UAX29 URL Email Tokenizer not working as expected

2019-05-06 Thread Tom Van Cuyck

The UAX29 URL Email Tokenizer is not working as expected.
According to the documentation ( "Words are split
at hyphens, unless there is a number in the word, in which case the token
is not split and the numbers and hyphen(s) are preserved."

So I expect "ABC-123" to remain "ABC-123"
However the term is split in 2 separate tokens "ABC" and "123".

Same for "AB12-CD34" --> "AB12" and "CD34" etc...

Is this behavior to be expected? Or is there a way to get the behavior I

Kind regards, Tom


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Tom Van Cuyck
Software Engineer

WINNER of EY scale-up of the year 2018
T: +32 9 292 80 37 <+32+9+292+80+37>
AA Tower, Technologiepark 122 (3/F), 9052 Gent, Belgium
CIC, One Broadway, MA 02142 Cambridge, United States

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Limit facet terms based on a substring using the JSON facet API

2019-01-29 Thread Tom Van Cuyck

In the old Solr facet API there are the facet.contains and
facet.conains.ignoreCase parameters to limit the facet values to those
terms containing the specified substring.
Is there an equivalent option in the JSON facet API? Or is there a way to
obtain the same behavior with the JSON API? I can't find anything in the
official documentation.

Kind regards, Tom

Would you like to receive our newsletter to stay updated? Please click here

Tom Van Cuyck
Software Engineer

WINNER of EY scale-up of the year 2018
T: +32 9 292 80 37 <+32+9+292+80+37>
AA Tower, Technologiepark 122 (3/F), 9052 Gent, Belgium
CIC, One Broadway, MA 02142 Cambridge, United States

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which is confidential and/or protected by intellectual property rights and
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Is there a way to sort by conditional function in the Solr 7.2 JSON API?

2018-03-02 Thread Tom Van Cuyck

In the Solr 7.2 JSON API, when faceting over terms, I would like to sort
the buckets over the average of a numerical property, as shown below

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/core/select -d '
 "field" : {
"type" : "terms",
"field" : "string-field",
"sort" : "avg desc",
"limit" : 50,
facet : {
avg : "avg(number_i)",
unique : "unique(number_i)"

However, when none of the documents in a bucket has a value for the
numerical property (e.g. unique = 0 in this case), an average value avg = 0
is returned.
This average value of 0 is then used for sorting the buckets.

I would like the buckets with no value for the numerical property to be
sorted last.
Is there a way to e.g. use conditional sorting? E.g.
sort: "if(gt(unique,0),avg,-9) desc"

I can't get this to work, while in the old API this appaers to be possible.

Or is there another way to sort the buckets with a missing numeric value

Kind regards, Tom

Issues with refine parameter when subfaceting in a range facet

2018-01-24 Thread Tom Van Cuyck

We encountered an issue when using the refine parameter when subfaceting in
a range facet.
When enabling the refine option, the counts of the response are the double
of the counts of the response without refine option.
We are running Solr 6.6.1 in a cloud setup.

If I execute the query:

curl http://localhost:8899/solr/data/select -d '{ "params" :

*  \"refine\":true,*

I get the following response:

  "facets": {
"count": 379417,
"MaximumAge_f": {
  "buckets": [
  "val": 0,
  "count": 8252,
  "Gender_sf": {
"buckets": [
"val": "All",
"count": 8152
"val": "Male",
"count": 74
"val": "Female",
"count": 26
"missing": {
  "count": 0

If I execute the same query WITHOUT refine: true in the subfacet, I get the
following response:

  "facets": {
"count": 379417,
"MaximumAge_f": {
  "buckets": [
  "val": 0,
  "count": 4126,
  "Gender_sf": {
"buckets": [
"val": "All",
"count": 4076
"val": "Male",
"count": 37
"val": "Female",
"count": 13
"missing": {
  "count": 0

There is a factor 2 difference for each count in each bucket.

If I perform the same queries with a larger range gap, e.g.
there is no difference between the response with and without refine: true.

Is this a known issue, or is there something we are overlooking?
And is there information on whether or not this behavior will be the same
in Solr 7?

Kind regards, Tom