Re: [SLUG] How do I mount a RAID1 disk?

2008-12-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Oh hi Mike, Raid 1 you should be able to mount as it's native filesystem 
for recovery in read-only mode. EG

mount -t ext2 -o /dev/sdb3 /mnt/recovery

You mentioned LVM. That's going to be your problem for now.
You need to make sure you have the lvm2 tools installed.
Try 'pvscan' it should list the physical volumes (aka partitions in this 

'vgchange -ay' should 'activate' all the volume groups.
Then if that's done you should now find you've got some logical volumes...
'lvscan' will tell you.

Then it's going to be something like...
mount -o ro -t ext2 /dev/VolumeGroup/LogicalVolume /mnt/recovery

Note that I use the -o ro to mount read-only as you're less likely to fsck 
up the data.

On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Michael Lake wrote:

Hi all

I am trying to get data off someones old machine that died and place it onto 
a new machine for them. The old machine had two Western Digital IDE drives as 
RAID1. I have inserted one of the drives into a new machine in place of the 
CDROM drive and connected it's IDE cable up and it shows up as /dev/sdc


Both of the drives show the same info above. By trying mount I can see that 
partition 2 is the swap, 1 is probably a /boot and the data that I wish to 
retrieve is on either or both of 3 or 5. See Try to mount the Partitions 

I also used mdadm to get some detailed info on sdc5 (see below).

My problem is that I can't work out how to mount sdc3 (have tried -t ext3, -t 
reiserfs, -t auto) or sdc5. The latter is probably the one I want. I gather 
the partition table says it 'mdraid' and I need to change that?

I have two drives, and both give the same info. I just need to mount ONE of 
them and copy the data off it. I don't want to try and setup the original 

(PS: the machine I have one of them installed on is using mdraid and LVM)

Try to mount the Partitions
# mount -r /dev/sdc1 /mnt
mount: unknown filesystem type 'mdraid'

# mount -r /dev/sdc2 /mnt
/dev/sdc2 looks like swapspace - not mounted
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

# mount -r /dev/sdc3 /mnt
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

# mount -r /dev/sdc5 /mnt
mount: unknown filesystem type 'mdraid'

Use mdadm to examine these partitions

# /sbin/mdadm --examine /dev/sdc2
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdc2 -- as it's swap OK

# /sbin/mdadm --examine /dev/sdc3
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdc3

# /sbin/mdadm --examine /dev/sdc5
 Magic : a92b4efc
   Version : 00.90.00
  UUID : b6035660:c11a8a2e:7026aea2:99d23bfc
 Creation Time : Wed May 14 15:10:36 2003
Raid Level : raid1
 Used Dev Size : 108486848 (103.46 GiB 111.09 GB)
Array Size : 108486848 (103.46 GiB 111.09 GB)
  Raid Devices : 2
 Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 1

   Update Time : Tue Aug  5 21:07:20 2008
 State : clean
Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
Failed Devices : 0
 Spare Devices : 0
  Checksum : b9113923 - correct
Events : 0.8311948

 Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
this 0  3350  active sync

  0 0  3350  active sync
  1 1  3451  active sync

Grant Parnell - LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

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Re: [SLUG] vncviewer version 4.x on debian/ubuntu

2007-10-23 Thread Grant Parnell - slug

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, David P wrote:

On 10/19/07, Grant Parnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What's the story with running VNC version 4 on Ubuntu etc?

Try installing xvnc4viewer (as opposed to the default xvncviewer).

D'oh thanks for that, works a treat and I notice it has options for 
clipboard transfer... I'll probably have to upgrade the server end to 
experiment with that (it's 4.0 on Fedora Core 6).


Grant Parnell - LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

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Re: [SLUG] making boot floppy 'no space left'

2007-02-13 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Effectively the mkbootdisk command builds the image in temp disk space 
then uses 'dd' (or cp?) to write to the floppy device. If either there's 
not enough space in /tmp or the floppy isn't formatted ok you're going to 
have problems. If /tmp is full firstly try deleting stuff then try 
creating /home/tmp with same permissions then mv /tmp /tmp.old; ln -s 
/home/tmp /tmp You're probably going to need at least half a meg of temp 
space before it does the compression.

It looks more like the target system didn't have enough space. This 
usually means the floppy needs reformatting. man fdformat eg: fdformat 
/dev/fd0H1440 - frequently I find failures because a) the floppy drive is 
old/dirty/disused and secondly the media has been laying around gathering 
dust. Before you start, flip the drive door open and blow air into it to 
dislodge dust. Manually inspect the media for crap inside the jacket - it 
can damage the drive too.

Did I mention I hate floppy drives?

On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Voytek Eymont wrote:

I'm tryying to make a boot floppy on 1.44 media, I get: 'no space'

is that space on floppy ? where am I going wrong ?

# mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.6.9-42.0.3.EL
Insert a disk in /dev/fd0. Any information on the disk will be lost.
Press Enter to continue or ^C to abort:
cp: writing `/tmp/mkbootdisk.sR3853/vmlinuz': No space left on device
cp: writing `/tmp/mkbootdisk.sR3853/initrd.img': No space left on device
cat: write error: No space left on device
cat: write error: No space left on device
20+0 records in
20+0 records out

# df | grep /tmp
  1064312 37060973188   4% /tmp

# ls -al /tmp
total 2968
drwxrwxrwt   7 root root4096 Dec 21 12:48 .
drwxr-xr-x  24 root root4096 Dec 21 12:13 ..
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root4096 Dec 21 12:14 .font-unix
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root4096 Dec 21 12:13 .ICE-unix
drwx--   2 root root   16384 Dec 19 23:36 lost+found
drwx--   2 root root4096 Dec 21 12:40 mc-root
-rw---   1 root root 1474560 Dec 21 12:48 mkbootdisk.di3864
drwx--   2 root root4096 Dec 21 12:38 mkbootdisk.JY3692
-rw---   1 root root 1474560 Dec 21 12:42 mkbootdisk.tO3735
-rw---   1 root root1024 Dec 19 23:52 .rnd

Grant Parnell - SLUG President  LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Obtaining Ubuntu DVD

2006-12-06 Thread Grant Parnell - slug

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Dimitri Koussa wrote:

On 22:09 Mon 04 Dec 06, Jeff Waugh spake thusly:

quote who=Dimitri Koussa

Does anyone know where I can obtain an Ubuntu install DVD?

Your best bet is to download and burn one (or find someone to download and
burn one for you).

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. I have to pay ~5.5 cents/Mb here at USyd
so that's $175 for the DVD...I guess I'll start emailing my friends asking if
they've got some bandwidth they can spare.

Unless...does anyone have the DVD? I will pay for or replace the DVD and can go
pick it up (if close to city).

As far as I knew there was only the CD version? We're selling it for 
$16.00 and you can pick it up, because of our sale we're opening Thursday 
nights till 7pm and Sat 10-12. Unit B6, 27-29 Fariola St, Silverwater. 
Jump on a 525 bus from Strathfield or Parramatta.

I've got Ubuntu desktop/server for x86, x86-64, PPC and just today I've 
collected Xubuntu mainly because I wanted it for CompuberBank - more on 
that later.


Grant Parnell - SLUG President  LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

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Re: [SLUG] SQL join to most recent log table entry?

2006-11-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Grant Parnell ELX wrote:

left join suppstock on =
-- match only latest suppstock entry
	suppstock.lastupdated = (select s2.lastupdated from suppstock s2 
where = order by lastupdated desc limit 1)

-- match only entries with stock
and suppstock.stockavail0;

You could probably also try max(s2.lastupdated) in the subquery instead of 
an ordered select with limit.

I was just getting excited about your above suggestion but realised the 
sub-query's just going to select literally the most recent log entry where I 
really want the most recent log entries for all products. It'd work if I 
could add to the subquery where [EMAIL PROTECTED] where @variable gets set by 
the main select. This depends on the internal order of processing and I'll 
check that out.

Urm... scratch that last comment, you had it covered... took about 12 
minutes with the order by / limit combination and about 6 minutes with the 
max() method below thanks heaps!

  itmmaster left join suppstock on
  itmmaster.indent=1 and itmmaster.publish=0 and
  suppstock.lastupdated =
(select max(s2.lastupdated) from suppstock s2 where = 


2189 rows in set (6 min 18.54 sec)

Well that's nearly 2200 products I shouldn't have deleted from our website 
(and shall rectify), not bad considering I removed just under 15,000 
(which took 12 hours to do! I'll have to turn off indexing till the end of 
the update next time.)

Grant Parnell - SLUG President  LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

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[SLUG] Re: Fine tuning browser-plugin response time

2006-03-08 Thread Grant Parnell - slug

Further update...
I turned on debugging to mozplugger and added a timestamp to the debug 
routine and here's what happened...

PID3097: 1141880606 Same.
PID3097: 1141880606 Checking command: mplayer -really-quiet -nojoystick 
-nofs -zoom -vo xv,x11 -ao esd,alsa,oss,arts,null -osdlevel 0 -xy $width 
-wid $window $file /dev/null

PID3097: 1141880606 Match found!
PID3097: 1141880606 Command found.
PID3097: 1141880608 StreamAsFile
PID3097: 1141880608 NEW_CHILD(/ramdisk/media/
PID3097: 1141880608 Forking,

So this mysterious 2 second delay between clicking on the link to the 
movie and having it play the movie is indeed within the plugin system I 
was using.

On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux wrote:

I have a need to improve the time taken to launch a video presentation from a 
web browser in the short term.

The 100MB video file is local (ie on the hard drive of the machine running 
the browser. In fact I've tried putting a smaller 20MB video, the mplayer 
app, it's libraries, the plugin manager and it's libraries and the html all 
in a ramdisk.

The sort of response I'm getting is after clicking the link to the video it's 
taking about 1 to 2 seconds to kick in. I am not sure if it's the browser 
itself or the plugin manager causing the delay, but if I replace mplaer with 
a shell script that logs the command line parameters the delay is between 
clicking the URL and the log entry appearing. Running mplayer directly gives 
excellent response, ie before the enter key lifts up.

I've tried a few browsers and tried to try a few plugin managers with varying 
success (ie got it to run or didn't). It looks like the common theme is it 
seems to want to buffer the video when it probably shouldn't.

Of course the long term plan would probably be to have somebody code up 
something that'll call mplayer or flashplayer or render a web page on cue.
I've heard gstreamer might be able to do something like this but so far I 
thought it was used to process video, not display it. Also not sure if 
annodex could be used here - the presentations could be re-encoded.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President  LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
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Re: [SLUG] Nominations page (Re: Nominations hotting up)

2006-03-08 Thread Grant Parnell - slug

On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, Mary Gardiner wrote:

On 2006-02-27, Grant Parnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Once again, I've updated the election page this morning...

A couple of suggestions for this page:

1. Can you put a strike through (HTML strike/strike) the entries
   for people who have declined a nomination?

2. Can you make the entries for people who haven't yet accepted a
   little bit lighter (span style=color: #bb;/span or
   similar) or perhaps bold the not yet accepted bit.

It's really hard at the moment to distinguish people who are running
from people who aren't and this would help.

Ok will do.

Also, why is there still a listing for Honourary committee member? As
I recall, this is completely unofficial (ie the constitution does not
provide for such a position) and was only ever there because for a while
it was thought under 18s couldn't be on committee officially. Since we
later decided that they could be ordinary members (but not executive
members because they can't act as signatories), there seems no reason to
keep mentioning it in elections. If the committee needs to be larger,
then we should change the constitution, if not there's no reason for the

I felt that although the under 18's thing had been resolved there might be 
other reasons but I guess we can always add it again later. There's been 
no nominations anyway.

Give it another 15-20 mins and I'll have it updated.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President  LPIC-1 certified engineer
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
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[SLUG] NetBSD live CD

2006-01-26 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Hey I know this isn't Linux but a lot of you out there also like BSD 
variants and therefore I'm forwarding this message. Perhaps we could 
collate all the feedback and send it - otherwise feel free to use the 
usual bug reporting techniques.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 23:14:41 -0500 (EST)
From: haidut at metawire dot org
Subject: NetBSD live CD


I am one of the developers of Arudius - a live CD Linux distro targeting 
information security professionals. The 
CD has a large collection of security tools and a very small footprint (210MB) 
so it fits on a mini-CD, thus it 
can load its tools completely into RAM and run them very fast. In addition to 
this security-related Linux 
distribution, we also developed a NetBSD live CD focusing on the non-security 
community. It is called NeWBIE (or 
simply Newbie). This acronym is pronounced just like the word newbie and 
stands for 
(Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy, a naming convention similar to the one 
used for the well-known FreeSBIE 
CD. Newbie caters to the desktop-user (i.e. with applications for web browsing, 
chat, multimedia, document editing, 
etc) but will also serve as a core for creating a NetBSD-based live CD for 
network security auditing just like 
Arudius (see the  website). We are also in the process of developing a 
DragonflyBSD version of NeWBIE.
The goal of both CDs is to promote the usage of Linux/BSD and hopefully serve 
as useful tools for people who
need that kind of software.
We would appreciate it if you try out the CDs and give us some feedback on how 
we can improve them (i.e 
configuration, install additional software, etc). If you find any of the CDs to 
be useful, please mention them on 
your site or post a link to the homepage -
Thank you very much for your attention and if you have any questions feel free 
to send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

best regards,

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Re: Red Hat Austrlia Presents: Open Source Forum

2005-11-06 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Not much to go on but...

On Sun, 6 Nov 2005  David Hand at Redhat wrote:

 Micheal Tiemann is presenting in Sydney on 16th November. Please will
 you pass on this information to members of the group.

Which is now linked in the SLUG calendar. It's a pity I probably can't 
make it in time.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
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[SLUG] Re: how to edit the welcome screen of gui in redhat linux 8.0

2005-07-21 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, manickam sudhakar wrote:

Help me how to edit the welcome screen of RedHat
 Linux 8. tell me the file name and its path where it
 is located.

I assume you mean the login screen after it's been installed and all
working. This will depend on whether you've chosen the default GNOME
desktop or the KDE desktop or something else. If you've chosen the GNOME
desktop you can login and go to the settings, login screen menu and select
the theme you want. There's a number of other settings like remote access,
default logins etc. If that's not flexible enough, edit the
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (look at the [greeter] section maybe).

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
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SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Debian packages and patches [Was: Call for volunteers]

2005-06-20 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Think this has gotten beyond the scope of the activities mailing list so 
followup on thanks.

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

 This one time, at band camp, Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Nick Urbanik
  I know very little about the practicalities of deb packaging, except I've
  heard a rumor that debs require all the patches to be rolled into one
  single patch (true or urban myth?  How do you cope?).
 There's a single diff.gz at the end, but most sane packagers ship separate
 patches as part of that diff.gz. Example:
 No, sane packagers use revision control.  Insane packagers includes the set
 of people who use patches in the diff as well as those who only use a single

In an ideal world where the author of the software also maintains the .deb
and .rpm packages yes I agree totally. But what do you do if you're
patches aren't (for any of many reasons) integrated into the upstream
package or even into a branch of that package in the main repository? It's
a bit of overkill to create your own repository and a local branch just to
change a default path from /home/httpd to /var/www for example. 

I may be prepared to eat my words when the source packages come with a 
code repository. IE in RPM language...

rpm -Uvh blah.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/blah.arch
vi configure-in
tla commit
cd ../../SPECS
rpmbuild -ba blah.spec

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
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SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
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SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Execution via email ?

2005-06-20 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Rob Sharp wrote:

 Found this whilst reading about 'iPod slurping' and remembered this thread.
 The premise of RPC-Mail is simple. Construct an e-mail message that
 has a command that you want one of your remote PCs to execute. Send
 the e-mail to a special account that is only used by RPC-Mail. Have
 the remote PC set up with a scheduled task or cron job to periodically
 execute the application When executes, it
 parses all of the subject lines and message bodies of e-mail messages
 that it finds. If the message body contains a special passphrase,
 RPC-Mail executes the subject line as a command, and returns standard
 output as an e-mail message.
 Might be of use to you.

You mean like uux from the UUCP suite?
Vaguely remember something like this:-
$ uux '!netstat -ln'

In the beginning there was cp, then there was uucp (Unix-to-Unix copy) via 
serial port  analogue modems, then there was TCP/IP mid 1970's, then 
there was UUCP over TCP/IP, then there was SMTP in the mid 1980's.

UUCP was fully redundant, could handle push or pull from either end, was
transactional and you always knew whether the mail/files got there or not
and exactly what went on with remote execution. I would say RPC via UUCP
would be an excellent choice for intermittent links.

We used it for EDI gateways at Corporate Express (ie transfer of all
orders and invoices to/from the mainframe). I think they've now stepped up
to building a proper RPC type interface as it became necessary for more 
real-time interaction - but that required significant effort.

If you want your system hacked however, consider this in /etc/aliases
yourname: | grep ^Subject: | cut -c8- | bash

Note that most default sendmail installations will at least whinge 
about this (at least the ones released this century).

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] SQL Brain teaser...

2005-06-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
My god... there's some good ideas there. For now I opted for processing 
outside of SQL by basically breaking the day into 1 minute time slots and 
looking at how many orders were currently being processed in each time 
slot. Next I iterated again and counted up the minutes for each order such 
that for each real minute the attributed time was t/n where n was the 
number of current orders being processed. Then I simply averaged the 
attributed times for each order.
I can get away with this approach because the data set is pretty small and 
it's only twice through the data.

Essentially we agree on only looking at times of the day where packing 
activity is occurring. The jury is out on whether you can assume the 
orders were processed sequentially based on docketdate.

We'll never know, based on this data, how long each specific order took 
but then I don't care - baring exceptional cases (eg 2 hours).

Still, I'll try implimenting your approach for comparison's sake. It'll 
certainly be interesting.

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, James Gregory wrote:

 On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 19:59 +1000, Grant Parnell - EverythingLinux
  I'm trying to do some metrics on how long it takes to process an order in 
  our system based on time between printing the picking slip and bagging the 
  goods for dispatch. The aim is to determin the maximum performance if we 
  were to have one guy do nothing but pick  pack orders.
  | ordno | pickslip_printed| docketdate  | packmins |
  | ordno | 2005-06-01 14:32:16 | 2005-06-01 14:34:47 |3 |
 So the issue is cases like this one where three orders are processed in
  | ordno | 2005-06-01 15:12:27 | 2005-06-01 15:27:26 |   15 |
  | ordno | 2005-06-01 15:12:28 | 2005-06-01 15:30:25 |   18 |
  | ordno | 2005-06-01 15:12:29 | 2005-06-01 15:21:53 |9 |
 So, if we want to consider the time each order actually takes to
 process, and we're allowing parallel packing we need to make some
 assumptions about what's going on with that parallel processing. Let's
 make this assumption: in overlapped time periods, it is acceptable to
 use the docketdate to demarcate time spent on different orders.
 So the analysis you're looking for then is not how much time can
 directly be attributed to each order, but rather how much time is spent
 on each order, without necessarily knowing which order took that time
 (you don't have enough data there to do direct attributions even if you
 wanted to).
 If we can assume that then you can make some headway on the problem --
 you can flatten your data-structure to a time-line of events and measure
 the time between events. Further, you can also ask the database to
 ignore time when no order processing is occurring.
 (excuse my SQL here, it's been a few months)
 select eventdate, eventname, eventdiff from 
   (select pickslip_printed, 'printed', 1 from orders)
  union all
   (select docketdate, 'docketed', -1 from orders)
 order by eventdate asc;
 Which discards the relationship of times to specific orders, and allows
 analysis of just the time elapsed between events. In addition, the
 eventdiff column will allow you to work out how many orders are
 outstanding at any point in the timeline.
 I'd make that into a view, and then build another view that evaluates
 the sum of the eventdiff column up to that row for every row. Whereever
 that sum is  0, there are orders being worked on. Once you get to that
 point, the elapsed time on an order will be the difference between some
 of the adjacent rows, which is similarly easily calculated.
 I say some of, because of course the one second that elapsed between
 those orders being printed does not represent packing time. If you
 think about it, you can solve that problem but that gets a bit fiddly
 (you'd need to differentiate between print-print, print-docket and
 docket-docket scenarios. The latter two would represent order processing
 time, which is doable, but you need to keep inter-row state, which is
 slightly tricky in SQL), so you're probably better off employing some
 kind of heuristic given what you know about the data (eg that you don't
 believe an order could be packed in  30 seconds or similar).
 Not bullet-proof, but it's a start.
 (recovering SQL abuser)

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) - http

[SLUG] Computerbank activity ramps up

2005-06-05 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Just from a personal perspective I thought last weekend at Computerbank at
Casula went rather well. At this stage we've gotten through dismantling
over 60 of the 200 computers with dangerous motherboards (some catch fire)  
into parts consisting of power supplies for re-sale, metal cases for
recycling, motherboards for recycling, plastic for possible recycling,
loads of re-usable RAM, CPU's, HDD, IO cards and screws. Not bad for 4 
people on Saturday and 7 on Sunday.

Over the next 2 months or so we've got commitment to be open every weekend
on both days (not 100% about the long weekend), it's right near Casula
station and it's also a great spot for a picnic with a view of the river
and room for BBQ's etc. I would suggest people bring a packed lunch
otherwise the only shop about is the Cheesecake shop where they have a few
meat pies  sandwiches.

Grant Parnell - senior consultant
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs.

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) - 
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Perl Training Australia offer for SLUG members

2005-06-02 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 10:09:41 +1000
From: Jacinta Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Grant Parnell - slug [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Perl Training Australia offer for SLUG members

Upcoming Perl courses in Sydney

Perl Training Australia is running the following courses over the coming
months and would like to extend a discount to all SLUG financial members.

If you're not already a SLUG financial member, join SLUG and use our
discount to more than recover your membership costs!

Mention your SLUG membership number when you book to get the discounted
rates (a saving of $50 - $100).

Book and pay by the early bird date to get your free book.

   Course TitleRunning DateCost   Std Cost
   Object Oriented Perl21st - 22nd July$1050   $1100
   Introduction to Perl20th - 21st September   $1050   $1100
   Intermediate Perl   22nd - 23rd September   $1050   $1100
   Web Development with Perl   15th - 16th December$1050   $1100

   Melbourne only
   Perl Best Practices^14th - 15th November$2100   $2200
   Understanding Regular
   Expressions^22nd November   $1050   $1100

^ - These courses are being taught by Dr Damian Conway, author of Object
Oriented Perl, and Perl 6 language designer.

More Specials

 Perl Best Practices and Understanding Regular Expressions
 Book on both of these courses before July 31st to receive:
 - a 10% discount of total cost (a saving of $300)
 - an autographed copy of Dr Damian Conway's new book Perl Best

Don't forget to mention SLUG when you book to recieve your discount!

All the best,

  Jacinta Richardson

(`-''-/).___..--''`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
 `6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
 (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
   _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] debian ipsec (freeswan?) sonicwall

2005-05-05 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
Firstly I haven't had a lot to do with IPSEC or debian systems.
My immediate problem is trying to get *some* ipsec system on the AMD-64 
box. I had previously loaded isakmpd package (port from BSD) and all I 
managed to do was fill up the logs (2GB in 3 days).

# cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep model name|MHz
model name  : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 242
cpu MHz : 1593.845
model name  : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 242
cpu MHz : 1593.845

# cat /etc/debian_version

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb sid main

apt-get install openswan
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  openswan: Depends: ipsec-tools but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

apt-get install freeswan
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  freeswan: Depends: libcurl3 (= 7.12.3-1) but it is not going to be 
Depends: libopensc1 ( 0.9.4) but it is not going to be 
E: Broken packages

I have an extensive guide on using FreeSWAN or BSD with isakmpd to 
interface to the SonicWall, I'll have another bash at isakmpd on Linux in 
the meantime. Hmm... somewhat more successful... not authenticating.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

[SLUG] Boo?

2005-04-19 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
It's been pretty quiet on the list unless something's wrong with my email. 
Is everyone at LCA or something :-)

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] excrypting fs

2005-04-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Kevin Saenz wrote:

 Hi all,
 I would like to encrypt /home and my shared directories on my boxes.
 Would I have to reformat them with an encrypt option? What is the over
 head with encrypted FS? Is it advisable to share encrypted fs using
 samba or would there be too much of an over head? Do I have to do a
 lot of house keeping on the file systems?

What do you want to get out of this? I suspect that once the filesystem's 
mounted (encrypted or not) then it's available as per normal to all users 
of the system, furthermore, if you're only using it to export via samba 
then I can't see much point. If the system knows how to mount it on 
startup then it's like leaving the key in the front door.

If on the other hand each user's home directory was a separate encrypted
filesystem somehow mounted by using the password supplied to samba or some
other method (maybe a web interface that asks for a passphrase to
mount/unmount?) that might be worth looking into, the point is the
password's not stored on the system.

As for the overhead.. dunno haven't experimented although I believe CPU's 
that support MMX stuff crunch crypto better (ie gets farmed off to the MMX 
sub-processor). Rest assured though, there will be some overhead.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Groupware

2005-04-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Howard Lowndes wrote:

 I'm looking for a web based multi-user calendar function that is web 
 based, PHP and preferably Postgresql (but will accept MySQL).
 What are your recommendations?

Seems to have dissapeared off the net but I can get you a copy of 
CST-Calendar (it's GPL) and tiny, easy to configure/adjust to your needs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] backup]$ ls -l
total 40
-rw-rw-r--1 grantgrant  71 Oct 11  2000 check.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant 156 Oct 11  2000 config.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant4177 Oct 11  2000 display.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant 147 Dec 15  2000 header.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant1347 Oct 11  2000 modify.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant5920 Oct 11  2000 operate.php3
-rw-r--r--1 grantgrant5380 Oct 11  2000 welcome.php3

Here's an example of someone using it - looks like it's stuck inside a 

We modified it here at ELX for finish date/time and to email us reminders 
of stuff coming up and to have groups. Oh yeah, we happen to use MySQL but 
that's trivial to change (config.php3) - the whole thing only uses one 
very simple table.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] How to use wget when username contains a @

2005-04-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Michael Kraus wrote:

 I'm wanting to retrieve some files of a web server using wget.
 Unfortunately though the username contains a @ symbol, and the man for
 wget indicates that the way to do what I want would be to:
 wget -r ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dir/file 
 However, the username contains a @

Well it's going to be some form of escaping... maybe \@ or %40

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: [SLUG] Apache 1.3.33 displaying gifs weirdly!

2005-04-07 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Michael Kraus wrote:

 G'day all...
 I've got a FC3 with a custom built apache 1.3.33 (i.e. with mod_perl
 1.29 and mod_ssl 2.8.22) - built as per (ORA's) the mod_perl book.
 Everything is straight and fresh out-of-the-box so to speak, however
 when I go to http://myserver/ http://myserver/manual  the images are
 OK on the first viewing of the first page with a browser, but as soon as
 I go to another page on the server (e.g. http://myserver/manual) the
 images break, or are displayed funny. (They just don't look the same.)
 Has anyone else observed this behaviour and/or know what is to be done?

Firstly no.. never seen anything like that. Also perhaps you should 
elaborate on don't look the same. Since rendering of images is almost 
exclusively under client control I can't see how the webserver has much 
effect. Things to look out for are caching of the images (ie if you set 
your browser not to load images, but it finds them in the cache it'll 
still display them and they're probably different). Also the webserver 
naturally can specify some attributes like size/resolution and borders and 
layout, but not stuff like number of colours. The other thing of note 
might be the location the webserver fetches them from, you might somehow 
have stuffed up and have a few versions in different places.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

Re: FW: [SLUG] Possible hacker Attempt

2005-04-06 Thread Grant Parnell - slug
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Phill wrote:

 I am also curious. How does this attack work? I understand the idea of
 filling up a buffer with junk but then

Basically a snapshot of a bit of memory might look like this after 
processing the URL http://localhost/cgi-bin/?HELLO-WORLD

byte:   content:
:   H E L L O - W O R L D nul nul nul nul nul
0016:   program code

If the bit after the '?' character in the GET URL is inserted at byte 00 
by apache for which it has only allocated 16 bytes then by adding more 
bytes you overwrite some code which at some point probably gets run. Key 
difference, under Linux it's only going to run as the user the original 
program was running as (eg www or apache). 

It sometimes doesen't matter precisely where the buffer finishes, there's 
a reasonable chance that one of the noop bits actually get run (no 
operation, skip to next byte for instruction) and eventually the 
jump_to_code which goes back to the part of the buffer where the payload 
of the exploit is.

These sort of buffer overflow exploits are not only very CPU specific but
often operating system specific as it's making great assumptions about
things like valid CPU op-codes and library calls.

These bugs are often introduced by the use of the C function fgets() and
similar which receives a sting from an input stream and puts it into a 
buffer without regard to length of the buffer. It's so frequent that gcc 
warns you about it's use now. Typically you specify a maximum number of 
characters to accept which presumably is less than or equal to the size of 
the buffer you allocated.

Grant Parnell - SLUG President
EverythingLinux services - the consultant's backup  tech support.
We're also and and
Phone 02 8756 3522 to book service or discuss your needs 
or email us at paidsupport at

ELX or its employees participate in the following:-
OSIA (Open Source Industry Australia) -
AUUG (Australian Unix Users Group) -
SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) -
LA (Linux Australia) -

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs: