Help with Nested Query

2011-04-12 Thread Hasnain

Im trying to do somethinglike this in Solr 1.4.1
fq=category_id:(24 79)

However the values inside the parenthesis will be fetched through another
query, so far I’ve tried using _query_ but it doesnt work the way I want it
to. Here is what im trying

fq=category_id:(_query_:”{!lucene fl=category_id} video”)

any suggestions on this?
thanks in advance

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Highlighting approach.

2011-01-19 Thread Hasnain

Hi all,

  Im looking into solr's highlighting component, as far as I understood,
solr's response.getHighlighting() gives back formatted string along with id,
then we have to loop through the searched documents and search for id and
then replace the formatted string. This approach will seriously slow things
up because of looping. Is this the only way to use highlighting component or
is my understanding not correct?
Im using solr 1.4

Thanks in advance

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Removing deleted terms from spellchecker index

2010-12-29 Thread Hasnain


I have configured spellchecker in solrconfig.xml and it is working fine for
existing terms. However, if i delete a term, it is still being returned as a
suggestion from the spellchecker, even though the term is not being returned
if i search the main index.

Can anyone guide me as to what could be going wrong?

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Re: Removing deleted terms from spellchecker index

2010-12-29 Thread Hasnain

Hi guys,

Thankyou for the answers, now it is working properly. I have just one
concern about this approch, we are already committing after every add/delete
operation. Can I substitude this with only optimize command? and how would
this effect our performance?
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Re: spellcheck

2010-12-24 Thread Hasnain

   Im facing the same problem, did anyone find a solution?

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Item catagorization problem.

2010-12-23 Thread Hasnain

Hi all, 

   I am using solr in my web application for search purposes. However, i
am having a problem with the default behaviour of the solr search. 

From my understanding, if i query for a keyword, let's say Laptop,
preference is given to result rows having more occurences of the search
keyword Laptop in the field name. This, however, is producing
undesirable scenarios, for example: 

1. I index an item A with name value Sony Laptop. 
2. I index another item B with name value: Laptop bags for laptops. 
3. I search for the keyword Laptop 

According to the default behaviour, precedence would be given to item B
since the keyword appears more times in the name field for that item. 

In my schema, i have another field by the name of Category and, for
example's sake, let's assume that my application supports only two
categories: computers and accessories. Now, what i require is a mechanism to
assign correct categories to the items during item indexing so that this
field can be used to better filter the search results, item A would belong
to Computer category and item B would belong to Accessories category. So
then, searching for Laptop would only look for items in the Computers
category and return item A only. 

I would like to point out here that setting the category field manually is
not an option since the data might be in the vicinity of thousands of
records. I am not asking for an in-depth algorithm. Just a high level design
would be sufficient to set me in the right direction. 


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Item precedence search problem

2010-12-22 Thread Hasnain

Hi all,

   I am using solr in my web application for search purposes. However, i
am having a problem with the default behaviour of the solr search.

From my understanding, if i query for a keyword, let's say Laptop,
preference is given to result rows having more occurences of the search
keyword Laptop in the field name. This, however, is producing
undesirable scenarios, for example:

1. I index an item A with name value Sony Laptop.
2. I index another item B with name value: Laptop bags for laptops.
3. I search for the keyword Laptop

According to the default behaviour, precedence would be given to item B
since the keyword appears more times in the name field for that item.

Also we donot have anything in the catagory field with which we can

Can anyone suggest a better approach to sort potential search results?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Item precedence search problem

2010-12-22 Thread Hasnain


First of all thanks for replying.

Secondly, maybe i wasn't clear enough in my original post regarding what was
required and what has been implemented.

In my schema, i have another field by the name of Category and, for
example's sake, let's assume that my application supports only two
categories: computers and accessories. Now, what i require is a mechanism to
assign correct categories to the items during item indexing so that this
field can be used to better filter the search results. Continuing from the
example in my original post, item A would belong to Computer category and
item B would belong to Accessories category. So then, searching for
Laptop would only look for items in the Computers category and return
item A only.

I would like to point out here that setting the category field manually is
not an option since the data might be in the vicinity of thousands of
records. I am not asking for an in-depth algorithm. Just a high level design
would be sufficient to set me in the right direction.

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Searching with Number fields

2010-10-20 Thread Hasnain


   Im having trouble with searching with number fields, if this field has
alphanumerics then search is working perfect but not with all numbers, can
anyone suggest me  solution???

fieldType name=text class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
  analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory
synonyms=index_synonyms.txt ignoreCase=true expand=false/

filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt
ignoreCase=true expand=true/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/

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Re: Prioritizing advectives in solr search

2010-10-04 Thread Hasnain

Hi Otis,

 Thank you for replying, unfortunately Im unable to fully grasp what
you are trying to say, can you please elaborate what is payload with
adjective terms?

also Im using stopwords.txt to stop adjectives, adverbs and verbs, now when
I search for Blue hammers, solr searches for blue hammers and hammers
but not blue, but the problem here is user can also search for just
Blue, then it wont search for anything...

any suggestions on this?? 

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Prioritizing advectives in solr search

2010-10-01 Thread Hasnain


   My question is related to search results giving less importance to

here is my scenario, im using dismax handler and my understanding is when I
query Blue hammer, solr brings me results for blue hammer, blue and
hammer, and in the same hierarchy, which is understandable, is there any
way I can manage the blue keyword, so that solr searches for blue hammer
and hammer and not any results for blue.

my handler is as follows...

 requestHandler name=standard2 class=solr.SearchHandler
!-- default values for query parameters --
 lst name=defaults
 str name=defTypedismax/str
   str name=echoParamsexplicit/str
str name=tie0.6/str
str name=pfname^2.3 mat_nr^0.4/str
str name=mm0%/str 

any suggestion on this??
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Re: Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-09-08 Thread Hasnain

The real problem was this tag

!-- field for the QueryParser to use when an explicit fieldname is absent

and I was quering like this q=r-1* instead of q=mat_nr:r-1*
so whatever fieldType I use for mat_nr, it was using text fieldType which
had WordDelimiterFilterFactory, hence I had to put space inorder to get it
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Re: Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-09-06 Thread Hasnain

Hi Erik,
 So I took your advice and started fresh with solr, got my self
latest copy of solr and started adding things gradually in configuration
files. Unfortunately, this still doesnot work. But, I realized that
searching for q=r-1* didnt return any results but when I query like this
q=r-(space)1*, solr returned perfect results.
when ever there is start of digits I have to put space before first digit
and it works perfect like dcp123* doesnot return no results but
dcp(space)123* works perfectly. Im using standard request handler and same
type i.e. textShoaib and Im absolutely sure im using the same schema.

Im sensing im very close to accomplish my task, any idea why solr is
behaving like that.
Is there anything I can do to get rid of this (space) issue before digits?


Erick Erickson wrote:
 All I can say is that I just tried it with the following definitions
 and it works as expected. That is:
 nothing (casing issue) and
 3 documents
 fieldType name=textShoaib class=solr.TextField
 analyzer type=index
  tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/ just playing
  filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
 filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
  filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
  filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt
 ignoreCase=true expand=true/
  filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
 filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
  filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/
 field name=eoe type=textShoaib indexed=true /
 where the relevant documents had the following:
 field name=eoeR-1 and some stuff/field
 field name=eoer-1 really now/field
 field name=eoeR-1/field
 searching for r* and r-* also returned three documents.
 Note that using StandardAnalyzer and WhitespaceAnalyzer
 didn't make any difference.
 browsing the schema from the admin page shows the tokena
 Are you totally and absolutely sure that you're using the schema you think
 you are?
 And you restarted SOLR after you made schema changes?
 And you re-indexed your data?
 I also tried it with the dismax query, and it works there too:
 returns 3 results, where standard2 is defined like this:
 requestHandler name=standard2 class=solr.SearchHandler
 !-- default values for query parameters --
 lst name=defaults
 str name=defTypedismax/str
 str name=echoParamsexplicit/str
 str name=tie0.6/str
 str name=qfeoe^2.3 mat_nr^0.4/str
 str name=mm0%/str
   int name=rows10/int
   str name=fl*/str
   str name=version2.1/str
 So in sum, I suspect that you've made some innocous-seeming
 change somewhere that you've forgotten about (easy to do when
 you're trying a zillion things and frustrated). So, here's what I'd
 back up and forget dismax for a while, just get it all working
 with the normal query parser and gradually add things back
 in until you either fail succeed all the way back to dismax.
 BTW, you probably want to specify dismax with the qf parameter,
 pf stands for phrase fields where qf stands for query fields.
 pf worked for me, but I doubt that's what you're really after.
 This is all on SOLR 1.4.1 BTW.
 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 6:12 AM, Hasnain wrote:

   I have checked with lowercasing, and yes there are Items by this
 Im not getting anywhere with this, tried many things and Im really

 any other suggestion?

 Oh dear. Wildcard queries aren't analyzed, so I suspect it's a casing

 Try two things:
 1 search for r-1*
 2 look in your index and be sure the actual terms are there as you


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Re: Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-09-06 Thread Hasnain

Finally got it working, thanks for your help and support
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Re: Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-09-02 Thread Hasnain

   I have checked with lowercasing, and yes there are Items by this
Im not getting anywhere with this, tried many things and Im really

any other suggestion? 

Oh dear. Wildcard queries aren't analyzed, so I suspect it's a casing issue.

Try two things:
1 search for r-1*
2 look in your index and be sure the actual terms are there as you expect.


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Re: Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-09-01 Thread Hasnain
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory {words=stopwords.txt,
ignoreCase=true, enablePositionIncrements=true}
term position   1
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory {splitOnCaseChange=1,
generateNumberParts=1, catenateWords=1, generateWordParts=1, catenateAll=0,
term position   1   2
term text   R   1110
term type   wordword
source start,end0,1 2,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory {}
term position   1   2
term text   r   1110
term type   wordword
source start,end0,1 2,6
term position   1   2
term text   r   1110
term type   wordword
source start,end0,1 2,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory {}
term position   1   2
term text   r   1110
term type   wordword
source start,end0,1 2,6

also after removing wordDelimiterFilterFactory,solr admin looks like this

Index Analyzer
org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory {}
term position   1
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory {words=stopwords.txt,
ignoreCase=true, enablePositionIncrements=true}
term position   1
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6
term position   1
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6
org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory {}
term position   1
term text   R-1110
term type   word
source start,end0,6

any suggestions?


Erick Erickson wrote:
 Really look at the analysis page in solr admin for how your
 analyzer chain handles things, or you'll spend time until you're
 really old having trouble :).
 Here's what I see on a quick scan:
 StandardTokenizer tries to, among other things, preserve
 email addresses. The kinds of strings you're working with may
 trip something up here.
 Remove WordDelimiterFactory altogether. The point of WDF
 is to break words apart at transitions.
 Remove EnglishPorterFilterFactory too. What the effect
 of applying an algorithmic stemming process to words like
 you're interested in obvious.
 All that said, I took a quick at the analysis page with your definition
 and nothing jumped out at me. Are you sure that:
 you're getting to the request handler you think? What does adding
 debugQuery=on show?
 you've indexed the data after you've made the changes you outlined above?
 admin page can help here, especially the [full interface] link, with debug
 info on.
 If nothing shows up, can you post the results of debugQuery=on?
 On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:11 AM, Hasnain wrote:

 I have gone through all the of the related posts, but could not find a
 answer that works, so Im writing this post

 Is there anyway of using wilcard searches on alphanumeric text

 let me share relevent information

 fieldType name=textShoaib class=solr.TextField
  analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/   !--This was
 originally tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/ just
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
 generateWordParts=0 generateNumberParts=0 catenateWords=0
 catenateNumbers=0 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=0
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory
filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
 !--This was originally tokenizer
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt
 ignoreCase=true expand=true/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
 generateWordParts=0 generateNumberParts=0 catenateWords=0
 catenateNumbers=0 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=0
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory

Alphanumeric wildcard search problem

2010-08-31 Thread Hasnain

I have gone through all the of the related posts, but could not find a proper
answer that works, so Im writing this post

Is there anyway of using wilcard searches on alphanumeric text like...R-1* ?

let me share relevent information

fieldType name=textShoaib class=solr.TextField
  analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/   !--This was
originally tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/ just playing
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
generateWordParts=0 generateNumberParts=0 catenateWords=0
catenateNumbers=0 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=0
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory
filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/ 
!--This was originally tokenizer
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt
ignoreCase=true expand=true/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
filter class=solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory
generateWordParts=0 generateNumberParts=0 catenateWords=0
catenateNumbers=0 catenateAll=0 splitOnCaseChange=0
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.EnglishPorterFilterFactory
filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/

my requestHandler is...

  requestHandler name=standard2 class=solr.SearchHandler
!-- default values for query parameters --
 lst name=defaults
  str name=defTypedismax/str
   str name=echoParamsexplicit/str
  str name=tie0.6/str
  str name=pfname^2.3 mat_nr^0.4/str
 str name=mm0%/str
   int name=rows10/int
   str name=fl*/str
   str name=version2.1/str

and also the field on which I want to apply searching on

 field name=mat_nr  type=textShoaib indexed=true stored=true

and the query Im using is


but this still doesnt work.

any suggestions on this?


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Re: Search Results optimization

2010-08-29 Thread Hasnain

also my request handler looks like this

requestHandler name=mb_artists class=solr.SearchHandler
lst name=defaults
str name=defTypedismax/str
str name=qfname ^2.4/str
str name=tie0.1/str

I really need some help on this,
again, what I want is...if I search for swingline red stapler, In results,
docs that have all three keywords should come on top, then docs that have
any 2 keywords and then docs with 1 keyword, i mean in my sorted order.
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Re: Search Results optimization

2010-08-27 Thread Hasnain

Thank you so much for valuable suggestions

this is the query im using

q=swingline red stapler hammer hand

here is my output, as you can see close to last records, Swingline Stapler
scored more than Swingline Red Stapler - 747 series, but I want later one
to score more..

I have already added omitNorms=true and omitTermFreqAndPositions=true to
the name field.

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? 
- response
- lst name=responseHeader
  int name=status0/int 
  int name=QTime32/int 
- lst name=params
  str name=debugQuerytrue/str 
  str name=flname/str 
  str name=qswingline red stapler hammer hand rigid/str 
  str name=qtstandard1/str 
  str name=rows35/str 
- result name=response numFound=3917 start=0
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Commerical Hand Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameEden Swingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameEden Swingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Stapler/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- doc
  str name=nameSwingline Red Stapler - 747 series/str 
- lst name=debug
  str name=rawquerystringswingline red stapler hammer hand rigid/str 
  str name=querystringswingline red stapler hammer hand rigid/str 
  str name=parsedquerytext:swinglin text:red text:stapler text:hammer
text:hand text:rigid/str 
  str name=parsedquery_toStringtext:swinglin text:red text:stapler
text:hammer text:hand text:rigid/str 
- lst name=explain
  str name=148|A3232.9710014 = (MATCH) product of: 3.9420028 =
(MATCH) sum of: 1.65061 = (MATCH) weight(text:swinglin in 40464), product
of: 0.45916086 = queryWeight(text:swinglin), product of: 7.1896806 =
idf(docFreq=280, maxDocs=137041) 0.06386387 = queryNorm 3.5948403 = (MATCH)
fieldWeight(text:swinglin in 40464), product of: 1.0 =
tf(termFreq(text:swinglin)=1) 7.1896806 = idf(docFreq=280, maxDocs=137041)
0.5 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=40464) 1.5231261 = (MATCH)
weight(text:stapler in 40464), product of: 0.4410731 =
queryWeight(text:stapler), product of: 6.906457 = idf(docFreq=372,
maxDocs=137041) 0.06386387 = queryNorm 3.4532285 = (MATCH)
fieldWeight(text:stapler in 40464), product of: 1.0 =
tf(termFreq(text:stapler)=1) 6.906457 = idf(docFreq=372, maxDocs=137041) 0.5
= fieldNorm(field=text, doc=40464) 0.76826674 = (MATCH) weight(text:hand in
40464), product of: 0.31325546 = queryWeight(text:hand), product of:
4.9050493 = idf(docFreq=2759, maxDocs=137041) 0.06386387 = queryNorm
2.4525247 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:hand in 40464), product of: 1.0 =
tf(termFreq(text:hand)=1) 4.9050493 = idf(docFreq=2759, maxDocs=137041) 0.5
= fieldNorm(field=text, doc=40464) 0.5 = coord(3/6)/str 
  str name=152|A3232.9710014 = (MATCH) product of: 3.9420028 =
(MATCH) sum of: 1.65061 = (MATCH) weight(text:swinglin in 40468), product
of: 0.45916086 = queryWeight(text:swinglin), product of: 7.1896806 =
idf(docFreq=280, maxDocs=137041) 0.06386387 = queryNorm 3.5948403 = (MATCH)

Re: Search Results optimization

2010-08-26 Thread Hasnain

perhaps i wasnt clear in my earlier post

if user searches for swingline red stapler hammer hand rigid, then
documents that matches max number of words written in query should come
e.g a document with name field as swingline stapler should come later than
the document with swingline red stapler

any suggestions how to achieve this functionality?
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Search Results optimization

2010-08-13 Thread Hasnain

Hi All,

My question is related to search results, I want to customize my query so
that for query stapler hammer, I should get results for all items
containing word stapler first and then results containing hammer, right
now results are mixing up, I want them sorted, i.e. all results of stapler
on top and hammer on bottom not mixed, I havent changed any configuration
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Re: Search Results optimization

2010-08-13 Thread Hasnain

Thank you for quick response
I've tried using boosting and used the query
q=stapler^100 hammer ^0, but it is still mixing up the results, am I doing
it wrong?
also, if I have items named as Swingline red stapler and Arm  hammer,
how would I know when querying that swingline red stapler is one item and
Arm  hammer is another one, how would I approach to make a query that
shows results from one item on top and another on bottomplz guide.

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Re: Search Results optimization

2010-08-13 Thread Hasnain

im sorry, query q=stapler^100 hammer ^0 is working fine, but I still need
guidance with my second question.
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