Re: [SLUG] Further to "Poor Qantas Web Site"

2005-01-22 Thread Michael Still
John Clarke wrote:
On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 01:20:46 +1100, Bill wrote:

After sorting that out, I advised the phone rep that I had wasted at least 
half an hour trying to purchase ticket online using both Opera and Firefox 
I've bought tickets from Qantas several times using Galeon 1.2.something
on Linux (RH 7.3) and it's always worked.
I've used the Qantas website for _years_ using Firefox (well, Mozilla 
before that) and Linux. You just need to have popups turned on for that 
one site... Their new international booking stuff is actually kinda nice.

Michael Still ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | "The geek shall inherit|  the earth"
UTC + 11  |-- The Simpsons 2005 -- Quite like an excellent Linux and Open Source
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[SLUG] Work offered for Reference

2005-01-22 Thread Neil Caldwell
Good Afternoon,
Hi all,

  I wondered if anyone would be interested in allowing me to do some work
for a week or so, for nothing more than a work reference?

  I have 4 years UK experience, and intend to become sponsored by a
Australian employer eventually. I am well versed in Linux Red Hat, Suse,
Debian, Solaris, HP-UX, windows 9X/XP/NT, mail servers, file servers, LAN
and networking. Setup, trouble shooting and developing/implementing

  I am currently in hostel accomodation and can relocate easily. Having had
no luck so far with recruitment agencies I hope someone here can help a
fellow linux guy. Hopefully a Aussie reference will help.

  I can send my MS Word or plain text CV on request and my mobile number is
0423 100 149 if you would like to talk.

  Also, any leads are most appreciated, please reply to
See you at the next meet,
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] VNCserver autostart how?

2005-01-22 Thread Bill
I have finally managed to get my 2 Simply/Mepis/Debian pcs to connect over 
my home LAN with tightvnc and display each others graphical desktops.

At present the PCs are sharing mouse/keyboard/monitor via a kvm switch.
In order to use tightvnc I currently boot both PCs, start the 
tightvncserver on one and the viewer on the other, so I have no problems - 
BUT, in order to relocate one (the server) PC elsewhere, where it won't 
have a keyboard/mouse/monitor, I need tightvncserver to start on boot, and 
to auto-login to the user account.

I have spent hours googling and trying various solutions, but many 
solutions require editing of files that do not exist in SimplyMepis.

Advice please.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Work For The Dole

2005-01-22 Thread Mary Gardiner
On Sun, Jan 23, 2005, Terry Collins wrote:
> I detect a misunderstanding. Correct me if I am wrong.
> AFAIK, all the mutual obligation activities (education, community, wftd,
> etc) are available to Newstart (dole) recipients.

I think we're all on the same page actually. My page reads: while your
comments are true, from the point of view of the would-be Newstart Free
Software contributor, it would be better to say to Centrelink "I wish to
work on this Free Software project as a community mutual obligation
activity" as opposed to "I wish to work on this Free Software project as
a WftD project." Hence it would be better to have the machinery in place
for the former rather than for the latter.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Work For The Dole

2005-01-22 Thread Terry Collins
Mary Gardiner wrote:
> While it still seems like the volunteer possibility is far better than
> WftD for this because people would choose it, there's possibly more
> Newstart recipients with useful skills in the non-coding activities who
> would benefit from the arrangement.

I detect a misunderstanding. Correct me if I am wrong.

AFAIK, all the mutual obligation activities (education, community, wftd,
etc) are available to Newstart (dole) recipients. Sometimes they just
have to be aware of the other options and push for them. Hint; I am told
the phrase "who do I need to write the appeal to to be able to do "
often motivates job network provider employeee to "educate" themselves.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures 

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Work For The Dole

2005-01-22 Thread Mary Gardiner
On Sat, Jan 22, 2005, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> Since a WftD activity is supposed to be primarily about work
> experience and not about training, you couldn't spend a lot of time
> teaching the participants the skills of programming -- and considering
> that I know a lot of CompSci graduates who couldn't program their way
> out of a paper bag, I'm not sure that it's possible to teach a group
> of likely disinterested volunteers good programming practices in 15%
> of 2 days a week...

I know the parent post was specifically about programming, but Sydney
LinuxChix actually also had this discussion amongst ourselves recently
too, and some of the meeting participants were much more interested in
doing non-coding Free Software volunteer work for their mutual
obligation requirements: documentation writing and editing and bug

While it still seems like the volunteer possibility is far better than
WftD for this because people would choose it, there's possibly more
Newstart recipients with useful skills in the non-coding activities who
would benefit from the arrangement.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Work For The Dole

2005-01-22 Thread Mary Gardiner
On Sat, Jan 22, 2005, Adelle Hartley wrote:
> Has anyone thought of registering a non-profit organisation with Centrelink
> so that newstart and youth allowance recipients could be contributing Open
> Source code as part of their Mutual-Obligation/Work-For-The-Dole
> requirements?

If there isn't a suitable organisation already I'd suggest that this is
something worth approaching Linux Australia about, rather than
organising at a LUG level, simply because it would only need (I'd think)
to be set up once at a national level.

I'd be interested in helping follow this up.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Work For The Dole, Open-source Project: Flexible Bus Service

2005-01-22 Thread Doug Foskey
Think of the poor country folk tht are saddled not only with high unemployment 
(reputed to be 20%+ in the Northern Rivers Area for /25s) but you get little 
assistance to actually get to your WftD scheme! This is in an area with 
virtually NO (as in NIL) public transport outside the main towns.

  I have thought of a scheme (not totally my own idea as it was proposed for 
Nowra(??) in the 1980's.) of a flexible bus system that would address some of 
the Public transport inadequacies in these areas.
  The system is based around interlinked flexible mini-bus systems, wireless 
communications, GPS, and networking theory.
 To start the system, a map of viable roads that are linked, & safe for Mini 
buses needs to be established (eliminating cul-de-sacs & narrow roads for 
instance.) Then a mini bus system, with on-board computers, wireless comms & 
GPS is established. As we know where the buses are at any time, we can now 
dynamically route the buses to pick up passengers close to their start & set 
them down near their destination. Buses can also meet & exchange passengers 
if necessary. (some buses will also be larger, to link systems together)
  The passenger initiates the trip by ringing a central tel #, and advising 
start, destination & requested pickup time. The computer will calculate the 
route, and remap the appropriate bus to pick up the passenger, then the 
operator will tell the passenger the time & location of pickup (usually next 
street corner).
  The real advantage of this system, is the number of buses can be flexibly 
changed according to the number of passengers. It could even be possible to 
run a 24x7 service. If the Mini-buses are wheel-chair accessible, the 
disabled could have a door to door service. I would think trip cost would be 
cheaper than Taxi, & more expensive than Bus. (I could see the local Taxi 
companies actually running the service, in conjunction with the Bus 
companies. This would defuse the objections of the Taxi companies!)
  I think this proposal would be a great O/S software project, & should not be 
difficult to get Govt funding to start it. Is anyone interested in running 
with it?? (as I am not a programmer.)

regards Doug Foskey

PS: I will be in Sydney at the Slug meeting next Friday if anyone wants to 
discuss the proposal.

On Saturday 22 January 2005 3:22, you wrote:
> > On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Terry Collins wrote:
> > > Adelle Hartley wrote:
> >
> > When I was on the dole, I was teaching myself C++ and systems admin.
> > This was back in 1992-1993.
> Now called newstart.
> > When interviewing for these courses at the CES,
> CES is gone and it is now all privatised as Job Network provider.
> If you want a course, you have to earn "credits" @ about $3/hour by
> doing WFD activites, which are mostly the equivalent of painting rocks,
> etc.
> > If a cheme that involved Linux/OSS/programming &c had been there
> > when I was on the dole, my career would probably have been accelerated
> > even more than it was at the time, when no one had a clue about
> > computers, let alone *nix.
> Umm, they don't now either. Course available included Fork Lift, First
> Aid, Green Card, drivers licence, etc. Even basic MCSE is far, far too
> expensive {:-).
> > However much I despise the Howard Govt and it's evil WFTD schemes,
> > OSS is better than painting rocks and cleaning dead animals out of sewers
> > or whatever other useless dead end tasks the unemployed have to
> > do to keep the govt's employment statistics appearing to be
> > better than they actually are...
>  You are now counted as "employed" if you do 1 hour or more work per
> week.
> As Matthew (sp?) said, WFD schemes are a major pain. Community Work
> options are better way. You just need the money for public liability.
> Something through ComputerBank would be easiest, but the problem is
> having local actitivities.
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Let this stuff improve your life

2005-01-22 Thread Al Atkins


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Al Atkins

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[SLUG] haftalık yarışma. Sayı 05

2005-01-22 Thread info

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a  ) 
Trablusgarb savaşı
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Soru 2 : Asmalı Konağın Seymen Ağası kimdir?

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Soru 10 : Maverick hangisinin kitabıdır?

a  ) 
Alexander Dodging
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Ricardo Semler
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Jules Kerneys

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