SolrCloud on PublicCloud

2020-08-03 Thread Mathew Mathew
Have been looking for architectural guidance on correctly configuring SolrCloud 
on Public Cloud (eg Azure/AWS)
In particular the zookeeper based autoscaling seems to overlap with the auto 
scaling capabilities of cloud platforms.

I have the following questions.

  1.  Should the ZooKeeper ensable be put in a autoscaling group. This seems to 
be a no, since the SolrNodes need to register against a static list of 
Zookeeper ips.
  2.  Should the SolrNodes be put in a AutoScaling group? Or should we just 
launch/register SolrNodes using a lambda function/Azure function.
  3.  Should the SolrNodes be associated with local storage or should they be 
attached to shared storage volumes.

Seems like this would be a solved problem with established patterns, however 
could not find any documentation on it.
Appreciate insights from those, who have been here before.


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SolrCloud SSL Encryption

2020-08-03 Thread Mathew Mathew
According to the documentation.

ZooKeeper does not support encrypted communication with clients like Solr. 
There are several related JIRA tickets where SSL support is being 
planned/worked on: 
ZOOKEEPER-1000; and 

However three of those linked tickets are closed. Wondering if there is a more 
recent update on this and if it is possible now to encrypt between Solr and 



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