Re: SOLR HttpCache Qtime

2011-10-04 Thread Nicholas Chase
Seems to me what you're asking is how to have an accurate query time 
when you're getting a response that's been cached by an HTTP cache.  
This might be from the browser, or from a proxy, or from something else, 
but it's not from Solr.  The reason that the QTime doesn't change is 
because it's the entire response -- results, parameters, Qtime, and all 
-- that's cached.  Solr isn't making a new request; it doesn't even know 
that a request has been made.  So if you do 6 requests, and the last 5 
come from the cache, Solr has done only one request, with one Qtime.

So it sounds to me that you are looking for the RESPONSE time, which 
would be different from the QTime, and would, I suppose, come from your 
application, and not from Solr.


On 10/4/2011 7:44 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:

Still doesn't make sense to me. There is no
Solr HTTP cache that I know of. There is a
queryResultCache. There is a filterCache.
There is a documentCache. There's may
even be custom cache implementations.
There's a fieldValueCache. There's
no http cache internal to Solr as far as I
can tell.

If you're asking if documents returned from
the queryResultCache have QTimes that
reflect the actual time spent (near 0), I'm
pretty sure the answer is yes.

If this doesn't answer your question, please
take the time to formulate a complete question.
It'll get you your answers quicker than multiple
twitter-style exchanges.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Lord Khan  wrote:

I just want to be sure..  because its solr internal HTTP cache.. not an
outside httpcacher

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Erick Ericksonerickerick...@gmail.comwrote:

But if the HTTP cache is what's returning the value,
Solr never sees anything at all, right? So Solr
doesn't have a chance to do anything here.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Lord Khan

We are using this Qtime field and publishing in our front web. Even the
httpCache decreasing the Qtime in reality, its still using the cached old
Qtime value . We can use our internal qtime instead of Solr's but I just
wonder is there any way to say Solr if its coming httpCache  re-calculate
the Qtime.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:16 AM, Erick

Why do you want to? QTime is the time Solr
spends searching. The cached value will,
indeed, be from the query that filled
in the HTTP cache. But what are you doing
with that information that you want to correct

That said, I have no clue how you'd attempt to
do this.


On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Lord Khan


Is there anyway to get correct Qtime when we use http caching ? I



caching also the Qtime so giving the the same Qtime in response what


takes it to finish ..  How I can set Qtime correcly from solr when I


http caching On.


Re: how to integrate solr with web page?

2011-08-12 Thread Nicholas Chase

On 8/12/2011 12:52 AM, nagarjuna wrote:

Hi i have queried solr to retrieve information from database now i have to
integrate with web page...i dont know how to implement this please help

 actually i have one jsp page which is having search field and search
button now i need to get the results from solr in the jsp page..pls
help me

This video: 
explains how to do it in PHP, but the concepts are the same using 
SolrJ.  (The video is about LucidWorks Enterprise, but the section on 
retrieving data, which starts at about 5:40, applies just as well to 
Solr.)  You can get more information on SolrJ here:

Hope that helps...


Re: Index

2011-07-28 Thread Nicholas Chase
Do you mean, how can you check whether it has been indexed by solr, and 
is searchable?


On 7/28/2011 5:45 PM, GAURAV PAREEK wrote:

Hi All,

How we can check the particular;ar file is not INDEX in solr ?


Re: I found a sorting bug in solr/lucene

2011-07-18 Thread Nicholas Chase
Seems to me that you wouldn't want to use a colon in a field name, since 
the search syntax uses it (ie, to find a document with foo = bar, you 
use foo:bar).  I don't know whether that's actually prohibited, but that 
could be your problem.


On 7/18/2011 8:10 AM, Jason Toy wrote:

Hi all,  I found a bug that exists in the 3.1 and in trunk, but not in 1.4.1

When I try to sort by a column with a colon in it like
scores:rails_f,  solr has cutoff the column name from the colon
forward so scores:rails_f becomes scores

NRT and commit behavior

2011-07-18 Thread Nicholas Chase
Very glad to hear that NRT is finally here!  But my question is this: 
will things still come to a standstill during a commit?

