Re: [SLUG] OOPS .. > 2.6.14 install via Gentoo Live/SysRescue CD

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel Bush
There's not much help I can give.  But I've added some comments below. 
On 11/29/05, Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I found I had a kernel problem after trying to install dependencies for'scribes' in succession when on rebootI could not get back into my 2.6.5 linux drive.An early error message was ..Error inserting genrtc
(lib/modules.2.6.5-1-686/kernel/drivers/char/genrtc.ko): Device orresource busy./etc/init.d/syslog start.. and laterKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

Are you sure there is no way you could get  2.6.5 back up and
running rather than trying to compile and boot a new kernel on an
already-broken system based on 2.6.14 as you tried below?

After a bit of fiddling with /etc/lilo.conf I finally manged to bootinto my own drive with the following messages
which I reproduce manually in some detail in the hope that they meansomething to someone ..---
Not running depmod because /lib/modules/2.6.14 is not writableLoading modules ..grep: error while loading shared libraries cannot openshared object file: No such file or directoryFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.14/modules.dep: No such file or
directoryCreating device-mapper files[screen moves .]/etc/rc5.d/S19autofs: line33: basename: command not found...
Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable Tux tty1Tux login: adamPassword:
-.. so I was in on tty1 at run-level 1I quickly found that only my Linux root and WinXP partitions were
auto-mounted - both specified in /etc/lilo.conf- and I had to manually mount all other partitions except swap (which Icould not quite work out how to do).
swapon  / swapoff
You can use it on files too. (Also see mkswap - not that I think you need it here, though).

Do you have an /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file or similar?
You can see how the bootup shell script uses swapon and the 'mount'
command to do stuff (like mounting root dir read-only before going
Finally,Tux: /home/adam/linux-2.6.14# make modules_installif [ -r
 -a -x /sbin/depmod ] ; then /sbin/depmod -ae 2.6.14; fiTux: /lib/modules# ls0.0.0 2.4.18-bf2.4 2.4.25-1-686 2.6.14 2.6.5-1-686Tux: /lib/modules/2.6.14# lsbuild modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap
 modules.seriomap sourcemodules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.symbolskernel modules.alias modules.ieee1394map modules.pcimap modules.usbmap.As it now stands, I can boot into WinXP on which this is written and
2.6.14 at willbut the latter is text mode (init 1),  I have to mount other partitionsmanually,have no access to the internet preventing a dist-upgrade, and no X-server.
If you mean runlevel 1,  then is your networking script file
('network') in /etc/rc1.d (or similar) prefixed with a K or an S? 
On my system it is a 'K' - which means any networking will be killed
(an 'S' means it will be started if not already on).  Runlevel 1
on my system has a lot of K's and not a lot of S's. (The shell script
file that manages changes in runlevels on my system is /etc/rc/rc.d.)
You can start your rc* scripts manually using something like
    ./XXXnetwork start    ( or 'restart')
(in the directory the file is in or just go to init.d).  There's also often /sbin/service   (in redhat at least)

Also, telinit can be used to change runlevels.  (see man
page)  Might be better to run that than starting up stuff in
isolation.  However, it looks like all your /etc/rc* scripts are
failing to run which probably relates to your mount problem -- really,
really not sure..

/etc/fstab exists and I don't understand why it does not mount allpartitions at start-up.

This may relate to the sysinit file I was mentioning about above (or it may not).
There is a cryptic note in my sysinit file saying that contrary to
standard usage, file systems are NOT unmounted in single user
mode.  Anyway, this hints to the fact that changing runlevels may
not only change the services but may possibly also change what is

Only other things I can think of are:
    mount -a
will try to mount everything in fstab.
    mount -a -t no    
will mount all available systems except those types that come after
'no'.  You might see stuff like that in your sysinit file.

Check /etc/mtab to see what was mounted at startup and any other invocations of 'mount' that you ran after that.
Check /proc/mounts to see mounts...
I have correctly AFAIK set up /etc/init.d/network but there is nointernet connection.

Dumb question: you did start it? (as per a previous comment above). 
Are your interfaces up? (ifconfig)
I feel I've achieved something but have not yet arrived at a working system.
You really sure you can't resurrect your old system?

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slu

[SLUG] OOPS .. > 2.6.14 install via Gentoo Live/SysRescue CD

2005-11-29 Thread Adam Felix Bogacki
I found I had a kernel problem after trying to install dependencies for 
'scribes' in succession when on reboot

I could not get back into my 2.6.5 linux drive.An early error message was ..

Error inserting genrtc 
(lib/modules.2.6.5-1-686/kernel/drivers/char/genrtc.ko): Device or 
resource busy.

/etc/init.d/syslog start

.. and later

Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

.. and a long excerpt starting with

grep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

.. and a lot of '/etc/rc5.d/S20*' messages ending in 'no such file or 

I found I could log in at tty1 but could not find /home/adam or use vi 
or vim.

I had previously burned a gentoo-based SysRescue CD for resizing 
partitions and tried to access my dir tree through it.
I finally worked out how to do it but could never successfully use 
'net-setup eth0' - I've since discovered I was mistakenly entering
wrong values. Nevertheless, through it - and later the much more 
feature-rich Gentoo LiveCD i could get in and look around
although I was often confusing the CD fs with my own.  Jamie suggested 
that it could be caused by the initrd missing the device nodes, or 
kernel modules, required to boot hdb5 (/) .. I could not find an 
initrd.img file, /var/log/syslog had its last entry on Nov 11,

and /var/log/messages ended on July 6.

I began to wonder what else I may be missing ..

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /boot % ls
coffee.bmp debian.bmp debian.lilo.bmp grub lost+found sarge.bmp sid.bmp

No sign of /boot/map ..

I kept trying mkinitrd but kept getting caught with various error messages.

I came to the conclusion that I had to recompile the kernel, but since I 
had already unpacked the latest kernel - 2.6.14 - in
/home/adam I decided to proceed with that with the file system mounted 
on the Gentoo LiveCD.

After menuconfig I successfully did

make bzImage


make modules

but had problems with 'make modules_install',

livecd linux-2.6.14 # make modules_install
mkdir: cannot create directory '/lib/modules/2.6.14': Read-only file system
make: *** [ _modinst_ ] Error 1

.. which I attributed to its using the CD fs.

On reading Linus' kernel release notes I thought of the possibility of 
bypassing this via

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/adam/linux-2.6.14/arch/i386/boot cp bzImage 

and re-running LiLo

before doing 'modules make_install' from within my own fs

I asked on #gentoo whether this was possible without breaking anything - 
RiverRat assured me it was.

After a bit of fiddling with /etc/lilo.conf I finally manged to boot 
into my own drive with the following messages
which I reproduce manually in some detail in the hope that they mean 
something to someone ..

Not running depmod because /lib/modules/2.6.14 is not writable
Loading modules ..
grep: error while loading shared libraries cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory
FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.14/modules.dep: No such file or 

Creating device-mapper files
[screen moves .]
/etc/rc5.d/S19autofs: line33: basename: command not found
grep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory
/etc/rc5.d/S20linuxconf: line 8: /var/run/runlevel.dir: No such file or 

/etc/rc5.d/S20mon: line 32: basename: command not found
/etc/rc5.d/S20postgresql-7.4: line 3: 
/usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions: No such file or directory

/etc/rc5.d/S20postgresql-7.4: line 9: start command not found
/etc/rc5.d/spampd: line 27: tr: command not found
/etc/rc5.d/S20xprint: ##FATAL ERROR: Unknown XProjectRoot.
Starting NFS common utilities: statdstatd: Could not chdir: No such file 
or directory
grep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/sbin/apache is not executable, not starting, reloading ... failed !

Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable Tux tty1

Tux login: adam

.. so I was in on tty1 at run-level 1

I quickly found that only my Linux root and WinXP partitions were 
auto-mounted - both specified in /etc/lilo.conf
- and I had to manually mount all other partitions except swap (which I 
could not quite work out how to do).


Tux: /home/adam/linux-2.6.14# make modules_install
if [ -r -a -x /sbin/depmod ] ; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F 2.6.14; fi

Tux: /lib/modules# ls
0.0.0 2.4.18-bf2.4 2.4.25-1-686 2.6.14 2.6.5-1-686

Tux: /lib/modules/2.6.14# ls
build modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap modules.seriomap source
modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.symbols
kernel modules.alias modules.ieee1394