Re: [SLUG] ADSL modem recommendations?

2004-03-03 Thread Jamie Wilkinson
This one time, at band camp, DaZZa wrote:
>OK, so who, in your opinion, for which I will not hold you responsible if
>I'm silly enough to listen to {:-)}, *is* a good place to do on-line orb

We use the following list.  Use spamcop at your own discretion, we have
had to disable it for various clients due to (mainly) bigpong getting
constantly listed.,,,,,,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Arkeia Performance

2004-03-03 Thread Pete de Zwart
Can you give us some info on your setup?

CPU, memory, file system layout, SCSI card, tape drive, etc...

How many machine being backed up, total size of all data, stuff like that.


Pete de Zwart.

Around about 1047h 01/03/2004, Terry Collins emitted the following wisdom:
> Yes, I know there is a few that says don't use it, but for a SOHO, the
> light (free) version is quite useful (Novell, NT, etc suck).
> Whilst it would be ideal if it could spit out tapes like it did at 3am
> (1 DDS3 < 1hr) last night, it tends to want to compete with the old
> North West mail train  and takes longer than 12 hours.

The real cause of your computer problem according to the BOFH:
We've picked COBOL as the language of choice.

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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Object Oriented Perl training course

2004-03-03 Thread Jacinta Richardson

[sent with the blessing of your committee and activies group]

G'day Sydney Linux Users!

For the very first time ever Perl Training Australia is going to run our
very popular "Object Oriented Perl" course open for public enrollment. 
This course assumes a good working knowledge of Perl and covers both how
to use Perl objects and more importantly how to write Perl objects.  We
also discuss multiple inheritance, polymorphism, destructors and operator

We're offering a discount of $50 per person to any person who mentions
SLUG when booking in.  This makes the costs for you: 

Course Course Date Early Bird Early Bird  After Early
   Discount Date  Cost*   Bird Date Cost*

OO Perl15-16 Apr   Fri 19 Mar $950$1050

* - adjusted to include SLUG discount.

A further discount applies for bookings of 3 or more people.  All prices
include GST. 

To find out more information and to book your place in these courses
please visit our booking page at:

Don't forget to mention SLUG when booking to obtain this special rate. 

All the very best,

Jacinta Richardson

   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +613 9354 6001 |  
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
(il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'  |   |

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] mozilla thunderbird, mime, and ms outhouse

2004-03-03 Thread Richard Neal
yes I get the same crap its caused when some dopey user has the default
setup on "outbreak" (outlook) to send mail in Richtext instead of plain
text or html...What happens the attached file is encapsulated in a file
usually named winmail.dat and you need a TNEF stripper program to strip
the attachment out of the winmail.dat file. I get these every now and
again and Ive written a shell script and tell the users to dump it on
the desktop and click on the file the shell script then changes the
winmail.dat file usually into a pdf file.

Although lately Ive told the email server to strip the file out of any
attachment called winmail.dat with the tnef program and to replace the
attachment with the resulting file (usually a pdf) so far so good.

 On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 08:45, Broun, Bevan wrote:
> Have you saved the offending attachment to disk and then run the file
> command against it? You may find that it is in TNEF - Transport neutral
> encapulated format (dont ask why such a thing exists). If so you can find
> software on freshmeat to decode it.
> BB
> on Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 08:23:04AM +1100, Sonia Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've migrated my Windows users to Mozilla Thunderbird running off a
> > Linux imap server (with procmail/spamassassin filtering). Everything's
> > working well, except for one thing - attachments aren't being displayed
> > for some messages, and of course the culprits are messages sent from ms
> > outhouse. The message just comes up as blank; when I look at the source
> > I can see there's various content and attachments.
> > 
> > I've got an idea that it has something to do with incorrect mime layout
> > and/or 7/8 bit mime, and I want to clean all email using procmail, but I
> > don't know what I should be looking for. I've googled - lots of stuff
> > about defanging outhouse mime, but nothing I could find on converting it
> > to a standards compliant format. Any ideas?
> > 
> > Converting word documents using antiword isn't an option, as my users
> > want the word documents. I've found stuff on stripping html
> >
> > and attachments
> >,
> > but I'll deal with that next.
> > 
> > Here's the headers for a mail that doesn't work (I've stripped the
> > content to save space). I realise that this mail is probably spam
> > anyway, but my users seem to read this sort of stuff ;-)
> > 
> > > Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:46:51 +1000
> > > From: xx
> > > Subject: Ford Truck
> > > To: xx
> > > Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > MIME-version: 1.0
> > > X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
> > > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
> > > Content-type: multipart/mixed;
> > > boundary="Boundary_(ID_Upv/Tdkwipyc8MNe8zJwog)"
> > > X-Priority: 3
> > > X-MSMail-priority: Normal
> > > 
> > > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_Upv/Tdkwipyc8MNe8zJwog)
> > > Content-type: multipart/alternative;
> > >  boundary="Boundary_(ID_2KQBTOH/b1ZH5++8GtbiTg)"
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_2KQBTOH/b1ZH5++8GtbiTg)
> > > Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> > > Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_2KQBTOH/b1ZH5++8GtbiTg)
> > > Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> > > Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_2KQBTOH/b1ZH5++8GtbiTg)--
> > > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_Upv/Tdkwipyc8MNe8zJwog)
> > > Content-type: application/msword; name="Bobby Sue and the Truck.doc"
> > > Content-transfer-encoding: base64
> > > Content-disposition: attachment; filename="Bobby Sue and the Truck.doc"
> > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > --Boundary_(ID_Upv/Tdkwipyc8MNe8zJwog)--
> > > 
> > > --020602060403090607020704--
> > 
> > --
> > Sonia|   Los principios elementales que animan
> > .|   al Proyecto se vinculan a las garantas 
> > GNU/Linux|   bsicas de un Estado democrtico de derecho.
> > Software Libre   |   Carta del DR. VILLANUEVA NUEZ.
> > -- 
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
> > Subscription info and FAQs:

Richard Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] advice please

2004-03-03 Thread Grant Parnell
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Kazik Malenczak wrote:

> I'd like some advice on performance issues with the following
> I have an AMD 266 machine with :
> S3 Trio video card 4MB
> Adaptec 2940 SCSI host
> 3COM 905 Boomerang 10/100 net card
> With
> 4 GB sda
> 8GB sdbboth at 40 Mbs
> and a Seagate 20GB on hda
> I would like to install
> Windoze 2K server
> Win 98 SE
> And Debian Linux from a Knoppix Live CD
> Could someone please offer how best to configure and install all the above
> so as to attain best performance on the machine: ie. Where to put what (swap
> files etc) and the best way to install ie what first.

Well there's a million answers to this one...
I'd probably partition /dev/hda as 2 FAT32 partitions, Install Win98 on 
the first, Win 2K on the second... fiddle until you get that right, maybe 
checking with knoppix to make sure stuff is on the partition you expected.

Once done, especially if the BIOS has a boot from SCSI option, or the
controller can do it stick / on the 4GB drive along with say 512MB of swap 
(you didn't tell us your RAM capacity, usually swap=2xRAM roughly). Then 
put another 512MB of swap on the 8GB drive and also the /usr and /home 
partitions for example.

As for boot loader options well I'd try for plain old /dev/hda plus make a 
boot floppy if/when it asks. Alternately you may try the first sector of 
the / partition - if it fails you have the floppy which will work - plus 
knoppix if the floppy fails ;-)

Now for X, the video card you have is putting it bluntly... crap by 
today's standards so you're not going to be happy playing games on it. You 
should manage to get 1024x768 at 8bits/pixel depth (256 colours), start 
with that for the initial config. You can always backup the 
/etc/X11/XF86Config file and try reconfiguring later. Or if it's just for 
a server forget all of the above and just don't install the GUI and don't 
select "start in Graphics" if/when it asks.

All the stuff here applies to Generic Linux Distributions, I don't pretend 
to know enough about Debian and Knoppix insalls to advise specifics.

Electronic Hobbyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasional nudist, 
Linux Guru, SLUG/AUUG/Linux Australia member, Sydney Flashmobber,
BMX rider, Walker, Raver & rave music lover, Big kid that refuses
to grow up. I'd make a good family pet, take me home today!
Do people actually read these things?

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