[RCSE] who is the father of DS

2000-03-08 Thread Raymond Wong

who ever invented DS is a genius!
  It took me 2 long days to really figure it out on the slope.  at some
point I thought DS was a total BS and was so close to giving up.  I had
instructions from magazines, advice from RCSE, watched all the DS video,
and it was still very hard to figure it out by myself.  how could
someone just invented it out of nothing?

Raymond Wong
Hong Kong

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Re: [RCSE] who is the father of DS

2000-03-08 Thread Walter Lynch

The Albatross I think.
-Original Message-
From: Raymond Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 6:43 AM
Subject: [RCSE] who is the father of DS

who ever invented DS is a genius!
  It took me 2 long days to really figure it out on the slope.  at some
point I thought DS was a total BS and was so close to giving up.  I had
instructions from magazines, advice from RCSE, watched all the DS video,
and it was still very hard to figure it out by myself.  how could
someone just invented it out of nothing?

Raymond Wong
Hong Kong

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[RCSE] Who is the father of DS

2000-03-08 Thread John Roe

Message text written by Raymond Wong

who ever invented DS is a genius!

And just think, DS is just a tiny fringe-benefit
of HIS other inventions, like the Earth, The
Sky, and the laws of physics.

If you want to REALLY be impressed look
at some of His other leaps of creation...
like life...DNA...freewill...

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca

"Nature makes no leaps"

Charles Darwin

Many don't realize that Darwin came to realize before
he died that Evolution, at least from one dissimilar species
to another, was untenable in the light of new advances.

This hasn't stopped his theory from being perpetuated
as a religion, since as absurd as it is, it still is preferable
to some than the alternative- being accountable.

Historically this is not unique, eventually science will catch up.

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[RCSE] who is the father of DS, Not JW

2000-03-08 Thread David L. Stone

In response to the numerous posts regarding DS, Joe Wurts did not invent
DS.  Not to take anything form Joe since he is an excellent pilot, but
considering him as the inventor would be like comparing the Wright
to the designers of a P-51 or equivalent. ---SNIP---

I don't understand the above comparison (or is this more Heavenly
thinking?), but since albatrosses did the trick first, DS was "recognized",
not "invented". Furthermore, I think it's misleading to suggest that the
type of DS described by Dr. Ferdinand Hendricks, which is clearly
"albatross" DS (ADS?), is the same as the DS that Joe Wurts recognized was
occurring  (WDS?), and then quickly mastered, at Parker Mtn. These are
quite different implementations of DS although they both employ the same
principle. ADS exploits a gradual and relatively small speed gradient over
land or water, with higher speed aloft and lower speed beneath, while WDS
exploits a sharp and very large (with enough wind!) boundary between wind
moving over and beyond an obstruction and the dead air beneath and downwind
of the obstruction. WDS is a spectacularly more effective implementation of
the DS principle than is ADS, and Dr. Hendricks, though he may be commended
for his suggestion to imitate albatrosses, apparently did not recognize the
goldmine of WDS aeronautical energy. I think it's obvious that Joe Wurts
deserves 98% of the credit for getting this DS thing going (WDS, that is),
and I wonder what the agenda might be for anyone arguing otherwise. Thanks
Joe for a brand new addiction, and for all those smashed planes. I think I
speak here for lots of happy and over-adrenalined pilots.

Berkeley CA USA
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