On Saturday, February 25, 2006, 1:38:53 PM, Joe wrote:

JW> I would actually prefer that MDLP autotune the weight for 
JW> invURIBL, but since the weights are managed by invURIBL and not
JW> Declude I don't  know how this will work.

I'm not familiar enough with invURIBL to know how it is configured.
However, as long as it's maximum and minumum weights are in a
reasonable range, then if you exclude it from MDLP you should be ok.

MDLP's AI tries to optimize the weights of the tests it can manipulate
so that the most accurate total scores are provided. If there are
tests it cannot adjust then it is forced to work around those with the
other tests.

The results are not predictable (the task is far too dynamic and
contains far too many variables) but they should be sane and correct.


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