Re: Trouble using the MIGRATE command in the collections API on solr 7.3.1

2018-06-25 Thread Matthew Faw
Basically, we have an environment that has a large number of solr nodes (~100) 
and an environment with fewer solr nodes (~10).  In the “big” environment, we 
have lots of smaller cores (around 3Gb), and in the smaller environment, we 
have fewer bigger cores (around 30 Gb).  We transfer data between these two 
environments around once per month or so.  We’ve traditionally followed the 
model of 1 core per solr node, so we typically reindex solr when we move 
between environments, which takes 2 days typically, whereas using solr’s BACKUP 
and RESTORE apis each take a few minutes typically to run.  I’m planning to 
investigate performance differences between having several small cores on a 
single solr node vs having one big solr core on each node.  In the meantime, 
however, I was interested to see if it would be possible, at least in the short 
term, to replace our current procedure with the following:
1) BACKUP solr collection in the big environment
2) RESTORE the collection in the small environment
3) MIGRATE the collection in the small environment to another collection in the 
same environment with 1 shard per solr node.

I’ve also heard mention of an API to combine shards 
( and  Doesn’t seem like there’s 
been any development on integrating this work into the official solr 
distribution, but this also seems like it would probably solve my requirements.

Let me know if anything is still unclear.


On 6/25/18, 1:38 PM, "Shawn Heisey"  wrote:

On 6/22/2018 12:14 PM, Matthew Faw wrote:
> So I’ve tried running MIGRATE on solr 7.3.1 using the following 
> 1) “split.key=”
> 2) “split.key=!”
> 3) “split.key=DERP_”
> 4) “split.key=DERP/0!”
> For 1-3, I am seeing the same ERRORs you see.  For 4, I do not see any 
> Interestingly, I’m seeing this WARN message for all 4 scenarios:
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: SolrCore not 
found:split_shard2_temp_shard2_shard1_replica_n3 in [derp_shard1_replica_n1, 
derp_shard2_replica_n6, herp_shard1_replica_n1, herp_shard2_replica_n6]

I saw something similar as well.  I think the way that MIGRATE works
internally is to copy data from the source collection to a temporary
index, and then from there to the final target.

I think I've figured out why split.key is required.  The entire reason
the MIGRATE api was created was for people who use route keys to split
one of those route keys into a separate collection.  It does not appear
to have been intended for handling everything in a collection, but only
for splitting indexes where such keys are in use.

With id values like DERP_3e5bc047f13f6c562f985f00 you're not using
routing prefix keys, so I think you probably aren't able to use the
migrate API at all.

So let's back up a couple of steps so we can find you a workable
solution.  Is this a one-time migration that you're trying to do, or are
you expecting to do this frequently?  What requirement are you trying to
satisfy by copying data from one collection to another, and what are the
details of the requirement?


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Re: Trouble using the MIGRATE command in the collections API on solr 7.3.1

2018-06-22 Thread Matthew Faw
Hi Shawn,

So I’ve tried running MIGRATE on solr 7.3.1 using the following parameters:
1) “split.key=”
2) “split.key=!”
3) “split.key=DERP_”
4) “split.key=DERP/0!”

For 1-3, I am seeing the same ERRORs you see.  For 4, I do not see any ERRORs.

Interestingly, I’m seeing this WARN message for all 4 scenarios:

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: SolrCore not 
found:split_shard2_temp_shard2_shard1_replica_n3 in [derp_shard1_replica_n1, 
derp_shard2_replica_n6, herp_shard1_replica_n1, herp_shard2_replica_n6]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$

I wonder if this is part of the issue?


On 6/22/18, 12:53 PM, "Shawn Heisey"  wrote:

On 6/21/2018 9:41 AM, Matthew Faw wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.  According to the MIGRATE documentation, the 
split.key parameter is required, and removing it returns a missing parameter 
exception.  I’ve tried setting the “split.key=DERP_”, and after doing that I 
still see no documents in the destination collection.  Additionally, the 
CLUSTERSTATUS command indicates that the routeRanges using this split key are 
"routeRanges": "16f98178-16f98178", but when I use the split.key=DERP/0!, I get 
the route ranges I expect (8000- on one shard, and 0-7fff on 
the other).
> So, to me, it seems like this particular API endpoint does not work.  I’d 
love for someone to prove me wrong.

I have no idea how I managed to NOT see that parameter in the MIGRATE
section of the docs.  I was looking through the parameter list in the
6.6 version earlier and didn't even see it there, but when I just looked
at it right now, it's there plain as day, and says it's required.  I did
see it mentioned in the *text* of the MIGRATE section, just not in the
list of parameters.

The fact that this parameter is required makes no sense to me.  I cannot
say for sure, but since using routing prefixes with SolrCloud is not
required, requiring a split key when migrating seems wrong to me.

I tried a test on the 7.3.0 cloud example where I manually created a
bunch of documents in one collection and then tried to do a MIGRATE with
"split.key=".  I got some errors in the log:

ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _0(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _1(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _3(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped
ERROR - 2018-06-21 20:17:13.611; [   ]
org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter; Splitting _4(7.3.0):C1: 1
documents belong to no shards and will be dropped

Are you seeing ERROR or WARN in your log?

Just to be sure, I also reloaded the target collection, and I didn't see
any documents in it.


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Re: Trouble using the MIGRATE command in the collections API on solr 7.3.1

2018-06-21 Thread Matthew Faw
Hi Shawn,

Thanks for your reply.  According to the MIGRATE documentation, the split.key 
parameter is required, and removing it returns a missing parameter exception.  
I’ve tried setting the “split.key=DERP_”, and after doing that I still see no 
documents in the destination collection.  Additionally, the CLUSTERSTATUS 
command indicates that the routeRanges using this split key are "routeRanges": 
"16f98178-16f98178", but when I use the split.key=DERP/0!, I get the route 
ranges I expect (8000- on one shard, and 0-7fff on the other).

So, to me, it seems like this particular API endpoint does not work.  I’d love 
for someone to prove me wrong.


On 6/21/18, 11:02 AM, "Shawn Heisey"  wrote:

    On 6/21/2018 7:08 AM, Matthew Faw wrote:
> For background, I’m using solr version 7.3.1 and lucene version 7.3.1
> I have a solr collection with 2 shards and 3 replicas using the 
compositeId router.  Each solr document has “id” as its unique key, where each 
id is of format DERP_${X}, where ${X} is some 24 character alphanumerical 
string.  I create this collection in the following way:
> curl 
> Suppose I have some other collection named herp, created in the same 
fashion, and a collection named blurp, with 1 shard, but otherwise created in 
the same fashion.  Also suppose that there are 2000 documents in the derp 
collection, but none in the herp or blurp collections.
> I’ve been attempting to do two things with the MIGRATE Collections API:
>1.  Migrate all documents from the derp collection to the herp 
collection using the following command:
> curl 
 | jq
>2.  Migrate all documents from the derp collection to the blurp 
collection using the same MIGRATE command, swapping herp for blurp.
> (I chose split.key=DERP/0! With the intent of capturing all documents in 
my source collection, since the /0 should tell the migrate command to only look 
at the hash of the id field, since I’m not using a shard key).

The Collections API documentation doesn't mention any ability to use /N
with split.key.  Which may mean that it is looking for the literal text
"DERP/0!" or "DERP/0\!" in your source documents, and since it's not
there, not choosing any documents to migrate.  The reason I have
mentioned two possible strings there is that the ! character doesn't
need escaping in a URL.  The URL encoded version of that string is this:


Because you want to choose all documents, I don't think you need the
split.key parameter for this, or that you may need to use
split.key=DERP_ instead.  Because you're not using routing prefixes in
your indexing, I am leading more towards just removing the parameter

I have never actually used the MIGRATE action.  So I'm basing all this
on the documentation.


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Trouble using the MIGRATE command in the collections API on solr 7.3.1

2018-06-21 Thread Matthew Faw

For background, I’m using solr version 7.3.1 and lucene version 7.3.1

I have a solr collection with 2 shards and 3 replicas using the compositeId 
router.  Each solr document has “id” as its unique key, where each id is of 
format DERP_${X}, where ${X} is some 24 character alphanumerical string.  I 
create this collection in the following way:


Suppose I have some other collection named herp, created in the same fashion, 
and a collection named blurp, with 1 shard, but otherwise created in the same 
fashion.  Also suppose that there are 2000 documents in the derp collection, 
but none in the herp or blurp collections.

I’ve been attempting to do two things with the MIGRATE Collections API:

  1.  Migrate all documents from the derp collection to the herp collection 
using the following command:
 | jq
  2.  Migrate all documents from the derp collection to the blurp collection 
using the same MIGRATE command, swapping herp for blurp.

(I chose split.key=DERP/0! With the intent of capturing all documents in my 
source collection, since the /0 should tell the migrate command to only look at 
the hash of the id field, since I’m not using a shard key).

In both cases, the response of the corresponding REQUESTSTATUS indicates 
success.  For example:
╰─$ curl 
"Response":"TaskId: 3023875288733778 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=10"},
"Response":"TaskId: 302387540601230023875636935846 webapp=null 
 status=0 QTime=0"},
"Response":"TaskId: 3023878903291448 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=0"},
"Response":"TaskId: 3023880308944216 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=0"},
"Response":"TaskId: 3023882401961074 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=0"},
"Response":"TaskId: 3023885405877119 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=94"},
"Response":"TaskId: 3023885501282272 webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=0 QTime=0"},

Question about Overseer calling SPLITSHARD collection API command during autoscaling

2018-03-15 Thread Matthew Faw

So I’ve been trying out the new autoscaling features in solr 7.2.1.  I run the 
following commands when creating my solr cluster:

Set up overseer role:
curl -s 

Create cluster prefs:
clusterprefs=$(cat <<-EOF
"set-cluster-preferences" : [
echo "The cluster prefs request body is: $clusterprefs"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "$clusterprefs" 

Cluster policy:
clusterpolicy=$(cat <<-EOF
"set-cluster-policy": [
  {"replica": 0, "nodeRole": "overseer"},
  {"replica": "<2", "shard": "#EACH", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"cores": ">0", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"cores": "<5", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"replica": 0, "sysLoadAvg": ">80"}
echo "The cluster policy is $clusterpolicy"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
"$clusterpolicy" solr-service-core:8983/api/cluster/autoscaling

nodeaddtrigger=$(cat <<-EOF
 "set-trigger": {
  "name" : "node_added_trigger",
  "event" : "nodeAdded",
  "waitFor" : "1s"
echo "The node added trigger request: $nodeaddtrigger"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
"$nodeaddtrigger" solr-service-core:8983/api/cluster/autoscaling

I then create a collection with 2 shards and 3 replicas, under a set of nodes 
in an autoscaling group (initially 4, scales up to 10):
curl -s 

I’ve observed several autoscaling actions being performed – automatically 
re-adding replicas, and moving shards to nodes based on my cluster 
policy/prefs.  However, I have not observed a SPLITSHARD operation.  My 
question is:
1) should I expect the Overseer to be able to call the SPLITSHARD command, or 
is this feature not yet implemented?
2) If it is possible, do you have any recommendations as to how I might force 
this type of behavior to happen?
3) If it’s not implemented yet, when could I expect the feature to be available?

If you need any more details, please let me know! Really excited about these 
new features.


The content of this email is intended solely for the individual or entity named 
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FW: Question about Overseer calling SPLITSHARD collection API command during autoscaling

2018-03-15 Thread Matthew Faw
I sent this a few mins ago, but wasn’t yet subscribed.  Forwarding the message 
along to make sure it’s received!

From: Matthew Faw <>
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 12:28 PM
To: "" <>
Cc: Matthew Faw <>, Alex Meijer <>
Subject: Question about Overseer calling SPLITSHARD collection API command 
during autoscaling


So I’ve been trying out the new autoscaling features in solr 7.2.1.  I run the 
following commands when creating my solr cluster:

Set up overseer role:
curl -s 

Create cluster prefs:
clusterprefs=$(cat <<-EOF
"set-cluster-preferences" : [
echo "The cluster prefs request body is: $clusterprefs"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "$clusterprefs" 

Cluster policy:
clusterpolicy=$(cat <<-EOF
"set-cluster-policy": [
  {"replica": 0, "nodeRole": "overseer"},
  {"replica": "<2", "shard": "#EACH", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"cores": ">0", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"cores": "<5", "node": "#ANY"},
  {"replica": 0, "sysLoadAvg": ">80"}
echo "The cluster policy is $clusterpolicy"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
"$clusterpolicy" solr-service-core:8983/api/cluster/autoscaling

nodeaddtrigger=$(cat <<-EOF
 "set-trigger": {
  "name" : "node_added_trigger",
  "event" : "nodeAdded",
  "waitFor" : "1s"
echo "The node added trigger request: $nodeaddtrigger"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
"$nodeaddtrigger" solr-service-core:8983/api/cluster/autoscaling

I then create a collection with 2 shards and 3 replicas, under a set of nodes 
in an autoscaling group (initially 4, scales up to 10):
curl -s 

I’ve observed several autoscaling actions being performed – automatically 
re-adding replicas, and moving shards to nodes based on my cluster 
policy/prefs.  However, I have not observed a SPLITSHARD operation.  My 
question is:
1) should I expect the Overseer to be able to call the SPLITSHARD command, or 
is this feature not yet implemented?
2) If it is possible, do you have any recommendations as to how I might force 
this type of behavior to happen?
3) If it’s not implemented yet, when could I expect the feature to be available?

If you need any more details, please let me know! Really excited about these 
new features.


The content of this email is intended solely for the individual or entity named 
above and access by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended 
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