URGENT Documents automatically getting deleted in SOLR 6.6.0

2019-09-26 Thread Neha

Hello SOLR Users,

Today i have noticed that in my SOLR instance 6.6.0 documents are 
getting automatically deleted.

In SOLR traces i found below lines and seems it is because of this.

2019-09-26 09:01:21.599 INFO  (qtp225493257-14) [   x:Ecotron] 
o.a.s.c.S.Request [xyz]  webapp=/solr path=/dataimport 

Problem while indexing DATE field in SOLR.

2019-04-26 Thread Neha

Dear SOLR Team,

I am using SOLR 6.6.0 version for indexing data stored in the POSTGRESQL 
database. I am facing an issue and needs your help

Below is the snapshot of the table i am trying to index: -

Steps followed for indexing DATETIMELOG field in above table: -

1) First i created field of type "text" and indexed DATETIMELOG in it. 
All goes OK and search is possible though it is treated as text which is 

2) Change field type to "date" and re-index all database again without 
restarting the SOLR. All goes OK and search is possible and in SOLR 
browse interface date is shown in UTC format which is fine

After this i  restarted SOLR and tried to re-index again but now i get 
below warning and SOLR documents are not getting created.

*org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Invalid Date String:'2017-12-28 

I tried searching for this problem on internet but not able to find any 

I request you to please help me with this (may be some more 
configuration is required which i am not aware of) and let me know in 
case any other information is required from side.

Thanks and Regards

Neha Gupta

Unsubscribe me

2015-05-30 Thread Neha Jatav
Unsubscribe me

numfound in solr

2014-10-14 Thread neha sinha

I ran indexing and my total rows fetched is 1736789 but my numfound in solr
indexed url 638169.

What could be the possible reason?? 

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Re: Issue with solr searching : words with - not able to search

2014-04-30 Thread neha sinha
same issue with my search result also and i have used solr.Textfield for this

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Re: search result not correct in solr

2014-04-30 Thread neha sinha
Thanks Alexandre..but still that doesn't help me

I am doing keyword search for word Ribbing and i am getting those products
also which have R-B or RB word in some other field.But when i am doing
search for Ribbin i am getting correct search results.

My field type is textfield.Please find below my schema.xml

fieldType name=wc_text class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
sortMissingLast=true omitNorms=true
  analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory/  
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
 filter class=solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory 
replacement= replace=all /
filter class=solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize=3
maxGramSize=15 side=front/
  filter class=solr.TrimFilterFactory / 
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English
protected=protwords.txt /
filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
   tokenizer class=solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory/  
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
 filter class=solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory 
replacement= replace=all /
filter class=solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize=3
maxGramSize=15 side=front/
filter class=solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory language=English
protected=protwords.txt /
filter class=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/

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Sorting is not correct in autosuggest

2014-04-30 Thread neha sinha
Hi All

In my auto suggest page sorting is not correct for the suggestions i am
However suggestions are all correct.

Any guidance will be helpful

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Re: search result not correct in solr

2014-04-30 Thread neha sinha
Hello Alex

Yes I reindex completely.

I am new to solr so donot have much idea of all the filters.Can u suggest
some filters which i can try?

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search result not correct in solr

2014-04-29 Thread neha sinha
Hi I am trying to search with word Ribbing and i am also getting those result
which have R-B or RB letter in their dsecription but when i am trying to
search with Ribbin i m getting correct result...not getting any clue what to
use in my solr schema.xml.

Any guidance will be helpful.


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write own query analyser

2013-05-08 Thread neha yadav
hi all,

I need to analyse the query sent to solr . I need to parse the query
through a pipline made through uima.

can anyone help me understand , how do i do this.

I have already created an Aggregate Analyzer in uima, now needs to run a
solr input query through this, to increase relevancy in output.

if this is already done, then please direct me to any link.

Thanks in advance,

Neha Yadav

Doc Transformer with SolrDocumentList object

2013-04-09 Thread neha yadav
I am trying to modify the results of solr output . basically I need to
change the ranking of the output of solr for a query.

So please can anyone help.

I wrote a java code that returns the SolrDocumentList object which is a
union of the results  I want this object to be displayed on solr.

hats is once the query is hit. The solr runs the java code i wrote and the
output returned in the java code gets as a output to the screen .

I have tried to use the code as a data transformer. But I am getting this

org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter upload
WARNING: Error creating document : SolrInputDocument[id=44,
category=Apparel  Fash Accessories, _version_=1431753044032225280,
H,stringValue=1400, description=for girls, brand=Wrangler,
price_c=1400,USD, siz
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: version conflict for 44
4032225280 actual=-1

Please can anyone help ?

Error setting up SOLR with Tomcat on Windows

2013-01-28 Thread Neha Jatav
Dear Sir,

I am not able to files to SOLR using post.jar. I am getting the following
message. I get 0 results upon querying:-

C:\Developer\solr-4.1.0\example\exampledocsjava -Durl=solr-url/update
-jar post.jar *.xml

SimplePostTool version 1.5

Posting files to base url solr-url/solr/updat

e using content-type application/xml..

POSTing file gb18030-example.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file hd.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file ipod_other.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file ipod_video.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file manufacturers.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file mem.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file money.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file monitor.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file monitor2.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file mp500.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file sd500.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file solr.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file utf8-example.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

POSTing file vidcard.xml

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found

14 files indexed.

COMMITting Solr index changes to solr-url/update..

SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr returned an error #302 Found for url

Please find attached the error report upon clicking solr-URL/

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Re: Error setting up SOLR with Tomcat on Windows

2013-01-28 Thread Neha Jatav
Dear Gora Mohanty,

I am not using solr-url literally. I am using the localhost url slash

On Monday, January 28, 2013, Gora Mohanty g...@mimirtech.com wrote:
 On 28 January 2013 15:30, Neha Jatav neha.ja...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am not able to files to SOLR using post.jar. I am getting the following
 message. I get 0 results upon querying:-

 C:\Developer\solr-4.1.0\example\exampledocsjava -Durl=solr-url/update
 -jar post.jar *.xml

 Please read and follow the instructions in example/README.txt
 under the top-level of a Solr distribution for how to index documents
 using post.jar. Here, solr-url is a path like
 (assuming you are using the built-in Jetty container) and not a
 literal value, and you should not actually need -Durl=...


Sent from Gmail Mobile

Re: Error setting up SOLR with Tomcat on Windows

2013-01-28 Thread Neha Jatav
(a) I am not using jetty, I am using tomcat as mentioned in the subject line
(b) I am using some other port number and that I have included in the url

On Monday, January 28, 2013, Gora Mohanty g...@mimirtech.com wrote:
 On 28 January 2013 16:11, Neha Jatav neha.ja...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Gora Mohanty,

 I am not using solr-url literally. I am using the localhost url slash

 Again, please read the documentation. As mentioned earlier: (a) You
 do not need -Durl=... if using built-in Jetty, (b) and the URL should
 the 8983 port number.


Sent from Gmail Mobile

Re: Error setting up SOLR with Tomcat on Windows

2013-01-28 Thread Neha Jatav
Got it! There's an authenticator with the tomcat and the cookies are
missing when I do an update. Thanks all.

On Monday, January 28, 2013, Stefan Matheis matheis.ste...@gmail.com

 One thing that made me think is the line SimplePostTool: WARNING: Solr
returned an error #302 Found - Status Code 302 is no real error .. it's a
forward/redirect to another url. so, you want to check the used url with
curl/wget/or maybe even a normal browser, to see where it gets redirected?


 On Monday, January 28, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Neha Jatav wrote:

 (a) I am not using jetty, I am using tomcat as mentioned in the subject
 (b) I am using some other port number and that I have included in the url

 On Monday, January 28, 2013, Gora Mohanty g...@mimirtech.com (mailto:
g...@mimirtech.com) wrote:
  On 28 January 2013 16:11, Neha Jatav neha.ja...@gmail.com (mailto:
neha.ja...@gmail.com) wrote:
   Dear Gora Mohanty,
   I am not using solr-url literally. I am using the localhost url
  Again, please read the documentation. As mentioned earlier: (a) You
  do not need -Durl=... if using built-in Jetty, (b) and the URL should

  the 8983 port number.

 Sent from Gmail Mobile

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-31 Thread neha
I would appreciate any help on this issue, I am unable to proceed without
getting  this solved.


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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-31 Thread neha
Hello Gora,
I have a new Issue:


I haven't got enough help on this issue, Please could you advice me on
solving this.


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Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-31 Thread neha
Hi, When there are multiple authors instead of concatenating, it append list
of last names after the first names.

Maurice B.
Linda R.
Inger Johanne


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Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-30 Thread neha
HI, when i tried to use template transformer, it concatenates the entire
multivalued field with other, not each element of the multivalued fields.
 [Lars L., Helle K., Thomas A., Jes] [Thomsen, Iversen, Brinck, Olesen], 
instead of   Lars L. Thomsen, Helle K. Iverson, Thomas A Brinck, Jes Oleson. 

Regarding the script transformer function, it should be able to take the two
multivalued rows as input and send the concatenated result out. I am not
sure this is possible with script transformer. Please could you suggest an


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Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-30 Thread neha
I am getting data from an xml file. If possible would you be able to guide me
with a code snippet for script transformer for doing this(I am sorry if this
very basic, I am a newbie to Solr).


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Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-30 Thread neha
I wrote this snippet but get an exception




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Script Transformer question

2011-03-30 Thread neha
How is a multivalued field in DIH config file passed to a Script Transformer
function???To be more clear is it an array/string???

When I do var result=row.get('fieldname'), I am unable to apply any string
manipulation functions on result.


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Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-29 Thread neha
I have two multivalued DIH fields fname and lname. I want to concatenate
each of the fname and lname pairs to get a third multivalued DIH field

I tried this :

But the result is :  [Lars L., Helle K., Thomas A., Jes] [Thomsen, Iversen,
Brinck, Olesen],  instead of   Lars L. Thomsen, Helle K. Iverson, Thomas A
Brinck, Jes Oleson.

Is there a way to iterate through the multivalued fields or is there
something more simple to do this.


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Re: Concatenate multivalued DIH fields

2011-03-29 Thread neha
Thank you for ur reply, but is there more documentation on Script
Transformer?? I am newbie to Solr DIH. Can I send two rows as parameters to
the script transformer function. Also what is the syntax to call the script
transformer in the DIH field?? The documentation is not very clear about it.


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Re: DIH with XML question.

2011-03-29 Thread neha
make sure the field email is multivalued in schema.xml file


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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-21 Thread neha
Hi Gora,
The absolute path solved the issue, but in a weird situation though. The
index files are being written to /example/solr/data/index instead of

I run start jetty with ./test/solr/ as home would you know why this is

PS: While starting with creating anew project /test/solr/ I copied the data
directory from /example/solr/data/index. DO you think that is causing an
issue, if yes what needs to be changed.


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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-21 Thread neha
Thanks Gora...it works.. Thanks again..:)


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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-21 Thread neha
Thanks Gora it works..!!! Thanks again. One last question, the documents get
indexed well and all but when I issue full-import command it still says 
Total Requests made to DataSource 0

Would you know why this could happen.


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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-19 Thread neha
The path is correct and also the base dir points to the list of .xml files
not just a single file.

This is the link to the xml file:



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Re: DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-18 Thread neha
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
INFO: end_commit_flush
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter
INFO: Read dataimport.properties
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter
INFO: Wrote last indexed time to dataimport.properties
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DocBuilder
INFO: Time taken = 0:0:0.24 



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DIH Issue(newbie to solr)

2011-03-17 Thread neha
I am a newbie to solr I have an issue with DIH but unable to pinpoint what is
causing the issue. I am using the demo jetty installation of Solr and tried
to create a project with new schema.xml, solrconfig.xml and data-config.xml
files. when I run; this is
what I get:
I am unable to index documents(it doesn't throw any error though).









2011-03-17 17:07:18

Indexing completed. Added/Updated: 0 documents. Deleted 0 documents.

2011-03-17 17:07:18
2011-03-17 17:07:18


This response format is experimental.  It is likely to change in the future.


I do not find any log files(except on the console). And here are the
messages from the console:

INFO: Starting Full Import
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter
INFO: Read dataimport.properties
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onInit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits:num=1
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy
INFO: newest commit = 1300286691490
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DocBuilder finish
INFO: Import completed successfully
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
INFO: start
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy onCommit
INFO: SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits:num=2
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrDeletionPolicy
INFO: newest commit = 1300286691491
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher 
INFO: Opening Searcher@d1329 main
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
INFO: autowarming Searcher@d1329 main from Searcher@1dcc2a3 main
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
INFO: autowarming result for Searcher@d1329 main
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
INFO: autowarming Searcher@d1329 main from Searcher@1dcc2a3 main
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
INFO: autowarming result for Searcher@d1329 main
Mar 17, 2011 5:08:20 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
INFO: autowarming Searcher@d1329 main from Searcher@1dcc2a3 main

want to Unsubscribe from Solr Mailing List

2009-04-15 Thread Neha Bhardwaj

I wish to unsubscribe from list .


My email address is neha_bhard...@peristent.co.in



Thanks for all the help and support.


Thanks and Regards,

Neha Bhardwaj| Software Engineer| Persistent Systems Limited

Neha mailto:neha%20bhard...@persistent.co.in%20  bhard...@persistent.co.in
| Cell: +91 9272383082| Tel: +91 (20) 3023 5257

Innovation in software product design, development and delivery-



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RE: FW: multicore

2009-04-02 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
Thanks a lot ...
But still I am not very clear with creating multiple cores.
I read the document(wiki)but was not able to understand it properly.

Also how to index data in particular core.
Say.. we have core0 and core1 in multicore.
How can I specify that on which core iwant to index data.

Kindly help!!

-Original Message-
From: Marc Sturlese [mailto:marc.sturl...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 8:06 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: multicore

how to have multiple cores ? 
You need a solr.xml file in the root of your solr home. In this solr.xml you
will inicalize the cores. In this same folder you will have a folder per
core with its /conf and /data. Every core has it's own solrconfig.xml and
If you grap a nighlty build you will see a config example in there.
Every thing is proper explained in the solr core wiki:

can we start all cores from single startup file or we need to start all

I need  a way by which I can start all of them in one go.
Once you have your cores configures in wour webapp, all of the will be
loaded automatically when you start your server.

Neha Bhardwaj wrote:
 From: Neha Bhardwaj [mailto:neha_bhard...@persistent.co.in] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 6:52 PM
 To: 'solr-user@lucene.apache.org'
 Subject: multicore
 I need to create multiple cores for my project.
 I need to know:
  how to have multiple cores ?
 can we start all cores from single startup file or we need to start all
 I need  a way by which I can start all of them in one go.
 This e-mail may contain privileged and confidential information which is
 the property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of
 the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the
 intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, retain, copy, print,
 distribute or use this message. If you have received this communication in
 error, please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message.
 Persistent Systems Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected

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individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended 
recipient, you are not authorized to read, retain, copy, print, distribute or 
use this message. If you have received this communication in error, please 
notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

RE: multicore

2009-04-02 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
I want to index through commond line
How to do that?

-Original Message-
From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:e...@ehatchersolutions.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 5:42 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: multicore

On Apr 2, 2009, at 6:32 AM, Neha Bhardwaj wrote:
 Also how to index data in particular core.
 Say.. we have core0 and core1 in multicore.
 How can I specify that on which core iwant to index data.

You index into http://loalhost:8983/solr/core0/update or


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use this message. If you have received this communication in error, please 
notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
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2009-04-01 Thread Neha Bhardwaj

I need to create multiple cores for my project.

I need to know:

 how to have multiple cores ?

can we start all cores from single startup file or we need to start all

I need  a way by which I can start all of them in one go.





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use this message. If you have received this communication in error, please 
notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

FW: multicore

2009-04-01 Thread Neha Bhardwaj


From: Neha Bhardwaj [mailto:neha_bhard...@persistent.co.in] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 6:52 PM
To: 'solr-user@lucene.apache.org'
Subject: multicore



I need to create multiple cores for my project.

I need to know:

 how to have multiple cores ?

can we start all cores from single startup file or we need to start all

I need  a way by which I can start all of them in one go.





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notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
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search on id value- in a range

2009-03-06 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
Hi all,

I wish to perform a search on the index ,based on a field called

I want solr to return all the ids between a specified range.



I need to fetch all records that have their id value between say  11-22 or
say 55-60. 


Is there any provision to do it via solr admin interface or any ways without
writing any code?

Any kind of help will be appreciated ..



Thanks and Regards,

Neha Bhardwaj 



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use this message. If you have received this communication in error, please 
notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
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How to fetch all matching records :urgent

2009-02-16 Thread Neha Bhardwaj

I am using getResults method of queryResponse class, on a keyword that has
more than hundred of matching records. Bit this method  returns me only 10
results. And then throw an array index out of bound exception.


how can I fetch all the results?

Its really important and urgent for me , kindly reply


Neha Bhardwaj| Software Engineer  | Persistent Systems Limited.


 mailto:akshat_maheshw...@persistent.co.in neha_bhard...@persistent.co.in
| Cell: +91 9272383082 | Tel: +91 (20) 302 35257


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jboss and solr

2008-12-10 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
I am trying to configure jboss wih solr


As stated in wiki docs I copied the  solr.war  but there is no web-apps
folder currently present in jboss.

So should I create web-apps manually and paste the war file there.


I tried configuring solr with tomcat as well. I paste the war file in
tomcat's web-apps folder. Now when I set system property solr.solr.home

It raises an class not found exception.


Can any one help me with that.  

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Multiple indexing

2008-12-07 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
Is multiple indexing possible in solr?

If yes, how?

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changing schema is dynamic or not

2008-12-04 Thread Neha Bhardwaj

Every time I make any change in schema , I have to restart the server. Is
this because I have made some mistake or It is like this only


I mean,

I have this doubt that if we make any kind of changes to schema.xml , do we
need to restart the server or we can continue without restarting the server.





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RE: changing schema is dynamic or not

2008-12-04 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
Is there any way by which this can be avoided.

-Original Message-
From: Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:12 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: changing schema is dynamic or not

you have to restart the server

You may also need to re-index the data if the changes are incompatible

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Neha Bhardwaj

 Every time I make any change in schema , I have to restart the server. Is
 this because I have made some mistake or It is like this only

 I mean,

 I have this doubt that if we make any kind of changes to schema.xml , do we
 need to restart the server or we can continue without restarting the server.

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 property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of the 
 individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended 
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 use this message. If you have received this communication in error, please 
 notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent Systems 
 Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

--Noble Paul

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RE: changing schema is dynamic or not

2008-12-04 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
Could you brief ,What exactly I need to do?

-Original Message-
From: Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:47 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: changing schema is dynamic or not

It is possible
you can reload a core  through the http API

but if the changes are incompatible you will have to re-index the data

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Neha Bhardwaj
 Is there any way by which this can be avoided.

 -Original Message-
 From: Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:12 PM
 To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
 Subject: Re: changing schema is dynamic or not

 you have to restart the server

 You may also need to re-index the data if the changes are incompatible

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Neha Bhardwaj

 Every time I make any change in schema , I have to restart the server. Is
 this because I have made some mistake or It is like this only

 I mean,

 I have this doubt that if we make any kind of changes to schema.xml , do we
 need to restart the server or we can continue without restarting the server.

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 property of Persistent Systems Ltd. It is intended only for the use of the 
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 or use this message. If you have received this communication in error, 
 please notify the sender and delete all copies of this message. Persistent 
 Systems Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

 --Noble Paul

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 Ltd. does not accept any liability for virus infected mails.

--Noble Paul

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sql tables to XML(indexing SQL tables)

2008-12-03 Thread Neha Bhardwaj
I have just starting using  solr  and with the help of documentation
available I can't  figure out if Is there any way with which I can convert

SQL data into XML so that I can index them in solr.



Can anyone help me on that.




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