
I understand collapsing is not yet possible for multi value fields, but
still wonder what is the best way to solve the issue I am having.

I have the following document data fields:

1. Title (max 200 chars)
2. Abstract (max 2000 chars)
3. Body (can be quite long)
4. Author (multi valued)
5. link (multi valued)
6. more fields

I would like to collapse results of search based on different links. But
currently can't.
My solution for now is to have a single solr document for each link+title
combination. But that multiplies my data tremendously, and I am also
noticing that there is not smart data storage of the stored fields in solr.
Some of the fields I am storing (abstract, body) are huge and I would like
to avoid duplicating them.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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