Re: Replication Factor Bug in Collections Restore API?

2018-01-05 Thread Ansgar Wiechers
On 2018-01-04 Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:
> Sounds like a bug. Can you please open a Jira issue?

Ansgar Wiechers

Replication Factor Bug in Collections Restore API?

2018-01-04 Thread Ansgar Wiechers
Hi all.

I'm running Solr 7.1 in SolrCloud mode ona a 3-node cluster and tried
using the backup/restore API for the first time. Backup worked fine, but
when trying to restore the backed-up collection I ran into an unexpected
problem with the replication factor setting.

Below command attempts to restore a backup of the collection "demo" with
3 shards, creating 2 replicas per shard:

# curl -s -k 
  "error": {
"code": 400,
"msg": "Solr cloud with available number of nodes:3 is insufficient for 
restoring a collection with 3 shards, total replicas per shard 6 and 
maxShardsPerNode 2. Consider increasing maxShardsPerNode value OR number of 
available nodes.",
"metadata": [
  "exception": {
"rspCode": 400,
"msg": "Solr cloud with available number of nodes:3 is insufficient for 
restoring a collection with 3 shards, total replicas per shard 6 and 
maxShardsPerNode 2. Consider increasing maxShardsPerNode value OR number of 
available nodes."
  "Operation restore caused exception:": 
Solr cloud with available number of nodes:3 is insufficient for restoring a 
collection with 3 shards, total replicas per shard 6 and maxShardsPerNode 2. 
Consider increasing maxShardsPerNode value OR number of available nodes.",
  "responseHeader": {
"QTime": 28,
"status": 400

It looks to me like the restore API multiplies the replication factor
with the number of nodes, which is not how the replication factor
behaves in other contexts. The documentation[1] also didn't lead me to
expect this behavior:

> replicationFactor
>The number of replicas to be created for each shard.

Is this expected behavior (by anyone but me)?
Should I report it as a bug?


Ansgar Wiechers
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--Joel Spolsky