Re: Backuping SolrCloud

2014-11-25 Thread elmerfudd
Thanks Ralph , Is it mandatory to stop indexing while processing backup? 
I didn't really understand the script - It's not iterating through all the
shards an I thought it will.

Thank you all for helping , I will keep track and contribute to the open

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Backuping SolrCloud

2014-11-24 Thread elmerfudd
Hi, I'm looking for a built-in SolrCloud backup mechanism.
I want to backup my Index (scheduled / manual backups) while Indexing and

What is the proper way to perform this backup-restore task?


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Re: Proper way to backup solr.

2014-11-11 Thread elmerfudd
First, I want to thank you for your response!

can you provide more information about the suggested hardlink  solution?
What are the advantages and disadvantages using it?

can you provide an example please?

meanwhile try to read about it and test it myself asap.


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Proper way to backup solr.

2014-11-09 Thread elmerfudd
What is the proper way to backup Solr while running, in the index level and
in the node level.
How do you restore it afterwards ?

thanks ahead.

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What is best practice for Solr + Jetty installation

2014-06-12 Thread elmerfudd
According to   CWIKI  ,
the working Jetty server in SOLR example folder is optimized and is
recommended for optimal SOLR performance.

1. What settings are optimized in the example folder and
how a stand alone Jetty installation can be optimized to get an optimal

2. How the provided Jetty server can be used as template ?


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Indexing in the case of entire shard failure

2014-02-12 Thread elmerfudd
We have a system which consists of 2 shards while every shard has a leader
and one replica.
During indexing one of the shards (both leader and replica) was shut down.
We got two types of HTTP requests: rm= Service Unavailable and rm=OK. 
From this we’ve got to the conclusion that the shard which was up was going
on indexing. Is this behavior correct? We expected that in the case of the
entire shard fails the system stop indexing completely.

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Implementing an alerting feature

2014-01-27 Thread elmerfudd
I want to implement an alert service in my solr system.
In the FAST ESP system the service is called Real Time Alerting.

The service I'm looking for is: 
- a document is fed to solr.
- without the document indexed , a set of queries run on the document
- if the document answers a query - an alert will be sent in near Real-Time.

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monitoring solr system

2014-01-06 Thread elmerfudd
we have a cluster consisting of 6 servers. 3 leaders and 3 replicas.
The system must be alive and working 24X7. We would like to monitor the
system for any troubles or problems that may occur and will demand our
immediate support.
Currently we are monitoring the  servers, the zookeeper and the jetty
processes, and query keep-alive.

Are there any other monitoring you would recommend us?
Are there any important log messages  we should pay attention to?


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RE: monitoring solr logs

2014-01-02 Thread elmerfudd
Is it possible to monitor all the nodes in a solrcloud together, that way?

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Re: Chaining plugins

2014-01-02 Thread elmerfudd
If I want to do it? do i have to work with the source code version of solr?
if so, where is the default search handler located?

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custom updateHandler

2014-01-02 Thread elmerfudd
*ok im really lost...
Im trying to set a custom updatehandler 
ran into this:

package my.solr;
//imports were here - deleted for shorting.
public class myPlugin extends UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
  public UpdateRequestProcessor getInstance(SolrQueryRequest req,
SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next)
return new ConditionalCopyProcessor(next);

class ConditionalCopyProcessor extends UpdateRequestProcessor
  public ConditionalCopyProcessor( UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
super( next );

  public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
SolrInputDocument doc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();

doc.setField(price, 12);
Object v = doc.getFieldValue( popularity );
if( v != null ) {
  int pop = Integer.parseInt( v.toString() );
  if( pop  5 ) {
doc.addField( cat, Itzik );
doc.addField( cat, naaa );
// pass it up the chain
cmd.solrDoc.setField(price, 12);


*then in the solrconfig of the collection 
changed update handler like so:*

   requestHandler name=/update   
 lst name=invariants 
  str name=update.processorKeepIndexed/str 

updateRequestProcessorChain name=KeepIndexed 
 processor class=my.solr.myPlugin/ 
processor class=solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory / 
processor class=solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory / 

I put the jar made from the class myPlugin in the lib folder.
add :
  lib dir=../../lib/ regex=.*\.jar /

to the lib section in solrconfig

then trying to index a file - but the field wont change!

how come?


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Re: Chaining plugins

2013-12-30 Thread elmerfudd
I will make it clear.
I want to save the query into a file when a user is changing a parameter in
the query, lets say he adds logTofile=1 then the searchHandler will
provide the same result as without this parameter, but in the background it
will do some logic(ex. save the query to file) .
But I dont want to touch solr source code, all I want is to add code(like
plugin). if i understand it right I want to write my own search handler , do
some logic , then pass the data to solr default search handler.

how do i accomplish this?

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side logging requests

2013-12-30 Thread elmerfudd
Hi all,
currently there are 2 things I want to accomplish.
I want that on demend Every doc (xml) that is sent to be indexed in solr
will be copied to a big log file (I want to control when to activate this
feature and when to deactivate)
same as for queries. 
Also, I may need to manipulate the data before its written.

Is there any way achieving this without changing solr sourcecode? (So it
won't be affected by updates).

I thought of a possible way,
I posted before about making transparent request handler , is it possible
? If so, how?

thankkk you! 

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Chaining plugins

2013-12-26 Thread elmerfudd
I would like to develope a search handler that is doing some logic and then
just sends the query to the default search handler so the results will be
generated there. 
It's like it is a transparent plugin and the data will only go through it.

How can this be achieved .
thanks ahead :) 

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Re: Solr query syntax.

2013-12-02 Thread elmerfudd
Im using the default qparser that come with solr 4.4 , Is there anything

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Converting Fast ESP queries(fql) to Solr query syntax

2013-11-28 Thread elmerfudd
I would like to perform searches in Solr using queries I extracted from Fast
ESP  . The queries are written in FQL (fast query language) format and I
want to convert them to Solr query syntax . Is there any way to preform a
search like this in Solr? Maybe a tool available? Could not find anything on
the web. 

Thank you. 

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Solr query syntax.

2013-11-28 Thread elmerfudd
Is solr ignoring parts of the query that dont consider fields.
something like
and(blabla , name: george)

It wont throw an exeption, so what is he considering blablabla to?

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