It gives you a happy can do attitude helping out at an install fest Of
course, i went home and updated my system, restarted tonight and
promptly realised i have now broken the devfs *coughs*

On 3/13/06, ashley maher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As some may have heard we had an incredibly successful install fest over
> the week-end at the university of Wollongong.
> A really fantastic team had a lot of fun helping 57 students set up
> their dual boot machines so they were like the lab computers in the Uni.
> First to our wonderful sponsors ELX. Sponsors are always difficult to
> find. ELX has been wonderful in their support of this event. Many
> thanks.
> Next to our "big brother LUG" SLUG. The members of SLUG who selflessly
> come down here to help out is always truly amazing. Thanks.
> To the University staff involved: Prof. Philip Ogunbona, Daniel
> Saffiotti, Michael Milway and David Wilson. Thanks.
> Our helpers: Craig, Billy, Shelagh, James, James, Menno, Martin, Jeremy,
> Peter, Jude, Tim. Thanks.
> The Uni is looking at making this an annual event, and distributing
> vmware vm's for the students who don't want to "risk" their machines but
> want to use machines at home like the lab machines. So things are
> looking very good for getting the FOSS message out there.
> SCLUG continues to go from strength to strength.
> Regards,
> Ashley
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Menno Schaaf aka ginji #gentoo #linux-help

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