
My name is Clare Lee and I'm working on Apache Solr-6.6.0, Solritas right
now and I'm not able to do something I want to do. Could you help me with

I want to be able to search solr with multiple fields. With the basic
configurations(I'm using the core techproducts and just changing the data),
I can search like this [image: enter image description here]

but I want to search like this[image: enter image description here]

I want to know which file I have to look into and how I should change the
code to do so.

I can put the space to put the additional information by copying and
pasting this in the query_form.vm file.

<input type="text" id="q" name="q" value="$!esc.html($params.get('q'))"/>
<input type="submit" id="querySubmit"/>
<input type="reset"/>

but this doesn't AND the values that I put in.

I was told that I should look where the action file is(code below), but I
cannot reach that location.

<div class="query-box"> <form id="query-form" action="#{url_for_home}"

<div class="inputs">
  <span #annTitle("Add the query using the &q= parameter")>
    <input type="text" id="q" name="q" value="$!esc.html($params.get('q'))"/>

The below code is relevant, but I don't know how to change it. (from

  $("\#q").autocomplete('#{url_for_solr}/terms', {  ## backslash
escaped #q as that is a macro defined in VM_global_library.vm
         'terms.prefix': function() { return $("\#q").val();},
         'terms.sort': 'count',
         'terms.fl': 'name',
         'wt': 'velocity',
         'v.template': 'suggest'
    if (e.keyCode === 13){


Please pardon the fact that I am not familiar with html or Javascript and
also the not-good questioning. Also I can give any more information that is



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