SOLR json request API syntax on facet domain with filter & field list

2018-07-12 Thread jeebix
Hello everybody,

I work on a SOLR version 6.0.0. I use the JSON request API to facet the
results. Here is a SOLR query example :


For the "byTTC" facet, the "domain" parameter with "blockChildren" returns
all values of TTC_i, a field nested in a parent document. Example :


I don't underdtand why the results are the same for the facet byTTC with or
without filter parameter in the domain

It should filter the results when in a child document "enseigne_s" has the
value "INI", but not...

I thought I had to add the field list parameter to return child documents
with parent documents (like on the solr UI admin : "fl":"*,[child
parentFilter=object_type_s:contact]"), but I can't find the syntax for that
parameter in the JSON request API...

Thanks for your help.



Sent from:

Re: Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-11 Thread jeebix
My apologize Mikhail, I try to explain it better :

This is actually what I get from SOLR with the query you helped me to build

  "q":"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=max v=$chq}",
  "fl":"*,score,[child parentFilter=object_type_s:contact]",
  "fq":["_query_:\"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact} (enseigne_s:SAV
AND (type_cde_s:CDE OR type_cde_s:REASSORT) AND campagne_s:G)\"",
"-_query_:\"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact} (enseigne_s:SAV
AND type_cde_s:KIT AND campagne_s:I)\"",
"{!frange l=3}{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total
  "chq":"+object_type:order +campagne_s:G +enseigne_s:SAV
+type_cde_s:(CDE OR REASSORT) {!func}TTC_i",

I already get the TTC_i sum, by parent document with the "score" parameter.
If I correctly understand, the {!frange} allows me to filter on that
"score", so I can get the result of that question : "get the parent which
sum of TTC_i, with campagne_s:G and enseigne_s:SAV and type_cde_s:CDE or
type_cde_s:REASSORT, is higher than 3".

If you think it's OK, I get the results I wanted. Then my goal is to build a
facet to get the number of parent docs which answer to the query, with
others constraints (like only one campagne_s, etc).
I think I have to use the json facet API, with facet.pivot for example.

Do you think I'm on the right way ?



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Re: Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-11 Thread jeebix
Hello Mikhail,

First thanks a lot for your answers which are very useful for me... Then, I
tried the query with the '$' parameter, and I get some great result like
this :

"territoire_s":"France Métropolitaine",
"region_s":"CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE",
"departement_s":"45 LOIRET",
  "gamme":["CHOCOLAT > Assortiment",
"CHOCOLAT > Mono-produit",
"EQUIPEMENT MAISON > Contenant pour liquide",
"SAVEURS > Pâtisserie"]},
  "gamme":["SAVEURS > Pâtisserie"]}

The query looks like that :

I also test the queries on the SOLR admin interface, and when I get what I
expect, I work on the development of the IHM which provides facet counting
and filtering for users.

The total score of TTC is a great advanced for me, but I need now to facet
the results or to be able to filter on the score returned.
I already tried using frange in filter query : {!frange l=0 u=1
I also tried : {!frange l=0 u=1 inclusive=true}TTC_i
With inclusive = false... Without any result.

I know I'm not so far, could you put me on the right way if you have an idea

Thanks for your time,



Sent from:

Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-11 Thread jeebix
Hello everybody,

I have a question about how to retrieve results from SOLR with some
aggregation (like sum in my case...) on the nested documents.

First, the data SOLR returned with a standard query : 

"type_parent_s":"Ecole élémentaire publique",
"type_asso_s":"APE (association de parents d'élèves)",
"territoire_s":"France Métropolitaine",
"departement_s":"30 GARD",
"kits_sans_suite_ss":["Initiatives Saveurs"],
  "gamme":["KITS > Kits Saveurs"]},
  "gamme":["CATALOGUES > Catalogues Brioche",
"CATALOGUES > Catalogues Fleurs et Nature"]},
  "gamme":["KITS > Kits Saveurs"]}

My goal is to get with one SOLR query the sum of TTC_i by parent document...
I tried with facet.pivot, stats, group, with no results...

Thanks for your advices


Sent from:

Re: Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-10 Thread jeebix
Thanks for your reply Mikhail, I tried like this :
"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total v={!func}TTC_i}" in a
filter query, the same in the sort parameter, I also tried to put this query
"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total}TTC_i" into the q
parameter, but no results...
I had a look to the dismax query parser, but I'm not sure it is a way to
solve my problem.

So what's wrong with my function query ? Did I explicite the child level
correctly ?



Sent from:

Re: Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-10 Thread jeebix
Thanks for your reply Mikhail, I tried like this :
"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total v={!func}TTC_i}" in a
filter query, the same in the sort parameter, I also tried to put this query
"{!parent which=object_type_s:contact score=total}TTC_i" into the q
parameter, but no results...
I had a look to the dismax query parser, but I'm not sure it is a way to
solve my problem.

So what's wrong with my function query ? Did I explicite the child level
correctly ?



Sent from:

Sum and aggregation on nested documents field

2018-07-09 Thread jeebix
Hello everybody,

First, an example of a parent document with 2 nested documents :

"territoire_s":"France Métropolitaine",
"departement_s":"13 BOUCHES-DU-RHONE",
  "gamme":["CATALOGUES > Catalogues Saveurs",
"KITS > Kits Saveurs"]},

And i would like to get a sum of TTC_i field, by parent document... I tried
with stats, pivot, without any results...

Thanks for your help.


Sent from:

Re: _childDocuments_ automatically multivalued field type

2018-07-02 Thread jeebix
Ok, I'll have a look at the link above.

Thanks a lot...


Sent from:

Re: _childDocuments_ automatically multivalued field type

2018-07-02 Thread jeebix
Ok, I see what I have to look for, thanks to your reply. I'll adjust the
schema and see difference.



Sent from:

_childDocuments_ automatically multivalued field type

2018-07-02 Thread jeebix
Hello everybody,

I have a problem with some field types in the managed-schema generated.

First, the data SOLR returned with a standard query :

"type_parent_s":"Ecole élémentaire publique",
"type_asso_s":"APE (association de parents d'élèves)",
"territoire_s":"France Métropolitaine",
"departement_s":"01 AIN",

My goal is to sum fields "TTC" by parentDocument. But with the type
"multiValued", I can't use aggregation functions.

The core get the data from this script : /opt/solr/bin/post -c 
-format solr build/index.json

The index.json looks like that:

"id": "781.782.134878",
"parent_i": 781,
"asso_i": 782,
"personne_i": 134878,
"etat_technique_s": "avec_documents",
"etat_marketing_s": "inactif",
"type_parent_s": "Ecole élémentaire privée",
"type_asso_s": "APEL (association de parents école libre)",
"groupe_type_parent_s": "ENSEIGNEMENT_PRIMAIRE",
"groupe_type_asso_s": "ASSOCIATION_DE_PARENTS",
"nombre_commandes_brut_i": 4,
"nombre_commandes_i": 2,
"nombre_kits_saveur_i": 2,
"date_dernière_commande_dt": "2010-11-16",
"ca_periode_i": 0,
"ca_periode_fleur_i": 0,
"ca_periode_saveur_i": 0,
"zone_scolaire_s": "A",
"territoire_s": "France Métropolitaine",
"departement_s": "01 AIN",
"postal_country_s": "FR",
"asso_country_s": "FRANCE",
"object_type_s": "contact",
"kits_sans_suite_ss": null,
"_childDocuments_": [
"fixe_facturation": "0450407279",
"object_type": "order",
"mobile_livraison": "0628332864",
"kit_sans_suite": "false",
"fixe_livraison": "0450407279",
"type_cde_s": "KIT",
"statut_s": "V",
"mobile_facturation": "0628332864",
"campagne_s": "L",
"TTC": 0,
"date_dt": "2009-10-12T00:00:00Z",
"id": "L14276",
"enseigne_s": "SAV",
"gamme": [
  "KITS > Kits Saveurs"
"fixe_facturation": "0450407279",
"object_type": "order",
"mobile_livraison": "0628332864",
"kit_sans_suite": "false",
"fixe_livraison": "0450407279",
"type_cde_s": "CDE",
"statut_s": "V",
"mobile_facturation": "0628332864",
"campagne_s": "L",
"TTC": 1045,
"date_dt": "2009-11-14T00:00:00Z",
"id": "L25049",
"enseigne_s": "SAV",
"gamme": [
  "CHOCOLAT > Assortiment",
  "CHOCOLAT > Individuel",
  "CHOCOLAT > Mono-produit",
  "EQUIPEMENT MAISON > Décoration",
  "KITS > Kits Saveurs",
  "SAVEURS > Confiserie",
  "SAVEURS > Pâtisserie"

In the managed-schema, only those fields appear:

I don't understand why for example "type_cmd_s" get the field type attribute
"singleValued", but "TTC" or "kits_sans_suite" get "multiValued" attribute ?
Why those field are in the managed-schema and enseigne_s (for example) is
not ?

Thanks a lot for your help...


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