
I would like to announce Solr 3.2 with RankingAlgorithm has Near Real Time capability now. The NRT performance is very high, 1428 documents/sec [ MBArtists 390k index]. The NRT functionality allows you to add documents without the IndexSearchers being closed or caches being cleared. A commit is not needed with the document update. Searches can run concurrently with document updates. No changes are needed except for enabling the NRT through solrconfig.xml.

A new visible attribute has been introduced that allows one to tune the visibility of a document added to the index. The default is 150ms. This can be set to 0 enabling documents to become visible for searches as soon as they are added. The visibility attribute is added as below:

<realtime visible="150">true</realtime>

With visible attribute at 200ms, the performance is about 1428 TPS (document adds) on a dual core intel system with 2GB heap with searches in parallel.

I have a wiki page that describes NRT performance in detail and can be accessed from here:


You can download Solr 3.2 with RankingAlgorithm (NRT version) from here:


I would like to invite you to give this version a try as the performance is very high, comparable to the default load.


- Nagendra Nagarajayya

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