Custom FunctionQuery in Solr

2017-08-07 Thread Ali Husain
I'm trying to implement something like this in Solr 6.6

Custom Solr FunctionQueries - Solr
Custom Solr FunctionQueries. Solr FunctionQueries allow you to modify the 
ranking of a search query in Solr by applying functions to the results.

The goal is to take a field called 'foo' from all the documents and modify that 
field with a custom function.

Has anyone been able to do this successfully? I can't find any helpful 
documentation. All the stuff I've found is broken and doesn't work.

Thank you,


Re: Issue with highlighter

2017-06-17 Thread Ali Husain
Damien, I tried that too before I sent the email. Nothing :/


This is a bug, right?

From: Damien Kamerman <>
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 12:11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Issue with highlighter

Ali, does adding a 'hl.q' param help?  q=something=something&...

On 16 June 2017 at 06:21, Ali Husain <> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies. Let me try and explain this a little better.
> I haven't modified anything in solrconfig. All I did was get a fresh
> instance of solr 6.4.1 and create a core testHighlight. I then created a
> content field of type text_en via the Solr Admin UI. id was already there,
> and that is of type string.
> I then use the UI, once again to check the hl checkbox, hl.fl is set to *
> because I want any and every match.
> I push the following content into this new solr instance:
> id:91101
> content:'I am adding something to the core field and we will try and find
> it. We want to make sure the highlighter works!
> This is short so fragsize and max characters shouldn\'t be an issue.'
> As you can see, very few characters, fragsize, maxAnalyzedChars, all that
> should not be an issue.
> I then send this query:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/testHighlight/select?hl.fl=*;
> hl=on=on=something=json
> My results:
> "response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"docs":[
> {"id":"91101",
> "content":"I am adding something to the core field and we will try
> and find it. We want to make sure the highlighter works! This is short so
> fragsize and max characters shouldn't be an issue.",
> "_version_":1570302668841156608}]
> },
> "highlighting":{
> "91101":{}}
> I change q to be core instead of something.
> http://localhost:8983/solr/testHighlight/select?hl.fl=*;
> hl=on=on=core=json
> {
> "id":"91101",
> "content":"I am adding something to the core field and we will try
> and find it. We want to make sure the highlighter works! This is short so
> fragsize and max characters shouldn't be an issue.",
> "_version_":1570302668841156608},
> "highlighting":{
> "91101":{
>   "content":["I am adding something to the core field and we
> will try and find it. We want to make sure"]}}
> I've tried a bunch of queries. 'adding', 'something' both don't return any
> highlights. 'core' 'am' 'field' all work.
> Am I doing a better job of explaining this? Quite puzzling why this would
> be happening. My guess is there is some file/config somewhere that is
> ignoring some words? It isn't stopwords.txt in my case though. If that
> isn't the case then it definitely seems like a bug to me.
> Thanks, Ali
> From: David Smiley <>
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 12:33:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Issue with highlighter
> > Beware of NOT plus OR in a search. That will certainly produce no
> highlights. (eg test -results when default op is OR)
> Seems like a bug to me; the default operator shouldn't matter in that case
> I think since there is only one clause that has no BooleanQuery.Occur
> operator and thus the OR/AND shouldn't matter.  The end effect is "test" is
> effectively required and should definitely be highlighted.
> Note to Ali: Phil's comment implies use of hl.method=unified which is not
> the default.
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 10:22 PM Phil Scadden <>
> wrote:
> > Just had similar issue - works for some, not others. First thing to look
> > at is hl.maxAnalyzedChars is the query. The default is quite small.
> > Since many of my documents are large PDF files, I opted to use
> > storeOffsetsWithPositions="true" termVectors="true" on the field I was
> > searching on.
> > This certainly did increase my index size but not too bad and certainly
> > fast.
> >
> >
> > Beware of NOT plus OR in a search. That will certainly produce no
> > highlights. (eg test -results when default op is OR)
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ali Husain []
> > Sent: Thursday, 15

Re: Issue with highlighter

2017-06-15 Thread Ali Husain
Thanks for the replies. Let me try and explain this a little better.

I haven't modified anything in solrconfig. All I did was get a fresh instance 
of solr 6.4.1 and create a core testHighlight. I then created a content field 
of type text_en via the Solr Admin UI. id was already there, and that is of 
type string.

I then use the UI, once again to check the hl checkbox, hl.fl is set to * 
because I want any and every match.

I push the following content into this new solr instance:


content:'I am adding something to the core field and we will try and find it. 
We want to make sure the highlighter works!

This is short so fragsize and max characters shouldn\'t be an issue.'

As you can see, very few characters, fragsize, maxAnalyzedChars, all that 
should not be an issue.

I then send this query:


My results:



"content":"I am adding something to the core field and we will try and 
find it. We want to make sure the highlighter works! This is short so fragsize 
and max characters shouldn't be an issue.",



I change q to be core instead of something.


"content":"I am adding something to the core field and we will try and 
find it. We want to make sure the highlighter works! This is short so fragsize 
and max characters shouldn't be an issue.",

  "content":["I am adding something to the core field and we will 
try and find it. We want to make sure"]}}

I've tried a bunch of queries. 'adding', 'something' both don't return any 
highlights. 'core' 'am' 'field' all work.

Am I doing a better job of explaining this? Quite puzzling why this would be 
happening. My guess is there is some file/config somewhere that is ignoring 
some words? It isn't stopwords.txt in my case though. If that isn't the case 
then it definitely seems like a bug to me.

Thanks, Ali

From: David Smiley <>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 12:33:39 AM
Subject: Re: Issue with highlighter

> Beware of NOT plus OR in a search. That will certainly produce no
highlights. (eg test -results when default op is OR)

Seems like a bug to me; the default operator shouldn't matter in that case
I think since there is only one clause that has no BooleanQuery.Occur
operator and thus the OR/AND shouldn't matter.  The end effect is "test" is
effectively required and should definitely be highlighted.

Note to Ali: Phil's comment implies use of hl.method=unified which is not
the default.

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 10:22 PM Phil Scadden <> wrote:

> Just had similar issue - works for some, not others. First thing to look
> at is hl.maxAnalyzedChars is the query. The default is quite small.
> Since many of my documents are large PDF files, I opted to use
> storeOffsetsWithPositions="true" termVectors="true" on the field I was
> searching on.
> This certainly did increase my index size but not too bad and certainly
> fast.
> Beware of NOT plus OR in a search. That will certainly produce no
> highlights. (eg test -results when default op is OR)
> -Original Message-
> From: Ali Husain []
> Sent: Thursday, 15 June 2017 11:11 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Issue with highlighter
> Hi,
> I think I've found a bug with the highlighter. I search for the word
> "something" and I get an empty highlighting response for all the documents
> that are returned shown below. The fields that I am searching over are
> text_en, the highlighter works for a lot of queries. I have no
> stopwords.txt list that could be messing this up either.
>  "highlighting":{
> "310":{},
> "103":{},
> "406":{},
> "1189":{},
> "54":{},
> "292":{},
> "309":{}}}
> Just changing the search term to "something like" I get back this:
> "highlighting":{
> "310":{},
> "309":{
>   "content":["1949 Convention, like those"]},
> "103":{},
> "406":{},

Issue with highlighter

2017-06-14 Thread Ali Husain

I think I've found a bug with the highlighter. I search for the word 
"something" and I get an empty highlighting response for all the documents that 
are returned shown below. The fields that I am searching over are text_en, the 
highlighter works for a lot of queries. I have no stopwords.txt list that could 
be messing this up either.


Just changing the search term to "something like" I get back this:

  "content":["1949 Convention, like those"]},
  "content":["persons in these classes are treated like 
combatants, but in other respects"]},
  "content":["   be treated like engagement"]}}}

So I know that I have it setup correctly, but I can't figure this out. I've 
searched through JIRA/Google and haven't been able to find a similar issue.

Any ideas?

