The new release v.0.8 of acts_as_solr is out and includes:

NEW - New video tutorial
NEW - Faceted search has been implemented and its possible to 'drill-down' on 
the facets
NEW - New rake tasks you can use to start/stop the solr server in test, 
development and production environments: (thanks Matt Clark)
rake solr:start|stop RAILS_ENV=test|development|production (defaults to 
development if none given)

NEW - Changes to the plugin's test framework and it now supports Sqlite as well 
(thanks Matt Clark)
FIX - Patch applied (thanks Micah) that allows one to have multiple solr 
instances in the same servlet
FIX - Patch applied (thanks Micah) that allows indexing of STIs
FIX - Patch applied (thanks Gordon) that allows the plugin to use a table's 
primary key different than 'id'
FIX - Returning empty array instead of empty strings when no records are found
FIX - Problem with unit tests failing due to order of the tests and speed of 
the commits

== About ==
This plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features 
from Apache's Solr to any Rails model

== Installation ==
On your Rails' root directory, just type
 script/plugin install

== Very Basic Usage ==
Just include the line below to any of your ActiveRecord models:

Or if you want, you can specify only the fields that should be indexed:
 acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :author]

Then to find instances of your model, just do:
 Model.find_by_solr(query) or Model.find_id_by_solr(query)

Or if you want to specify the starting row and the number of rows per page:
 Model.find_by_solr(query, :start => 0, :rows => 10)

Get it while it's hot =>

Thiago Jackiw
acts_as_solr =>
Sitealizer =>

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