Re: Storing solr results in excel

2013-11-26 Thread kumar
If we specify wt=csv then results appear like csv format but i need to store
them in seperate excel file.

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How to use batchSize in DataImportHandler to throttle updates in a batch-mode

2013-11-26 Thread Dileepa Jayakody
Hi All,

I have a requirement to import a large amount of data from a mysql database
and index documents (about 1000 documents).
During indexing process I need to do a special processing of a field by
sending a enhancement requests to an external Apache Stanbol server.
I have configured my dataimport-handler in solrconfig.xml to use the
StanbolContentProcessor in the update chain, as below;

 *updateRequestProcessorChain name=stanbolInterceptor*
* processor
*processor class=solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory /*
*  /updateRequestProcessorChain*

*  requestHandler name=/dataimport class=solr.DataImportHandler   *
* lst name=defaults  *
* str name=configdata-config.xml/str*
* str name=update.chainstanbolInterceptor/str*
* /lst *
*   /requestHandler*

My sample data-config.xml is as below;

*dataSource type=JdbcDataSource driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/solrTest user=test password=test123
batchSize=1 /*
*document name=stanboldata*
*entity name=stanbolrequest query=SELECT * FROM documents*
*field column=id name=id /*
*field column=content name=content /*
* field column=title name=title /*

When running a large import with about 1000 documents, my stanbol server
goes down, I suspect due to heavy load from the above Solr
I would like to throttle the dataimport in batches, so that Stanbol can
process a manageable number of requests concurrently.
Is this achievable using batchSize parameter in dataSource element in the
Can someone please give some ideas to throttle the dataimport load in Solr?


CoreAdminRequest User Credentials 'Unauthorized'

2013-11-26 Thread Snubbel

I have protected my Solr-Admin URL with a required User Role (Security

Now, I am not able to reload my Core anymore, using CoreAdminRequest:

CoreAdminRequest requestReload = new CoreAdminRequest();

My SolrServer knows the user and password, but in the HttpRequest this
information is not used, so I get an 'unauthorized' response.

Does anyone know how to make CoreAdminRequest use the UserCredentials?

Best regards, Snubbel

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RE: Need help on Joining and sorting syntax and limitations between multiple documents in solr-4.4.0

2013-11-26 Thread Sukanta Dey
Hi Team,

Attaching the updated files as per the comments in the ticket. You can now try 
the VJOIN operation on the updated files.
It would be also helpful for us if you send the correct VJOIN syntax with the 
inputs from the updated files.


From: Sukanta Dey
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 1:46 PM
To: 'Colm Pruvot'; Yann Yu; 'Greg Harris'
Cc: ''; Sukanta Dey
Subject: RE: Need help on Joining and sorting syntax and limitations between 
multiple documents in solr-4.4.0

Hi Team,

I am attaching all the required files we are using to get the VJOIN 
functionality along with the actual requirement statement.
Hope this would help you understand better the requirement for VJOIN 


From: Sukanta Dey
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:50 PM
To: ''
Cc: Sukanta Dey
Subject: Need help on Joining and sorting syntax and limitations between 
multiple documents in solr-4.4.0

Hi Team,

In my project I am going to use Apache solr-4.4.0 version for searching. While 
doing that I need to join between multiple solr documents within the same core 
on one of the common field across the documents.
Though I successfully join the documents using solr-4.4.0 join syntax, it is 
returning me the expected result, but, since my next requirement is to sort the 
returned result on basis of the fields from the documents
Involved in join condition's from clause, which I was not able to get. Let me 
explain the problem in detail along with the files I am using ...

1)  Files being used :

a.   Picklist_1.xml



field name=describedObjectIdt1324838/field

field name=describedObjectType7/field

field name=picklistItemId956/field

field name=siteId130712901/field

field name=enDraft/field

field name=grDraoft/field


b.  Picklist_2.xml



field name=describedObjectIdt1324837/field

field name=describedObjectType7/field

field name=picklistItemId87749/field

field name=siteId130712901/field

field name=enNew/field

field name=grNeuo/field


c.   AssetID_1.xml



field name=def14227_picklistt1324837/field

field name=describedObjectIda180894808/field

field name=describedObjectType1/field

field name=isMetadataCompletetrue/field

field name=lastUpdateDate2013-09-02T09:28:18Z/field

field name=ownerId130713716/field

field name=siteId130712901/field


d.  AssetID_2.xml


 field name=def14227_picklistt1324838/field

 field name=describedObjectIda171658357/field

field name=describedObjectType1/field

field name=ownerId130713716/field

field name=rGroupId2283961/field

field name=rGroupId2290309/field

field name=rGroupPermissionLevel7/field

field name=rGroupPermissionLevel7/field

field name=rRuleId13503796/field
field name=rRuleId15485964/field

field name=rUgpId38052/field

field name=rUgpId41133/field

field name=siteId130712901/field


2)  Requirement:

i. It needs to have a join  between the files using 
def14227_picklist field from AssetID_1.xml and AssetID_2.xml and 
describedObjectId field from Picklist_1.xml and Picklist_2.xml files.

ii.   After joining we need to have all the fields from the 
files AssetID_*.xml and en,gr fields from Picklist_*.xml files.

iii.  While joining we also sort the result based on the en 
field value.

3)  I was trying with q={!join from=inner_id to=outer_id}zzz:vvv syntax 
but no luck.

Any help/suggestion would be appreciated.

Sukanta Dey

Re: In a functon query, I can't get the ValueSource when extend ValueSourceParser

2013-11-26 Thread kydryavtsev andrey
As your DateSourceParser is put in standardValueSourceParsers map with key 
dateDeboost (right?), I think you need specify name of your source like 

26.11.2013, 06:46, sling
 Thanks a lot for your reply, Chris.

 I was trying to sort the query result by the Datefunction, by passing
 q={!boost b=dateDeboost()}title:test to the /select request-handler.

 Before, my custom DateFunction is like this:
 public class DateFunction extends FieldCacheSource {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 6752223682280098130L;
 private static long now;
 public DateFunction(String field) {
 now = System.currentTimeMillis();
 public FunctionValues getValues(Map context,
 AtomicReaderContext readerContext) throws IOException 
 long[] times = cache.getLongs(readerContext.reader(), field, 
 final float[] weights = new float[times.length];
 for (int i = 0; i  times.length; i++) {
 weights[i] = ScoreUtils.getNewsScoreFactor(now, 
 return new FunctionValues() {
 public float floatVal(int doc) {
 return weights[doc];
 It calculate every documet's date-weight, but at the same time , it only
 need the one doc's date-weight, so it run slowly.

 When I see the source code of recip function in, like this:
 addParser(recip, new ValueSourceParser() {
   public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws SyntaxError {
 ValueSource source = fp.parseValueSource();
 float m = fp.parseFloat();
 float a = fp.parseFloat();
 float b = fp.parseFloat();
 return new ReciprocalFloatFunction(source, m, a, b);
 and in the ReciprocalFloatFunction, it get the value like this:
   public FunctionValues getValues(Map context, AtomicReaderContext
 readerContext) throws IOException {
 final FunctionValues vals = source.getValues(context, readerContext);
 return new FloatDocValues(this) {
   public float floatVal(int doc) {
 return a/(m*vals.floatVal(doc) + b);
   public String toString(int doc) {
 return Float.toString(a) + /(
 + m + *float( + vals.toString(doc) + ')'
 + '+' + b + ')';

 So I think this is what I want.
 When calculate a doc's date-weight, I needn't cache.getLongs(x),
 instead, I should source.getValues(xxx)

 Therefore I change my code, but when fp.parseValueSource(), it throws an
 error like this: Expected identifier at pos 12

 Do I describe clearly this time?

 Thanks again!


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Is there any limit how many documents can be indexed by apache solr

2013-11-26 Thread Kamal Palei
Dear All
I am using Apache solr 3.6.2 with Drupal 7.
Users keeps adding their profiles (resumes) and with cron task from Drupal,
documents get indexed.

Recently I observed, after indexing around 11,000 documents, further
documents are not getting indexed.

Is there any configuration for max documents those can be indexed.

Kindly help.


Re: Is there any limit how many documents can be indexed by apache solr

2013-11-26 Thread Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez

In lucene you are supossed to be able to index up to 274 billion documents
( ), so in
Solr should be something like that. Anyway the maximum number is quite
bigger than those 11.000 ;)

Could it be that you are reusing IDs so the new documents overwrite the old

2013/11/26 Kamal Palei

 Dear All
 I am using Apache solr 3.6.2 with Drupal 7.
 Users keeps adding their profiles (resumes) and with cron task from Drupal,
 documents get indexed.

 Recently I observed, after indexing around 11,000 documents, further
 documents are not getting indexed.

 Is there any configuration for max documents those can be indexed.

 Kindly help.


Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez

Paradigma Tecnológico
Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Tel.: 91 352 59 42

Newline delimiter is not working in Solr with Velocity

2013-11-26 Thread pyramesh
Hi All,

I am new to Solr. I am building small search application using solr. I am
using velocity template to display the results.
After index the data into solr, the data (search result) is not displaying
newline delimiter (\n). when I check the indexed data using luke, found that
'\n' available but while displaying the results it is not showing i.e., the
results are not displaying with newline instead displaying data in the same

I googled a lot, but no luck.

Please help on this. Thanks in Advance !!

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Re: Is there any limit how many documents can be indexed by apache solr

2013-11-26 Thread Luis Cappa Banda

Checkout also your application server logs. Maybe you're trying to index
Documents with any syntax error and they are skipped.


- Luis Cappa

2013/11/26 Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez


 In lucene you are supossed to be able to index up to 274 billion documents
 ( ), so
 Solr should be something like that. Anyway the maximum number is quite
 bigger than those 11.000 ;)

 Could it be that you are reusing IDs so the new documents overwrite the old

 2013/11/26 Kamal Palei

  Dear All
  I am using Apache solr 3.6.2 with Drupal 7.
  Users keeps adding their profiles (resumes) and with cron task from
  documents get indexed.
  Recently I observed, after indexing around 11,000 documents, further
  documents are not getting indexed.
  Is there any configuration for max documents those can be indexed.
  Kindly help.

 Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez

 Paradigma Tecnológico
 Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
 Tel.: 91 352 59 42

- Luis Cappa

Re: How to retain the original format of input document in search results in SOLR - Tomcat

2013-11-26 Thread pyramesh
Thanks Erick for your reply..

I am using velocity template for display the result.

 #field('SDtext')  == here SDtext is my field.

here is my field definition in schema.xml

field name=Resolution type=text_en indexed=true  stored=true /
field name=SDtext type=string indexed=false stored=true
copyField source=Resolution dest=SDtext/

fieldType name=text_en class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
  analyzer type=index
charFilter class=solr.PatternReplaceCharFilterFactory  
replacement=lt; br gt; /
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
generateWordParts=1 generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=1
catenateNumbers=1 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory
filter class=solr.PorterStemFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
   tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory 
ignoreCase=true expand=true/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
words=lang/stopwords_en.txt /
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
generateWordParts=1 generateNumberParts=1 catenateWords=1
catenateNumbers=0 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=1/
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory
filter class=solr.PorterStemFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.TrimFilterFactory /

bPlease guide what am I doing wrong ??*

Thanks in advance 

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Re: Storing solr results in excel

2013-11-26 Thread kumar
My Response is coming in the follwing way

response: {
numFound: 21,
start: 0,
maxScore: 1,
docs: [
pageType: LP,
category: some category name,
url: some url,
score: 1

I need to store results in antohter string variables. Anybody help me how
can i do it using solrj

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Re: Is there any limit how many documents can be indexed by apache solr

2013-11-26 Thread Kamal Palei
Thanks Alejandro  and Luis.
If I need to see logs, how can I see it. Is it stored in any default log

I am using below command to start apache solr.

java -Xms64m -Xmx6g -jar start.jar 

I am using it along with Drupal 7.1.5 , I am trying to find out if it is a
Drupal issue or Apache solr issue.

Not getting clue where to start 

In terminal where I have started apache solr, I get below logs when I
attempt to index for remaining documents.

[root@example]# Nov 26, 2013 5:28:56 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} hits=0 status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:28:56 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:28:56 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} hits=0 status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:28:56 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} status=0 QTime=1


In addition to this, is there any other log folder...

Kindly bear with me,as I am very novice in apache solr.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Luis Cappa Banda luisca...@gmail.comwrote:


 Checkout also your application server logs. Maybe you're trying to index
 Documents with any syntax error and they are skipped.


 - Luis Cappa

 2013/11/26 Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez

  In lucene you are supossed to be able to index up to 274 billion
  ( ), so
  Solr should be something like that. Anyway the maximum number is quite
  bigger than those 11.000 ;)
  Could it be that you are reusing IDs so the new documents overwrite the
  2013/11/26 Kamal Palei
   Dear All
   I am using Apache solr 3.6.2 with Drupal 7.
   Users keeps adding their profiles (resumes) and with cron task from
   documents get indexed.
   Recently I observed, after indexing around 11,000 documents, further
   documents are not getting indexed.
   Is there any configuration for max documents those can be indexed.
   Kindly help.
  Alejandro Marqués Rodríguez
  Paradigma Tecnológico
  Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
  28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
  Tel.: 91 352 59 42

 - Luis Cappa

Re: Storing solr results in excel

2013-11-26 Thread Jack Krupansky
Excel can read/import CSV files, so simply write out the Solr results in a 
CSV text file. If you need/wish to write out a native Excel XLSM file, that 
is beyond the scope of Solr and SolrJ and this mailing list. Try a Google 
search on that topic. I mean, usually Solr results are directly consumed by 
an application.

-- Jack Krupansky

-Original Message- 
From: kumar

Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: Storing solr results in excel

If we specify wt=csv then results appear like csv format but i need to store
them in seperate excel file.

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Re: Is there any limit how many documents can be indexed by apache solr

2013-11-26 Thread Kamal Palei
Hi All
I tried to get the log from terminal.
The complete log I have put at the end of this email.
One place in log I see, it is logged as

Nov 26, 2013 5:46:24 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:25 AM
INFO: Building spell index for spell checker: jarowinkler
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:26 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore registerSearcher
INFO: [] Registered new searcher Searcher@119a0c4e main
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:26 AM close
INFO: Closing Searcher@35d22ddb main

Though it is not error or something when indexing got stopped this is the
log that was showing in my terminal.

The complete log is as below. Can somebody help me how can I index more
number of documents, currently stopping after indexing around 11,000

ov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
INFO: {add=[8lftl7/node/5773, 8lftl7/node/5774, 8lftl7/node/5775,
8lftl7/node/5776, 8lftl7/node/5777, 8lftl7/node/5778, 8lftl7/node/5779,
8lftl7/node/5780, ... (20 adds)]} 0 3
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} status=0 QTime=3
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
INFO: {add=[8lftl7/node/5793, 8lftl7/node/5794, 8lftl7/node/5795,
8lftl7/node/5796, 8lftl7/node/5797, 8lftl7/node/5798, 8lftl7/node/5799,
8lftl7/node/5800, ... (10 adds)]} 0 2
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} status=0 QTime=2
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} hits=0 status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/admin/ping params={} status=0 QTime=1
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
INFO: {add=[8lftl7/file/5750-node-6276, 8lftl7/file/5751-node-6277,
8lftl7/file/5752-node-6278, 8lftl7/file/5753-node-6279,
8lftl7/file/5754-node-6280, 8lftl7/file/5755-node-6281,
8lftl7/file/5756-node-6282, 8lftl7/file/5757-node-6283, ... (20 adds)]} 0 25
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=json} status=0 QTime=25
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:16 AM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
INFO: start
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onCommit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits:num=2

_20f.tii, _20h.tvx, _20f.fnm, _20g.tii, _20h.frq, _20g.nrm, _20h.fdt,
_20f.tvd, _20g.tis, _20f.frq, _20f.tvf, _20h.fdx, _20h.fnm, _20g.tvx,
_20h.tvf, _20h.tis, _20f.tis, segments_1o4, _20g.fdx, _20g.fnm, _20h.tii,
_20g.tvf, _20g.fdt, _20f_1.del, _20g.tvd, _20f.fdt, _20f.fdx, _20g.frq,
_20g.prx, _20f.tvx, _20f.nrm, _20h.tvd, _20h.prx, _20h.nrm]

_20j.tii, _20j.fdt, _20j.nrm, _20j.frq, _20j.fdx, segments_1o5, _20j.tvf,
_20j.tvd, _20j.fnm, _20j.tvx, _20j.tis]
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy
INFO: newest commit = 1362286025705
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM init
INFO: Opening Searcher@119a0c4e main
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
INFO: end_commit_flush
Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM warm
INFO: autowarming Searcher@119a0c4e main from Searcher@35d22ddb main

Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM warm
INFO: autowarming result for Searcher@119a0c4e main

Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM warm
INFO: autowarming Searcher@119a0c4e main from Searcher@35d22ddb main

Nov 26, 2013 5:46:23 AM warm
INFO: autowarming result for Searcher@119a0c4e main

Re: Trouble with manually routed collection after upgrade to 4.6

2013-11-26 Thread Shalin Shekhar Mangar
That's not good. I'll investigate.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Brett Hoerner wrote:
 Think I got it. For some reason this was in my clusterstate.json after the
 upgrade (note that I was using 4.5.X just fine previously...):

  router: {
name: compositeId

 I stopped all my nodes and manually edited this to me implicit (is there
 a tool for this? I've always done it manually), started the cluster up
 again and it's all good now.

 On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Brett Hoerner br...@bretthoerner.comwrote:

 Here's my clusterstate.json:

 On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Brett Hoerner 

 Hi, I've been using a collection on Solr 4.5.X for a few weeks and just
 did an upgrade to 4.6 and am having some issues.

 First: this collection is, I guess, implicitly routed. I do this for
 every document insert using SolrJ:

   document.addField(_route_, shardId)

 After upgrading the servers to 4.6 I now get the following on every
 insert/delete when using either SolrJ 4.5.1 or 4.6:

   org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: No active slice servicing hash
 code 17b9dff6 in DocCollection

 In the clusterstate *none* of my shards have a range set (they're all
 null), but I thought this would be expected since I do routing myself.

 Did the upgrade change something here? I didn't see anything related to
 this in the upgrade notes.


Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

Re: HttpSolrServer - Http Client Connection pooling issue

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 11/25/2013 11:04 PM, wrote:
 We are using Solr 4.3.1 and we are using HttpSolrServer for querying Solr.
 We are trying to do a load and stress test using Jmeter and we can see that 
 after certain requests Solr responds in very unusual way. It gets stuck and 
 responds only after sometime. Upon checking the Http Connections we realized 
 that there are so many open connections that are not closed.
 My questions are:
 1. Is there a way to do HTTP connection  pooling ?

As of Solr 4.2, SolrJ uses SystemDefaultHttpClient for its HttpClient,
which by default uses PoolingClientConnectionManager.  It should already
be using connection pooling.  Earlier versions (with DefaultHttpClient)
probably used a similar connection manager.

There is a bug in SolrJ related to leaking HttpClient connections.  That
bug is fixed in 4.5.1, so the fix is also in the just-released 4.6.0.

 Note that HttpSolrServer instance is static.
 2. Can I configure Http Connections using solrconfig file ?

The solrconfig.xml file configures the Solr *server*.  Although some
server settings do affect client connections, most of the configuration
for the client is done in the client.  You can create your own
HttpClient for SolrJ and configure it however you like.

If you are using SolrCloud or distributed search, then there is a SolrJ
client within Solr itself that can be configured with HttpShardHandler
configuration in solrconfig.xml or solr.xml.


SOLR-4237 -- internal SolrJ client?

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey
I am looking at SOLR-4237:

Re: SOLR-4237 -- internal SolrJ client?

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 11/26/2013 7:52 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
 I am looking at SOLR-4237:

My email client got over-excited and sent that before I was ready.

What I want to know is whether this bug affects the internal SolrJ
client used for distributed search.  All my requests are distributed.


Request to join the ContributorsGroup

2013-11-26 Thread Anastasios Zouzias
To whom it may concern,

I am currently working on Solr and I would like to contribute a bit on the
wiki pages. So, I would like to get access to the Solr Wiki pages.


Anastasios Zouzias
IBM Research Division - Zurich Research Laboratory
Saumerstrasse 4
8803 Ruschlikon - Switzerland

How to request not directly my SOLR server ?

2013-11-26 Thread Bruno Mannina

Dear All,

I show my SOLR server to a friend and its first question was:

You can request directly your solr database from your internet
explorer?! is it not a security problem?
each person which has your request link can use your database directly?

So I ask the question here. I protect my admin panel but is it possible
to protect a direct request ?

By using google, lot a result concern admin panel security but I can't
find information about that.

Thanks for your comment,


Ce courrier électronique ne contient aucun virus ou logiciel malveillant parce 
que la protection avast! Antivirus est active.

Re: Request to join the ContributorsGroup

2013-11-26 Thread Erick Erickson
Sure, and thanks!

First, create a login on the Wiki. Then let us know what that name is and
we'll add you to the ACL. Unfortunately we had a problem a while ago with
spam bots creating bogus pages and had to lock it down so this step became


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Anastasios Zouzias zouz...@gmail.comwrote:

 To whom it may concern,

 I am currently working on Solr and I would like to contribute a bit on the
 wiki pages. So, I would like to get access to the Solr Wiki pages.


 Anastasios Zouzias
 IBM Research Division - Zurich Research Laboratory
 Saumerstrasse 4
 8803 Ruschlikon - Switzerland

Re: a function query of time, frequency and score.

2013-11-26 Thread Erick Erickson
You can combine a whole series of mathematical
functions that take into account the values of fields
and use that for scoring. Functions can take other
functions as one of their operands, so you could
make something arbitrarily complex that takes into
account several of your fields.

If this still doesn't apply, please provide some examples
of what your docs look like and what you want to do with


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:45 PM, sling wrote:

 Thanks, Erick.
 What I want to do is custom the sort by date, time, and number.
 I want to know is there some formula to tackle this.

 Thanks again!

 On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Erick Erickson [via Lucene] wrote:

  Not quite sure what you're asking. The field() function query brings the
  value of a field into the score, something like:
  On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 10:43 PM, sling [hidden email]
   Hi, guys.
   I indexed 1000 documents, which have fields like title, ptime and
   The title is a text fild, the ptime is a date field, and the frequency
  is a
   int field.
   Frequency field is ups and downs. say sometimes its value is 0, and
   sometimes its value is 999.
   Now, in my app, the query could work with function query well. The
   query is implemented as the score multiplied by an decreased
   However, I have got no idea to add the frequency to this formula...
   so could someone give me a clue?
   Thanks again!
   View this message in context:
   Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at
   If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
   To unsubscribe from a function query of time, frequency and score.,

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Setting for SolrCloud instance

2013-11-26 Thread Erick Erickson
The data _is_ separated from the code. It's all relative
to solr_home which need not have any relation to where
the code is executing from.

For instance, I can start Solr like
java -Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/Erick/testdir/solr -jar start.jar

and have my war in a completely different place.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:08 AM, adfel70 wrote:

 Thanks for the reply, Erick.
 Actually, I didnt not think this through. I just thought it would be a good
 idea to separate the data from the application code.
 I guess I'll leave it without setting the datadir parameter and add a

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Request to join the ContributorsGroup

2013-11-26 Thread Anastasios Zouzias
Hi Erick,

Thanks for the prompt reply. My username on the wiki is zouzias.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Erick Erickson erickerick...@gmail.comwrote:

 Sure, and thanks!

 First, create a login on the Wiki. Then let us know what that name is and
 we'll add you to the ACL. Unfortunately we had a problem a while ago with
 spam bots creating bogus pages and had to lock it down so this step became


 On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Anastasios Zouzias zouz...@gmail.comwrote:

 To whom it may concern,

 I am currently working on Solr and I would like to contribute a bit on the
 wiki pages. So, I would like to get access to the Solr Wiki pages.


 Anastasios Zouzias
 IBM Research Division - Zurich Research Laboratory
 Saumerstrasse 4
 8803 Ruschlikon - Switzerland

Re: Revolution writeup

2013-11-26 Thread Dmitry Kan
Hi Mike,

Thanks a lot for sharing. I posted my impressions on the conference as
well, right after it has finished. So I'll share them here, if you don't

Day 1:
Day 2:


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Michael Sokolov wrote:

 I just posted a writeup of the Lucene/Solr Revolution Dublin conference.
  I've been waiting for videos to become available, but I got impatient.
  Slides are there, mostly though.  Sorry if I missed your talk -- I'm
 hoping to catch up when the videos are posted...

 -Mike Sokolov


Re: Setting for SolrCloud instance

2013-11-26 Thread adfel70
The problem we had was that we tried to run: 
java -Dsolr.solr.home=/opt/solr/home -jar
and got different behavior for how solr handles these 2 params.

we created 2 collections, which created 2 cores. 
then we got 2 home dirs for the cores, as expected:

but instead of creating 2 data dirs like:
solr had both cores' data dirs  pointing to the same directory -

when we tried putting a relative path in, it worked as

I don't know if this is a bug, but we thought of 2 solutions in our case:
1. point to a relative path on symlink that path to the
absolute path we wanted in the first place.
2. dont provide at all, and then solr puts the data dir
inside the home.dir, which as said, works with relative paths.

we chose the first option for now.

Erick Erickson wrote
 The data _is_ separated from the code. It's all relative
 to solr_home which need not have any relation to where
 the code is executing from.
 For instance, I can start Solr like
 java -Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/Erick/testdir/solr -jar start.jar
 and have my war in a completely different place.
 On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:08 AM, adfel70 lt;


 gt; wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, Erick.
 Actually, I didnt not think this through. I just thought it would be a
 idea to separate the data from the application code.
 I guess I'll leave it without setting the datadir parameter and add a

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

View this message in context:
Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Setting for SolrCloud instance

2013-11-26 Thread Mark Miller

On Nov 25, 2013, at 8:12 AM, adfel70 wrote:

 I was expecting that the path I sent would serve as the BASE path for all
 cores the the node hosts

When running Solr on HDFS, there is a similar prop you can use 
-Dsolr.hdfs.home. If you set that, all data dirs are created nicely under it.

We talked about wanting a similar option for SolrCloud and local filesystem a 
while back. If there is no JIRA issue for it, please file one!

- Mark

Multivalued true Error?

2013-11-26 Thread Furkan KAMACI

I've ported this example from Scala into Java:!

However does field should be multivalued true at that example?

PS: I use Solr 4.5.1


Re: Revolution writeup

2013-11-26 Thread Charlie Hull

On 26/11/2013 16:19, Dmitry Kan wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks a lot for sharing. I posted my impressions on the conference as
well, right after it has finished. So I'll share them here, if you don't

Day 1:
Day 2:

Me too!

Four of the Flax team were there and we had a great time.



On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Michael Sokolov wrote:

I just posted a writeup of the Lucene/Solr Revolution Dublin conference.
  I've been waiting for videos to become available, but I got impatient.
  Slides are there, mostly though.  Sorry if I missed your talk -- I'm
hoping to catch up when the videos are posted...

-Mike Sokolov

Charlie Hull
Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search

tel/fax: +44 (0)8700 118334
mobile:  +44 (0)7767 825828

Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

2013-11-26 Thread Patrick O'Lone
I've been tracking a problem in our Solr environment for awhile with
periodic stalls of Solr 3.6.1. I'm running up to a wall on ideas to try
and thought I might get some insight from some others on this list.

The load on the server is normally anywhere between 1-3. It's an 8-core
machine with 40GB of RAM. I have about 25GB of index data that is
replicated to this server every 5 minutes. It's taking about 200
connections per second and roughly every 5-10 minutes it will stall for
about 30 seconds to a minute. The stall causes the load to go to as high
as 90. It is all CPU bound in user space - all cores go to 99%
utilization (spinlock?). When doing a thread dump, the following line is
blocked in all running Tomcat threads:$Cache.get ( )

Looking the source code in 3.6.1, that is a function call to
syncronized() which blocks all threads and causes the backlog. I've
tried to correlate these events to the replication events - but even
with replication disabled - this still happens. We run multiple data
centers using Solr and I was comparing garbage collection processes
between and noted that the old generation is collected very differently
on this data center versus others. The old generation is collected as a
massive collect event (several gigabytes worth) - the other data center
is more saw toothed and collects only in 500MB-1GB at a time. Here's my
parameters to java (the same in all environments):

/usr/java/jre/bin/java \
-verbose:gc \
-XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-server \ \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:NewRatio=3 \
-Xms30720M \
-Xmx30720M \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/endorsed \
-classpath /usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar \
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \
-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ \
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I've tried a few GC option changes from this (been running this way for
a couple of years now) - primarily removing CMS Incremental mode as we
have 8 cores and remarks on the internet suggest that it is only for
smaller SMP setups. Removing CMS did not fix anything.

I've considered that the heap is way too large (30GB from 40GB) and may
not leave enough memory for mmap operations (MMap appears to be used in
the field cache). Based on active memory utilization in Java, seems like
I might be able to reduce down to 22GB safely - but I'm not sure if that
will help with the CPU issues.

I think field cache is used for sorting and faceting. I've started to
investigate facet.method, but from what I can tell, this doesn't seem to
influence sorting at all - only facet queries. I've tried setting
useFilterForSortQuery, and seems to require less field cache but doesn't
address the stalling issues.

Is there something I am overlooking? Perhaps the system is becoming
oversubscribed in terms of resources? Thanks for any help that is offered.

Patrick O'Lone
Director of Software Development

E-mail ...
Phone  309-743-0809
Fax .. 309-743-0830

Re: How to request not directly my SOLR server ?

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 11/26/2013 8:37 AM, Bruno Mannina wrote:

I show my SOLR server to a friend and its first question was:

You can request directly your solr database from your internet 
explorer?! is it not a security problem?

each person which has your request link can use your database directly?

So I ask the question here. I protect my admin panel but is it 
possible to protect a direct request ?

Don't make your Solr server directly accessible from the Internet.  Only 
make it accessible from the machines that serve your website and whoever 
needs to administer it.

Solr has no security features.  You can use the security features in 
whatever container is running Solr, but that is outside the scope of 
this mailing list.


Re: Setting for SolrCloud instance

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 11/26/2013 9:19 AM, adfel70 wrote:

The problem we had was that we tried to run:
java -Dsolr.solr.home=/opt/solr/home -jar
and got different behavior for how solr handles these 2 params.

we created 2 collections, which created 2 cores.
then we got 2 home dirs for the cores, as expected:

but instead of creating 2 data dirs like:
solr had both cores' data dirs  pointing to the same directory -


when we tried putting a relative path in, it worked as

I don't know if this is a bug, but we thought of 2 solutions in our case:
1. point to a relative path on symlink that path to the
absolute path we wanted in the first place.
2. dont provide at all, and then solr puts the data dir
inside the home.dir, which as said, works with relative paths.

we chose the first option for now.

The dataDir is a per-core setting, you cannot set it for the entire 
application.  If you make it relative, then it will be relative to each 
individual instanceDir.  It defaults to ./data, so you get 
$instanceDir/data as the location.


Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0

2013-11-26 Thread Reyes, Mark
Are there any GOOD client-side solutions to proxy a Solr 4.5.0 instance so that 
the end-user can see  their queries w/o being able to directly access :8983?

Applications/frameworks used:
- Solr 4.5.0
- AJAX Solr (javascript library)

Thank you,

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended to be received only by 
persons entitled to receive the confidential information it may contain. E-mail 
messages sent from Bridgepoint Education may contain information that is 
confidential and may be legally privileged. Please do not read, copy, forward 
or store this message unless you are an intended recipient of it. If you 
received this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail 
and delete the message and any attachments.

Re: Multivalued true Error?

2013-11-26 Thread Sujit Pal
Hi Furkan,

In the stock definition of the payload field:

the analyzer for payloads field type is a WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
followed by a DelimitedPayloadTokenFilterFactory. So if you send it a
string foo$score1 bar$score2 ... where foo and bar are string tokens and
score[12] are payload scores and $ is your delimiter, the analyzer will
tokenize it into multiple payloads and you should be able to run the tests
in the blog post. So you shouldn't make it multiValued AFAIK.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Furkan KAMACI furkankam...@gmail.comwrote:


 I've ported this example from Scala into Java:!

 However does field should be multivalued true at that example?

 PS: I use Solr 4.5.1

 Furkan KAMACI

RE: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

2013-11-26 Thread Patrice Monroe Pustavrh
I am not completely sure about that, but if I remember correctly (it has been 
more than one year since I've did that and I was lazy enogh not to take notes 
:( ), it helped that I've reduced the percentage of size of permanent 
generation (somehow, more GC on less permanent gen, but this one is not 
blocking the system and it could be that it prevents really large GC's - at the 
account of more smaller ones). But it is far from sound advice, it is just 
somehow distant memory and I've could also mixed things up in my memory (been 
doing many other things in between), so my advice could as well be misleading 
(and make sure that your heap is still big enough, once you get bellow 
reasonable value, nothing will help). 
P.S. if it worked for you, just let us know. 

Patrice Monroe Pustavrh, 
Software developer, 
Bisnode Slovenia d.o.o.

-Original Message-
From: Patrick O'Lone [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 5:59 PM
Subject: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

I've been tracking a problem in our Solr environment for awhile with periodic 
stalls of Solr 3.6.1. I'm running up to a wall on ideas to try and thought I 
might get some insight from some others on this list.

The load on the server is normally anywhere between 1-3. It's an 8-core machine 
with 40GB of RAM. I have about 25GB of index data that is replicated to this 
server every 5 minutes. It's taking about 200 connections per second and 
roughly every 5-10 minutes it will stall for about 30 seconds to a minute. The 
stall causes the load to go to as high as 90. It is all CPU bound in user space 
- all cores go to 99% utilization (spinlock?). When doing a thread dump, the 
following line is blocked in all running Tomcat threads:$Cache.get ( )

Looking the source code in 3.6.1, that is a function call to
syncronized() which blocks all threads and causes the backlog. I've tried to 
correlate these events to the replication events - but even with replication 
disabled - this still happens. We run multiple data centers using Solr and I 
was comparing garbage collection processes between and noted that the old 
generation is collected very differently on this data center versus others. The 
old generation is collected as a massive collect event (several gigabytes 
worth) - the other data center is more saw toothed and collects only in 
500MB-1GB at a time. Here's my parameters to java (the same in all 

/usr/java/jre/bin/java \
-verbose:gc \
-XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-server \ \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:NewRatio=3 \
-Xms30720M \
-Xmx30720M \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/endorsed \ -classpath 
/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar \ 
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ 
-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ \ 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I've tried a few GC option changes from this (been running this way for a 
couple of years now) - primarily removing CMS Incremental mode as we have 8 
cores and remarks on the internet suggest that it is only for smaller SMP 
setups. Removing CMS did not fix anything.

I've considered that the heap is way too large (30GB from 40GB) and may not 
leave enough memory for mmap operations (MMap appears to be used in the field 
cache). Based on active memory utilization in Java, seems like I might be able 
to reduce down to 22GB safely - but I'm not sure if that will help with the CPU 

I think field cache is used for sorting and faceting. I've started to 
investigate facet.method, but from what I can tell, this doesn't seem to 
influence sorting at all - only facet queries. I've tried setting 
useFilterForSortQuery, and seems to require less field cache but doesn't 
address the stalling issues.

Is there something I am overlooking? Perhaps the system is becoming 
oversubscribed in terms of resources? Thanks for any help that is offered.

Patrick O'Lone
Director of Software Development

E-mail ...
Phone  309-743-0809
Fax .. 309-743-0830

SOLR Master-Slave Repeater with Load balancer

2013-11-26 Thread kondamudims
We are trying to setup solr Master Slave repeater model, where we will have
two solr servers say S1 and S2 and a Load balancer LB to route all the
requests to either S1 or S2. S1 and S2 acts as both Master and
Slave(Repeater). In both the solr server configurations, in the
solrconfig.xml file for master url property if we provide Load balancer
host-name and port number then at any point there will be a self polling,
i.e. if LB is configured in such a way that all its requests will be routed
to S1, then while polling S1--LB--S1 and S2--LB--S1. Do you see any
issue with self polling(S1--LB--). We are mainly trying to achieve High
availability as we don't want to use Solr Cloud. Thanks in advance

View this message in context:
Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

RE: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0

2013-11-26 Thread Markus Jelsma
I don't think you mean client-side proxy. You need a server side layer such as 
a normal web application or good proxy. We use Nginx, it is very fast and very 
feature rich. Its config scripting is usually enough to restrict access and 
limit input parameters. We also use Nginx's embedded Perl and Lua scripting 
besides its config scripting to implement more difficult logic.

-Original message-
 From:Reyes, Mark
 Sent: Tuesday 26th November 2013 19:27
 Subject: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0
 Are there any GOOD client-side solutions to proxy a Solr 4.5.0 instance so 
 that the end-user can see  their queries w/o being able to directly access 
 Applications/frameworks used:
 - Solr 4.5.0
 - AJAX Solr (javascript library)
 Thank you,
 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail message is intended to be received only by 
 persons entitled to receive the confidential information it may contain. 
 E-mail messages sent from Bridgepoint Education may contain information that 
 is confidential and may be legally privileged. Please do not read, copy, 
 forward or store this message unless you are an intended recipient of it. If 
 you received this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply 
 e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.

TermVectorComponent NullPointerException

2013-11-26 Thread GOYAL, ANKUR

I am working on using term vector component with solr 4.2.1. If I use solr in a 
multicore environment, then I am getting a Null Pointer exception. However, if 
I use single core as is mentioned at :-

then I do not get any exception. However, the response that I get does not 
contain any term information. So, did anybody else also faced this issue ?

With Regards,

RE: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

2013-11-26 Thread Patrice Monroe Pustavrh
I am not completely sure about that, but if I remember correctly (it has been 
more than one year since I've did that and I was hmm.. whatever you want to 
write here,  enogh not to take notes :( ), it helped that I've reduced the 
percentage of size of permanent generation (somehow, more GC on less permanent 
gen, but this one is not blocking the system and it could be that it prevents 
really large GC's - at the account of more smaller ones). But it is far from 
sound advice, it is just somehow distant memory and I've could also mixed 
things up in my memory (been doing many other things in between), so my advice 
could as well be misleading (and make sure that your heap is still big enough, 
once you get bellow reasonable value, nothing will help). 
P.S. if it worked for you, just let us know. 

Patrice Monroe Pustavrh, 
Software developer, 
Bisnode Slovenia d.o.o.

-Original Message-
From: Patrick O'Lone [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 5:59 PM
Subject: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

I've been tracking a problem in our Solr environment for awhile with periodic 
stalls of Solr 3.6.1. I'm running up to a wall on ideas to try and thought I 
might get some insight from some others on this list.

The load on the server is normally anywhere between 1-3. It's an 8-core machine 
with 40GB of RAM. I have about 25GB of index data that is replicated to this 
server every 5 minutes. It's taking about 200 connections per second and 
roughly every 5-10 minutes it will stall for about 30 seconds to a minute. The 
stall causes the load to go to as high as 90. It is all CPU bound in user space 
- all cores go to 99% utilization (spinlock?). When doing a thread dump, the 
following line is blocked in all running Tomcat threads:$Cache.get ( )

Looking the source code in 3.6.1, that is a function call to
syncronized() which blocks all threads and causes the backlog. I've tried to 
correlate these events to the replication events - but even with replication 
disabled - this still happens. We run multiple data centers using Solr and I 
was comparing garbage collection processes between and noted that the old 
generation is collected very differently on this data center versus others. The 
old generation is collected as a massive collect event (several gigabytes 
worth) - the other data center is more saw toothed and collects only in 
500MB-1GB at a time. Here's my parameters to java (the same in all 

/usr/java/jre/bin/java \
-verbose:gc \
-XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-server \ \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:NewRatio=3 \
-Xms30720M \
-Xmx30720M \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/endorsed \ -classpath 
/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar \ 
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ 
-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ \ 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I've tried a few GC option changes from this (been running this way for a 
couple of years now) - primarily removing CMS Incremental mode as we have 8 
cores and remarks on the internet suggest that it is only for smaller SMP 
setups. Removing CMS did not fix anything.

I've considered that the heap is way too large (30GB from 40GB) and may not 
leave enough memory for mmap operations (MMap appears to be used in the field 
cache). Based on active memory utilization in Java, seems like I might be able 
to reduce down to 22GB safely - but I'm not sure if that will help with the CPU 

I think field cache is used for sorting and faceting. I've started to 
investigate facet.method, but from what I can tell, this doesn't seem to 
influence sorting at all - only facet queries. I've tried setting 
useFilterForSortQuery, and seems to require less field cache but doesn't 
address the stalling issues.

Is there something I am overlooking? Perhaps the system is becoming 
oversubscribed in terms of resources? Thanks for any help that is offered.

Patrick O'Lone
Director of Software Development

E-mail ...
Phone  309-743-0809
Fax .. 309-743-0830

RE: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

2013-11-26 Thread Michael Ryan
My gut instinct is that your heap size is way too high. Try decreasing it to 
like 5-10G. I know you say it uses more than that, but that just seems bizarre 
unless you're doing something like faceting and/or sorting on every field.


-Original Message-
From: Patrick O'Lone [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:59 AM
Subject: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

I've been tracking a problem in our Solr environment for awhile with periodic 
stalls of Solr 3.6.1. I'm running up to a wall on ideas to try and thought I 
might get some insight from some others on this list.

The load on the server is normally anywhere between 1-3. It's an 8-core machine 
with 40GB of RAM. I have about 25GB of index data that is replicated to this 
server every 5 minutes. It's taking about 200 connections per second and 
roughly every 5-10 minutes it will stall for about 30 seconds to a minute. The 
stall causes the load to go to as high as 90. It is all CPU bound in user space 
- all cores go to 99% utilization (spinlock?). When doing a thread dump, the 
following line is blocked in all running Tomcat threads:$Cache.get ( )

Looking the source code in 3.6.1, that is a function call to
syncronized() which blocks all threads and causes the backlog. I've tried to 
correlate these events to the replication events - but even with replication 
disabled - this still happens. We run multiple data centers using Solr and I 
was comparing garbage collection processes between and noted that the old 
generation is collected very differently on this data center versus others. The 
old generation is collected as a massive collect event (several gigabytes 
worth) - the other data center is more saw toothed and collects only in 
500MB-1GB at a time. Here's my parameters to java (the same in all 

/usr/java/jre/bin/java \
-verbose:gc \
-XX:+PrintGCDetails \
-server \ \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
-XX:NewRatio=3 \
-Xms30720M \
-Xmx30720M \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/endorsed \ -classpath 
/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar \ 
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ 
-Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ \ 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I've tried a few GC option changes from this (been running this way for a 
couple of years now) - primarily removing CMS Incremental mode as we have 8 
cores and remarks on the internet suggest that it is only for smaller SMP 
setups. Removing CMS did not fix anything.

I've considered that the heap is way too large (30GB from 40GB) and may not 
leave enough memory for mmap operations (MMap appears to be used in the field 
cache). Based on active memory utilization in Java, seems like I might be able 
to reduce down to 22GB safely - but I'm not sure if that will help with the CPU 

I think field cache is used for sorting and faceting. I've started to 
investigate facet.method, but from what I can tell, this doesn't seem to 
influence sorting at all - only facet queries. I've tried setting 
useFilterForSortQuery, and seems to require less field cache but doesn't 
address the stalling issues.

Is there something I am overlooking? Perhaps the system is becoming 
oversubscribed in terms of resources? Thanks for any help that is offered.

Patrick O'Lone
Director of Software Development

E-mail ...
Phone  309-743-0809
Fax .. 309-743-0830

Re: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0

2013-11-26 Thread Ing. Jorge Luis Betancourt Gonzalez
Perhaps what you want is a transparent proxy? You could use nginx, squid, 
varnish, etc. W've been evaluating varnish as a posibility to run in front of 
our solr server and take advantage of the HTTP caching that varnish does so 


- Mensaje original -
De: Markus Jelsma
Enviados: Martes, 26 de Noviembre 2013 13:53:31
Asunto: RE: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0

I don't think you mean client-side proxy. You need a server side layer such as 
a normal web application or good proxy. We use Nginx, it is very fast and very 
feature rich. Its config scripting is usually enough to restrict access and 
limit input parameters. We also use Nginx's embedded Perl and Lua scripting 
besides its config scripting to implement more difficult logic.

-Original message-
 From:Reyes, Mark
 Sent: Tuesday 26th November 2013 19:27
 Subject: Client-side proxy for Solr 4.5.0
 Are there any GOOD client-side solutions to proxy a Solr 4.5.0 instance so 
 that the end-user can see  their queries w/o being able to directly access 
 Applications/frameworks used:
 - Solr 4.5.0
 - AJAX Solr (javascript library)
 Thank you,
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III Escuela Internacional de Invierno en la UCI del 17 al 28 de febrero del 
2014. Ver

III Escuela Internacional de Invierno en la UCI del 17 al 28 de febrero del 
2014. Ver

Re: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache

2013-11-26 Thread Patrick O'Lone
We do perform a lot of sorting - on multiple fields in fact. We have
different kinds of Solr configurations - our news searches do little
with regards to faceting, but heavily sort. We provide classified ad
searches and that heavily uses faceting. I might try reducing the JVM
memory some and amount of perm generation as suggested earlier. It feels
like a GC issue and loading the cache just happens to be the victim of a
stop-the-world event at the worse possible time.

 My gut instinct is that your heap size is way too high. Try decreasing it to 
 like 5-10G. I know you say it uses more than that, but that just seems 
 bizarre unless you're doing something like faceting and/or sorting on every 
 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick O'Lone [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:59 AM
 Subject: Solr 3.6.1 stalling with high CPU and blocking on field cache
 I've been tracking a problem in our Solr environment for awhile with periodic 
 stalls of Solr 3.6.1. I'm running up to a wall on ideas to try and thought I 
 might get some insight from some others on this list.
 The load on the server is normally anywhere between 1-3. It's an 8-core 
 machine with 40GB of RAM. I have about 25GB of index data that is replicated 
 to this server every 5 minutes. It's taking about 200 connections per second 
 and roughly every 5-10 minutes it will stall for about 30 seconds to a 
 minute. The stall causes the load to go to as high as 90. It is all CPU bound 
 in user space - all cores go to 99% utilization (spinlock?). When doing a 
 thread dump, the following line is blocked in all running Tomcat threads:$Cache.get ( )
 Looking the source code in 3.6.1, that is a function call to
 syncronized() which blocks all threads and causes the backlog. I've tried to 
 correlate these events to the replication events - but even with replication 
 disabled - this still happens. We run multiple data centers using Solr and I 
 was comparing garbage collection processes between and noted that the old 
 generation is collected very differently on this data center versus others. 
 The old generation is collected as a massive collect event (several gigabytes 
 worth) - the other data center is more saw toothed and collects only in 
 500MB-1GB at a time. Here's my parameters to java (the same in all 
 /usr/java/jre/bin/java \
 -verbose:gc \
 -XX:+PrintGCDetails \
 -server \ \
 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
 -XX:+UseParNewGC \
 -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
 -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing \
 -XX:NewRatio=3 \
 -Xms30720M \
 -Xmx30720M \
 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/endorsed \ -classpath 
 /usr/local/share/apache-tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar \ 
 -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ 
 -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/share/apache-tomcat \ \ 
 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
 I've tried a few GC option changes from this (been running this way for a 
 couple of years now) - primarily removing CMS Incremental mode as we have 8 
 cores and remarks on the internet suggest that it is only for smaller SMP 
 setups. Removing CMS did not fix anything.
 I've considered that the heap is way too large (30GB from 40GB) and may not 
 leave enough memory for mmap operations (MMap appears to be used in the field 
 cache). Based on active memory utilization in Java, seems like I might be 
 able to reduce down to 22GB safely - but I'm not sure if that will help with 
 the CPU issues.
 I think field cache is used for sorting and faceting. I've started to 
 investigate facet.method, but from what I can tell, this doesn't seem to 
 influence sorting at all - only facet queries. I've tried setting 
 useFilterForSortQuery, and seems to require less field cache but doesn't 
 address the stalling issues.
 Is there something I am overlooking? Perhaps the system is becoming 
 oversubscribed in terms of resources? Thanks for any help that is offered.
 Patrick O'Lone
 Director of Software Development
 E-mail ...
 Phone  309-743-0809
 Fax .. 309-743-0830

Patrick O'Lone
Director of Software Development

E-mail ...
Phone  309-743-0809
Fax .. 309-743-0830

Re: How to request not directly my SOLR server ?

2013-11-26 Thread Bruno Mannina

Le 26/11/2013 18:52, Shawn Heisey a écrit :

On 11/26/2013 8:37 AM, Bruno Mannina wrote:

I show my SOLR server to a friend and its first question was:

You can request directly your solr database from your internet 
explorer?! is it not a security problem?

each person which has your request link can use your database directly?

So I ask the question here. I protect my admin panel but is it 
possible to protect a direct request ?

Don't make your Solr server directly accessible from the Internet.  
Only make it accessible from the machines that serve your website and 
whoever needs to administer it.

Solr has no security features.  You can use the security features in 
whatever container is running Solr, but that is outside the scope of 
this mailing list.


Thanks a lot for this information,


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que la protection avast! Antivirus est active.

Re: Major GC does not reduce the old gen size

2013-11-26 Thread pvar
psoting on behalf of neoman,


details about index

Number of documents: 350 million
number of shards: 4
number of nodes:8
replicatorFactor: 1(default/no additional replication).
Total RAM on each server node: 16 GB
number of documents per shard: close to 80 million.

documents gets added to index every 15 mins in a batch job and 
yes, as you mentioned updates to documents is also happening

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Is it possible to have only fq in my solr query?

2013-11-26 Thread RadhaJayalakshmi
I am preparing a solr query. in that i am only giving fq parameter .. I dont
give any q parameter..
If i exeucte such query, where only it is having fq, it is not returning any
docs. in the sense it is returning 0 docs.
So, is it always mandatory to have q parameter in solr query?
if so, then i think i should have something like
q=*:* and fq=field:value

Please explain


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Re: Adding new field after data is already indexed

2013-11-26 Thread jefferyyuan
Check  Solr: Add new fields with Default Value for Existing Documents
If we only need search and display the new fields, we can do the following
  1. add the new field definition in schema.xml:
field name=newFiled type=tint indexed=true stored=true

  2. We need update search query: when search default value for this
newFiled, also search null value: 
-(-newFiled:defaultValue AND newFiled:[* TO *])
  3. Use DocTransformer to add default value when there is no value in that
field for old data.

Some functions may not work such as sort, stats.

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Re: In a functon query, I can't get the ValueSource when extend ValueSourceParser

2013-11-26 Thread sling
Thank you, kydryavtsev andrey!
You give me the right solution.

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Re: Storing solr results in excel

2013-11-26 Thread kumar
Thank you for suggestion

Finally i got the solution 

Converted the document into json format and store them in a string 

String url = JSONUtil.toJSON(document.get(url));

then i placed string values in excel file

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Solr Autowarmed queries on jvm crash

2013-11-26 Thread Prasi S
What happens to the autowarmed queries if the servers is shutdown / jvm

Is there any possibility to recover that from the physical storage (
trasaction log?)


Re: Solr Autowarmed queries on jvm crash

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 11/26/2013 11:15 PM, Prasi S wrote:
 What happens to the autowarmed queries if the servers is shutdown / jvm
 Is there any possibility to recover that from the physical storage (
 trasaction log?)

The transaction log only contains data that is sent to Solr for
indexing.  Cached query data is lost when the program exits, so it
cannot be used for autowarming.  If the logs are set to at least INFO
severity, they will contain a query history, but Solr doesn't have any
way to pull those back out of the logfile and re-use them.

If firstSearcher and/or newSearcher warming queries are defined in
solrconfig.xml, then those will be re-done when Solr starts back up.


Re: Solr Autowarmed queries on jvm crash

2013-11-26 Thread Prasi S
Thanks Shawn for the reply.

In that case, when the system is restarted, a new searcher would be opened?
It cannot populate from its previous searchers?

I may be wrong here, but i wanted to confirm.


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 11/26/2013 11:15 PM, Prasi S wrote:
  What happens to the autowarmed queries if the servers is shutdown / jvm
  Is there any possibility to recover that from the physical storage (
  trasaction log?)

 The transaction log only contains data that is sent to Solr for
 indexing.  Cached query data is lost when the program exits, so it
 cannot be used for autowarming.  If the logs are set to at least INFO
 severity, they will contain a query history, but Solr doesn't have any
 way to pull those back out of the logfile and re-use them.

 If firstSearcher and/or newSearcher warming queries are defined in
 solrconfig.xml, then those will be re-done when Solr starts back up.


Re: syncronization between replicas

2013-11-26 Thread adfel70

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Re: Solr Autowarmed queries on jvm crash

2013-11-26 Thread Shawn Heisey
On 11/26/2013 11:49 PM, Prasi S wrote:
 Thanks Shawn for the reply.
 In that case, when the system is restarted, a new searcher would be opened?
 It cannot populate from its previous searchers?
 I may be wrong here, but i wanted to confirm.

There are no previous searchers when Solr first starts up.  At startup,
any queries defined as part of the firstSearcher event are executed.
Each time a new searcher is created, any queries defined as part of the
newSearcher event are executed.


Re: Solr Autowarmed queries on jvm crash

2013-11-26 Thread Prasi S
Ok. i have started solr for the first time and have autowarmed few queries.
Now my jvm crashes due to some other reason . Then i restart solr. What
would happen to the autowarmed queries , cache , old searcher now.


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 11/26/2013 11:49 PM, Prasi S wrote:
  Thanks Shawn for the reply.
  In that case, when the system is restarted, a new searcher would be
  It cannot populate from its previous searchers?
  I may be wrong here, but i wanted to confirm.

 There are no previous searchers when Solr first starts up.  At startup,
 any queries defined as part of the firstSearcher event are executed.
 Each time a new searcher is created, any queries defined as part of the
 newSearcher event are executed.
