Hi Ian


Thanks for your thorough  comments. Please see my reply below:





Hi Yu,

Thanks for the update. I think the changes that you have made have improved the 
document significantly, but there’s still a few things that need to be 
addressed. Please see below.

Also, Jordi asked a question about this draft, which I don’t think has been 
replied to:

[fuyu]: From my side. I am happy to support 464XLAT, but I have made  a 
tremendous effort to consistent with the different attribute format and writing 
style after adding the multicast use case. 
I am not sure that I can do the same work after adding this new function.  
Could the Jordi help me to do that work? 


New comments on -16:

Throughout - the use of 'Sub TLV' and 'Sub-TLV' is not consistent.
Sub-TLV seems to be the convention in other RFCs (e.g. RFC6929).

[fuyu] I will check out all through the text for consistent.


s/At the Section 4.9/In Section 4.9/

As the softwire prioritisation funciton of RFC8026 is also
included, there should be a short paragraph (a cut down version of
sec 4, para 3) stating that this function is included.

[fuyu]: Do you think add a sentence as “A new Softwire46-Priority Attribute 
contains RADIUS information corresponding to OPTION_S46_PRIORITY defined in 
[RFC8026] is defined in Section 4.8.” will be Ok?

Section 3, point 6.

In the diagram, you show a simple reply message being sent
to the client, but the accompanying text describes a number
of other communication flows and updates that can potentially
need to happen.

Really, the whole of this section is not really well constructed
in it's current form. The purpose of the numbered points is to
describe what is in the flows in the diagram, but point 6. goes
on to included a further page and a half of options and
considerations. Can point 6 not be ended after the sentance ending
....enumerated in the ORO.? and the remaining text in section 3
be put into relevantly named sub-sections.

[fuyu]: Yes, I will update it as the point 6 will be ended by “enumerated in 
the ORO” and a sub-sections will be added

4.4.2 S46-BR Sub TLV
S46-Lightweight--4over6 TLV - please remove duplicate '-'.
[fuyu]: Done

4.5 Sub-TLVs for S46-Rule Sub TLV
Given the RFC2119 language used in the requirements for the
other options, suggest the following:
s/It should appear for once and only once./It MUST appear
exactly once./
4.6.2 The Bind-IPv6-Prefix Sub-TLV

s/The bind-ipv6-prefix field specified in this field/The bind-ipv6-prefix 
specified in this field/
[fuyu]: Done

Updated comments from my previous review:

After the sentence "A DHCPv6 server function is
  assumed to be embedded in the BNG that allows it to locally handle
  any DHCPv6 requests initiated by hosts." it would be
  worth adding that the term BNG is used througout the document
  to describe a device which functions as both the AAA client
  and DHCPv6 server.

[if - New version is better, but a suggested rewording for these two sentances:
A DHCPv6 server function is assumed to be embedded in the BNG
that allows it to locally handle DHCPv6 requests initiated by
hosts.  The abbrieviation BNG is used in this document to describe a device
which functions as both the AAA client and DHCPv6 sever.]
[fuyu]: The new sentences is updated 

Last paragraph: It would also be worth saying how the structure of the
DHCP options and field namings are preserved so they can
easily be mapped between DHCP and RADIUS.

[if - I can't find any changes in the text for this, or any repsonse
to the comment.]

[fuyu]: Do you think a table as following will be help?


          |      DHCPv6 Option           | RADIUS Attribute/Sub TLV |


          |     OPTION_S46_RULE    |     S46-Rule Sub TLV           |  


          |   OPTION_S46_BR       |        S46-BR Sub TLV           |  


          |      ……                            |        ……                      




The figure is easier to follow if it is space out a bit more and
clafifies the first step:

 CE                             BNG                         AAA Server
 |                               |                               |
 |-------1.DHCPv6 Solicit------->|                               |
 |(ORO with unicast and/or m'cast|                               |
 |    container option code(s))  |                               |
 |                               |                               |
 |                               |-------2.Access-Request------->|
 |                               | (S46-Configuration attribute  |
 |                               |and/or S46-Multicast attribute)|
 |                               |                               |
 |                               |<------3.Access-Accept---------|
 |                               | (S46-Configuration attribute  |
 |                               |and/or S46-Multicast attribute)|
 |                               |                               |
 |<----4.DHCPv6 Advertisement----|                               |
 |     (container option(s))     |                               |
 |                               |                               |
 |-------5.DHCPv6  Request------>|                               |
 |     (container Option(s))     |                               |
 |                               |                               |
 |<--------6.DHCPv6 Reply--------|                               |
 |     (container option(s))     |                               |
 |                               |                               |
              DHCPv6                         RADIUS

[if - Old diagram is still present, please use the above figure.]
[fuyu]: Ok, I have updated it.

For the multicast case, OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 should be included for the delivery 
of multicast
  services in the context of transition to IPv6.
For the multicast case, the the option number for OPTION_V6_PREFIX64 (113)
should be included in the client's ORO.

[if - Sorry, I doubled the word 'the' in my suggested text. Please use 'case,
the option number']
[fuyu]: Done 

Item 3. uses an RFC2119 MUST statement. This is the first time
in the message flow that any compulsory behaviour is defined. The
requirements language should be consitent throughout all of the steps
(either all RFC2119, or none)

A MUST here is also strange. What if the AAA server doesn't have
the requested configuration to supply to the client?

[if - Sorry, I doubled the word 'the' in my suggested text. Please use 'case,
the option number']
[fuyu]: Done

In the DHCPv6 Advertisement message, there needs to be the
corresponding DHCPv6 option holding the correct information
from the RADIUS message. This means that we need to map the
fields from the attributes to the options. A table showing
how this mapping is done would be very useful.

[if - I can't find any changes in the text for this, or any repsonse
to the comment.]
[fuyu]: Do you think the table described above will make sense?

"The recommended format of the MAC address is defined as Calling-Station-
Id (Section 3.20 in [RFC3580] without the SSID (Service Set
Identifier) portion."

I don't understand the meaning of this sentence in context of where we
are in the message flow. What is the MAC address that is needed at
this stage?

[if - The addtional text doesn't answer this question. The BNG is constructing
a DHCPv6 Reply message. Where does a MAC address belong in this message?
If it's the MAC address that it will source the DHCPv6 reply message from,
why is it being changed at this stage rather than configured in advance (i.e.
before the Advertise is sent) so it can be consistent throughout the
whole DHCP message flow?]
[fuyu]: This describe sentences is really confusing.  I will delete this 

The paragraph begining "The authorization process could also..." doesn't
really make sense where it is located. The previous paragraph does
not follow from the previous para. concerning lw4o6 syncronisation and
refers to a previous scenario, although it's not really clear what
that scenario is.
This could be cleared up by (1) making it clear that section 3 fig 1.
is describing combined Authentication and Authorisation. (2) Creating
a sub-section for this paragraph (and the one below it) that detail
what the changes are from the steps in section 3 (i.e. where additional
attributes are needed / not needed and what they contain).

[if - Currently still a problem, please see my general comments on
this version above.]
[fuyu]: Do you think adding a sub-section to describe  this authorization 
process will make it more clear? If yes, I will update a new

Sub-section here in the next version. 

The final 3 paragraphs deal with some error handling conditions. Perhaps
a sub-section for these would make for a better structure?

[if - The error handling text is now duplicated, once with
bullet points and again in the body text. Please fix.]
[fuyu]: OK, I will simplify it.

There's no text on what happens when the client send a DHCPv6 Release,
Decline, or an associtated DHCPv6 lease expires (invalidating any
options supplied with that lease).

[if - I can't find any changes in the text for this, or any repsonse
to the comment.]
[fuyu]: The scope of this draft is designing  the format of radius attributes 
and  describe the Attribute process. 

So do you think it is really  need to describe the process for the detail of 
the DHCP options ? or it is out of scope? 




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