Chris Hostetter wrote:
> : > But searches in the vbulletin database returns an awful lots of
> hits(like
> : > 100.000+ for some queries), even though perhaps only the first handful
> seem
> : > relevant. So ideally we would like the link to say "Found 12 extra
> results
> : > in vbulletin", if the first 12 results had a high score, and result 13
> to
> : > 100.000 had a low score.
> the reasl question is, are ou just going to display that text, or is it
> going to be a link to the actual search: if you've going to give the user
> a link, then you're going to want to make sure the page they get to
> matches up with their expecation from the link text, so saying there are
> only 12 results when there are really 100.000 is going to be a bold faced
> lie -- what you should do is re-evaluate your query structure so that you
> only get the really good results (the 12) and have optional UI elements
> allowing people to relax the search criteria to get the full 100K.
> what criteria you should use to keep the results set small really depends
> on how you define "good" results" vs "bad" results.
> -Hoss

There will be a link to the actual search, and I agree the number of results
on the result page needs to be the same as the text in the link says.

But anyway we just discovered that using the minimum match feature of the
dismax request handler allows us to narrow the amount of search results down
quite a bit. 

Because we take a users query and expand it semantically through an external
component(a bit like the synonym.txt file, but with weights assigned to each
of the synonyms) before feeding it to solr, so a 2 word query might end up
being a 10 word query, and this cause a huge increase in results.

Using the minium match feature seems to work out well for bringing it back
down to realistic levels.

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