For the slicing part, you may have already come across it, but this thread is loaded with examples and methods throughout.

ICE Modeling Workshop 2: Cut edges

You seem to have gone a few steps further, but you may find insight for different aspects.

Let us know how it goes, really sounds handy!

On 04/26/17 5:24, Andrew Prostrelov wrote:
Another rip question about rip software for a ... old fag enthusiasts.

Ok. I almost finish Multi Cut Tool for XSI.

The cut through edges - DONE.
The edge ring cuts - DONE.
The plane cuts - ON THE WAY.

So the question is about plane slice mode and mainly about PICK session, variations and algorithms.
I tried ToolContext.Pick() , Pickbuffer, ToolContext.BeginPickDraw() (aka OGL select) in lots of different variations, order etc.
And in most cases on my test mesh a have pick gaps.

The test mesh is a Sphere 3x3 divided 5 times. Pretty heavy.

Here is my current alg to get edges that we would cut:
01. Use Bresenham algorithm (or supercover algorithm) to calculate 2d screen line as slice line.
02. Use all calculated in prev step screen coords to get polygons from pick buffer ( or you can use BeginPickDraw() OGL select session the same way).
03. Create parametric Plane (CPlane) - slice plane in direction of camera focus and with a normal(cross product between screen line and camera focus line).
04. For each edge of picked polygons we create parametric line (CLine) and try to get intersection with a slice plane (CPlane).
    If we get intersection in parameter range 0-1 we tacke intersection coord and index of this edge.
This algorithm have lots of variations but the problem on a 02 step doesn't solved.
On a dense mesh we miss components (polygons or edges it doesn't matter). I tried to get edges right away from ToolContext.Pick() session - it miss components.
Tryed get edges (not polys) from pickbuffer - miss components. In the end i use that preaty have calculations with a parametric primitives, but it doesn't solve the problem.

So any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
I looking for method that get all edges and intersection coords between MouseDown --- MouseUp screen line.

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