On 24/05/07, Howard Lowndes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry about the public aspect of this, but I need to get this to Rick W.

Rick Welykochy wrote:
> Howard Lowndes wrote:
>> ...and me.
>> BTW Rick, my emailer doesn't like your direct email address.
> Are you referring to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
> What's wrong with it? What does you emailer say?

Yes, that's the one, and here is the error:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: host mx1.d2.net.au[] said: 550
     cannot route to sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (in reply to end of

It rather looks as if your mailer is trying a reverse check and can't

find me, which is wrong as my email address works just fine.

Of course - the problem is always someone elses fault.


One of your nameservers isn't responding. That's going to cause, at minimum,
delays, and in some cases a complete inability to resolve - quite possibly
what's happening here.

Your MX record is an IP when the RFC stipulates that it must be a name. This
will cause RFC-compliant MXes to be unable to send you mail.

The IP you stipulate as an MX doesn't have a reverse dns lookup. Checking to
see if an IP has a reverse lookup is a common anti-spam technique; not
having a reverse lookup means some people are going to refuse mail from you.

The report mentions that it couldn't connect to your mailserver. It says
this may be a timeout issue, is it times out after only 40 seconds, so mail
to your domain may or may not work.
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