[SLUG] POSTFIX smtp relay access problem SOLVED

2004-08-28 Thread Pushkar Bhatkoti
POSTfix for RHAS-2.1.with squirrelmail

Redhat Linux AS 2.1 RLAS21 RLAS 2.1 postfix configuration compatibility
outlook not sending mail to postfix smtp. Postfix smtp relay simple
postfix relay how to, postfix relay-how-to.
postfix+squirrelmail how to configure..

Server is providing the following services:

Primery DNS
Mailing System : Webmail / POP/IMAP client
Web Server : for rvpn.co.in

Packages Used:
OS : Redhat AS - version 2.1 (RHAS21)

apache-1.3.23-10 --- Webserver daemon (service httpd start/stop/status)
imap-2001a-15 :  POP3 access to Outlook and Edora client
Postfix-2.0.13-3.1.rhas21 --- MTA
squirrelmail-1.2.7-4 --Webmail for Postfix  Imapd
squirrelmail-plugins compatibility:
 1) change_password---3.1-1.2.80-- change pass of user through webmail
 2) compatibility 1.3 -- required for change password option

1)when installing this squirrelmail error like httpd required will be popup
just ignore it puting rpm -Uvh squirr*.rpm --nodeps. it works.
2) After this entry is required in /etc/httpd/conf/http.conf for alies
for /webmail option in the web browser
3) if POP client like outlook express dosn't work. some relay related
problem has to be sorted out in the main.cf files. To relay local LAN
user in POSTFIX I did the following things:

inet_interfaces = all
mynetworks_style = subnet
mynetworks =
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks check_client_access
hash:/etc/postfix/client_access check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access reject_unauth_destination

Note : create the file in /etc/postfix for sender_access and

Sample of client_access file:   OK   OK   OK

IMPORTANT: after any entry or changed dont be fool and forget to write it
to database. to write it to database just do

postmap client_access

Now go and check the Mail is sending and receiving from Outlook also.

Here is live and running Postfix main.cf file configuration:

# readme_directory: The location of the Postfix README files.
readme_directory = /etc/postfix/README_FILES
alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
mydestination = pushkar.co.in
myorigin = pushkar.co.in
masquerade_domains = pushkar.co.in
#fallback_transport = smtp:ns.pushkar.co.in
inet_interfaces = all
mynetworks_style = subnet
mynetworks = 2sdsfsdfs60.0/24
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks check_client_access
hash:/etc/postfix/client_access check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access reject_unauth_destination

Pushkar Bhatkoti
Nehru Place New Delhi India
45 Deepak Bldg Nehru Place India
Mobile : 9810774912

Its just cook. I have tested and its running working fine


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[SLUG] Kernel panic: DMA pool Exhausted in RHAS 2.1

2004-08-28 Thread Pushkar Bhatkoti
Dear All,
Just faced this problem with the RHAS-2.1. I seen this message kernel panic: dma pool 
exhausted and server gets hangup. I tried to google and all but didn't find proper 

Finally I gone to kernel level debugging. I installed teh debugging kernel from 
kernel.org. And observed the log after boot and b4 boot and when rhas-21 gets hanged. 

Can't believed it was the problem with my hardware based raid. I was using U-320, 320 
u adaptec make dual channel SCSI PCI card. actually the driver supplied with this 
server (server is Wipro make , only in India) but server is intel based motherboard 
was for RH7.3.

I finally downloaed the rpm named aic7xxx-6.2 and patched it to kernel.
It worked fine. and since than it is working fine. otherwise system gets hangup 
everytime when it starts to insert or eject the modules in the kernel.

So finally, if u face this sort of the problem please try to make the dd disk for 320 
card using dd if=/dev/fd0 of (image name). image can be download from apaptec.com 
site. and than start fresh installation. If u will do like me. I installed the system 
rhas-2.1 with rh7.3 driver and than I upgraded using the rpm provided by adaptec.

Additionally the symptrom for this hardware realated problem is when u tried to 
installed any rpm using rpm -ivh or rpm -uvh u will get the same error log i.e. kernel 
panic: dma pool exhausted and u need to power down adn up it through switch...

greattt. just don't be fool its very simple to get resolve it...

Cheers!! enjoy

any prblem pls feel free to contact me..

Pushkar Bhatkoti
artek enterprises pvt ltd
nehru place new delhi india
mobile : 9810774912

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail]# rpm -q kernel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail]# rpm -q kernel-smp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail]# rpm -q aic7xxx

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