Re: Socket exception

2008-02-16 Thread Ryan McKinley

Perhaps increasing the setConnectionTimeout() would help?

try 100 or 1000 and see if that helps

14:24:21,549 ERROR [[default]] Servlet.service() for servlet default
threw exception
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: Error executing query

Re: Using embedded Solr with admin GUI

2008-02-16 Thread Ryan McKinley
If you are running a single webapp, you can just put the jsp files in 
there.  I'm guessing that isn't what you mean though.

There are a bunch of admin request handlers that do many of the things 
from the /admin/ jsp files without the nice interface.  The one major 
missing component was analysis.jsp, but grant just added:

Ken Krugler wrote:

Hi all,

We're moving towards embedding multiple Solr cores, versus using 
multiple Solr webapps, as a way of simplifying our build/deploy and also 
getting more control over the startup/update process.

But I'd hate to lose that handy GUI for inspecting the schema and (most 
importantly) trying out queries with explain turned on.

Has anybody tried this dual-mode method of operation? Thoughts on 
whether it's workable, and what the issues would be?

I've taken a quick look at the .jsp and supporting Java code, and have 
some ideas on what would be needed, but I'm hoping there's an easy(er) 
approach than just whacking at the admin support code.


-- Ken