our application 
server which uses Jetty (we r moving away from tomcat). Using the JAAS 
loginmodule looked like the only way to do it with Jetty, and we had quite a 
few probs getting it working. But something strange is happening, when I log 
in as 'root' just using a browser at '/slide/files' for example The 
Domain.xml file gets loaded up again? is this meant to happen. It caused a 
lot of problems at first because when it happend it could not find 
'Domain.xml' . When i start the app up it loads the Domain.xml perfectly. But 
when it looks to load it a second time after a root login (for example) it 
just looks for 'Domain.xml' without a path. the solution is to copy the 
Domain.xml file to somewhere in the class path but this is obviously slightly 
different for our application server particularly since the JAAS slide realm 
is cretead programaticatlly outside of jetty.

#my login.config for JAAS is :
slide {
org.apache.slide.jaas.spi.SlideLoginModule required

here is the log output including trace when it fails to find domain.xml on a 
login :

09 Mar 2004 12:07:57 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - 
Auto-Initializing Domain
09 Mar 2004 12:07:57 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - Domain 
configuration : {org.apache.slide.lock=true, 
org.apache.slide.versioncontrol=true, org.apache.slide.debug=false,,, 
09 Mar 2004 12:07:57 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - ERROR - Domain 
initialization error : Domain.xml (No such file or directory)
12:07:57.169 WARN!! 
org.apache.slide.common.DomainInitializationFailedError: Domain 
initialization error : Domain.xml (No such file or directory)
at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.selfInit(
at org.apache.slide.common.Domain.accessNamespace(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Method)
at org.mortbay.jaas.JAASUserRealm.authenticate(
at org.mortbay.http.SecurityConstraint.check(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$

12:07:57.173 WARN!! AUTH FAILURE: user root
09 Mar 2004 12:08:04 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - 
Auto-Initializing Domain
09 Mar 2004 12:08:04 - org.apache.slide.common.Domain - INFO - Domain 
configuration : {org.apache.slide.lock=true, 