DIH for e-mails

2011-05-05 Thread m _ ы~
I’m using Data Import Handler for index emails.

The problem is that I wanna add my own field such as security_number.

Someone have any idea?


 James  Bond Fang

DIH for e-mails

2011-05-05 Thread m _ ы~
I’m using Data Import Handler for index emails.

The problem is that I wanna add my own field such as security_number.

Someone have any idea?


 James  Bond Fang

Why are they different?

2011-04-14 Thread m _ ы~
String fileUrl = C:/TEMP/table.txt;
File file = new File(fileUrl);
ContentStreamUpdateRequest up = new 
up.setParam(literal.id, file.getName());
up.setParam(uprefix, attr_);
up.setParam(fmap.content, attr_content);
up.setAction(AbstractUpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, true, 

The above code, if I start the server(tomcat) inside eclipse, it throws 
SolrException : Internal Server Error; but if I start the server outside 
eclipse, for instance, run startup.bat in tomcat's bin directory, it runs 
I really don't understand Why they are different.

Thanks in advance!

 Best wishes 
 Zhenpeng Fang
 Dept. Software Engineering

Does solr support secure enterprise search?

2011-04-01 Thread m _ ы~
Does solr support secure enterprise search? 
That's to say, person can only visit to the concerns of the information within 
their authorities.
If I wanna meet the goal, what can I do?

Thanks for your help.
 Best wishes 
 Zhenpeng Fang
 方 振鹏 
 Dept. Software Engineering
 Xiamen University