Re: [SLUG] Error in executing mount command

2006-11-28 Thread Ian Wienand
On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 01:18:41PM +1100, Leslie Katz wrote:
> mount -o loop /home/leslie/Desktop/sdb.img /mnt/directory
> mount: you must specify the filesystem type

The file system probably starts after the partition table in your dump
of the disk.  Try mounting it with an one block offset, e.g.

mount -o loop,offset=512 ...

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[SLUG] Error in executing mount command

2006-11-28 Thread Leslie Katz
I installed on a 128MB USB flash drive a version of Linux and made the 
drive bootable. When I used it in a computer set up to boot from such a 
drive, all worked as expected.

I later did the same thing with a 256MB USB flash drive as I had done 
with the 128MB flash drive, but, when I tried to boot up with it, it 
didn't work.

I have read that it's impossible to boot up from some USB flash drives 
and perhaps my 256MB drive is one of those. However, before giving up, I 
thought I might try making an exact copy on the 256MB drive of the 
contents of my 128MB drive and then re-trying booting up from the 256MB 

However, I'm now stuck trying to make the exact copy. I've been using as 
my guide the document at:

As I understand the document, it suggests that, when copying a smaller 
partition to a bigger one, one should first make an image file of the 
smaller partition, so I executed the following command:

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/leslie/Desktop/sdb.img

That got me a 125MB file on the Desktop called sdb.img.

I checked the soundness of the image by running:

sum -r /dev/sdb
sum -r /home/leslie/Desktop/sdb.img

The sums were identical.

The document next suggests mounting the image as if it were a drive, 
giving the following commands (which I've edited to refer to my own system):

mount -o loop /home/leslie/Desktop/sdb.img /mnt/directory
cd /mnt/directory
cp -r * /mnt/sdc

However, when I run the first of those commands, I get the message:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type

I don't understand what it is I'm being directed to do here.

I think I should add the following information: both USB flash drives 
have FAT16 filesystems; the partition that the image file is on has a 
Linux filesystem; and I created the /mnt/directory directory before 
running the command.

I'd be very grateful for any advice.
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